Providing Secured Access Delegation in Identity Management
Abubakar-Sadiq Shehu
1,2 a
, António Pinto
and Manuel E. Correia
2,3 c
Department of Information Technology, FCSIT, Bayero University Kano, Kano, Nigeria
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
CRACS & INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Service Providers, Identity Provider, Authentication, Authorisation, Opend ID Connect, Attribute based
Access Control, Public Key Cryptography.
Abstract: The evolutionary growth of information technology has enabled us with platforms that eases access to a
wide range of electronic services. Typically, access to these services requires users to authenticate their
identity, which involves the release, dissemination and processing of personal data by third parties such as
service and identity providers. The involvement of these and other entities in managing and processing
personal identifiable data has continued to raise concerns on privacy of personal information. Identity
management systems (IdMs) emerged as a promising solution to address major access control and privacy
issues, however most research works are focused on securing service providers (SPs) and the services
provided, with little emphases on users privacy. In order to optimise users privacy and ensure that personal
information are used only for intended purposes, there is need for authorisation systems that controls who
may access what and under what conditions. However, for adoption data owners perspective must not be
neglected. To address these issues, this paper introduces the concept of IdM and access control framework
which operates with RESTful based services. The proposal provides a new level of abstraction and logic in
access management, while giving data owner a decisive control over access to personal data using smart-
phone. The framework utilises Attribute based access control (ABAC) method to authenticate and authorise
users, Open ID Connect (OIDC) protocol for data owner authorisation and Public-key cryptography to
achieve perfect forward secrecy communication. The solution enables data owner to attain the responsibility
of granting or denying access to their data, from a secured communication with an identity provider using a
digitally signed token.
The continuous growth in Internet technologies has
increased the adaption to Web enabled services,
which eases access and processing of electronic data
in a wide range of fields. For example it is used to
access social services in healthcare, finance,
insurance and educational institutions. However, this
advancement has proliferated the risk of users private
data exposure to third parties (SPs and IdPs) that
manages the data as they (user) barely have control of
their data on different services. To ensure users data
privacy and regulate third-party access, IdMs with
access delegation methods are used.
Access delegation is akin to power of attorney. It
is a process of entrusting or transferring acting
powers to a legal entity (person, business or
application) to act on behalf of another entity in
conducting transactions. Electronically, access
delegation is achieved in twofold by; authentication
and authorisation. Authenticating an entity implies
proving that the entity is indeed who they claim to be
by presenting what they have or who they are (Jin et
al., 2012). While authorisation indicates a decision
on what resources an authenticated entity is allowed
to perform (Tschofenig, 2015). Some standard
protocols used by IdMs in achieving these include,
SAML, OAuth, LDAP and Shibboleth.
Shehu, A., Pinto, A. and Correia, M.
Providing Secured Access Delegation in Identity Management Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0009892206380644
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2020) - SECRYPT, pages 638-644
ISBN: 978-989-758-446-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The ability to delegate access rights is important
as it improves on quality and timeliness of service
delivery. This process is mostly felt in sectors like
health, banking and educational institutions. In
Health institutions for example, healthcare
practitioners exercises their duty by accessing some
electronic data on behalf of the healthcare
institution. To do this they would need to access
personal health record of a patient and possibly
create entries for consultation, which implies a
representation of both the Healthcare institution and
patient, which gives an uncontrolled access to the
institutional and personal health record of the patient
(Sá-Correia. et al., 2020). Hence, generates the issue
of data privacy
Data privacy is ability to control the release of
private data (Gates, 2007). To achieve this by access
delegation, a representative has to be properly
identified and authorised. In conventional
transactions, physical identification with an identity
document is sufficient. However, the prevalence of
electronic services necessitated the need for an
equivalent identification method that supports access
delegation with secured gateways. In related works,
several IdM concepts using secured protocols where
proposed, however many of these works are unable
to address the needed flexibility for modular
approach to access delegation and allowing data
owners determine their own privacy.
To address these issues, we introduce SChEMER
(uSer Centred Mandate Representation), for preserv-
ing privacy of users personal information on IdMs.
The solution is a decentralised and user centred access
delegation framework that adopts some technologies;
OIDC, ABAC and Public key cryptograpy. It extends
a standard authentication and authorisation request of
a user and enables a data owner to asynchronously
determine appropriate access, authorise and delegate
responsibility or share private resources with the user.
It provides an additional layer of security, where data
owner assumes full control over the disclosure of their
identity data through an assertion issued from their
mobile phones to an authorisation server which in turn
issues an access token.
The use of eServices has exposed users sensitive data
to third parties whom are not only able to access
private data, but also keep a registry of users access
pattern. The provision of these services to users ir-
respective of their location invariably involves data-
sharing among domains. A breach of trust can be en-
countered in a federated protocol where a user gets
authenticated to a compromised IdP using an identity
credential which is centrally controlled and agreed on
by both SP and IdP. Once done the client application
copies these credentials and are used to access back
end services. In many cases users tend to repeat
access credentials on services they access. However,
we assume here that different credentials are used on
different services, but the client application gets
around this by demanding for leading questions that
clearly reveals user’s identity, sometimes with
promised access to other or extended services.
Some example projects for the interoperability of
users data in Europe include: epSOS (cross- border
exchange of health data), e-CODEX (cross- border
legal services), STORK and eIDAS (regulation on
electronic identification and trust services in e-
transactions). While these projects are mostly
meeting their goals in easing access to interoparable
eServices, they have continued to raise issue relating
to privacy of users which include but not limited to
the following:
Non-optional trust on IdPs; Users are coerced to
trust IdPs and SPs who request and stores private
user information that are more than necessary to
access a service. If an IdP suffers a security
breach it loses private users data, therefore users
rather than the Idp bears the economic con-
sequences of identity theft and invasion of privacy
(Sabouri et al., 2012).
Data integrity and confidentiality; are SPs able to
guarantee that private data is free from
unauthorised access and manipulations?
Trusted parties colluding to mount an attack on
private data. This can be experienced in proxy re-
encryption method used in (Dash et al., 2017),
where trusted proxy colludes with recipient to
generate the originally encrypted message.
Possible breech of users private data lies between
the receipt, processing and dissemination of the data.
With the current role attained by SPs and IdPs, users
privacy on their data is non guaranteed. Some works
aimed at achieving users privacy on eServices have
been produced.
The work in (Leitold et al., 2014), (Zheng et al.,
2015) and (Falcão-Reis and Correia, 2010)
takes data regulatory provisions aimed at protecting
users private data (Directive, 1995) and (Regulation,
2016) into consideration. These works uses
Providing Secured Access Delegation in Identity Management Systems
mechanisms that demand data owner’s consent to
access personal data, but such consent does not
define the extent of use on requested data. Moreso,
since users data is at their disposal, noting stops SPs
and IdPs from exploiting the data at will. This
further makes a privacy-enhanced IdM
indispensable. The work in (Dash et al., 2017),
supports user consent on releas- ing identity
attributes, but relies on trusting the IdP to re-encrypt
the authorised attributes. A collusion within trusted
parties can lead to a compromise in public keys used
for the encryption. Also, most of the studied works
do not ensure minimisation of users data in identity
verification, giving services more than the required
data to verify a person. Also, once a user has granted
right of access on their data they cannot withdraw
such right, this further gives free reign on users data
to third parties.
To overcome these and other issues, there is a need
for security methods that implements policies based
on data owners decision flexible enough to allow them
control or delegate access to their data seamlessly and
at their will. With these data owners would have full
knowledge of access on their private data.
We propose a user centred access delegation method
using a fine grained access control model to
authenticate users. Once authenticated, data owners
can issue their consent to allow or deny access to pri-
vate resources. If allowed, users can carry out only
functions delegated by data owner. An example of
controlled access delegation is a valet key, where a
car owner is able to grants access to doors, trunk, or
car safe without the ignition.
The ubiquitous use of smart-phones has created a
dynamic computing platform, making it a de facto
carrier routinely by owners Therefore, integrating
owners mobile phone as a platform to authenticate
their identity and issue their consent will be seamless
and remove the need to trust third parties at different
While IdMs simplifies shared authentication
within and across domains, it does not include au-
thorisation. Therefore, SChEMER is be based on a
combination of OIDC federated identity, ABAC and
Public-key cryptography (asymmetric).
4.1 Underlying Technologies
OIDC is an authorisation protocol built upon the
OAuth 2.0 framework (Richer et al., 2017), it is used
to specify secure access authorisation and delegation
methods for users in federated IdMs based on the
authentication performed by an authorisation Server
(AS). OIDC’s AS issues cryptographycally secured
and signed credential access and ID token, which are
used to verify a request and contain several claims and
information about users request (e.g attributes, unique
identifiers and other meta data).
To acquire an access token, (1) a user requests to
access some protected resources from an SP. Since the
user is unknown to the SP, it responds with a redi-
rect URI containing information needed to verify, au-
thenticate and request for user authorisation at a del-
egated IdP. (2) User then authenticates at the IdP,
using certified credentials. (3) Once authentication
and authorisation is completed the IdP responds with
authorisation code, implicit code or user credentials.
To enhance user privacy and protect against hijack-
ing of authorisation response, protected resources are
not delivered directly in plain text rather a code is is-
sued (we adopt the use of authorisation code flow).
This flow issues an authorisation code to confirm the
users credential and request for consent to share this
information with SP before the access token is issued.
(4) The user then shares the code with the SP.
(5) SP forwards it to the IdP as a confirmation and
re- quest for access and ID token. (6) Once received,
the SP uses the access token to collect user
information from IdP, whereas the ID token is used
to confirm the user’s identity. (7) With the access
token, the SP de- livers the IdP’s consent to either
grant or deny access to the user. To prevent against
replay attack and ensure data integrity, OIDC token
contains a nonce and expiration timestamp for user’s
access to protected resources. Together with the
token, some hash value of the request information is
also generated and disseminated in the response.
Once user identity is verified and authorised, the SP
responds to the user.
ABAC, is a logical access control mechanism
that is based on XACML standard. It employs the
use of fine-grained contextual rules to determine the
authenticity of a request. Permissions are then
granted through the use of policy definitions that are
made up of collective attributes of subject and object
such as; who, what, why, when, where, how and in
e.t.c) are resources accessed (Hu et al., 2014).
Access policies define conditions (predicates over
attributes) of granting access to requests. ABAC
addresses some of the limitations posed by Role
based access control (RBAC) framework, like
inadequacy in role granularity which can lead to role
explosion. ABAC also supports the multi factor
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Diffie–Hellman key exchange.
Public Key Cr eation
Communicating entities
Step 1: keys selection P and (g modulo P) P and (g modulo P)
Step 2: integer selection integer a. integer b.
Step 3: Computation
modulo P. g
modulo P.
Step 4:Public key A and B exchange computation in Step 3.
Step 5: Secret keys
modulo P. (g
modulo P.
Step 6: Key exchange A and B exchange keys in Step 5.
Step 7: Secret keys The shared secret of A and B are equivalent.
evaluation of users attributes at run-time to determine
allowable operations for ex- ample, decision that
depends on some or all of users rank, organisation,
geo-location, affiliation and access history (Hu et al.,
2014) can be made at run-time. In ABAC, user
request and access decisions can be de- termined by
simply changing attribute values, without the need to
change the entities relationship defining underlying
policy. Additionally, ABAC presents great advantage
in access control as it encompasses the concepts of
Mandatory Access Control (MAC), Discretionary
Access Control (DAC) and RBAC (Ausanka-Crues,
2001; NIST, 1995). ABAC meets the required
flexibility of an access control model, as any attributes
that identifies an entity can be used to create rules
(Hu et al., 2014). It also fit to be applied externally
on APIs, databases and other secured resources and
supports high performance even in complex
environments. XACML defines the standard
architecture for the implementation of ABAC. A
XACML reference architecture is made up of: (1)
Policy enforcement point (PEP); located at a web
server, it intercepts a request, translates to XACML
and sends to Policy decision point (PDP). PEP
enforces authorisation decisions at the resource
server (RS). (2) PDP; Receives XACML request
from PEP, evaluates and propagates request with
respect to attribute and policies. (3) Policy
information point (PIP); Serves as the repository
holding attribute information about subject and
objects. It also serves as the sole policy repository
with default policies and attributes. (4) Policy
administration point (PAP); stores the abstract
authorisation policy in databases example, LDAP
and SQL. It anchors scopes and policies to PDP.
Public-key cryptography (Hankerson et al., 2006)
is a key exchange method where a common key pair
is used as a secret key between two communicating
parties in achieving perfect forward secrecy
communication. To arrive at a common key pair the
communicating parties first select two keys, a public
key that is known across the communicating channel
and a private key known only to the owner. For
example entities A and B agrees on a large prime
number p and a nonzero integer g to compute a
public key (g modulo p). Both parties then choose
secret integers a and b, and exchange a message with
value g
mod- ulo p and g
modulo p respectively.
With this they are able to compute their mutual
secret keys without knowing their private keys; A
computes (g
modulo p while B computes (g
modulo p. The values computed by A and B
respectively are actually the same, since (g
modulo p = (g
modulo p. The common value
generate is their exchanged key. With this key they
will be able to encode their message pri- vately since
it is know to them only. It addresses the key
management and distribution issues in asymmet- ric
key cryptography by ensuring data confidentiality
between communicating parties (Kuegler and Sheffer,
2012). An example of this is the Diffie Hellman key
exchange protocol as illustrated in Table 1.
4.2 Description of SChEMER
SChEMER is a user centred access delegation frame-
work aimed at ensuring privacy of users data. This
model is supported by a Mobile and Web application,
it is made up of the following entities; (1) User; a
person requesting access to protected resources at RS,
(2) User authorisation engine; an authorisation
endpoint for user based on ABAC. (3) RS; Protected
resources are stored on this server; (4) IdP; OIDC
provider, which contains an AS that encapsulates the
endpoints for data owner’s authentication and
authorisation. (5) Data owner; a person that owns
private resources. In contrast to user managed access
(UMA) (Richer et al., 2017), where data owner’s
policy on private resources is pre-defined, our
solution enables data owner to pro- vide access
policies, consent and access delegation method on
protected resources when an access re- quest is made,
which can be delivered asynchronously on their
mobile phone. To do this, data owner receives a
notification informing them on the need to respond
to an access request. Before giving consent, data
owner is able to verify users attributes and determines
access scope. SChEMER uses OIDC’s authorisation
code flow to asynchronously issue access token after
a data owner’s consent is received from their mobile
phone. The use of authorisation code via URI query
prevents the exposure of browser parameters (exam-
ple cache, log files) and replay attacks. It also pre-
vents phishing attacks, since the actual access token
is not revealed. The components in SChEMER are di-
vided into two authorisation sections as shown in fig-
ure 1, which are connected via the RS and IdP through
an adapter. The first section performs user
authorisation based on internal policies to confirm
Providing Secured Access Delegation in Identity Management Systems
Figure 1: Example instantiation of the architecture.
the authenticity of user and the resources requested
for. This re- quest is captured by PEP server within
the authorisation engine, which extracts both user and
protected resources attributes for the evaluation and
authorisation process within the engine. The second
authorisation section is initiated after receiving a
request from an adapter which is either completed
for first time from authorisation engine or a
subsequent request which has already been issued an
authorisation code/refresh token. The adapter is used
in cross conversion of user authorisation request and
access authorisation results into access delegation
request and vice-versa, so that they can be forwarded
to data owner as an access delegation request and to
user as a response. The concept of this work on
empowering data owners to decide their privacy and
determine access rights at their will tallies with the
EU regulations on Data Protection Directive (DPD)
and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
These regulations compels third-access request may
contain user ID or name, refresh
token, and user
profession or affiliation. All attributes are evaluated
against state policies (for example who may access
what resources according to state legislation),
organisational and resource policies which are in the
policy and attribute repositories. For example to be
affiliated with a project, reside in a supported
location, possess some qualification or even have
some working experience. Therefore, to achieve this
authorisation the engine fetches these policies within
it from PIP and PAP. Once all attributes for policy
evaluation have been gathered and evaluated, the
authorisation engine’s response is forwarded either
to parties to seek explicit owner’s consent before
using private data. The regulation further mandates
all applications, services and entities involved in
processing individual data to provide owners with full
knowledge of these processes.
4.3 SChEMER Integration with Open
This section describes the major components of
SChEMER framework; which integrates OIDC and
ABAC. The framework assumes that data owner is
pre-registered at IdP to receive an access delegation
request by notification, but unknown to SP. Likewise,
the user is known to the SP but not IdP. The
interaction process begins with user’s request.
User’s Request: a user requests for access on pro-
tected resources using a client application on behalf
of the owner from RS which operates with RESTful
service. The RS notices that the user is unknown, so
it replies with a redirect to an authorisation engine
through an adapter for the user to be authorised. The
RS passes along a callback URL (a redirect URL) as
a query parameter, which the adapter will use when
the authorisation process is completed. The user in-
vokes the authorisation engine via the adapter for au-
thorisation, which provide an authentication and au-
thorisation interface with scopes for user to provide
the required credentials. At the authorisation engine
the user credential is captured and the request is trans-
lated into XACML arbitrary language.
Authorisation Engine Process: At authorisation
engine, PEP intercepts user’s request, translates and
forwards it internally for the user authorisation based
on attributes and access policies of the user and the
resource been requested. The authorisation engine
captures the request that contains user’s and protected
resources attributes. Depending on the scenario, an
adapter that translate and forwards it to IdP or to a
terminal end if the authorisation is not granted. The
adapter passes along the request information as a
query parameter which the IdP will use when user
consent is received.
IdP Evaluation: IdP captures the request for-
warded by the adapter and sends it to data owner for
informed consent. Since SP is only known to the IdP
and not data owner, a request from IdP with users
redirect information and authorisation decision guar-
antees that the user is pre-authorised. Data owner re-
ceives this request as a notification on their mobile
phone. To issue informed consent, data owner needs
to sign into the IdP server and be authenticated, we
assume that a client application that enables user au-
thenticate to IdP is pre-installed on the data owners
mobile phone. Once authenticated they will be able to
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
respond asynchronously to requests by either grant-
ing or denying it. Before issuing this consent, both
data owner and IdP needs some assurance that the
right owner has received the request, to do this a se-
cured secret key generation process is initiated using
the Diffie Hellman public key exchange discussed in
Section 4.1, with which they both generate common
secured key to confirm their identities. Once both par-
ties are able to confirm their identities and establish a
common secured key, the data owner drafts a delega-
tion policy with the client application using the PAP,
and forwards a response to the IdP. The IdP computes
an authorisation code with query parameters in the
URL and sends it to the user via the adapter. To access
the resources the user presents the authorisation code
to the SP in exchange for a digitally signed OAuth
JSON Web access Token (JWT) and ID token at the
IdP, that is only understood by the RS but opaque to
client application and user. The RS submits the au-
thorisation code directly to the IdP for confirmation
of code, users authorisation process and scope of ac-
cess. IdP then responds with the access, refresh and
ID token. The access token is used to invoke RS
forthe protected resources. While the ID token
contain set of claims about the authentication session
such as user, IdP and client application ID, and
validity of the token. In other to protect an attacker
from overcoming IdP’s security, data owner issues an
access token that contains policy and scope, which
determines access lifetime, purpose, method,
location, usage and ability to revoke the token (both
refresh and access). With access token a user is able
to further invoke the RS for the purported service at
the same instance, while a refresh token is used to
access the same resource within the lifetime of the
access token.
This paper introduces a user centred access
delegation framework. It foresees a method that
secures users privacy and ensure data confidentiality
by authenticating a requestor, and granting only an
authorized requestor access to data via a revocable
token. This manifestation has detached the need to
trust an external IdP residing at the SP or controlled
by third parties and vice versa.
Being part of a work in progress, we strongly rely
on already implemented IdMs, client applications and
Government owned registers for integrating the
method. For future development, we plan to
implement our framework within the health care,
education and other social services to support
seamless interoperability of citizens data. This we
believe will further support EU digital single market.
This work is partially financed by National Funds
through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fun-
dação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project
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