2. After completing all required Self-Healing opera-
tions, the mitigation rule is remotely applied on
the virtual machine. Furthermore, Self-Healing
composes a human-readable mitigation which is
displayed to the user.
3. The Rule Applicator subcomponent of the Self-
Healing enriches the STIX package with a Course
of Action SDO which contains information about
the mitigation rule that was generated by the Self-
Healing component.
"description":"iptables -A CSAWARE-IN
-s -j REJECT"
4. The CSAWARE-IN chain now contains the miti-
gation rule that was generated by the Self-Healing
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dress the complexity of systems management and mit-
igate potential system faults. In this paper we pro-
posed a Self-Healing solution that has been designed
in the context of the CS-AWARE project to address
the needs of local public administrations that typi-
cally do not have the expertise or the resources to
manage security and other appliances. The proposed
solution provides a method to appropriately mitigate
cyber threats, while still allowing the system admin-
istrator to have control over these actions.
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An Innovative Self-Healing Approach with STIX Data Utilisation