S = { s1 , s2 };
UA = { [u1 , r1 ], [ u1 , r2] , [u2 , r1 ] };
user = { s1 : u1 , s2 : u2 };
Listing 9: Examples of
component value assigments used in
extension-tuple sections.
del components of types
Complementary to the
, in the
all static model components are listed and initialized.
3.3 Tool Support
With the DYNAMO specification language, we aim
for uniform language support across the MSPE steps
model engineering, model analysis, and model imple-
mentation. In order that a specification in DYNAMO
is effectively usable, tool support in form of compilers
is required, which automate (1.) plausibility and type
checking to detect specification errors, (2.) generation
of a intermediate language representation for existing
model analysis tools, and (3.) source code generation
for machine-executable model implementations.
As a first proof-of-concept, we implemented two
compilers. First, a DYNAMO-to-XML compiler is
able to generate an intermediate XML-based model
representation which is compatible with our dynamic
model analysis tool (Amthor et al., 2014). Second,
a DYNAMO-to-C++ compiler enables an automated
generation of an algorithmic model representations
in C++ and all functionality necessary for its runtime
based on a layered approach.
This paper discusses language foundations for model-
based engineering of security policies. Considering
the critical and error-prone nature of translating model
specifications between the MSPE steps, we argue that
MSPE requires holistic specification language and tool
support. Towards this goal we present REAP, a visual
specification language for formalizing security poli-
cies in model engineering, and DYNAMO, a textual
specification language enabling model engineering,
model analysis and model implementation of dynamic
security models. We already tested both languages by
proof-of-concept tools.
We consider the work in this paper a first step:
Ongoing work focuses on evaluating the methodol-
ogy within a use case study comprising a real-world
security policy, enabling support for further classes
of security models in REAP and DYNAMO such as
information flow or non-interference models, and se-
cure runtime environments for rigorously enforcing
compiler-generated executable model representations
within security architecture implementations.
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SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography