Sentiment Polarity Classification of Corporate Review Data with a
Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory (biLSTM) Neural Network
R. E. Loke
and O. Kachaniuk
Centre for Market Insights, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Keywords: Natural Language Processing (NLP), Sentiment Analysis, Corporate Review Data, Supervised Learning,
biLSTM Neural Network with Attention Mechanism, Word Embeddings.
Abstract: A considerable amount of literature has been published on Corporate Reputation, Branding and Brand Image.
These studies are extensive and focus particularly on questionnaires and statistical analysis. Although
extensive research has been carried out, no single study was found which attempted to predict corporate
reputation performance based on data collected from media sources. To perform this task, a biLSTM Neural
Network extended with attention mechanism was utilized. The advantages of this architecture are that it
obtains excellent performance for NLP tasks. The state-of-the-art designed model achieves highly competitive
results, F1 scores around 72%, accuracy of 92% and loss around 20%.
The last two decades have seen a growing trend
toward usage of social media. This trend highlighted
the need to process huge numbers of client’s opinions,
reviews, regarding their experiences into meaningful
insights which could be used to boost corporate
In the history of development of economic
studies, corporate reputation has been thought of as a
key factor in corporate performance. Numerous
researches suggest a positive correlation between
corporate reputation and, for instance financial
performance (Silvija et al., 2017), Gatzert (2015).
Furthermore, Keh et al. (2009) show a relation
between reputation, customer's purchase intention
and the willingness to pay a price premium, where
they underline signicant influence of customer
trust/commitment on those two variables. Ross et al.
(1992) argue that socially engaged companies benefit
from it by having higher sales.
In the broad use of the term `Corporate
Reputation', it is sometimes equated as an entity
consisting of the views and beliefs about the
company. It encompasses the past and possible future
of corporation. However, the definition of corporate
reputation is a rather nebulous term due to the variety,
high polarity, subjectivity and various perspectives of
human judgment (Lester, 2009). According to the
definition provided by Fombrun and van Riel (1997),
corporate reputations are ‘ubiquitous, they remain
relatively understudied’.
One of the greatest challenges in the task of
predicting corporate reputation from media is related
to opinion mining, a machine learning task, which
refers to topic extraction from all data flow. A precise
method that is suited to this task is Attention Based
Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) that distinguishes
sentiments in a sentence according to aspects, so one
sentence can contain sentiment for different aspects
(Jiang, Chen, Xu, Ao and Yang, 2019). ABSA
methods can be set to work in both supervised as well
as unsupervised learning paradigms. In both
paradigms, BiLSTM networks with an attention
mechanism are increasingly important for this
sophisticated machine learning task and applied
linguistics as these require advanced text analysis
In the following sections, we describe method,
data, results as well as discussion and conclusion.
Loke, R. and Kachaniuk, O.
Sentiment Polarity Classification of Corporate Review Data with a Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory (biLSTM) Neural Network Architecture.
DOI: 10.5220/0009892303100317
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2020), pages 310-317
ISBN: 978-989-758-440-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Bidirectional LSTM
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are machine
learning algorithms based on the principles and
architectures of the human brain. NNs are a
successful attempt to mimic functioning and learning
ability of humans, where the neurons play a role of
computational nodes receiving signals via weighted
connections, synapses. Accordingly, the result
computed by an activation function and the output
can be found on the next node (Lurz, 2018). Figure 1
illustrates an input layer with x
: input neurons
sending information to the next hidden layer. Every
neuron has weighted inputs, mentioned in previous
paragraph, the synapses. On the next step, weights are
summarized and with the help of an activation
function pushed to output. There is a variety of
activation functions, such as linear, step, sigmoid,
tanh, and rectified linear unit (ReLu). In the model
that we created ReLu activation closely connected
with a sigmoid output layer was applied.
ANNs can be arranged and connected in multiple
different ways according to the goals, constraints and
type of data. One of the most effective architectures
for solving NLP related tasks is Recurrent Neural
Networks (RNNs). It gained wide application for
handling sequenced data and time series.
Figure 1: Visualization of Artificial Neuron (Davydova,
Deep learning is the modern state-of-the-art for
certain domains. It has performed to a high standard
for natural language processing tasks in the last
decade. In support of it, RNN has shown outstanding
results in capturing contextual similarities. However,
there are certain drawbacks specifically related to this
type of ANN architecture. What reduces precision of
this type of network is that the order of words matters,
in the sense that later words have more weights in
analysis (Lai, Xu, Liu and Zhao, 2015). The
movement from left to right defines computation of
sequence’s probability in one direction. Accordingly,
the last words of a sentence have more influence.
Therefore, accuracy of prediction at the next time step
is lower. However, this limitation can be tackled by
using an extended version of traditional RNN:
Bidirectional LSTM.
One of the most successful network architectures
in state-of-art ANN algorithms, is a subclass of RNN:
the bidirectional LSTM model. LSTM differs from
RNN in a number of important ways: it does not use
an activation function within recurrent components,
stored values stay fixed and the gradient
vanishing/exploding problem is not relevant. Figure 2
illustrates the basic LSTM model. This shows an
extension with the variable, c
. The purpose of this
variable is to collect the memory about previous time
steps and pass it through the network. LSTM units are
implemented in blocks having three gates: input,
forget and output. This structure provides an
additional input to the unit as input from a previous
time step, h
, and new input, x
(Manning and
Socher, 2017).
Figure 2: LSTM cell (Kachaniuk, 2019).
LSTM cells pass information from the past
outputs to current outputs with the help of storage
elements. LSTM has three control signals, i, o and f
respectively. Each of the non-linear functions σ is
activated by a weighted sum of the current input
observation x
and previous hidden state h
. In gate
a decision is made about remembering the previous
state, input gate i
is responsible to make the decision
whether to update the state of the LSTM using the
current input or not; output gate o
decides to pass the
hidden state further to the next iteration (Elsheikh,
Yacout and Ouali, 2018).
The new state c
stored in the LSTM is the sum of
the new gated input at and the gated previous state as
shown in Figure 2. This illustrates how the gates and
inputs interact.
LSTM proves to be a powerful model achieving
high prediction accuracy. W, H, and b are the
trainable weights and biases, for each gating signal
indicated, while h
is the current hidden layer
activation. Similar to the hidden states, the cell states
are defined. The current input is x
, and the gate
Sentiment Polarity Classification of Corporate Review Data with a Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory (biLSTM) Neural Network
activations are f
, a
, i
as described previously.
Finally, is the element-wise multiplication operator
(Elsheikh, Yacout and Ouali, 2018).
2.2 Word Embedding
Word embedding is fast becoming a key instrument
in NLP. The input to the machine learning algorithm
consists of letters, words, sentences or documents,
accordingly data needs to be mapped in a way that it
can be further numerically processed by a machine
(Lurz, 2018). The state-of-art word representation
that we use is performed accordingly on a word level
by using character level information.
An embedding plays a crucial role in mapping of
a discrete categorical variable to a vector of
continuous numbers for a neural network. It is
essential for representation of categorical variables as
a meaningful input to a machine learning model.
Word embeddings can significantly reduce
dimensionality and loss for such models. For
instance, the pair of synonyms in the vocabulary that
is associated with positive reviews will be placed near
each other in the embedding space. The network was
trained so that both of those words refer to a positive
review. Neural network embeddings are practically
useful to learn how to represent discrete data as low
dimensional continuous vectors and to depreciate
limitations of traditional encoding (Koehrsen, 2018).
It is useful to compare widely used embeddings
and give a reasoning for the particular choice of
In linguistics, a word is defined as the smallest
element, which can be expressed ‘in isolation with
objective or practical meaning’ (Wikipedia, n.d.).
Worth mentioning, that by meaning is understood
what ‘a word, action, or concept is all about its
purpose, significance, or definition’
(, n.d.). Those definitions pose a
problem of an accurate representation of a word’s
meaning for Natural Language Processing (NLP)
because of the potential for ambiguity and
dependence on context they introduce. This shows a
need to be explicit about exactly what is meant by the
meaning of a word. Furthermore, meaning of word is
an increasingly important area in applied linguistics.
Accordingly, British linguist, J.R. Firth (1957)
suggests the following formulation: “You should
know a word by the company it keeps”. This
underlines the importance to apply an approach for its
representation which encodes the meaning of words
in such a way that similarity between words will be
easily seen.
Previously, techniques attempted to represent
words by using taxonomic resources. Among others,
- the main python nltk library - wordnet. This package
contains a considerable number of synonyms and
relation sets. However, the nature of a word’s
meaning remains subjective, it is challenging to
distinguish word’s similarity, and unrealistic to keep
a package like wordnet updated. Furthermore, the
greater part of rule-based approaches, treat words as
an atomic symbol representation. One of the
challenges of this approach is that it will not match
words with similar meaning like, for instance,
“notebook” and “laptop”. All mentioned above
support an idea about localist representation, “one-
hot” vector encoding being an inefficient method
which has no inherent notion of relationships between
words. Accordingly, loosely described this
representation considers a word independent of any
context. Those negative features can be implied not
only for symbolic encodings but for many other
probabilistic, statistical conventional ML approaches.
Overall, these cases support the importance of
exploring an approach which can display the meaning
of words in such a way that you can directly see
similarity between them (Manning and Socher,
2017). This formulation is a commonly-used notion
in philosophy, the theory of meaning; more precisely
to semantic and foundational theories (Speaks, 2018).
Theory of meanings in this context refers to a
semantic theory, to a “specification of the meanings
of the words and sentences of some symbol systems”
(Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2014). While
a variety of definitions and interpretations have been
suggested, a distributional approach will follow the
theory of meaning. Levy et al. (2015) claim better
performance of predictive models for neural-
network-inspired word embedding models than
count-based ones. In his research, both GloVe and
word2vec embeddings considered to be prediction
based, accordingly, outperform traditional models in
similarity and relatedness tasks. The findings indicate
that hyper-parameters tuning and sufficient amount of
data could improve performance of embeddings in
general (Koehrsen, 2018). However, Glove differs
from word2vec in a number of respects. GloVe tends
to perform better than the word2vec skip-gram model
on analogy tasks in combination with matrix
factorization methods which can make full use of
global statistical information (Pennington, Socher
and Manning, 2014).
The main challenge that we face is related to the
fact that the language of reviews is Dutch. Recent
researches in NLP have heightened the need for use
of specific language embeddings in order to increase
DATA 2020 - 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
efficiency of word form and context representation
for improved encoding in word embedding (Qian,
Qiu and Huang, 2016). FastText, with specific Dutch
language embedding, was introduced for performing
aspect-based sentiment analysis. Whereas
GloVe/word2vec function on a word level, fastText
operates on a character level. Moreover, it processes
a word as a composition of these characters n-grams.
Thus, a word vector summarizes all the characters n-
grams. In contrast to GloVe and word2vec, it can
construct the vector for a word even if this word has
not been seen previously in the training set data (“out
of vocabulary”). And consequently, it generates
better embeddings for rare words. In practice, a model
used in the experiments for this work had better
convergence when fastText was used compared to
GloVe (Rajasekharan, 2017). Therefore, it was
decided to proceed with fastText embeddings.
Accordingly, pre-trained vectors for Dutch
language were added to the biLSTM model as one of
the layers. Moreover, these vectors were trained on
Common Crawl and Wikipedia using fastText. The
model was trained using CBOW with position-
weights, in dimension 300, with character ngrams of
length 5, a window of size 5 and 10 negatives
(Facebook Inc., 2020). This embedding is developed
by the Facebook AI team as morphologically
enriched word vectors with subword information
(Bojanowski, Grave, Joulin and Mikolov, 2017). This
approach was initially introduced by Schütze in 1993.
The most popular embeddings which can be found
back in numerous papers and researches, are the
word2vec and GloVe models. Despite common usage
of those embeddings, fastText outperforms them in a
range of tasks. The accuracy of the GloVe model
outperforms models of similar size and
dimensionality such as SVD, word2vec (skip-gram
and CBOW) for a word analogy task given the
percentage for semantic and syntactic accuracy’s
(Pennington, Socher and Manning, 2014). Both
Word2vec and GloVe generate vectors on a word
level, while fastText processes every word as a
collection of n-grams. Moreover, fastText can be
loosely described as an extension of the skipgram
model (Mikolov et al., 2013) in which words are
embodied as the sum of n-gram vectors (Bojanowski,
Grave, Joulin and Mikolov, 2017). This technique
enables preserving morphological meaning of words.
According to limitations of word2vec, it is worth
mentioning that this embedding performs learning
exceptionally for complete words on training data;
while fastText learns its vectors on the n-grams and
complete words. To achieve better performance for
each vector, improvements are incorporated
uniformly. Therefore, those techniques are relatively
time consuming, at every step the average of n-gram
should be computed. However, there are several
important aspects where fastText makes an original
contribution. For instance, word embeddings with
character level information tend to be more accurate
as they generate better embeddings for rare and oov
words (out of vocabulary) (Cesconi, 2017).
In some research (Perone et al., 2018)
performance of a number of widely used word
embeddings methods was evaluated on a broad range
of downstream and linguistic feature probing tasks,
among which: multi-class classification, entailment
and semantic relatedness, semantic textual similarity,
paraphrase detection. In particular, the results of the
conducted analysis cannot be unequivocally
interpreted. The universal encoder does not exist yet.
However, results presented in Kachaniuk (2019)
show that fastText slightly outperforms word2vec
and GloVe in most of task categories. The paper by
the Facebook AI team describes its findings and
addresses improvements made compared to skip-
gram, CBOW implementations and other word
vectors incorporating subword information on a word
similarity task.
2.3 Attentional Mechanism
An attention mechanism is an algorithm which can
allocate attention to more important words in a
sentence by adjusting the weights they assign to
various inputs. This mechanism was successfully
exploited in machine translation (Bahdanau, Cho, and
Bengio, 2014), image classification (Wang, Jiang,
Qian, Yang, Li, Zhang, Wang and Tang, 2017), and
speech emotion recognition (Chorowski, Bahdanau,
Serdyuk, Cho and Bengio, 2015).
As was pointed out in the previous section, the
context in which a word is used is more important
than the meaning of a word itself. Alternatives for
attention mechanisms, such as WordNet or
sense2vec, do not take into account connections
among words in a sentence. They are aimed at a single
word representation. Accordingly, the approach
implemented in this paper fully tackles the limitations
of alternative methods. The relationships of every
word in sentence can be calculated with the help of
linear algebra. The vector of meaning will contain
respectively those expressed relationships. Moreover,
an attention mechanism weighs every word in a
sentence attempting to assign the highest weight to
the word which is the most crucial regarding the
context (Nicholson, n.d.).
Sentiment Polarity Classification of Corporate Review Data with a Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory (biLSTM) Neural Network
This work uses a bidirectional RNN.
Accordingly, the meaning of a word relates not only
to the word in front of it but also the one which is
behind. The model architecture of bidirectional
LSTM is designed, accordingly, to enable the
eigenvector to learn in two directions. The way it is
created, enhances its semantic and contextual
capacity compared to unidirectional models. The
attention mechanism enables the model to learn a
weight for each word assigning heavier weights to
key-words (Du and Huang, 2018).
Together these results provide important insights
into the designed neural network architecture. Taken
together, an attention mechanism is a successful
attempt to improve understanding of neural network
processing with additional intelligence. Hence, an
attention mechanism appoints weights according to
the input regarding to the problem to be solved
(Galassi, Lippi and Torroni, 2019).
2.4 biLSTM Model Architecture
The model designed has the following architecture.
The first layer of this model consists of the fastText
embedding, previously described, with
dimensionality of 300, followed by a biLSTM layer
with 128 network units for each gate. This model is
extended with the attention mechanism which is built
in as an additional layer on top of the biLSTM layer.
Next to it, 2 fully connected layers: ReLU was used
as the activation function for hidden layers of size 224
and sigmoid as the output layer with size of 8 classes.
Experiments with other activation functions did not
show any improvements for model performance.
The research data in this work was scraped from three
main online resources:,
and Furthermore, data for this study was
collected using Python with a Scrapy Spider and a
browser automation tool - Selenium for dynamic
In total approximately 1 million reviews were
collected. Most of these reviews were scraped from
Trustpilot, as is shown in Figure 3 a.
From the large set of data, a subset of
approximately 3,000 reviews was randomly selected
for training and validation purposes. Only reviews in
Dutch language were processed for this study;
English language reviews were strictly omitted from
the training and validation data.
The data set was labeled by two experts who assigned
3-class polarity sentiment on a phrase level
respectively to 4 predefined aspects that were found
to be important in corporate reputation - assortment,
product, service and delivery.
Figure 3 b shows the balance in the respective
sentiment polarity. What stands out in the figure is
that the highest proportion is given to neutral
sentiment. A possible explanation for this could be
the fact that neutrality indicates also absence of any
negative or positive sentiment. Overall prevailing
presence of positive sentiment indicates high
satisfaction levels with the products and services of
this data set. Consequently, negative reviews, the
lowest proportion in all categories, will be more
dificult to predict as it is easier to predict the majority
class of a sentiment. Accordingly, the overall
accuracy of the prediction might not be the best
estimator for performance of the model. Therefore,
other evaluation techniques were applied as well.
Figure 3: a: Share of number of reviews per review website;
b: Breakdown of labeled sentiment in percentages on the
aspects assortment, product, service and delivery with blue
denoting positive sentiment, red denoting neutral sentiment
and green denoting negative sentiment.
DATA 2020 - 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
There are a number of instruments available for
measuring the performance of neural networks. In
most recent studies, it has been measured by looking
at such metrics as accuracy, loss function, ROC AUC
sores and F1-scores. The final results are shown in
Figure 4 a, b and c.
Figure 4: Evaluation scores.
The results obtained for ROC-AUC and F1-scores
indicate good performance of the model, however, the
question is how reliable those evaluations are taking
into account that the problem relates to multi-class
classification. In order to understand how predictions
for all classes are distributed, an analysis of pair-wise
confusion matrices for negative and positive classes
for each component was performed. See Figures 5 to
The pairs of matrices are quite revealing in several
ways. First, it is obvious that not all classes were as
well predicted as it can be seen from previous section.
Secondly, the pos-assortiment precision is
impressively high and recall is low. It indicates that
the classifier is specialized in the way that it predicts
a small number of labels while data contains plenty of
it. In contrast to neg-assortment which is hardly
present throughout the labeled reviews.
Consequently, precision and recall have 0 values.
Neg-product confirms the conclusion deducted
from the previous Figure 5: the number of reviews
with negative sentiment for products is low, therefore,
it is difficult to predict. In contrast to it, pos-product
achieves satisfying performance, recall and precision
are high.
The next result, shown in Figure 7, indicates that
the classifier predicts both negative and positive
service classes with high precision and reasonable
The results obtained for negative delivery are
comparable to the class of positive assortment, in the
sense that the value of recall is low and precision is
around 70%. Figure 8 for negative delivery can be
interpreted as follows: most of the negative delivery
cases were not predicted, the negative delivery
instances were not recognized. The performance of
positive delivery is good.
Figure 5: Confusion Matrix for Assortment Class.
Sentiment Polarity Classification of Corporate Review Data with a Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory (biLSTM) Neural Network
Figure 6: Confusion Matrix for Product Class.
Figure 7: Confusion Matrix for Service Class.
Figure 8: Confusion Matrix for Delivery Class.
In our experiment on the effect of sentiment polarity
classification, we found that a biLSTM model
equipped with additional attention layer, and word
embedding with character information have a clear
positive effect and improve overall performance.
The empirical results acquired have shown that a
model using biLSTM architecture achieves a high
overall F-1 score under the condition that sufficient
training data are available. The designed model
achieves competitive state-of-the-art results in
accuracy of 92%, loss of 20%, F-1 scores of 72% and
ROC-AUC of 90%. These results are comparable
with other state-of-the-art models.
This indicates that these models have sufficient
complexity to learn the morphological and lexical
patterns from the annotated online reviews. The most
obvious limitation of this work is a lack of annotated
data, especially reviews indicating negative
sentiment. The small number of negative reviews
suggested to us that satisfied clients are more
common and/or more frequently tend to share their
positive experiences. The data used in this study
appear to be unbalanced.
The results of this research support the idea that
sentiments related to aspects of corporate reputation
can be predicted from online available review
websites, applying state-of-the-art neural networks
technology. This is important for retail organizations
that are aiming to analyze or improve their
Oksana Kachaniuk would like to thank Sandjai
Bhulai for providing valuable advice and guidance as
well as Tibert Verhagen for the fruitful collaboration
in relevant projects amongst which Kachaniuk (2019)
that made this work possible.
Rob Loke would like to thank the four anonymous
reviewers for their valuable comments to the first
version of the submitted manuscript.
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Sentiment Polarity Classification of Corporate Review Data with a Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory (biLSTM) Neural Network