communication intercept system imposed a large
cognitive load on the soldier.
The results of this study indicate that if the Army
can only adopt one tactical cyber capability for
fielding to its infantrymen, they should proceed with
an RF localization capability. Additionally, the
simulations indicate the importance of not increasing
a soldier’s physical and cognitive load, which can
potentially offset any benefit from a new capability.
As the complexity of the world increases, militaries
are required to perform more complex operations. In
doing so, the soldier system, defined as the soldier,
equipment, and their mission sets, increases in
complexity. Therefore, the addition of new
equipment onto a soldier requires a systems level
analysis that involves having soldiers using the
equipment in an operational environment. Since this
is not feasible for equipment, especially in the
conceptual design phase, simulation will play a
crucial role in this analysis.
Several combat simulations are available, though
many have historically been used for training
purposes; regardless, they can be modified to account
for new soldier capabilities. This paper outlines a
methodology for performing such an analysis.
The paper then presented a case study that
performs a trade space analysis on different tactical-
cyber capabilities given to dismounted soldiers. This
analysis used the combat simulation package IWARS
to compare changes in soldier performance with the
additional of different new tactical cyber capabilities.
This methodology was developed primarily to
perform the analysis on tactical cyber trade-space
presented in the case study. Future works will look at
expanding this methodology to other tactical
equipment including biomechanical enhancements,
future weapons, and autonomous systems.
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