Figure 10: Circuit for the test set-up in Smart Water Lab
containing a consumer station, a pipe station, a sewer station
and a pumping station.
stant flow to the buffer tank. An MPC minimizing the
performance function equation 24 is implemented in
the laboratory by use of YALMIP (M.C. Grant and
Stephen, 2014), (Lofberg, 2014). It aims to minimize
the variations of the inlet flow to the sewer station.
The result can be seen in Fig. 11. The measurement
of the controlled flow (blue) has poor resolution, a fil-
tered version is the red curve. It is seen that the con-
trolled inlet flow has a lower variance than the original
uncontrolled flow (yellow).
Figure 11: Comparison of uncontrolled (yellow) and con-
trolled (blue and red) inlet to the sewer station.
The laboratory test shows that a buffer tank in
combination with an MPC algorithm can reduce the
variations in the inlet flow to the WWTP.
Typical inlet to a WWTP consists of periodic house-
hold flow and industrial flow. A control system for
minimization of flow variations to a WWTP using
a buffer tank for the industrial flow has been con-
structed. The controller is based on two models, one
model describing the flow variations from the buffer
tank to the WWTP and one describing the household
flow. The flow from the buffer tank to the WWTP is
described by the Saint-Venant equations. Under linear
assumptions it is shown that the flow model results in
a time delay. The model for the household flow uses
an autonomous description. The two models are in-
serted in a MPC with a performance that minimize
the flow variations. A lab set-up shows that the con-
trol concept is able to minimize the variance of the
mentioned flow.
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