This work addresses the general problem of the pro-
tection of the privacy of a user during a remote exami-
nation. It seeks to define the different forms it can take
fraud, as well as the expected properties of a secure
biometric anti-cheat system that respects the privacy
of learners. To conclude, the integration of biomet-
rics into distance learning systems will help teachers
to effectively control student authentication, course
tracking, provide certificates in an automated manner,
analyse student behaviour during exams, the valida-
tion of the certificates of success as well as the detec-
tion of fraud with a high level of accuracy. The pro-
posed solution is effective against identity theft and
fraud attempts. Indeed, this system is able to detect
fraud automatically, it respects the privacy and confi-
dentiality of the data exchanged and solves an impor-
tant part of a major problem.
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ities (face, keystroke dynamics, gaze, gestures and so
on) then, create a fraud model using a larger database.
In addition, the different scores can be combined to
generate a confidence index on the identity of the
learner during the examination. After all, other so-
lutions could be included to detect spoofing attacks.
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