A Comprehensive Quantified Approach for Security Risk Management
in e-Health Systems
Sondes Ksibi, Faouzi Jaidi and Adel Bouhoula
Digital Security Research Lab, Higher School of Communications of Tunis, University of Carthage, Tunisia
e-Health, IoT, Risk Management, Trust, Security.
As a major advancement technology in healthcare industry, e-health contributes to setting up efficient and
highly automated healthcare infrastructures. Internet of things (IoT) holds great promise for healthcare
providers as well as for its end users. Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) applications are among the ma-
jor trends of the moment. Nonetheless, numerous security features remain as main issues towards secure,
reliable and privacy-preserving e-health systems. Indeed, the participating nodes in IoMT networking for
e-health service delivery; which are heterogeneous and resource-constrained; generate, collect and exchange
huge amounts of private and extremely sensitive data. These facts, among others, expand the attack surface
and decrease the trustworthiness in e-health systems. In this research work, we propose a framework to en-
hance trust and help with making decisions based on a quantified risk assessment approach. This framework
relies on a novel approach/model for improving trust and risk management in an e-health context.
Networking of smart electronic devices, commonly
called Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining a rising fo-
cus from business developers and end users. Things
are interconnected and exchanging data to perform a
programmed task with reduced human exertion, im-
proved efficiency and increased economic benefits.
One of the most attractive opportunities seems to be
healthcare. As per statistics, according to Meticulous
Research Report, IoT healthcare market is expected to
grow from 55.5 Billion USD in 2019 to 322.2 Billion
USD by 2025 (Research, 2019). IoMT applications
are among the main trends of the moment. Indeed,
from simple diagnostics to complex surgical proce-
dures, connected things with computing and network-
ing advancements led to create the new concept of
modern medicine. IoT is transforming the way pa-
tients are treated to more efficient, helping healthcare
industry workers and improving research results.
Despite this advancement, e-health is still facing
several challenges such as ubiquity, cost, complexity
of data manipulation, resources constraints and defi-
nitely the most important are security and privacy is-
sues. Indeed, worries about protecting and preserving
privacy in e-health systems do not only concern these
systems themselves but also their increasingly open,
heterogeneous and scalable eco-systems. The ability
to confidentially and reliably transmit highly sensitive
data between connected devices seems to be a com-
plex challenge since: (i) medical connected devices
can be located in un-trusted areas that may be under
attacker’s control; this may threaten patient’s lives;
(ii) in IoMT industry, the main occupation is provid-
ing required functionality at a reasonable cost. So, se-
curity is an after-thought, often placed at the bottom
of the priority list in the development life cycle; (iii)
traditional security solutions are not pretty suitable
with resource-constrained IoT and medical devices;
and (iv) last but not least, e-health systems require si-
multaneously rigorous (sufficiently robust controls to
prevent unauthorized accesses) and flexible (smoothly
and transparently weaving flexible controls to allow
emergency accesses) security solutions. It has been
proved that this irregular balance between flexibility
and robustness has a wide impact on the compliance
of deployed solutions (Ja
ıdi et al., 2016).
The aim of this paper is to carry on a relevant anal-
ysis of security risk management aspects. This analy-
sis will mainly help us in setting up our solution to ad-
dress the security risks within an e-healthcare context.
As a main contribution, we define a framework to en-
hance trust and help with making decisions based on
a quantified risk assessment approach. Our proposal
is based on a novel approach for improving trust and
managing security risk in e-healthcare.
Ksibi, S., Jaidi, F. and Bouhoula, A.
A Comprehensive Quantified Approach for Security Risk Management in e-Health Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0009893806520657
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2020) - SECRYPT, pages 652-657
ISBN: 978-989-758-446-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The reminder of the paper is organized as follows.
In section 2, we introduce the security risk concept
and review related works. In section 3, we outline
the idea of our proposal. We introduce the main con-
cepts of our approach for security trust-risk manage-
ment within e-health contexts, work on case of study
and highlight guidelines and perspectives. Finally, we
conclude the paper and present ongoing works.
2.1 Terminologies and Definitions
Risk: According to the International Standardization
Organization (ISO) [ISO 31000; ISO 27005], risk is
the effect (positive and/or negative) of uncertainty on
objectives (financial, health, safety, etc.) (ISO, 2009).
Concretely, it is often expressed as a combination of
the consequences (costs) of an event and the corre-
sponding likelihood of occurrence.
Security Risk: It is, in Information Systems (IS), the
risk that occurs due to loss of data or system confiden-
tiality, integrity, or availability. It considers potential
adverse impacts to the organization (assets, mission,
functions, image, or reputation), users, other organi-
zations, and the country (Force, 2018).
Risk Assessment: The risk assessment is an overall
process that consists of risk identification (recognition
and description of risks), risk analysis and risk evalu-
ation. The assessment may be based on qualitative or
quantitative approaches.
Risk Management: Security and cyber security risk
management consist of a range of activities under-
taken for protecting information and systems from cy-
ber threats such as unauthorized access, in order to: (i)
maintain awareness of security and cyber threats; (ii)
identify anomalies, misconfigurations and incidents
adversely affecting the system and/or data; and (iii)
mitigate the impact of, respond to, and recover from
incidents. The ISO 31000 risk management process
consists of systematic application of policies, proce-
dures and practices to the activities of: communica-
tion and consulting; context establishment, risk as-
sessment (identification, analysis and evaluation), risk
treatment, risk monitoring and review.
2.2 The Trust-risk Awareness Context
In a risk awareness context, addressing risk manage-
ment, like illustrated by figure 1, deals mainly with
two basic concepts: risk and trust. It is important
Figure 1: The Trust-Risk awareness context.
to notify that the risk concept is highly coupled with
the trust concept. Indeed, a system with a low level
of risk is seen with a high level of trust and vice
versa. Incorporating risk awareness in IS may pursue
one of the following analysis approaches: qualitative
approach, quantitative approach and a combination
of them. Qualitative approaches use qualifying at-
tributes to describe potential consequences as well as
their occurrence probability. In practice, via a qualita-
tive approach, we generally focus on how to mitigate
a risk without evaluating its value. Quantitative ap-
proaches use numerical values, instead of descriptive
attributes, for consequences and corresponding like-
lihoods. In practice, via a quantitative approach, we
generally focus on how to assess the value of a risk. In
case of combining both approaches, qualitative anal-
ysis is often used first to obtain a general indication of
the level of risks and to highlight the main risks.
2.3 Summary of Security Risk
Management Solutions for e-Health
Trust-risk Awareness Methods and Models: Several
methods, models and frameworks for trust-risk aware-
ness are defined in literature. The OCTAVE (Car-
alli et al., 2007) method allows investigating recovery
impact areas based on a questionnaire. The TARA
method defined in (Wynn et al., 2011), as a predic-
tive framework for defending vulnerabilities, allows
targeting only most critical exposures. The CVSS de-
fined in (CVSS, 2018) computes scores of vulnerabil-
ities severity based on simple mathematical approxi-
mations that translate expert’s opinions to numerical
scores. Exostar (Shaw et al., 2017) is a system that
deals with cyber-security of supply chains (it does
not evaluate the enterprise stand-alone risk) and reg-
ulatory conformity of providers partners. A comple-
mentary approach to Exostar is CMMI (CMMI, 2017)
that deals with stand-alone enterprise risk and risk
associated to products development life cycle. The
ISO model (ISO, 2009) addresses the standardization
(based on consensus) of risk management and assess-
ment. It offers guidelines and standards to help set-
A Comprehensive Quantified Approach for Security Risk Management in e-Health Systems
ting up risk management systems but it does not pro-
vide mechanisms to guarantee their compliance. The
NIST model (Force, 2018) defines effective and docu-
mented processes (as a set of standards and guidelines
addressing risk assessment and risk management) that
require automation tools and software development to
make it usable. The FAIR model (FAIR, 2017) is
based on a quantitative approach for the assessment
of risk impact. It aims to establish a standard which is
not based on consensus, but it promotes commercial
software. As example of software promoted by FAIR,
RiskLens (RiskLens, 2017) and CyVaR (Cyber Value
at Risk) (Sanna, 2016) are black box tools that may
engender standard deviation, consistence and trust-
worthiness problems.
Trust-risk Awareness for IoT, IoMT and e-Health:
Several research works addressed the trust-risk as-
sessment in e-health. Authors in (Radanliev et al.,
2018) proposed a quantitative model, based on the
coupling of the Cyber Value-at-Risk (CyVaR) and
the MicroMort (MM) models, for the economic im-
pact assessment of IoT cyber risk. In (Nurse et al.,
2017), authors studied the application of existent se-
curity risk assessment approaches in an IoT context.
They demonstrated that current solutions are not ad-
equate for IoT context due to: shortcomings of pe-
riodic assessment, changing systems boundaries, yet
limited system knowledge, challenge of understand-
ing the glue, and failure to consider assets as an at-
tack platform. They highlighted the need of new ap-
proaches to assess IoT system risk. Authors in (Ma-
lik and Singh, 2019), dealt with security vulnerabil-
ities identification and mitigation in IoT based on a
smart software vendor that lists common vulnerabil-
ities (stored in its database) and provides a possible
mitigating solution. In (Radanliev et al., 2019), au-
thors focused on a transformation roadmap for stan-
dardizing IoT risk impact assessment (based on func-
tional dependency) and calculating the economic im-
pact of cyber risk (based on a goal oriented approach).
Authors in (Akinrolabu et al., 2019) proposed a quan-
titative model, called CSCCRA, to assess the risk of a
SaaS application and its supply chain mapping.
Trust-risk Awareness for Access Control: integrating
risk awareness in role based access control (RBAC)
systems concerns four main concepts: (i) enhanc-
ing trustworthiness relationships; (ii) defining miti-
gation strategies based on constraints; (iii) manag-
ing accesses based on quantified approaches; or (iv)
assessing policies critical breaches for a secure and
efficient policy management. Several works pro-
posed integrating trust relationships in RBAC model
(Chakraborty and Ray, 2006), (Feng et al., 2008).
This allows evaluating trust levels of policy compo-
nents and only trusted accesses are authorized. The
risk mitigation concept deals particularly with impos-
ing hard constraints on the policy components in order
to tone down associated risks. Different constraint-
based risk mitigation approaches and models have
been proposed to formally specify Static Separation
of Duty (SSoD) and Dynamic Separation of Duty
(DSoD) policies (Simon and Zurko, 1997), (Gligor
et al., 1998), (Jaeger, 1999). Authors in (Chen and
Crampton, 2011) proposed to use a strategy of mit-
igation based on risk thresholds and an associated
obligation pairs. As for access risk quantification,
proposed approaches deal mainly with risk assess-
ment of access requests. Several authors have focused
on risk quantification approaches and proposed dif-
ferent frameworks (Ni et al., 2010), (Molloy et al.,
2012), (Ma et al., 2010). Finally, concerning the mon-
itoring of policies compliance based on risk assess-
ment/management approaches, few works addressed
this important thematic. Contributions deals mainly
with the assessment of the risk associated to the pol-
icy defects and anomalies (Ja
ıdi et al., 2018) as well as
the management of policies against attack scenarios in
a correlated anomalies context (Evina et al., 2018).
2.4 Discussion
The thematic of security in e-health and particularly
IoMT applications is still a challenging task. Among
the concerned security concepts that need to be en-
hanced for ensuring the security and preserving the
privacy in e-healthcare, we address the theme of se-
curity risk management in IoMT. The application
of well established risk assessment approaches and
methodologies in an IoMT context fails due to sev-
eral constraints (such as context specificities, resource
constraints, context dynamism, no standards estab-
lished yet, high level of surety required, shortcomings
of periodic assessment, changing systems boundaries
yet limited system knowledge, the challenge of un-
derstanding the glue, failure to consider assets as an
attack platform, continuous evolution of new and ad-
vanced threats, etc.). Hence, we need new approaches
to assess IoMT system risk. Recent works in IoT
risk assessment addressed mainly the evaluation of
the economic impact of IoT cyber-security threats.
From the perspective of access control, current solu-
tions failed to manage end-to-end risk and to combine
both aspects simultaneously: assessing risks associ-
ated to access requests and risks of policies critical
breaches anomalies and attacks. In the next section
we introduce a novel approach that aims to address
the discussed limitations of current solutions.
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
3.1 Objectives
E-health applications involve a variety of contexts for
managing security risks as well as strategies for risk
mitigation which may suit particular cases and do
not in other cases. To ensure effectiveness and effi-
ciency of the risk management method/strategy, we
propose a dynamic quantified risk-based approach.
As a fine-grained approach, the risk zone is divided
to three main areas of focus: data acquisition area
(devices), data gathering and transmission area (PAN,
WiFi, Bluetooth, 2G/3G/4G, etc.) and finally data
processing and storage area (typically databases).The
main purposes of the proposed approach are:
Evaluating the cumulative risk for a global e-
health service delivery process.
Establishing a fine-grained risk management pro-
cess based on context specific risk metrics, quali-
fiers, thresholds, factors, etc.
Automating the update procedure for risk mitiga-
tion response.
3.2 Principle
Our approach, illustrated by figure 2, consists of three
basic sub-systems and a centralized module, an or-
chestrator called core risk manager. These subsys-
tems can either: (i) make decisions based on identi-
fied and assessed risk metrics autonomously regard-
ing specific pre-defined risk thresholds; or (ii) dele-
gate the decision making to the orchestrator.
Device Risk Manager (DRM): as a first level
decision-maker, this module performs risk manage-
ment in the context of data acquisition layer. The
DRM analyzes data generated by devices in order to
evaluate the inherent risks, then, it compares obtained
risk values with predefined thresholds. In case of
a risky behavior, the DRM interrupts the data trans-
fer. Otherwise, the quantified risk value is stored and
transmitted to the core manager for a deeper analysis.
Network Risk Manager (NRM): its role is to identify
risks related to communication channels used within
the e-health system. The NRM applies the quantifi-
cation function to the specific risk factors related to
the applied protocols. Risk values are assessed and
compared to predefined thresholds. Results are then
communicated to the CRM.
Storage and Processing Risk Manager (SPRM): it
is related to the data storage and processing subsys-
tem. It performs the same process as the other mod-
ules taking into account specific risk factors related to
the databases as inputs.
Core Risk Manager (CRM): it performs end-to-end
risk management, via collecting information from
other subsystems. Collected data is stored in a global
repository; classifications, prioritization and correla-
tion between results are done to refine decisions and
update thresholds. Other risk factors related to the en-
vironment or specific use cases can be analyzed here.
The CRM updates the elementary databases of other
units if optimized metrics are obtained.
3.3 Case of Application (SPRM)
The SPRM allows computing the risk values associ-
ated to non-compliance anomalies or attacks scenar-
ios in RBAC policies. It is defined to deal with rela-
tional databases as storage entities and also with cloud
databases (as a main extension of our previous ap-
proach discussed in (Ja
ıdi et al., 2018). The SPRM
disposes of the following principal components. A
RAE (Risk Assessment Engine) in charge of the as-
sessment of risk values related to identified anomalies
and threats as well as the estimation/re-estimation of
the risk thresholds and rating, taking into account a set
of risk factors. A RM (Response Monitor) responsi-
ble for analyzing and classifying obtained risk values
with respect to corresponding thresholds and rating.
Based on this classification and other parameters, the
RM may react autonomously vis-
a-vis risky situations
via blocking access, desactivating privileges, while in
normal cases it simply delegates the decision to CRM
for a global decision. A RD (Risk Depository) stores,
for each case, all the required metrics (risk values, rat-
ings, thresholds, etc.). A RFD (Risk Factors Depos-
itory) stores a collection of established risk factors,
such as context factors, historical events, etc., used
for a dynamic evaluation of the risk metrics and for a
dynamic analysis and classification of the defects and
attacks. A RFM (Risk Factors Monitor) responsible
for managing the risk factors collection. As an illus-
trative example of the assessment model, we consider
a first risk rating (Extremely High: 80%; High:
60% and < 80%; Moderate: 40% and < 60%;
Low: 20% and < 40%; Minor: 0% and < 20%).
The RAE evaluates the risk of the permission Pi ac-
cording to formula (1), where Pr(k) denotes the prob-
ability of occurrence of a particular malicious usage
k, k = 1, ..., m; C(k) is the cost associated to this ma-
licious usage, and CM is the value associated to exist-
ing countermeasures.
R(Pi) =
P(k) C(k) CM. (1)
A Comprehensive Quantified Approach for Security Risk Management in e-Health Systems
Figure 2: Dynamic-Quantified risk management approach.
Therefore, the risk of the role R j is evaluated, ac-
cording to formula (2), as the sum of the risk values of
all permissions assigned to it, where APR(R j) is the
set of permissions assigned to R j. The risk of the user
Ui is computed, via formula (3), as the sum of the risk
values of roles assigned to that user noted AUR(Ui).
R(R j) =
R(Pi)|Pi APR(R j). (2)
R(Ui) =
( j=1)
R(R j)|R j AUR(Ui). (3)
To assess the risk of the policy defects, we de-
termine the impact/effect of each abnormality on the
system, in other words we worked to quantify the in-
fluence of identified breaches on the system. For this,
we assess the anomaly risk, according to formula (4),
as the ratio between the anomaly sub-elements risk
values and the system elements risk values where the
selected elements are from the same type.
R(Anomaly) =
( j=1)
R(x)|x {Anomaly}
R(y)|y System
Obtained results from application in a real world
context (a medical system application) highlight the
effectiveness as well as the usefulness of the SPRM.
3.4 Discussion and Perspectives
E-health systems still offer neither clear controls for
patients security and privacy preservation nor doc-
umentation to inform a user about risks introduced
when specific applications are deployed. Several
research works addressed the problem of security
in these constrained systems.The issue is about re-
architecting security solutions to suit the emerging ap-
plications in e-health paradigms. We believe that the
proposed approach may significantly improve the se-
curity of IoMT infrastructures and minimize the costs
associated with the collateral damage that would af-
fect the system users. The objective of this inno-
vative dynamic-quantified security risk management
framework are to predict and evaluate risk damages,
identify new or unseen threats within IoMT applica-
tions and help security architects implementing coun-
termeasures for mitigating risks. This framework is
based on a cyclical risk management process and fine-
grained automatic decision-making. We worked on
the SPRM subsystem and we plan setting up the rest
of the risk management subsystems. As a primary
case of application, we addressed access control vio-
lations and threats as basic security issues.
Security solutions for e-health in the emerging IoT
landscape offer exciting opportunities to the industry.
Risk management frameworks are one of the promis-
ing solutions to minimize costs of eventual damages
that would affect e-health system users and threaten
their private data and their safety. We studied risk
management methods and models in literature and
highlighted some proposed frameworks by the re-
search community. We proposed a novel approach
based on a quantified risk management method com-
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
posed of three distributed and chained subsystems and
an orchestrator module. The proposal aims to evalu-
ate risks related to three vulnerable zones of the e-
health system: devices landscape, network part and
storage infrastructure. Ongoing work deals with the
formalization of the approach and setting up the in-
teractions between the different subsystems.
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A Comprehensive Quantified Approach for Security Risk Management in e-Health Systems