We find this assumption to be difficult to main-
tain, since predicting the beginning of the error floor
region is an extremely challenging task, which has
currently no satisfactory closed form solution. In-
deed, phenomena such as the existence of the so-
called trapping sets (particular sets of error patterns
which cause an iterative decoder to fail), which are
deemed to have a negligible impact in the assump-
tion made in (Sendrier and Vasseur, 2019a), are one
of the prime objects of study to determine the location
of the error floor region (Richardson, 2003; Hashemi
and Banihashemi, 2019).
We note that if either a concavity change, or sim-
ply the change in the rate of the exponential decrease
of the DFR curve before the concavity change, takes
place before the region of practical interest, the ex-
trapolations made in (Sendrier and Vasseur, 2019a)
will provide cryptosystem parameters which are not
matching the DFR needed in IND-CCA2 construc-
tions. We therefore believe that relying on DFR curve
extrapolations may provide overly optimistic cryp-
tosystem parameter designs (Drucker and Gueron,
2017; Drucker et al., 2019).
In (Sendrier and Vasseur, 2019a), the authors also
analyze an in-place decoding algorithm, called Step-
by-step decoder modeling its DFR. The proposed
analysis however, obtains a DFR estimate which is
lower than the actual DFR obtained via numerical
simulation, and thus cannot be employed when an up-
per bound of the DFR value is desired. Furthermore,
the proposed analysis considers the asymptotic be-
haviour of the Step-by-step decoder when an infinite
number of iterations is performed. Such an approach
provides a practical hindrance in principle to the im-
plementation of the decoding procedure as a constant
time one, as there is no fixed upper bound to the num-
ber of iterations a-priori.
In this work, we obtain a characterization of a
simple in-place decoder with a finite number of iter-
ations, allowing its constant-time implementation in
practice. Our characterization provides a statistical
model which, by considering the worst case evalua-
tion of the decoder, provides a conservative estimate
of the decoder evolution. As a result, we do not rely
on any specific a-priori assumption on the behaviour
of the DFR curve but, on the contrary, completely de-
rive it as a function of the scheme parameters and the
decoder setting.
We have presented a statistical analysis of the be-
haviour of an in-place randomized bit-flipping (IR-
BF) decoder, derived from the classic in-place bit-
flipping decoder by randomizing the order in which
the estimated error positions are processed. The said
modification allows us to derive a worst-case analy-
sis for the DFR of syndrome-decoding based systems,
which is employed to design code parameters for QC-
LDPC/QC-MDPC based cryptoystems matching the
DFR figures of merit needed to provide IND-CCA2
guarantees. Differently from other solutions available
at the state-of-the-art, the proposed analysis allows
to fix the number of iterations of the IR-BF decoder
a-priori (e.g., imax = 2), allowing an easy constant-
time implementation, preventing timing-based side
channel attacks.
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