algorithm the working-set-based approach of WSDEP-
SEARCH leads to significantly better EST values and
thus, under consideration of the ESC values, to a simi-
lar significant improvement of the overall runtime.
This paper addresses the exponential time complexity
problem of heuristic algorithms for the safety analysis
of dynamic AC models with large parameter spaces.
While former heuristics identify well-hidden command
sequences in which each command establishes the pre-
conditions of its subsequent command until a target
right is leaked, the selection of corresponding com-
mand parameter values is neither effective nor efficient
resulting in over 90 % of the total analysis runtime.
To drastically reduce this weakness, we present
WSDEPSEARCH which adapts the idea of working
sets known from page replacement algorithms by
strictly limiting the the parameter value space to only
those cells of the ACM that offer a high potential for
a command sequence to contribute to a right leakage.
The implementation of the heuristic analysis algorithm
was integrated into our security policy engineering
framework WorSE. The evaluation shows a runtime
improvement up to 4 orders of magnitude which makes
analyses of automaton-based AC models with realistic
state transition schemes and model state sizes encom-
passing more than 10
ACM cells tractable.
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Exploiting Hot Spots in Heuristic Safety Analysis of Dynamic Access Control Models