In this paper, a new adaptive fault-tolerant control
allocation algorithm is proposed. The proposed al-
gorithm integrates online effectiveness matrix and
bias faults estimation with the control allocation al-
gorithm. The actuator and bias faults are considered
under actuator amplitude and rate constraints. The ef-
fectiveness of the proposal is shown by using a marine
surface vehicle model where the proposed algorithm
showed good performance in terms of control allo-
cation. Future works foresees the implementation of
this class of adaptive control allocation strategies on
real redundant marine vehicles.
The authors want to thank Ing. Paolo Folino and Ing.
Vincenzo D’Angelo by AppliCon S.r.l for providing
us with the mathematical model of the autonomous
marine vehicle they developed in their master’s the-
ses and for useful discussions and assistance in their
vehicle control and guidance aspects.
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ICINCO 2020 - 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics