(Crisostomo et al., 2019) proposed an image-
processing based smart parking system for multi-
storey parking garages. The system was validated
with several video-feeds from different in-house park-
ing garages. It determines whether the parking lots
are occupied by indicating a red outline if a car is oc-
cupying a parking space and then turns green when it
is unoccupied.
An approach using light sensors to determine the
presence of a vehicle is presented in (Srikanth et al.,
2009). The WSN subsystem forwards the information
to a management server which transmits the occu-
pancy information of the parking spaces to the guid-
ing nodes and entrance system. A full-featured proto-
type model was implemented in order to validate the
parking management system which includes also the
availability of reservation.
Fully automated car parking relies often on me-
chanical handling. (Eswaran et al., 2013) proposed
a lift mechanism which transports the car to an allo-
cated parking lot. Various sensors, motors and soft-
ware are necessary to detect and transport the car.
The disadvantage of these systems is the initial cost
of building such parking garages. Another approach
uses the conventional concrete garages that can be
transformed into an automated parking system with-
out the deployment of sensors in each of the parking
lots (Nayak et al., 2013). The presented technology
uses robotic valets, which are the vehicle carriers that
park them compactly in a given space of the parking
While these approaches and parking garages us-
ing robotic valet parking systems in general are very
promising in regards to time and space efficiency,
they are usually newly built at high costs. Hence, we
present an approach in which existing parking garages
can be retrofitted cost-effectively with an entrance to
parking lot booking and navigation system, enabling
a completely new car park management concept. Fig-
ure 1 gives an overview of the in-house parking tech-
nology with an automated booking system. In ad-
dition to the goal of intelligent control of parking
garages, the inner-city traffic flow is also to be con-
trolled. On the basis of this technology, for exam-
ple, parking spaces can be sublet or micro-hubs can
be implemented for inner-city logistics. Specifically,
a radio-based indoor localization technology is being
developed, whereby vehicles are navigated from the
barrier at the entrance to the booked parking space
using a Sensor-Tag (Coin) (cf. figure 2) and a Parking
App. Only the infrastructure and no vehicle informa-
tion is used with this technology. The great advan-
tage of this approach is therefore the independence
from different vehicle features and the possibility to
also deploy the system with so-called legacy vehicles.
Via the background system the car park operator can
monitor the current parking space occupancy and the
current events in the car park in real time using the
monitoring portal.
Figure 2: Test vehicle with sensor tag on the dashboard.
Next to presenting the previously described system,
this contribution discusses different technologies for
WSN indoor positioning, as a robust positioning is a
key feature for navigation within the parking garage.
For applications with high demands in terms of accu-
racy, range-based approaches (cf. section 3) are often
utilized, directly measuring distances between fixed
anchors and mobile tags. In our conducted work, we
discuss both the usage of Ultra-Wide Band (UWB)
and a narrow-band technology at 2.4 GHz for the de-
scribed application. Furthermore, a robust position
estimation scheme is presented, utilizing Markov Lo-
calization, also referred to as Probability Grid Posi-
tioning (PGP), which is compared to a state-of-the-art
positioning method, revealing its superiority in terms
of accuracy.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: sec-
tion 2 provides an overview of the proposed auto-
mated in-house parking system, followed by section
3 giving an overview on available measurement prin-
ciples to obtain spatial information within a WSN as
well as the discussion on possible technology candi-
dates as a basis for robust indoor positioning. Finally,
section 4 introduces a robust state estimation based
on a presented Markov Localization approach. The
paper concludes with a summary and proposals for
future research work in section 5.
In this section we provide an overview of the pro-
posed automated in-house parking system in detail
Future Parking Applications: Wireless Sensor Network Positioning for Highly Automated in-House Parking