Parameter Estimator for Twin Rotor MIMO System based on DREM
Nikita Shopa
1 a
, Dmitry Bazylev
1 b
, Sergey Vrazhevsky
1,2 c
and Artem Kremlev
1 d
Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics, ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
The Laboratory ”Control of Complex Systems”, Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy
of Sciences (IPME RAS), St. Petersburg, Russia
Parameter Identification, Nonlinear Systems, Multi-channel Systems, Linear Regression.
The paper deals with a problem of parameter identification for a model of Twin Rotor MIMO System labora-
tory bench, which is described by a nonlinear multi-channel system with cross-couplings. The chosen method
is based on the Dynamic Regressor Extention and Mixing (DREM) procedure that guarantees monotonic con-
vergence of the estimations even in case of multiple related parameters simultaneously identification. Results
are verified by computer simulation.
Parameter uncertainties is an anticipated problem in
the practice area of control. Model-based control al-
gorithms, including adaptive control techniques, re-
quire to improve estimation approaches. One of the
modern approaches that ensure fast estimation con-
vergence with high-quality transients is developed in
(Aranovskiy et al., 2016). This paper (Aranovskiy
et al., 2016) describes the so-called Dynamic Regres-
sor Extention and Mixing (DREM) procedure which
is synthesized in two steps. The first is an additional
filtering data process that extends the standard linear
regression model. In the second step, an extended
regressor model is transformed in a way it became
possible to apply standard estimation techniques in-
dependently for each unknown parameter. This new
property ensures faster transients without overshoot-
ing, unlike the classical gradient method (Aranovskiy
et al., 2016). Another important property of DREM
is a possibility to avoid the persistency of excitation
(PE) condition, which is one of the main restrictions
for identification and adaptive control theories. In-
stead of PE condition, DREM procedure requires not
square-integrable condition satisfaction.
Result (Aranovskiy et al., 2016) demonstrates
high quality in wide area of practical and theoreti-
cal tasks. Besides the original idea of using linear
stable dynamic operators to obtain an extended re-
gressor, modifications have been proposed that con-
struct extended regressor using time-delay operators
(Bazylev et al., 2018a). DREM procedure was suc-
cessfully applied in the task of multi-harmonic dis-
turbances identification and to ensure the stability of
quantized systems in (Dobriborsci et al., 2019a). In
the research (Bobtsov et al., 2017), DREM approach
is extended to the problem of position estimation as
a state observer, which significantly improves an ap-
plication area of the method. In practice, there are
solutions of sensorless control algorithms applied to
a motor control based on DREM in (Bazylev et al.,
2018b).Some rubust properties against measurement
noises were demonstrated in (Bobtsov et al., 2017)
and (Bazylev et al., 2018b).
Current research deals with a problem of parame-
ter identification of laboratory platform named Twin
Rotor MIMO System (TRMS). The platform realises
the dynamics of rotary-wing aircraft in two planes
- pitch and yaw. It has complex nonlinear dynam-
ics with cross-coupling and parametrical uncertainties
which reduce the tracking accuracy of the closed-loop
system. There are researches dealing with a problem
of TRMS modelling including parameter identifica-
tion task (see, for example, (Rahideh et al., 2008)),
however, this researches keep identification problem
apart from the control task. As soon as parametri-
cal uncertainties can appear during the technical plant
Shopa, N., Bazylev, D., Vrazhevsky, S. and Kremlev, A.
Parameter Estimator for Twin Rotor MIMO System based on DREM Procedure.
DOI: 10.5220/0009875506890694
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2020), pages 689-694
ISBN: 978-989-758-442-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved