common that the information is distributed across sev-
eral places and organized within a software such as a
wiki or in shared folders. In addition, the relevant
pieces of information are not linked. Thus, a security
engineer has the time consuming task to find and read
the necessary documents (and others have to keep the
documentation up to date). It is up to the security
engineers doing the analysis to understand all the en-
vironmental information related to the systems. This
situation is not practical for large networks. Current
solutions lack a suitable linking of relevant informa-
tion and a common interface, that provides uniform,
machine-readable access in order to support the secu-
rity engineer.
An information model facilitates understanding
and an easier access to the information. Therefore,
the information model must be able to reflect the re-
lationship between systems and services. This in-
cludes information about the type of a relationship,
such as “service A uses service B” or “service C pro-
tects service A by limiting access to local machines”.
Moreover, the model must be able to represent details
about the configuration of a system, such as the of-
fered services or hardening measures. Besides, the
model must be interoperable as it needs to include in-
formation originating from sources such as a risk as-
sessment process. Relevant results of such a process
are, for example, the applicable security policy, the
criticality of the service for a company or the impor-
tance of confidentiality, integrity and availability for
the various system assets. Based on the information
model aggregation and reasoning about environmen-
tal information is possible, which facilitates a faster
determination of the environmental metrics.
The essential research question (RQ1) is: How
must an information model look like in order to pro-
vide reusable, machine-readable, interoperable infor-
mation that enables reasoning about the environment
of a vulnerability?
3.2 Information Collection
It is important to have up-to-date and relevant infor-
mation about the environment when calculating the
Environmental Metrics. Especially in large networks,
it is a time-consuming task to gather all relevant in-
formation. Many solutions are available that assist
the user in gathering and storing all sorts of informa-
tion related to an asset, but that output their results in
their own, proprietary format which is not necessarily
machine-readable. Initiatives such as CCE (Common
Configuration Enumeration) assign a unique, com-
mon identifier to a security-related configuration is-
sue (Waltermire et al., 2016). This is an important
approach, especially when results are required to be
machine-readable. Unfortunately, CCE currently fo-
cuses only on software-based configurations and does
not consider any hardware or physical configuration.
In addition, some of the required information may not
be available digitally (yet) and needs a manual elicita-
tion. Another aspect to focus on is the update interval,
because not all information changes in the same inter-
val and need an update every time one determines the
Environmental Metric. Thus, it is possible to save sig-
nificant time and effort, when an information item is
only updated or determined when necessary.
In summary, it is a big challenge to merge all in-
formation and to organize it in an efficient data model
that allows a targeted, fast and machine-readable ac-
cess. This is necessary to facilitate a process with a
higher degree of automation.
The essential research question (RQ2) is: How
can the relevant information sources be determined,
utilized and merged in order to manage their infor-
mation within an information model?
3.3 Evaluation Algorithm
Besides the information needed for evaluation, the
evaluation algorithm itself is one of the most impor-
tant parts of the process. Existing algorithms (see
State of the Art in Section 4) focus on special con-
figurations and consider only a small number of vari-
ables. The CVSS user guide (Hanford and Heitman,
2015), provides guidance on how to determine the En-
vironmental Metrics. However, it is far from trivial to
map this advice to a deterministic algorithm, as it is
not exactly clear which parameters to consider, which
gives rise to considerable discretion in decision mak-
ing. An automated evaluation algorithm should cre-
ate objective, repeatable results and it should be clear
which parameters it considers. After all, the algorithm
should deliver a result that allows even engineers who
lack security proficiency to decide about the real criti-
cality of the vulnerability without requiring additional
subjective ratings. Furthermore, the algorithm oper-
ates on the basis of the data model and its semantics
implied by the underlying information model. As it
runs in an automated way, it can consider many pa-
rameters like existing protection measures, the con-
figuration of the system as well as other vulnerabili-
ties on the same or peer systems in the network. In
order to automate this algorithm, several assumptions
have to be made, which need to be researched.
The essential research question (RQ3) is: How
must an evaluation algorithm for the determination of
Environmental Metrics look like to identify and incor-
porate the relevant parameters and their weighting to
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security