In this paper, I proposed data-centric based approach
to compute precise dependency information (by re-
moving false alarms) among the database statement
of a database application. To refine the syntax-
based DD-dependency information (may exist false
alarm), I design a Database-Database Dependency
Analyzer (D3A) based on the following key modules:
(i) Identifying database statements, (ii) Augmentation
of syntax-based DOPDG and (iii) Analyzer. Cur-
rently, I am implementing the proposed tool D3A, as
per the description provided in the tool architecture,
in a modular way to support scalability. In future, this
tool will be used to address efficiently several soft-
ware engineering problems like Database Code Slic-
ing (Larsen and Harrold, 1996), Database Leakage
Analysis (Halder et al., 2014), Data Provenance (Ch-
eney et al., 2007), Materialization View Creation (Sen
et al., 2012), Concurrent System modeling, etc.
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ICSOFT 2020 - 15th International Conference on Software Technologies