Technical Sound Event Classification Applying Recurrent and
Convolutional Neural Networks
Constantin Rieder, Markus Germann, Samuel Mezger and Klaus Peter Scherer
Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Deep Learning, Sound Analysis, Information Systems, Intelligent Assistance.
In many intelligent technical assistance systems (especially diagnostics), the sound classification is a signifi-
cant and useful input for intelligent diagnostics. A high performance classification of the heterogeneous sounds
of any mechanical components can support the diagnostic experts with a lot of information. Classical pattern
recognition methods fail because of the complex features and the heterogeneous state noise. Because of no
explicit human knowledge about the characteristic representation of the classes, classical feature generation
is impossible. A new approach by generation of a concept for neural networks and realization by especially
convolutional networks shows the power of technical sound classification methods. After the concept finding
a parametrized network model is devised and realized. First results show the power of the RNNs and CNNs.
Dependent on the parametrized configuration of the net architecture and the training sets an enhancement of
the sound event classification is possible.
In the context of intelligent diagnostics, information
and intelligent support systems are developed and in
use for technical services concerning surveillance of
machine components. In addition to 2-dimensional
pattern recognition (optical digital image analysis),
also 1-dimensional sound analysis is becoming in-
creasingly important because of the information it
provides about the interior of a component. Experi-
enced engineers are often able to detect and identify
the technical condition (fault or normal) of the com-
ponents due to the their emission of complex sounds.
The main idea is to support the human experts and di-
agnosticians by a condensed, evaluated information
about processes and behaviour of the components.
Based on this, an intelligent decision making and fault
detection is possible. Once the technical sound events
are detected in a very reliable way, intelligent reac-
tion and regulation processes can follow. However,
the problem is the audio event classification itself, in-
cluding the audio event detection. Classical pattern
recognition has no chance to recognize the different
sound classes, since no explicit features can be de-
scribed. In this proposal a new method is presented.
Based on different training sets neural networks are
examined, the different architectures are applied and
finally a parametrized convolutional network is con-
ceptualized and realized. The results are evaluated
in different steps. Section II describes the general
approach used to tackle the problem with Recurrent
Neural Networks, in particular the Long short-term
memory network. It contains an overview over the
corpus used as a basic training set and furthermore an
evaluation of the artificial neural networks. In sec-
tion III a solution approach based on Convolutional
Neural Networks is designed and demonstrated. This
requires certain transformations of the training data.
The LSTM network (Long-Short-Term-Memory Net-
work) is one of the most popular variant of a Recur-
rent Neural Network (RNN). It adopts the gated ar-
chitecture and extends it with the ability to handle
the vanishing gradients and is able to learn depen-
dencies which are more extensive. It implements a
kind of long-lasting short-term memory (Hochreiter
and Schmidhuber, 1997). This fact is responsible for
the power of this type of RNNs and achieves good re-
sults in the sound event classification. The neurons of
the hidden layer are generated from LSTM cells that
aggregate the output from four components. These
Rieder, C., Germann, M., Mezger, S. and Scherer, K.
Technical Sound Event Classification Applying Recurrent and Convolutional Neural Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0009874400840088
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications (DeLTA 2020), pages 84-88
ISBN: 978-989-758-441-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
components of a common LSTM-cell consist of three
gates that regulate how much of the data is forgot-
ten, updated and output, and one cell core with linking
logic. The input gate determines which values enter
the cell, the Forget Gate determines whether informa-
tion remains or is forgotten and the output gate deter-
mines how the remaining values are output. Inside the
core of the cell, the information flows are controlled
by linking logic to derive the state of the cell.
2.1 Datasets and Preprocessing Steps
The AudioSet (Gemmeke et al., 2017) from Google
Research provides the data set for the experimental
implementation of the classifications with RNNs and
CNNs. In its current version, it consists of over 2
million hand-labelled 10-second clips. The individ-
ual clips come from YouTube videos. The labels are
taken from the AudioSet ontology developed for this
purpose, a hierarchical set of over 600 audio event
classes. The ontology covers a wide range of sounds,
from the human voice to music, machine sounds, and
general environmental sounds. A big advantage of us-
ing Google AudioSet (GAS) is that the audio material
is commonly available and well prepared for machine
learning. The AudioSet offers a compact representa-
tion of the audio sources in a CSV format and a set of
extracted 128-dimensional audio features (per second
of audio recording). These audio features are stored in
over 12 thousand TensorFlow Record Files and have
a size of about 2.4 GB. The features are stored as Ten-
sorflow sequence example protocol buffers. The con-
text part contains meta information like the video ID,
start and end time and the labels contained in the se-
quence in encoded form. The audio features them-
selves are also contained in the protocol buffer and
are stored as byte lists as 128-bit quantified features.
One such byte list is created for every second in the
sequence (AudioSet, 2020).
The full range of sounds contained in the GAS is not
needed because the focus is on application in a techni-
cal and industrial environment. Therefore, in the first
step irrelevant sounds like Human Sounds, Animal
Sounds and Music were removed in a rough cut. After
this class elimination three superclasses are consid-
ered (see figure 1), namely Source Ambigouus Sounds
with 6 subclasses, Sound of Things with 13 subclasses
and Channel, Environment and Background with 3
subclasses. Thus, an n-classification problem must
be solved with n=3 at the top level and n=22 at the
subclass level.
Figure 1: Selected classes from the GAS ontology.
2.2 First Experiments with Used
Application Models
In the first experimental setup, different neural net-
works are used, examined and evaluated for the au-
dio event classification of the above mentioned sound
sources. The sound events themselves are represented
as time series events over a certain time window.
Therefore, the sound events are considered as sam-
ple sequences, and the classification task consists in
predicting a category for the sequence. The audio fea-
tures are provided by the AudioSet in frame-level for-
mat. They map 10 second blocks at 1 HZ. So the fol-
lowing approaches to frame-level classification with
the TensorFlow framework were used for training and
Deep bag of frames model (Dbof)
LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) model
Bidirectional LSTM
These models were preferred because they are suit-
able for the intended application area according to
(Abu-El-Haija et al., 2016) and provide interesting
results. For more detailed information and details
and advantages of LSTM networks, see (Hochreiter
and Schmidhuber, 1997) and for Dbof networks see
(Araujo et al., 2018). The relatively strict Top-1 accu-
racy (Hit@1-Score) was used for the evaluation. This
means that the model response (i.e. the one with the
highest probability rating) must be the expected re-
sponse. From the pre-processed data set, all classes
were first selected, trained and evaluated. The ini-
tial results were moderate and only provided the basis
for further adaptations and improvements of the meth-
ods used. Problematic aspects were the weak-labeling
and parameterization as well as the large number of
Technical Sound Event Classification Applying Recurrent and Convolutional Neural Networks
2.3 Reduction and Selection of Relevant
One successful solution to the problem was to reduce
the number of classes in a special manner. The num-
ber of classes is reduced by categories such as engine
sounds, vehicle sounds and similar others. The re-
striction of classes showed a significant improvement
and the classifier achieved a high top-1 accuracy after
a certain amount of training steps. Figure 2 summa-
rizes the evaluation results in a representative man-
ner in relation to the partial corpus for the category
engine. Comparable training runs in other categories
such as vehicle, mechanisms, tools and other mechan-
ical objects delivered similar results.
Figure 2: Improvement of results on reduced corpus Engine
Considering the results of the runs using the reduced
corpora, bidirectional LSTM delivered the best per-
formance in the evaluation, followed by the Dbof
model and the LSTM model. Overall, the reduction of
the entire corpus to certain categories showed signifi-
cantly better results than the application to all classes.
In the next step of the project, CNNs will be used for
CNNs are the method of choice for the analysis of im-
ages with deep learning methods. There is extensive
research work and well developed networks dedicated
to this task. We will use these methods and advan-
tages to implement the use case of technical sound
event classification. Considering that CNNs can be
very powerful in classifying image data, at first it
seems to be inapplicable to use them for classifying
sound events, but it show promise for audio classifi-
cation (Hershey et al., 2016).
This requires a huge amount of training data con-
sisting of images labeled with their corresponding
classes. Transfer learning, however, can overcome
this barrier by using pre-trained Neural Networks, in
our use case CNNs. This can significantly reduce the
effort required to train a powerful and complex neural
network. This becomes possible by using components
of proven and powerful image recognition networks,
which have already learned basic and crucial differ-
entiating features and capabilities for image recog-
nition. A variety of powerful CNNs have been de-
veloped for image classification, such as Inception,
VGG, DenseNet and MobileNet, to mention some of
To do this, the previously applied concept for training
the model must be changed. The following figure 3
shows an overview of the conceptual scheme.
Figure 3: Acoustic CNN Model Training scheme.
The data set for GAS is divided into a balanced train-
ing set, a balanced eval set and an unbalanced training
set. This split has also been adopted unchanged for
the experiments with the CNNs. The unbalanced set
was used as the training set and the eval set as the test
DeLTA 2020 - 1st International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
set. The structuring of the classes followed the au-
dio set ontology. The biggest changes with respect to
the RNNs were in the class selection (subset from the
domain) and the raw data. The pre-extracted features
of GAS as raw data were not applied and were im-
plemented and generated by a separate feature extrac-
tion process (sound to spectrogram to features). For
this procedure, the corresponding source files of the
sounds are downloaded and converted into the audio
format WAV by using the ontology as an orientation.
The audio files are split into 10-second chunks in the
next step. For the image analysis images are of course
needed. For this purpose the created chunks are trans-
formed and plotted into spectrograms. It is expected
that audio examples of an individual class will repre-
sented by color and shape similarities in different re-
gions of the spectrograms. The remaining part of the
neural network must then assign these characteristics
to the classes to be learned. The following models are
considered for image classification:
The application of the technical sound classification
is also extended by the transformation of the sound
files to images, as the following scheme shows.
Figure 4: Classification scheme with applying the acoustic
3.1 Transformation and Visual
Representations of Audio Sets
As the above schemes show, the audio signals are
transformed into a visual 2-dimensional representa-
tion. These are then used as input for the feature ex-
traction. The extracted features are used to train the
CNNs. The feature extraction from the visual repre-
sentations is also used as input generator for the ap-
plication of the trained models. The visual representa-
tion is generated by a Fast Fourier Transform from the
time series into the frequency domain. Spectrograms
are generated from the WAV audio files. There are
different types of spectrograms that can be generated
from audio signals. The following figure 5 shows an
extract of four audio chunks from the used technical
sounds as MEL-spectrograms.
Figure 5: Generated spectrograms.
For the 2-dimensional pattern recognition, i.e. pic-
ture analysis, very powerful methods are known and
used for classification of 2 dimensional patterns. Also
for deep learning algorithms, experiences and effec-
tive results can be produced. Because of that the
sound patterns are transformed into images with spe-
cial features. One method consists of a fast Fourier
transformation and cepstrum analysys from the time
domain into the frequency domain and return. The
models must be selected by the learning methods. A
parametrized model is developed to guarantee differ-
ent influences from net parameters to the results. The
consequence is a generated information concerning
robustness, accuracy and performance. Following pa-
rameter set can have an impact on the model genera-
tion of the training corpus.
Type of signal transformation for the spectograms
Selection of the color map
Resolution of the spectrogram images
Scaling & cropping of the images
Selection of the audio samples / classes
Technical Sound Event Classification Applying Recurrent and Convolutional Neural Networks
3.2 Multiclass Classification with CNNs
The spectrograms generated for the respective classes
now form the new corpora and serve as input for the
training of the selected models. For this purpose, the
following six classes were deliberately chosen to rep-
resent the technical sounds: Drill, Hammer, Knock,
Sawing, Scrape, Clapping. The multiclass problem
for technical sounds was now addressed with the In-
ceptionV3 model and the MobileNet model.
The runs delivered the following results regarding cat-
egorical accuracy, as can be seen in figure 6.
The Inception Model on the evaluation set approached
the categorical accuracy of 0.5. The training with Mo-
bileNet was convincing with a faster run and delivered
accuracy values on the evaluation set also above 0.5 .
Figure 6: Training of both, the InceptionV3 and the Mo-
bileNet model.
The position paper has introduced two technical
sound classification approaches that included meth-
ods to classify technical sound events by Recurrent
Neural Networks and by Convolutional Neural Net-
works. Experiments on different data sets showed the
advantages of the proposed methods over sound data
transforming to image data. Most of the sound record-
ings have been recorded under real conditions. This
is a great advantage and corresponds to the use case.
However, it is both a difficult situation and a great
challenge, because the sound sources were recorded
from different environments and distances. They con-
tain other interfering noises and the quality can vary
greatly in some cases. One of the most important dis-
coveries so far is the reduction of corpora to selected
classes for RNNs, which improved the classification
results. In the case of the CNNs the results are still
in need of improvement. This will be further pur-
sued in future work. Other models such as VGG19
and DenseNet will be examined and applied. An-
other possibility could be a combined use of so-called
convolutional recurrent neural networks, which is de-
scribed in (Choi et al., 2017). Other options could be
the use of hybrid architectures, which are introduced
in (Choi et al., 2017) and (Feng et al., 2017).
The work presented in this article is supported and
financed by Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittel-
stand (ZIM) of the German Federal Ministry of Eco-
nomic Affairs and Energy. The authors would like
to thank the project management organisation AiF in
Berlin for their cooperation, organisation and budget-
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DeLTA 2020 - 1st International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications