verts the blocks of data independently of each other,
so each block can be changed on the owner’s side
and re-sent to the cloud. Disadvantage of the pro-
posed method is that we transmit in an open form
(for the cloud owner) numerical values to an exter-
nal cloud service. Numeric values can be used by cy-
bercriminals (dishonest cloud server administrators)
to recover partial or complete information about the
internal business processes of an enterprise. Also, the
owner of the cloud will know the sequence of opera-
tions, the allowed ranges of values for the processed
parameters, which, in turn, can provide indirect infor-
mation about confidential client data.
Confidentiality of numerical data can be ensured,
provided that partially or fully homomorphic cryp-
tographic algorithms are used for their transmission
(Gentry, 2009a; Gentry, 2009b; Rohloff and Cousins,
2014). Thus, the second method of ensuring confi-
dentiality is the use of fully homomorphic encryption
for numeric data transmitted to external services. The
following modification of the first proposed method
is proposed. Each numerical value x from the sec-
ond attribute of the Replacement Table 3 is assigned
a Enc(x) cost encrypted using a fully homomorphic
cryptosystem, which is subsequently transferred to
the cloud. As an encryption algorithm, this method
proposes to use the fully homomorphic cryptosystem
L. Jian and D. Song (Li et al., 2012), which is a
cryptosystem adapted to ensure confidentiality in the
clouds. Let us briefly describe the main stages of en-
cryption of the cryptosystem under consideration:
1. The key k is generated as a random odd number
of length l -bit
2. The process of encrypting one bit of the message
∈ 0, 1
is carried out according to the following formula
= x
+ k + r ∗ k ∗ q, (4)
where r is a random value of D-bit length, q is a
constant representing a large integer, n is the serial
number of the message bit and ciphertext.
3. To decrypt information on the client side, it is
enough to perform the operation:
c mod k (5)
The paper (Li et al., 2012) proves the homomor-
phism of the presented cryptosystem. An additional
significant advantage of the presented method is the
ability to verify the integrity of data sent to the cloud
without decrypting it. In particular, when using the
proposed method, the information owner can send en-
crypted messages to the cloud at some intervals to ver-
ify the integrity of numerical data:
= x
+ k + r ∗ k ∗ q (6)
The server, in turn, is able, using only the general syn-
chronization parameter q, to verify that the selected
clear text bits do match:
Integrity = (c
− c
) mod q (7)
If the integrity parameter integrity is equal to zero,
then the copy stored on the server matches the sent
Note that using a homomorphic system, it is pro-
posed to encrypt exclusively numerical data and not
information completely transmitted to the server, in-
cluding the statement of the problem, operating pa-
rameters, and identifiers. The encryption process it-
self, when it is used out of control, will be time-
consuming and labour-consuming for the information
owner. Therefore, it is proposed to further rank the
numerical parameters before sending it to the cloud
to determine which disclosure of which carries the
greatest risk to the enterprise. And concerning criti-
cal numerical parameters, apply the proposed method
based on a homomorphic encryption algorithm. Ad-
vantages As in the first method, the cloud server will
be able to perform ordinary actions on numerical data
and even, as shown in the paper (Chialva and Doom,
2018), perform comparisons, ranking, dividing pa-
rameters into ranges under certain conditions. Using
selective encryption, you can achieve an effective bal-
ance between the load on the client and the level of
information confidentiality. When using the second
method, the probability of violating the confidential-
ity of information is very low. The attacker will only
know the sequence of operations, which is almost im-
possible to correlate with the technological processes
of the enterprise.
It is also worth highlighting drawbacks, charac-
teristic of the second method, on the client-side, it
is necessary to further modify the allowed type and
range for numeric and character parameters, because,
after encryption, the received value may not satisfy
the requirements defined for the initial settings. Mod-
ifications may concern, among other things, the state-
ment of the problem as a whole if, as a result of ap-
plying the second method, the optimization parameter
of the production schedule was encrypted.
The paper raises the urgent problem of ensuring the
confidentiality of information when it is processed
in cloud services. In this paper, an analysis of in-
formation flows between interacting entities was car-
ried out, a model of threats to information privacy
violations in solving the problem was constructed.
ICINCO 2020 - 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics