Efficient Construction of Neural Networks Lyapunov Functions with
Domain of Attraction Maximization
Benjamin Bocquillon
, Philippe Feyel
, Guillaume Sandou
and Pedro Rodriguez-Ayerbe
Safran Electronics & Defense, 100 avenue de Paris, Massy, France
L2S, CentraleSup
elec, CNRS, Universit
e Paris-Saclay, 3 rue Joliot Curie, 91192 Gif-Sur-Yvette, France
Lyapunov Function, Domain of Attraction, Optimization, Neural Network, Nonlinear System.
This work deals with a new method for computing Lyapunov functions represented by neural networks for
autonomous nonlinear systems. Based on the Lyapunov theory and the notion of domain of attraction, we
propose an optimization method for determining a Lyapunov function modelled by a neural network while
maximizing the domain of attraction. The potential of the proposed method is demonstrated by simulation
In 1892, Lyapunov introduced a way to prove stability
of mechanical nonlinear systems (Lyapunov, 1892).
He defined a scalar function inspired by a classical
energy function, which has three important properties
that are sufficient for establishing the Domain Of At-
traction (DOA) of a stable equilibrium point: (1) it
must be a local positive definite function; (2) it must
have continuous partial derivatives, and (3) its time
derivative along any state trajectory must be negative
semi-definite. While Lyapunov theory provides pow-
erful guarantees concerning equilibrium points’ sta-
bility once an appropriate function is identified, there
is no general method for constructing such a function,
call in the sequel a Lyapunov function.
Various methods to compute Lyapunov functions
have surfaced in the literature, especially with the
emergence of efficient optimization methods. At-
tempts have been made to compute the best quadratic
Lyapunov function, with (Panikhom and Sujitjorn,
2012) for example. However, these methods are too
conservative in case of industrials complex systems.
Several other computational approaches to construct
complete Lyapunov functions have been published,
for instance (Arg
aez et al., 2018), where the authors
present a new iterative algorithm that avoids obtain-
ing trivial solutions when constructing complete Lya-
punov functions. This algorithm is based on mesh-
free numerical approximation and analyses the fail-
ure of convergence in certain areas to determine the
chain-recurrent set. Although efficient, this method
looks like difficult to implement for real complex sys-
tems that we can find in industrial framework in which
flexibility is needed. Endless, the survey (Giesl and
Hafstein, 2015) has brought different methods and de-
scribed the state of art of the vaste variety of methods
to compute Lyapunov functions of various kinds of
systems. It proposes conservative methods when the
system is complex and highly non-linear.
However, in our opinion, the emergence of Arti-
ficial Intelligence tool such as Machine Learning and
Neural Networks seems to be a good and powerful al-
ternative for industrials to justify and then certificate
quickly complex and intelligent systems that we can
find in aero for instance. One of the first paper us-
ing Artificial Intelligence to compute Lyapunov func-
tion is (Prokhorov, 1994), where a so called Lyapunov
Machine, which is a special-design artificial neural
network, is described for Lyapunov function approx-
imation. The author indicates that the proposed algo-
rithm, the Lyapunov Machine, has substantial compu-
tational complexity among other issues to be resolved
and defers their resolution to future work. (Banks,
2002) suggests a Genetic Programming for comput-
ing Lyapunov functions. However, the Lyapunov
functions computed may have locally a conservative
behavior. We overcome all these limits using Neural
Networks. Neural Networks are widely used in a va-
riety of applications, such as in image classification
and in natural language processing. In general, neural
networks are powerful regressors, and thus lend them-
selves to the approximation of Lyapunov function. In
the literature, one can find other works using neu-
ral network to construct or approximate a Lyapunov
function (Serpen, 2005; Long and Bayoumi, 1993)
and the paper (Petridis and Petridis, 2006) proposes
an interesting and promising approach for the con-
Bocquillon, B., Feyel, P., Sandou, G. and Rodriguez-Ayerbe, P.
Efficient Construction of Neural Networks Lyapunov Functions with Domain of Attraction Maximization.
DOI: 10.5220/0009883401740180
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2020), pages 174-180
ISBN: 978-989-758-442-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved