Attribute-Based Encryption and Its Application to a
Software-Distributed Shared Memory
Oana Stan
, Lo
ıc Cudennec
and Louis Syo
CEA, LIST, PC 172, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
DGA MI, Department of Artificial Intelligence, BP 7, 35998 Rennes Arm
ees, France
Distributed Shared Memory, Attribute-Based Encryption.
Due to the widespread of cloud computing, there is an increasing interest in distributed systems as well as
in data privacy and security. However, unlike the multi-core processors and NUMA architectures, the Dis-
tributed Shared Memory (DSM) systems do not benefit from the numerous works on security and privacy. We
argue here that their potential deployment onto distributed heterogeneous systems requires new approaches to
securely manage access to shared data. In this paper we propose to rely on the Attribute-Based Encryption
(ABE) techniques to tackle the problem of data security within the Software DSM. Moreover, this approach
allowing to directly store encrypted data within the DSM and to manage the access control to these data is
made transparent for the user. The implementation over an in-house S-DSM using libbswabe, an ABE li-
brary, shows that, as expected, the overhead is significant, but that it can also be adapted to the application
requirements as a trade-off between security and performance.
The recent massive adoption of cloud and edge com-
puting increased the interest in the conception of
highly-performing and in the same time safe dis-
tributed systems. In distributed architectures, dis-
tributed shared memory systems (DSM) are used
to build an abstraction layer over remote memories.
These systems allow to write programs that rely on
the convenient shared memory programming model
in which processes can concurrently access a shared
space. The management of communications, the data
localization and transfer are made transparent for the
developer. Software-Distributed Shared Memory (S-
DSM) systems are usually designed for HPC (High
Performance Computing) machines such as super-
computers and clusters. HPC systems are deployed
within a protected, off-line environment, the physical
access being restricted to a very small list of platform
administrators and the remote access being opened to
a documented list of users. In these machines, appli-
cations and services are deployed under the supervi-
sion of a job scheduler and resource broker that iso-
lates the processes from the other users as in a sand-
box or virtual machine. This is the reason why most
S-DSM -if not all- do not address security issues, be-
cause the context of deployment is considered safe
and benevolent: the only concern is performance.
With the prevalent development of high-
performance embedded computing (HPeC), some
systems (Ghane et al., 2020) propose to deploy
S-DSM over distributed heterogeneous architectures.
These novel platforms are intended to be integrated
into consumer electronic devices such as autonomous
vehicles and other smart devices.
In this context, security and privacy is now of ma-
jor importance as the direct environment is not safe
anymore and the management of applications is not
under the supervision of a trusted third-party. Fur-
thermore, other running applications might be written
by unknown developers. Therefore, S-DSM systems
have to provide security and privacy mechanisms to
ensure that data are only shared among authorized
participants. Without any mechanism of data protec-
tion, any application with its associated users having
access to this shared memory can read and modify
sensitive data.
In this paper, we propose an approach for a secure
and transparent API for accessing the S-DSM allow-
ing the developers to implement secure-by-design dis-
tributed applications. It relies on Attribute-Based En-
cryption and it allows not only to ensure data privacy
but also to control the access of the multiple users to
the S-DSM system.
Stan, O., Cudennec, L. and Syoën, L.
Attribute-Based Encryption and Its Application to a Software-Distributed Shared Memory.
DOI: 10.5220/0009890606250631
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2020) - SECRYPT, pages 625-631
ISBN: 978-989-758-446-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) is an emerging
cryptographic paradigm, allowing a fine grained ac-
cess control to the encrypted data. Unlike the tradi-
tional public key cryptosystems where the access to
the encrypted data is either all or nothing (i.e,. given
the secret key, one can decrypt and read the entire
message) and the key management is complicated,
ABE offers a versatile way to decrypt the data accord-
ing to a specified complex policy for access control.
Given the characteristics of distributed shared mem-
ory systems, more specifically, multiple users with
different access rights to various sensitive data and
different applications, it seems that ABE is an appro-
priate security solution for this particular application
context. A first approach is to encrypt data before
writing into the S-DSM. This approach is portable and
platform-agnostic. However, it is not transparent for
the developer and it requires to modify the application
to manage the encryption at the user level. In this pa-
per we propose to integrate an ABE system within the
S-DSM API so that the technical aspects of the secu-
rity policy are hidden to the developer. We implement
this approach into an in-house S-DSM and evaluate
the overhead of such an overloading of the API.
While being extensively studied for multi-core and
multi-processor with physically shared memory and
dedicated hardware-based encryption, data protection
for software-DSM is quite rare in the literature. In
this paper (Rogers et al., 2006) from 2006, the authors
provide an analysis of the requirements to protect the
DSM against hardware and coherence protocol at-
tacks. They propose an extended version of the MESI
protocol with a mix of data encryption and message
authentication using AES and Galois/Counter Mode.
Results based on simulation show that the overhead is
around 6-8% using the SPLASH-2 benchmark. How-
ever, this requires to modify the existing DSM in or-
der to deploy the new coherence protocol, which is
not feasible for hardware-DSM and difficult to imple-
ment within software-DSM systems that do not allow
multiple coherence protocols. More recently, a sim-
ilar work (Khan and Henchiri, 2014) has been con-
ducted using signcryption techniques but there is no
report on the implementation of the solution.
ABE has been studied from 2006 (Goyal et al.,
2006) with examples of applications based on audit
log and targeted media broadcasting. It has there-
after been used in several contexts. In the SOUP
system (Koll et al., 2014), a peer-to-peer social net-
work is proposed in which only eligible users can ac-
cess data based on ABE. This is probably the clos-
est work to our contribution, as an ABE scheme is
used over a data-sharing distributed service. How-
ever, to our knowledge there is no work that imple-
ments ABE over a S-DSM system. From a theoreti-
cal point of view, there has been significant progress
for ABE constructions in terms of security guaran-
tees and assumptions, efficiency or expressing poli-
cies ((Sahai and Waters, 2005),(Bethencourt et al.,
2007), (Boyen, 2013), (Gorbunov et al., 2013), etc.).
In function of the way the access policy is linked to
the ciphertexts, there are two main categories of ABE
schemes: the Key-Policy ABE ((Goyal et al., 2006)),
in which the attributes are encrypted data and the pri-
vate keys are generated according to the access pol-
icy and Ciphertext-Policy ABE ((Bethencourt et al.,
2007)), in which the attributes are private keys and
the access policies are associated with the ciphertexts.
Other criteria which distinguish the different exist-
ing ABE schemes are the policy structure they sup-
port (e.g. Boolean formula (Goyal et al., 2006), cir-
cuits (Gorbunov et al., 2013), etc.), the underlying se-
curity assumptions they rely on (e.g. Learning with
Error-LWE problem, bilinear Diffie-Hellman, etc.) or
the additional challenges they address (e.g. revoca-
tion (Sahai et al., 2012), multiple authorities (Chase,
2007), etc.). However, intrinsically, all ABE schemes
have a security guarantee which is the collusion re-
sistance: a coalition of users learns nothing about the
plaintext message if none of them are authorized to
decrypt the ciphertext.
The analysis from Section 4 goes in more details
about the existing ABE schemes but let us now give
more details about the particular DSM system we
want to secure with ABE.
Distributed computing architectures such as com-
puting grids, clusters and micro-servers escalate the
problem of shared data management due to the lack
of a centralize physical memory. Distributed shared
memory systems (DSM) are used to federate phys-
ically distributed memories among the system into
a global logical memory. With DSM the devel-
oper can allocate and access shared data from any
thread/process deployed on any node, as in a regular
Posix-like programming environment.
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
3.1 High-level Description of the
In this work we consider a Software-DSM (S-DSM)
as presented in (Cudennec, 2018). This S-DSM is or-
ganized as a super-peer system, made of a peer-to-
peer network of servers and a set of clients that run the
user code. Shared data are stored into atomic pieces
called chunks. The API provides primitives to allo-
cate and access chunks, as well as to use common
distributed synchronization objects (rendez-vous, bar-
riers, signals..). Each access to a chunk is processed
according to a specific coherence model. In this work
we use a regular lazy consistency model implemented
by a 4-state MESI, home-based protocol (Culler et al.,
1998). This S-DSM is implemented in C and relies on
the MPI message passing framework to manage com-
munications, distributed bootstrapping and peer over-
A classical user interface to interact with the S-
DSM includes the following primitives:
Chunk t MALLOC(int size): allocates memory
in the S-DSM, the function returns a chunk with a
field data of size size.
void READ(Chunk
t chunk), void
WRITE(Chunk t chunk) and void
READWRITE(Chunk t chunk): asks the sys-
tem to access the given chunk (synchronous
access primitives).
void RELEASE(Chunk t chunk): notifies the
system that the chunk is no longer accessed.
(asynchronous release primitive)
In the user code, a call to an access primitive opens a
scope in which the chunk is guaranteed to be coherent
regarding the chosen coherence model. This scope
is closed with a call to the release primitive. Within
this scope, the chunk allows to access data in clear
text. In case of a write access, the modifications are
committed to the S-DSM and made available for other
3.2 Privacy-preserving Problem of
S-DSM and Threat Analysis
As shown in the previous section, there are many
threats and vulnerabilities with the current S-DSM
design. The main issue is that communications can
be intercepted and replayed with or without modifica-
tion of the original message (the man-in-the-middle
attack). There are three main consequences in this
scenario: A) the message containing plaintext data
can be discovered and modified, B) an attacker can
play the role of a regular client and access shared
data and C) messages can be generated to disrupt the
coherence protocol, get privileges on shared data or
cause a faulty state. In this work we address conse-
quences A and B. The proposed solution does not re-
quire to modify the coherence protocol as in (Rogers
et al., 2006) and it is made transparent for both the
application and the S-DSM.
As for many - if not all- S-DSM systems in the lit-
erature, the security policy and access rights manage-
ment are not addressed at all. In this S-DSM, all par-
ticipants, as defined by a MPI process, can evenly in-
voke S-DSM primitives to allocate and access shared
data, initiate and participate to group synchronization
events. Memory chunks are identified by an UID, an
unsigned long in this implementation. With the UID it
is possible to allocate, read and write the correspond-
ing chunk without restriction, which is the starting
point of this contribution.
There are various actors which can use this mem-
ory but globally they can be classified into clients and
servers. The clients correspond to the applications us-
ing the memory and they can communicate only with
the servers which act as proxies for the other nodes of
the network. There is no existing mechanism for an
access policy or to protect sensitive data. As such, any
application having the UID, i.e. the chunk identifier,
can access and modify its content. This is problem-
atic in the cases of compromised applications since
it constitutes a threat for the data confidentiality and
integrity of other applications using the same S-DSM
instance. Moreover, in the context of heterogeneous
and distant systems, this threat is quite real since it is
difficult to have a perfect control for all nodes hosting
the applications and to control their security.
4.1 Analysis and Comparison of ABE
A first step of our approach to protect the S-DSM
described in the previous section was to realize a
comparative analysis of the current ABE schemes
and identify the most fitted for our application con-
text. Table 1 resumes some of the main existing ABE
systems and their underlying security assumptions
(DBDH -Decision Bilinear Diffie-Hellman, BDHE -
Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Exponent, LWE- Learning
With Errors, DLWE - Decisional LWE), their type
(either key policy or ciphertext -Ctxt), the way the ac-
Attribute-Based Encryption and Its Application to a Software-Distributed Shared Memory
cess policy is expressed (in form of a tree, circuit or
LSSS - Linear Secret Sharing Scheme matrix) as well
as other particular characteristics (e.g. HABE - Ho-
momorphic ABE allowing the possibility to process
directly on ABE encrypted data, etc.)
As shown also in the table, almost all construc-
tions from the beginning are exploiting Boolean for-
mulas and are relying on the hardness of Discrete Log
problem defined on bilinear maps. As such, they are
vulnerable to quantum cryptanalysis. More recently,
there are proposals of ABE schemes (e.g.(Gorbunov
et al., 2013)) supporting polynomial-size circuits and
relying on the quantum resistant Learning with Error
problem. However, even if the last schemes give more
flexibility in terms of access management, their un-
derlying policy is complicated and thus the size of the
ciphertexts and the time required for encryption and
especially decryption is particularly high.
Moreover, for a first evaluation and validation of
our proposal, we searched for existing ABE libraries.
To the best of our knowledge, there are only a few
available: (Dai et al., 2017), libbswabe ABE library
and OpenABE
. While the first is based on ABE
scheme from (Boneh et al., 2014) and thus quantum-
resistant, the execution times and the implementation
constraints make it difficult to use for a fast prototyp-
ing. As such, the preliminary study we present here
is using libbswabe library, based on the well estab-
lished and efficient Ciphertext-Policy ABE scheme of
Bethancourt et al. (Bethencourt et al., 2007). Let us
now present more in details this ABE scheme.
4.2 Ciphertext-Policy ABE Chosen
This scheme (Bethencourt et al., 2007) is the first
work on Ciphertext-Policy ABE in which the private
keys of the users are described by an arbitrary number
of attributes (in the form of strings) and the cipher-
texts are associated with the access policy.
Access Structure. Mathematically, the access
structure is a monotonic access tree T , in which the
non-leaf nodes are threshold gates (AND, XOR) and
the leafs are attributes.
Let G
a bilinear map of prime order p with g
a generator of G
and e : G
× G
a bilinear
map. κ is the security parameter defining the size of
the groups,
is the Lagrange coefficient for i Z
and a set S of elements in Z
(x) = Π
jS, j6=i
x j
i j
Finally, H : {0,1}
is a hash function to map
the attributes described as strings into random group
Setup(κ). It outputs the public parameters PK =
,g,h = g
) and a master key MK =
) with α,β two random exponents from Z
KeyGen(MK,S). Takes as input a set of attributes
S and outputs a key that identifies with that set:
SK = (D = g
, j S : D
= g
·H( j)
with random r Z
and r
for each attribute
j S.
Encrypt(PK,M,T ).
Let Y be the set of leaf nodes in T . The ciphertext
for message M is:
CT = (T ,
C = Me(g,g)
,C = h
,y Y : C
= H(att(y))
with q
a polynomial for each node x T and att(x),
the attribute associated with the leaf node x.
Decrypt(CT , SK). This recursive algorithm takes
as input a ciphertext CT which contains the access
policy, the private key SK and the public parameters
For more details on the latter algorithm, as well as
on the delegation capacity, we refer the reader to the
original paper (Bethencourt et al., 2007).
In our prototype for a generic secure API for the S-
DSM, the primitives of the ABE scheme are almost
transparent for those writing applications on top of it.
For encryption we use libbswabe library that imple-
ments the ABE ciphertext policy scheme of (Bethen-
court et al., 2007). More precisely, we used a hybrid
encryption of ABE with AES in CBC mode with a
symmetric key of 128 bits. As such, the encryption
consists in the ABE encryption of the AES key and
the encryption of the data symmetrically with AES.
The access to the current S-DSM follows the entry
consistency scheme. First, a call to a malloc function
that takes the size of the data as parameter and re-
turns a memory chunk. Second, a call to an access
primitive, either read, write or readwrite, giving a
chunk as parameter. This opens a scope in which it is
possible to access a specific data field in the chunk.
The release primitive is used to close the scope.
Within a scope, the data field is guaranteed to be allo-
cated and the data, in plain text, is consistent in regard
of the chosen coherence protocol. We overload these
primitives to transparently manage ABE on each call.
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Comparison of ABE schemes.
Hypothesis Ref Type Access policy Other
(Sahai and Waters, 2005) Key Threshold Structure
(Goyal et al., 2006) Key Tree-based Structure
(Bethencourt et al., 2007) Ctxt Tree-based Structure
(Cheung and Newport, 2007) Ctxt AND gates Negation
(Goyal et al., 2008) Ctxt Access tree
(Ibraimi et al., 2009) Ctxt
Secret sharing
Operator of
(Liang et al., 2009) Ctxt Tree-based Structure
One-time signa-
(Emura et al., 2010) Ctxt AND gates
BDHE (Waters, 2011) Ctxt LSS matrix
(Boneh et al., 2014) Key Circuit
Key homomor-
(Gorbunov et al., 2013) Key Circuit TOR framework
(Boyen, 2013) Key LSS matrix Based on Regev
DLWE (Brakerski and Vaikuntanathan, 2016) Key Circuit
Based on (Boneh
et al., 2014)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Time (ms)
Chunk size (b)
(a) Different chunk sizes (q = 512)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Time (ms)
Number of bits in q
(b) Different q bit sizes
Figure 1: Access time in the S-DSM with ABE.
The malloc primitive requires to take into account the
size overhead induced by the encrypted data. While
the user still provides the data size for plain text, the
overloaded primitive calculates the corresponding en-
crypted size to be allocated in the S-DSM. The access
primitives are quite straightforward as it only needs to
call the ABE encryption primitive before sending data
to S-DSM servers and the decryption primitive before
returning data to the user.
Preliminary experiments have been conducted on
a simple producer-consumer application. A 256x256
image is written and read into/from the S-DSM be-
tween two processes. The size of a line is 256 bytes
(1 byte per pixel) and the image is stored line by line
into memory (a chunk per line). When setting the
maximum size of chunks to a smaller value, several
chained chunks are used to store the complete line.
All processes have been co-located onto the same
node to get rid of the network communication over-
head and uncertainty.
The time to read and write the image in the S-
DSM is less that 0.2ms without ABE. Figure 1a shows
the time when using ABE (around 55ms) with differ-
ent chunk sizes for 512 bits of security. While being
a significant overhead compared to not using ABE,
these values have to be placed in perspective with
the communication timings when deploying onto dis-
tributed computing architectures, and most likely Eth-
ernet and USB-based networks used by embedded de-
vices. Furthermore, distributed runtimes are prone to
hide such access costs behind pipeline parallelism.
Figure 1b presents the access time using different
values for the security parameter q. As expected, the
computing time needed to encrypt and decrypt data
directly depends on this security parameter. There-
fore, there is a trade-off to find between performance
and security, and this trade-off depends on the ap-
plication context. For example, live broadcasting of
video might require to maintain a minimal framer-
Attribute-Based Encryption and Its Application to a Software-Distributed Shared Memory
ate and stay below a given latency. The secure S-
DSM can increase the security parameter up to a given
point it does not break the performance requirements.
Conversely, in a distributed database, the secure S-
DSM can decrease the security parameter to acceler-
ate queries down to a given value it does not violate
the security policy.
Software-Distributed Shared Memory adoption in
distributed heterogeneous platforms and embedded
systems requires strong guarantees on data protection.
In this position paper, we propose to use the Attribute-
Based Encryption paradigm to manage fine grained
access control to the shared data. This ABE scheme is
implemented as a transparent layer standing between
the application and the S-DSM programming inter-
face. Our preliminary results on a simple reading-
writing image application demonstrate the feasibility
of the approach with an expected overhead (a fac-
tor scale of approximately 100) induced by the ABE
cryptosystem. Several perspectives follow. The first
one consists in improving the current API by using
more versatile ABE schemes (e.g. with multi-level
access control, allowing revocation, etc.) as well as
optimizing the code to obtain better performances.
Secondly, we intent to investigate the possibility to
use cryptography accelerators in an opportunistic way
on the heterogeneous platform. Finally, another re-
search perspective is the exploration of an automatic
tuning of the security parameter in our API for the S-
DSM to fulfil the security and performance require-
ments, while reducing the energy consumption. As
such, in function of the application context one could
choose to target a lower security level but higher per-
formances (e.g. a real-time video broadcast applica-
tion) or, on the contrary, to guarantee a higher security
while accepting a degradation in the overall computa-
tion (e.g. a data storage application).
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Attribute-Based Encryption and Its Application to a Software-Distributed Shared Memory