Context-aware Retrieval and Classification: Design and Benefits
Kurt Englmeier
Faculty of Computer Science, Schmalkalden University of Applied Science, Blechhammer, Schmalkalden, Germany
Keywords: Context Management, Information Extraction, Context-aware Information Retrieval, Named-entity
Recognition, Bag of Words, Classification.
Abstract: Context encompasses the classification of a certain environment by its key attributes. It is an abstract
representation of a certain data environment. In texts, the context classifies and represents a piece of text in a
generalized form. Context can be a recursive construct when summarizing text on a more coarse-grained level.
Context-aware information retrieval and classification has many aspects. This paper presents identification
and standardization of context on different levels of granularity that supports faster and more precise location
of relevant text sections. The prototypical system presented here applies supervised learning for a semi-
automatic approach to extract, distil, and standardize data from text. The approach is based on named-entity
recognition and simple ontologies for identification and disambiguation of context. Even though the prototype
shown here still represents work in progress and demonstrates its potential of information retrieval on different
levels of context granularity. The paper presents the application of the prototype in the realm of economic
information and hate speech detection.
Context-awareness is an important design element of
ubiquitous computing (Brown and Jones, 2001).
Sensor data, location information, data on user
preferences, and the like are gathered, processed,
analyzed, and matched in order to compare contexts.
The user context, for instance, is compared with the
context of her or his surroundings in order to lure her
or him into a specific restaurant for lunch. Specific
attributes define a context. Attributes such as time of
the day, restaurant preferences and actual location of
the user may define the context “lunch break
In information retrieval, the user query manifests
an instance of a user need embedded in its specific
context. Because of the representation of the user
need being very sparse, systems try to expand the
query by suggesting or guessing further query terms.
In many cases, query expansion is achieved by
observing the behavior of the user community as a
whole and gathering common combinations of query
terms. Furthermore, search engines often combine
query terms with relevant terms from historical data,
that is, past queries and selections from retrieval
results of the entire user community. The correct
interpretation of a user query is pivotal for a
successful retrieval of relevant information.
However, reasoning the user’s information need from
a couple of search terms is far from trivial. Producing
context information from text is easier. Here, we
reflect each statement along the course of a story.
Each statement that precedes or succeeds a specific
statement contributes valuable information for the
correct interpretation of that statement.
Context information can be considered as the
product of iterative summarization of statements and
standardization of summary terms. This hierarchy of
terms constitute semantic anchors of the text on
different level of granularity, on phrase or paragraph
level or addressing the text in its entirety. The
components of the hierarchy, that is, the different
semantic anchors, in turn, serve as query expansion.
“Give me all airlines shares that closed yesterday
with a loss” replaces cumbersome queries mentioning
airlines names and all facets of descriptions of loss.
Separate pieces of text can be linked together to
support classification. This can be useful to correctly
classify a single piece of text or a statement in a
broader context. For example, context information
Englmeier, K.
Context-aware Retrieval and Classification: Design and Benefits.
DOI: 10.5220/0009890503020309
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2020), pages 302-309
ISBN: 978-989-758-440-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
may classify an apparently innocuous statement as an
aggressive and offensive statement when viewed in
the broader context of the statements of the same
person along a discourse in social media, for example.
Context information helps to focus in and out
along generalization and specialization. By
generalizing, context information relates, for
instance, airline names and their stock market codes
to the concept “airline”. In economic analysis, for
instance, text analysis must be in the position to
recognize all text instances of “output”, “cost”, “lost”,
“decrease”, “fraction” and “financing”, just to name
a few. This in turn means, that an information
retrieval system must resort to concept descriptions
that correctly identify all their instances. As a start,
we may consider these context descriptions as bag of
words containing all terms that specify their
respective concept. Furthermore, we combine these
terms with named entities in order to address typical
expression patterns that stand for a particular concept.
This paper presents a system that produces context
descriptions from texts in an automatic or semi-
automatic way.
In the first phase, we standardize text information
as far as possible. We identify different data
expressing dates, percentage data, prices, distances
and so and annotate them as such resulting in a set of
basic named entities. The first phase operates with a
number of bag of words (BoW) containing names of
locations, countries, etc. It also identifies names from
typical patterns, like the key word “Mrs.” or
“chancellor” followed by a couple of words starting
with a capital letter pointing to a name of a person.
In the next phase, we combine one or two key
terms with these basic named entities, looking for 2-
or 3-grams containing named entities. We define
these patterns of expressions manually. However, the
system takes these patterns and tries to find similar
patterns, that is, patterns with the same basic named
entities but different leading or trailing key words.
The identification of a similar pattern in a certain
quantity indicates a new instance of the context
The patterns identified in this phase are taken as
seeds in the next phase of investigating the
surroundings of expressions, that is, on a more
abstract context level. By repeating this process, we
gradually construct a hierarchy of context patterns.
The prototypical system presented here combines
named entity recognition (NER) and simple
ontologies for the identification of contexts. The
paper presents context-aware retrieval and
classification in the realm of mining economic texts.
The data sources are news articles published by the
German Institute of Economic Research (DIW). For
this paper, we selected one article from a DIW
Weekly Report (Sorge et al., 2020). The economic
analysis benefits from context information when a
system needs to sift through a large collection of text
to find the ones, for instance, that indicate an up- or
downswing in a certain industry branch, stock market,
or energy consumption.
Context identification starts with information
extraction (Cowie and Lehnert, 1996) and the
annotation of the extracted text pieces according to
the meaning they express. The annotation is a
summary of the extracted text. On a fine-grained
level, it is useful to look for patterns that reflect
generic information. Such patterns can represent
dates, percentages, numerical data, distances, and the
like. The combination of factual (numerical) data
with text data has its particular appeal. A statistical
analysis may come to certain findings. Text mining
can help, in parallel, to find statements in articles,
news, or Twitter messages that underpin or refute
these findings. Numerical analysis, for example, may
observe a certain stock by applying time series
analysis to measure the probability that its value will
rise or drop. Accompanying text analysis sifts
through texts and looks for signals that indicate
whether this stock is about to take off or drop in value.
Identifying these signals and merging them with the
numerical analysis rest on quite an array of discovery
tasks. Spotting pertinent patterns is quite established
in text analysis, in particular in business-related
applications, for example in the financial sector
(Aydugan and Arslan, 2019).
There are further essential techniques that need to
be considered for the design of context-aware
retrieval: analysis of word N-grams (Ying et al.,
2012), key-phrase identification (Mothe et al., 2018),
and linguistic features (Xu et al., 2012; Bollegala et
al., 2018; Walkowiak and Malak, 2018). Context-
aware retrieval influences also recommender systems
and vice versa (Jancsary et al, 2011). The features
developed here support the matching of abstract
context information and text.
Utterances expressing opinions and, in particular,
hate quite often reveal emotions. Hate speech
analysis, thus, must consider results and work in
textual affect sensing (Liu et al. 2003; Neviarouskaya
et al. 2007) alongside discourse analysis. Schneider
(2013) developed a framework for narratives of a
therapist-patient discourse that is valuable in our
Context-aware Retrieval and Classification: Design and Benefits
context. His work has been summarized and
discussed in (Murtagh, 2014).
3.1 Named Entities at the Basic Level
Information extraction starts with NER of basic and
more generic elements referring to time, locations,
distances, and the like. This process usually combines
key words and patterns of expressions. Finally, it
annotates each pattern by an appropriate term that
summarizes the meaning of the pattern. The table
below indicates a couple of examples of generic
Table 1: Examples of named entities at the basic level.
Expression Annotation
between 1979 and 1990
time span
by mid-February
time span
In the 1950s and ‘60s
time span
In July 2019
25 of the total 30 billion
40 min.
time span
six percent
100 kilometers
The generic named entities help to standardize factual
information and to abstract away the different forms
of expressions for essentially the same thing. The
examples immediately show (in particular, the second
one) that it does not suffice just to annotate the
patterns. We save the numerical values in an
appropriate way, too. This is the moment when
ontologies come into play, because we have to store
the numerical information in a suitably standardized
way for further interpretation purposes.
3.2 The Role of Bags of Words
NER in the context described here operates with bags
of words (BoW) addressing locations, persons,
organizations, or institutions (Wall Street, Dow
Jones, Casa Blanca, Bangladesh, for instance).
Furthermore, we use key words (such as “Mr.” or
“Prime Minister”) that hint to names of persons. The
system takes these names and feeds them into the
respective bag of words. There are further interesting
key terms pointing to names. For example, the term
“by” following the title of an article leads the list of
names authoring this article. The identification of
proper names benefits from the analysis of sequential
dependencies when bags of words can be produced
automatically instead of manually.
There are promising approaches to automatically
identify names (and other important key expressions)
in texts using conditional random fields (CFR) (Sha
and Pereira, 2003) or hidden Markov Models
(HMMs) (Freitag and Callum, 2000). Inclined to CFR
we integrated a feature that proposes, for example, all
names starting with capital letters and followed by an
abbreviation as organization names, United Arab
Emirates (UAE), or World Nuclear Association
Figure 1: Examples of basic named entities and identified
We can easily imagine domain specific BoWs for
DATA 2020 - 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
prices, energy, cooking, travel, and the like. Proper
names like the names of persons as shown in figure 1
are fed back to the respective BoWs. Figure 2 shows
a couple of examples of named entities extracted from
text including names.
3.3 Specific Named Entities
Figure 2: Examples of Specific Named Entities.
The next level of abstraction is achieved again by
operating on the named entities of the previous
phases. Named entities on this level may indicate an
increase or decrease in prices, demand, cases, or the
like. It may also reflect a current situation on a
particular market, country, or industry. Figure 2
shows some examples of specific named entities.
In social media, we often achieve context-awareness
when considering a series of texts in contextual
proximity. Statements emerge from events that
triggered discourses in diverse social media channels.
4.1 Linking Isolated Statements into
Hate speech is not isolated or independent from
context. It is embedded in the narrative of a person.
Her or his narrative joins narratives of further persons
constituting a discourse. This discourse, in turn, is
rooted specifically in one or more facts emerged or
events happened in the past and generally in a socio-
cultural context. These sources are in part external to
the discourse at hand, but are necessary to correctly
interpret meaning and understanding of each
utterance in each narrative.
A storyline is a coherent sequence of utterances
from mutual narratives that root in things like an
event, fact, or statement. It has a timeline that,
however, is only of minor importance. Nevertheless,
it is time-bound, but only in the sense that its
triggering cause happened at a certain point in time.
The cause of the discourse (with all its characteristics)
and the different persons authoring their respective
narratives are the main structural elements of the
storyline. The first goal of context-aware
classification is to map out the discourse along the
storyline. The second goal is to determine heuristics
for correctly classifying utterances of hate speech.
The application area presented here is based on a
collection of German tweets. It addresses the role and
importance of an analysis of statements along the
storyline including the anchor texts that triggered the
narratives of the storylines.
The sources considered are tweets or comments
that, in our example data source, refer to the so-called
refugee crisis in Germany, in general, and to specific
events with refugees involved. News on such events
trail aggressive or offensive comments or posts in
newspapers (mostly right-wing ones) and further
channels where the news had been re-published. In
contrast to traditional media that simply broadcast
news, narratives in social media form much more a
discourse (or controversy) emerging from the event it
is reflecting. News triggering a discourse or
controversy has the role of an anchor text.
One of the discourses in our collection, that is
used here as an example, rooted in a fatal crime
Context-aware Retrieval and Classification: Design and Benefits
committed by a young refugee that afterwards has
been sentenced for murder, and finally committed
suicide. The news about this crime is the anchor text,
which may be expanded by one or even more news
about follow-up events like the conviction and the
suicide. The different narratives emerging from that
text express the repudiation of the political and justice
system in Germany and great parts of the German
society. Primarily, they expose a deep and
undiscriminating rejection of all refugees, but in
particular of these having the same nationality as the
young offender. The negative and aggressive
narratives also depict a clear picture of the debaters’
social anchoring (Meub and Proeger, 2015) that
reflects their mental foothold gained from the world
view of partisans of right-wing ideology. In that, their
anchoring evidences their incapability to make
accurate and independent judgements. The following
statements are typical for this controversy.
In hate speech detection, it is important to
contextualize the discourse over a series of
mircoposts. In the end, we want to identify the debater
or author of the narrative, target persons or groups,
and the debater’s leitmotiv (desires, need, and intents)
and emotions. To identify the debater’s narrative
along the storyline is easy. The (real or fake) name of
the author is one the few structural elements in tweets
and similar messages beside the timestamp. The
anchor text can be described using its key terms with
or without annotations.
For hate speech detection we apply a particular
BoW. containing “toxic” terms (Georgakopoulos et
al., 2018) (“fool”, “scumbag”, “idiot” and the like).
Initially, we may consider any occurrence of such a
term as toxic, that is potentially discriminating,
offensive, or aggressive.
Figure 3: Example of a representation of a micropost.
Structural elements like the discourse thread or
storyline in which the statement appears and the name
of its author are useful for the identification of the
statement’s context. However, only in rare cases these
elements suffice to comprehensively and precisely
describe the context. Furthermore, what happens if
the statement refers to news or statements outside the
storyline? Even if all possible sources of information
are within reach, we have to process these sources in
order to construct the correct context and to reference
to correct things.
Figure 4: Named entity representation of an anchor text in
a social media discourse.
By repeatedly applying NER, we standardize and
generalize content also across texts. The resulting
DATA 2020 - 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
representations reflect the context of the statements
and enables the link to its relevant anchor text.
Let us consider the texts as shown in figure 3 and
4. By the standardized context information in both
texts, we are in the position to see that these two texts
belong together. Furthermore, with the overall
context information we can classify the text of figure
4 as hate speech.
4.2 Phases of Contextualization in Hate
Speech Detection
Hate speech-related text features are probably best
detected along a supervised learning process
(Chatzakou et al., 2019). Our system supports hate
speech detection over a series of phases. In each
phase it applies NER as outlined above together with
bag of words.
1. Identifying structural elements of the discourse,
its time frame, anchor text, and the different
narratives of the debaters.
2. Cleansing obfuscated expressions, misspellings,
typos and abbreviations by applying character
patterns and distance metrics.
3. Application of different bags of words to locate
mentions of persons, groups, locations etc.
4. Identifying outright discriminating, offensive, and
aggressive terms.
5. Identifying emotions and measuring the affective
6. Measuring the toxicity of individual statements
and narratives.
The process of phase 1 yields a linked list containing
the individual statements with their time stamps and
pointer to its author and anchor text.
Phase 2: The next step, the cleansing process,
addresses terms that are intentionally or
unintentionally misspelled or strangely abbreviated:
“@ss”, “sh1t”, “glch 1ns feu er d@mit”, correct
spelling: “gleich ins Feuer damit”: “[throw
him/her/them] immediately into the fire”.
“Wie lange darf der Dr*** hier noch morden?”:
“How long may this sc*** still murder? “Dr***”
stands for “Drecksack (scumbag)”.
Phase 3: Contexter uses here bags of words
containing names of persons, locations, prominent
groups, parties, and the like (including synonyms),
even though there exist promising approaches for
automatically identifying names of in texts based on
conditional random fields, for instance (Sutton and
McCallum, 2012).
Phase 4: Further bags of words contain toxic terms.
The toxicity is approved if no immediate negation
reverses the polarity of the expression.
The example of figure 5 shows how two
potentially toxic expressions turn the statement into
an aggressive one. The close proximity of the toxic
expression to the threat, that is, with only
(presumably) profane expressions in between, clearly
indicates the author’s wish to do severe harm to
politicians. This conclusion can be achieved by the
system in an automatic way. The schema works also
for similar mentions when different targets addressed
like a religious group, a minority, or a prominent
person in conjunction with a threat. The example also
shows some typical misspellings or intentional typing
Figure 5: The potentially toxic expression (“corrupt
politicians”) turns the initially profane expression (“into the
fire”) into an aggressive statement.
The tweet of figure 5 can be classified as hate
speech even without consideration of the preceding
storyline the tweet is part of. However, there are cases
when we need background information. Imagine the
statement “send them by freight train to …” instead
of “into the fire”.Freight train in the context of hate
speech has always a connotation with the holocaust.
The cruelties of the Nazi regime provide important
background information, we have to take into account
in hate speech analysis. This background is just as
important as the anchor text.
Figure 6: Example of an expression of a negative affective
state expressed in “statement 1”.
Phase 5: In hate speech, we encounter many
expressions of positive or negative emotions. These
expressions are an important indicator of the overall
affective state of the author in relationship to the
discourse or the facts as described in the anchor text.
The last phrase in figure 6 (“I can't eat as much as I
want to puke.”) insinuates a negative affective state
of the author. The reference to the anchor text
Context-aware Retrieval and Classification: Design and Benefits
addressing the details of this event is important for the
correct classification of this tweet. The anchor text
(“Kandel”) provides information on the crime of the
young offender and his conviction. The close
proximity of the fact to the author’s negative affective
state reveals her or his repudiation of the conviction.
We may take this affective state as a special indicator
that has a negative impact on its surrounding, which
can be toxic statements or facts from the anchor text
or the immediate statements from the other debaters.
Phase 6: The final measurement of the toxicity
combines the evaluations obtained from individual
statements with related affective states.
The measurement of the toxicity depends on the
quantity and quality of aggressive terms in the
statement. Here, our System differentiates between
oppositional opinion, offensive statement, threat
against something or somebody, or inciting
statement. In some cases, qualification is
straightforward. For example, if the author of the
statement uses outright aggressive terms like in “Ich
bin dafür, dass wir die Gaskammern wieder öffnen
und die ganz Brut da reinstecken.- I’m in favor of
opening the gas chambers again and put in the whole
offspring.”, we can immediately classify this
statement as hate speech. In all other cases, we
combine the levels of toxicity assigned to that
statement. The overall scenario, for instance, may
simply be an oppositional opinion. However,
combined with a strong negative affective state
(similar to one of Statement 1) the statement as whole
qualifies as offensive statement. For the time being,
our system evaluates each statement independently.
However, in the near future it will try to capture the
latent prevailing mood or opinion of the author along
her or his narratives.
This paper presented the state of work of a
prototypical system to produce and apply context-
aware information retrieval and classification on
different levels on granularity. Named entity
recognition (accompanied by analysis of N-grams)
helps to identify context information.
The paper presents application of recursive NER
in the area of economic analysis and hate speech
detection. Once the context descriptions are created,
retrieval and classification processes operate on these
data. It enables a smoother navigation over texts and
zooming in to text passages that hit the interest of the
users. It supports also the contextualization across a
series of statements along their discourse storyline in
social media. Text analysis along the storyline of
discourses supports hate speech detection.
The long-term objective of the system design as
discussed here is a stronger involvement of humans
in the development of context information and on the
behavior of the system concerning context inference.
This involvement results in a more active role of the
users in designing, controlling, and adapting of the
learning process that feeds the automatic detection of
context information.
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