The main objectives of Metrics-driven DevOps ap-
proch presented in this paper is to design and de-
velop a centralized platform provided as PaaS to be
deployed on the users premises or in a public/private
cloud for building trustworthy software that rapidly
adapts to changing requirements while maintaining
key qualities indicators (e.g. reliability, availability,
performance, security, privacy). This platform gath-
ers measurements from the different software devel-
opment lifecycle phases and during the production
in order to detect/predict potential issues and pre-
vent them. This verification relies on different soft-
ware engineering tools (like risk analysis, intrusion
and anomaly detection etc.) and allows providing real
time recommendations to the DevOps team to im-
prove the security/privacy of their software as well as
resiliency. Different ready-to-deploy security mecha-
nisms are needed to support such a platform.
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2015 (https://itea3.org/project/measure.html), and the
H2020 ENACT project started in Jan. 1st, 2018
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Metrics-driven DevSecOps