We presented an open-source framework for concolic
execution of programs at binary level. The paper de-
scribed its architecture, implementation details and
our perspective for future work ideas. We hope that
this will help the community and industry to test their
strategies for concolic execution easier than before
and also that we will get contributions, support, and
feedback on our source code repository. By having
the first framework that is able to do concolic execu-
tion for x86 binaries, we were able to optimize the
number of SMT queries using RL strategies. New
research opportunities and ideas that occurred during
development were also presented.
This work was supported by a grant of Roma-
nian Ministry of Research and Innovation CCCDI-
UEFISCDI. project no. 17PCCDI/2018.
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ICSOFT 2020 - 15th International Conference on Software Technologies