(0.0726) and ABCD (0.0726) than for our prototype
EGR (0.1017).
In addition, we applied the EGR algorithm to the
Household Electric Power Consumption dataset in-
troduced by Hebrail and Berard (2012) comprising
2,075,259 data records. While the EGR algorithm
was able to retrieve a large-scale GPM in less than
1.5 hours, we interrupted the computation of both al-
gorithms CKS and ABCD after 14 days, since they
were not able to complete the GPM computation.
We thus conclude, that the proposed large-scale
GPM structure enables the development of efficient
retrieval algorithms that scale to millions of data
In this paper, we introduce a new structure for Gaus-
sian Process Models (GPMs) enabling the analysis
of large-scale datasets. This new structure utilizes
a concatenation of locally specialized models to re-
duce both kernel search complexity as well as compu-
tational effort required in the evaluative calculations.
Furthermore, we incorporate the given candidate for-
mat (i.e. sum of products form) directly into the can-
didate generation mechanism. This results in fewer
to-be-evaluated candidates and subsequently ought to
improve on future GPM retrieval algorithms as well.
Although we made a first step towards large-scale
GPM retrieval, several challenges in that field re-
main open issues. We outlined those challenges in
detail and backed our claims regarding the perfor-
mance implications of our new model. For this pur-
pose, we have implemented a first prototype for large-
scale GPM retrieval and investigated its performance
in comparison to the state of the art.
Apart from further developing this initial proto-
type, we plan to address the challenges mentioned in
this paper in our future work.
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Towards Large-scale Gaussian Process Models for Efficient Bayesian Machine Learning