ate and stay below a given latency. The secure S-
DSM can increase the security parameter up to a given
point it does not break the performance requirements.
Conversely, in a distributed database, the secure S-
DSM can decrease the security parameter to acceler-
ate queries down to a given value it does not violate
the security policy.
Software-Distributed Shared Memory adoption in
distributed heterogeneous platforms and embedded
systems requires strong guarantees on data protection.
In this position paper, we propose to use the Attribute-
Based Encryption paradigm to manage fine grained
access control to the shared data. This ABE scheme is
implemented as a transparent layer standing between
the application and the S-DSM programming inter-
face. Our preliminary results on a simple reading-
writing image application demonstrate the feasibility
of the approach with an expected overhead (a fac-
tor scale of approximately 100) induced by the ABE
cryptosystem. Several perspectives follow. The first
one consists in improving the current API by using
more versatile ABE schemes (e.g. with multi-level
access control, allowing revocation, etc.) as well as
optimizing the code to obtain better performances.
Secondly, we intent to investigate the possibility to
use cryptography accelerators in an opportunistic way
on the heterogeneous platform. Finally, another re-
search perspective is the exploration of an automatic
tuning of the security parameter in our API for the S-
DSM to fulfil the security and performance require-
ments, while reducing the energy consumption. As
such, in function of the application context one could
choose to target a lower security level but higher per-
formances (e.g. a real-time video broadcast applica-
tion) or, on the contrary, to guarantee a higher security
while accepting a degradation in the overall computa-
tion (e.g. a data storage application).
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SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography