can be observed with the cognitive load described by
Sweller (1988) as we assume that tools with a com-
plex interface and interactions will increase the cog-
nitive load required to establish mental patterns for
translating the idea from a thought to a concept. It
seems important to reduce the cognitive load of users
to enable them to generate more ideas or to be able
to inhibit environmental stimuli that can interrupt the
flow of thinking. If the tools we proposed were devoid
of environment or run in a minimalist environment, it
would not be the same as in a work context where
there are elements which are more or less relevant.
One perspective of this work would be to measure the
impact of the environmental stimuli on cognitive load
in relation to the work of Amabile and Pratt (2016).
The second perspective of our work concerns the
communicability of ideas. We relied only on repre-
sentations to measure communicability. In a profes-
sional context, ideas can be communicated by view-
ing, reading, explaining, etc. In order to offer an inter-
face model dedicated to the communication of ideas,
it seems essential to conduct a study on the different
visualisations paradigms of 3D concepts generated in
an immersive environment.
We would like to thank our lab, its teams, and its aca-
demic research chair for allowing us the opportunity
to achieve this work. We also thank the participants
mobilised during this long experiment for their in-
vestment and availability. We also thank the Arts &
etiers engineering graduate school and the R
College for giving us the opportunity to achieve this
experiment with the participation of their students.
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CHIRA 2020 - 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications