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pretable readability evaluation methodology, which is
based on a large set of static analysis metrics and cod-
ing violations. The evaluation of our approach in a set
of diverse axes indicates that our system can be effec-
tive for evaluating readability on three axes, each cor-
responding to a primary source code property. Upon
providing results that lead to actionable recommenda-
tions regarding the audits that can enhance the read-
ability degree of the project under evaluation, our sys-
tem can be a valuable tool for developers.
Future work relies on several directions. At
first, we can expand our dataset by adding additional
projects with different characteristics and thus im-
prove the ability of our models to generalize. Finally,
the design of our target variable can be further investi-
gated for the incorporation of additional metrics other
than violations.
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Regional Development Fund of the European Union
and Greek national funds through the Operational
Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and In-
novation, under the call RESEARCH - CREATE - IN-
NOVATE (project code: T1EDK-04045).
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ICSOFT 2020 - 15th International Conference on Software Technologies