In this paper, an upper arm exoskeleton for
rehabilitation and training is studied. An appropriate
solution is sought for the exoskeleton design and
actuation that provides transparency and natural
safety on the one hand and force impact and
performance on the other hand. A hybrid actuation
approach is used, which consists of back drivable
electric and pneumatic drives operating in parallel. In
the paper, the feasibility of the basic therapy modes
“patient in charge” and “robot in charge” is simulated.
The approach for the dynamic estimation of elastic
actuation through imposed motions is used.
Harmonic motion with a uniform increase in the
frequency in the second joint is simulated. In the
"patient in charge" mode, the resistive torque of the
passive impedance is seen as the interaction torque
that is applied to the patient's hand. In the “robot in
charge” mode, the resistive torque is used to assign
force commands to the electric drive to perform
feedforward compensations. Future exoskeleton
experiments are planned in which the real parameters
of the harmonic movements should be measured and
This research was supported by the National Science
Fund, Project No. DN07/9 and by the Nat. Scientific
Program ICTinSES, Contract No DO1–205.
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