the level of deviation than unpredictable control sig-
nal delay, but stability is guaranteed.
The aim of the paper was to get estimation of ro-
bustness of large deviations in free motion of stable
linear discrete-time systems with parametric uncer-
tainties. The tracking discrete-time system with pre-
dictable control signal delay and unpredictable con-
trol signal delay was considered in the paper. Using
a combination of state-space approach and the sensi-
tivity theory methods the estimation robustness of the
large deviations was obtained. It was derived that the
upper bound by the norm of the large deviations in lin-
ear discrete-time systems with parametric uncertain-
ties depends of sensitivity functions of singular values
of the eigenvectors matrix of the system state matrix.
At the same time the sensitivity matrix of a state ma-
trix depends on the value of the control signal delay,
and that relationship was obtained. The algorithm for
robustness estimation of the large deviations was pro-
posed and the illustrative example was given. It was
shown, that the predictable control signal delay has
biggest influence on the level of deviation than unpre-
dictable control signal delay, but stability is guaran-
In future, it is supposed to expand the results of
the paper to the case of a discrete-time systems with
parametric uncertainties having complex eigenvalues.
This work was financially supported by Government
of Russian Federation, Grant 08-08.
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Robustness Estimation of Large Deviations in Linear Discrete-time Systems with Control Signal Delay