present from 11s. The first graphic shows δ
sured (in blue) and its filtered counterpart (in red) us-
ing the notch filter centered on the second frequency
. In practice, we could trigger the filter-
ing of 6Hz at 15s after severe vibration detection on
Y pilot
Online estimation of the spectral component of vi-
brations has been proposed based on use of Adaptive
Notch Filters. Frequency tracking is done using a Re-
cursive Maximum Likelihood (RML) algorithm and
Amplitudes and Phases Estimation (APE) adapted by
a Weighed Recursive Least Square (WRLS) algo-
rithm. This method allows on estimation and tracking
of the narrow band frequencies and their amplitudes
and phases.
The main interest of the ANF is the fast tracking
of time-varying frequencies and allows to get directly
accurate prediction of the vibration components to be
compensated. Moreover, this algorithm, being very
fast and with reduced complexity can be easily imple-
mented on computing resources of an aircraft thanks
to its low number of coefficients to estimate (one coef-
ficient for each frequency component). The proposed
approach has been applied to the case of an helicopter
flying in flight test conditions and having a severe vi-
The application results validate the good perfor-
mance and efficiency of the proposed algorithms to
characterize and track oscillations. Moreover, a strat-
egy based on detection and filtering has been sug-
gested to prevent propagation of abnormal oscilla-
tions in the flight control loop. The proposed APE al-
lows predictions of the vibrations in case where large
prediction horizon can be needed.
The experimental validations on helicopters and
the integration with active vibration control systems
is in progress. Extensions of this work will be done in
case of longer prediction horizon is needed (e.g. for
integration of the compensation in the control loop)
and for model prediction control of the helicopter.
The main concern of the future work will be in-
tegration of the ANF in the helicopter autonomous
flight robust control, to enhance the robustness versus
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Detection and Estimation of Helicopters Vibrations by Adaptive Notch Filters