work gain adaptation method had, thanks to the initial
speed up (visible from t = 0 to t = 5).
Table 1: The objective function obtained for each method
and speed over the trajectory.
Baseline 0.308m 0.336m 0.389m
Neural net gain 0.291m 0.325m 0.372m
Improved control 0.288m 0.327m 0.387m
In the table 1, the objective function for each
method and speed can be observed. In all cases the
baseline constant gain method had the highest ob-
jective function, meaning it had the worst perfor-
mance. For the improved control and the neural net-
work gain method, both results are comparable, as
most of the performance gained is thanks to the speed
adaption. However the improved control does not
adapt to changes in the covariance, which in some
cases allows the neural network gain method to out-
perform the improved control method.
A novel method for feature importance and a novel
methodology to determine useful sensor information
was proposed. This feature importance method allows
the analysis of a neural network’s behavior, to show
the importance of each sensor information, and to po-
tentially build an approximation of the neural network
for a given input.
It has been applied to a steering controller of a car-
like robot for a line following task in a highly dynamic
simulated environment. In order to analyze a gain pre-
diction method, and determine the optimal changes to
the control equations to improve its performance. In-
deed, the tested modification to the control law has
been shown to reach comparable performance to the
initial neural network gain prediction method.
This methodology can be applied to any given
simulated model of a robot control task, in order to
improve its control performance for a given criteria
encoded as a objective function.
However, the sensor information must be ide-
ally used to derive new control law from the robotic
model, as using a linear approximation for a neural
network will not encode the complete characteristic
behavior to the neural network. As such this method-
ology far more powerful as a tool to describe what is
important for control law, not how to derive a novel
control law.
Future works include validating this methodology
on varying control tasks in different field, and to use
the novel feature importance method to assist in de-
mystifying neural networks.
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ICINCO 2020 - 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics