help to identify the relevant features for off-road nav-
igation. The control system of the vehicle could be
evaluated using the same simulated sensor set as the
real systems. Safety-critical navigation and inclina-
tion tests can be performed which is not possible for
the real system. The other scenario shows an excava-
tor in an open-pit mine (Fig. 9b). The evaluation of
rock recognition was done in simulation and the re-
sults transferred to the real machine. Periodical tests
with the real machine show that the developed meth-
ods are easily transferable to the real world.
The paper presented a simulation framework tailored
to autonomous commercial vehicles operating in clut-
tered off-road environments. For this purpose, it in-
tegrated the Unreal Engine 4 and the robot control
framework Finroc. Short-comings of current simu-
lation systems have been identified, starting with a
review of the state of the art in robot simulation.
Next, the integration of frameworks and communica-
tion were explained. Different sensors, special driv-
ing kinematics, and complex body actuation were
described and an application overview provided. It
could be observed that the simulation and real-world
testing gap could be significantly reduced.
Future and current work aims to integrate more
sensor systems, e.g. radar, and disturbances, like real-
istic ferro-magnetic behavior of vehicle frames. Fur-
ther, automated testing should be regarded that allows
a statistical evaluation of the control behavior and al-
lows unit testing of control functionality.
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Robots by using Virtual Satellites, Project Report,
Robotics Research Lab, TU Kaiserslautern, unpub-
lished, supervised by P. Wolf, Feb. 13, 2018.
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SIMULTECH 2020 - 10th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications