enabling true collaboration between different partici-
pating organisations, alongside and as a result of the
open calls. We envisage that the HUBCAP Platform
may be conveniently hosted at standard cloud oper-
ators as well as on servers at large companies with
many suppliers such that they can be in full control
of the development of the collaboration around larger
CPSs such as automobiles and airplanes.
The work presented here is partially supported by the
HUBCAP Innovation Action funded by the European
Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme under Grant
Agreement 872698. We would also like to thank
Giuseppe Veneziano for his input and snapshots of
the Cloud Sandbox prototype, and Nick Battle, Clau-
dio Gomes and the reviewers for their comments on
drafts of this paper.
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SIMULTECH 2020 - 10th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications