generation of a bigger synthetic dataset, which share
similarities with the 49,800 neighbourhoods. We also
plan to integrate prices and points of interest (that
could reflect the nature of a neighbourhood, for in-
stance an organic shop is usually found in middle or
upper class neighbourhoods).A fourth perspective is
the correlation between variables, which are not to-
tally independent. For instance, a rural area has more
chances to be classified as countryside and to host
houses. The prediction of a given variable could im-
pact the classification of others, especially the most
difficult ones such as geographical or social. Finally,
we plan to release a tool named predihood for letting
researchers implement and test their classification al-
gorithms on our dataset.
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IMU (ANR-10-LABX-0088) from Université de
Lyon, in the context of the program "Investissements
d’Avenir" (ANR-11-IDEX-0007) from the French
Research Agency (ANR), during the HiL project
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Predicting the Environment of a Neighborhood: A Use Case for France