Detection of Depression in Thai Social Media Messages
using Deep Learning
Boriharn Kumnunt and Ohm Sornil
Graduate School of Applied Statistics, National Institute of Development Administration, Bangkok, Thailand
Keywords: Natural Language Processing, Text Classification, Neural Networks, Depression, CNN, LSTM.
Abstract: Depression problems can severely affect not only personal health, but also society. There is evidence that
shows people who suffer from depression problems tend to express their feelings and seek help via online
posts on online platforms. This study is conducted to apply Natural Language Processing (NLP) with
messages associated with depression problems. Feature extractions, machine learning, and neural network
models are applied to carry out the detection. The CNN-LSTM model, a unified model combining
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM), is used
sequentially and in parallel as branches to compare the outcomes with baseline models. In addition, different
types of activation functions are applied in the CNN layer to compare the results. In this study, the CNN-
LSTM models show improvement over the classical machine learning method. However, there is a slight
improvement among the CNN-LSTM models. The three-branch CNN-LSTM model with the Rectified Linear
Unit (ReLU) activation function is capable of achieving the F1-score of 83.1%.
Depression is considered a major problem that affects
not only people’s well-being, but also their families
and society in general. According to statistics from
the World Health Organization (WHO), the number
of patients with depression problems has increased
drastically in the past few years (WHO, 2016). It is
globally estimated to affect nearly one in ten people;
at its worst, depression can lead to suicide. Besides
mental and physical consequences, it can also cause
other adverse effects such as reduced work
productivity. Further, it requires a significant amount
of effort, budget, and time in order to cope with issues
(Woo et al., 2011).
Currently, the Internet is an open channel for
people to connect and express their thoughts and
feelings. In the social media era, there are many
methods used for communication between people that
have the same interests, such as social media groups
and online forums. There is evidence that people with
mental illness use social media or internet forums to
express their feelings and seek help via posts (Aladağ,
Muderrisoglu, Akbas, Zahmacioglu, and Bingol,
2018). This is a major challenge for organizations that
provide help to people with symptoms. Interventions
with people who have problems can benefit both the
individual and the community. By the way, the
number of Internet users is enormous. Thus far, the
number of internet users is approximately 3.8 billion,
a number that exceeds more than half of the world’s
population (Meeker, 2019). The need for help can
arise at any time. It might be a challenge to deal with
the number of Internet users. Thus, a system that can
perform the initial task of detecting and assessing
depression-related messages might be an alternative
solution to reduce the prevalence of problems.
Previous studies have shown that Natural Language
Processing (NLP) could be used effectively to detect
and classify messages that are related to depression or
other mental health conditions (Yates, Cohan, and
Goharian, 2017; Cohan et al., 2018).
The aim of this study is to propose NLP methods
as an initial means of detection that can be used to
detect whether or not online messages might be
associated with depression. In case the result is a
classification of depression, useful information or
recommendation can be sent to the owner so they can
seek help to cope with the problem, such as at a
hospital or clinic that they can contact. Moreover, the
result can be further used to notify a corresponding
organization to provide help in case of an emergency,
such as attempting suicide. However, the diagnosis of
Kumnunt, B. and Sornil, O.
Detection of Depression in Thai Social Media Messages using Deep Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0009970501110118
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications (DeLTA 2020), pages 111-118
ISBN: 978-989-758-441-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
depression for each person requires psychologists or
doctors in this field to thoroughly confirm the illness.
In this study, a number of NLP models and
configurations of parameters are used for detecting
messages associated with depression problems. The
methods used for performing detection consist of
feature extraction techniques, machine learning, and
deep learning models. Recently, a modification
structure for deep learning models can be found in a
number of researches. An interesting combination is
between Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and
Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM)
according to the effective performance received.
Thus, this study will compare CNN-LSTM models
with classical machine learning models. Another
purpose of this study is to compare the results
obtained from various types of activation functions
used in deep neural network algorithms. All selected
methods will be applied in the context of the Thai
language with a created dataset from an online forum
Classical machine learning models, such as logistic
regression and Support Vector Machine (SVM) are
usually applied for classification task (Dreiseitl and
Ohno-Machado, 2002; Tong and Koller, 2001).
Another approach for performing the task is the
application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) such
as Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and CNN. The
RNN has the ability to preserve sequence information
along the process (Liu, Qiu, and Huang, 2016).
However, if a sequence is too long, it may suffer from
short-term memory. Thus, LSTM which is composed
of input gate, output gate, and forget gate, is designed
to solve the problem (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber,
1997; Gers, Schmidhuber, and Cummins, 1999).
Furthermore, the Bidirectional Long Short-Term
Memory Networks (BLSTM) is based on the concept
of LSTM with the layer that can obtain information
from past (backward) and future (forward) states (Tai,
Socher, and Manning, 2015). For the CNN, it is
originally developed for the task of image processing
(LeCun et al., 1989; Cireşan, Meier, Gambardella, and
Schmidhuber, 2011). It uses a series of convolutional
layers to apply with local features (Kim, 2014).
Recently, some researches have shown the
performance of combining CNN with LSTM, and
some pieces of research are conducted to propose
suitable parameters for the model. Wang, Yu, Lai, and
Zhang (2016) used regional CNN-LSTM Model for
dimensional sentiment analysis, Yenter and Verma
(2017) applied the models in parallel as branches for
review sentiment analysis, and Heikal, Torki and El-
Makky (2018) used an ensemble model between the
CNN and LSTM model for sentiment analysis of
Arabic messages. In these studies, the mentioned
models return effective outcomes in performing their
Technically, the neural network architecture is
composed of input, output, and hidden layers. The
activation functions are used in some layers to
determine the model output. They are based on
mathematical equations, of which there are various
types of functions to be applied in each layer.
Comparisons of activation functions have been
conducted in some researches (Nam, Kim, Mencía,
Gurevych and Fürnkranz, 2014). Each activation
function has unique characteristics, advantages, and
drawbacks (Nwankpa, Ijomah, Gachagan and
Marshall, 2018). The Sigmoid function is claimed to
be useful for binary classification problems. The
Hyperbolic Tangent Function (Tanh) returns better
outcomes for multi-layer neural networks. However,
both functions are suffered from vanishing gradient
problem, which can be solved by the Rectified Linear
Unit (ReLU) function (Nair and Hinton, 2010).
Various researches applied NLP with the purpose
of assessing texts associated with depression and other
mental disorders. Dataset used for studying in this
field cannot be publicly published due to ethical and
privacy concerns (Benton, Coppersmith and Dredze,
2017). Thus, some studies had to construct their
dataset for performing the classification. Yates et al.
(2017) constructed the Reddit Self-reported
Depression Diagnosis (RSDD) dataset from, an online forum platform. The
dataset is assessed by two proposed CNN models
comparing with classical machine learning methods.
Cohan et al. (2018) created the Self-reported Mental
Health Diagnoses (SMHD) dataset. Besides self-
reported messages with depression, the SMHD
dataset also contains the other eight mental health
In the context of the Thai language, NLP methods
have been studied and applied in various fields.
Jotikabukkana, Sornlertlamvanich, Manabu and
Haruechaiyasak (2015) performed text classification
with twitter messages, using term frequency-inverse
document frequency (tf-idf) and Word Article Matrix
(WAM) techniques. Seneewong Na Ayutthaya and
Pasupa (2018) performed Thai sentiment analysis with
the application of features extraction, embedding
vectors, Part-of-Speech (POS) embedding, sentic
features, and a concatenated Bidirectional LSTM-
CNN model. However, at the time writing this study,
DeLTA 2020 - 1st International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
there is no study applied text classification with
depression problems in the context of the Thai
In order to create a dataset of messages associated
with depression problems, the collection process is
conducted following the construction of the RSDD
dataset by Yates et al. (2017). The difference between
the RSDD dataset and the collected dataset in this
study is that the RSDD dataset is mainly focused on
users with self-reported depression diagnoses, while
the dataset used in this study is mainly focused on all
kinds of text related to problems with depression,
such as questions about depression, asking for help,
consequences from the illness, and personal
experience. Messages are collected from posts on, an online forum platform in the
Thai language. The online forum contains 38 major
virtual rooms such as health, music, finance, and
travel rooms. Users can read and post information,
questions, reviews, and polls on the forum. Some
provided hashtags can be chosen and used as labels
for posting. The maximum allowable number of
hashtags is five hashtags per post. Messages about
depression problems are usually posted in the health
room and labeled with the depression hashtag.
Firstly, posts from users who used the depression
hashtag between January 2017 and February 2020
was collected. From each user, only a post with the
depression hashtag was selected. To confirm that the
messages in each post were associated with
depression, each one had to be labeled with the
depression hashtag by the owner of each post. Besides
the hashtag, it had to contain words or context related
to the conditions of depression (e.g., anxiety, or
suicidal). To clean the dataset, posts with editing
history or modifications (e.g., edited posts or posts
that some paragraphs were deleted after posting.), and
posts containing no text (e.g., posts with only pictures
or video) were eliminated from the dataset.
For classification, a control dataset with posts that
contain no depression hashtag is created. The
selection of control users is based on their posting
activities on the forum. From 38 rooms, each room on
the forum is considered a stratified group for
sampling. After the sampling process in each room,
the selected control users with the history of using
depression hashtag and used to post in the health
room are filtered out. Only users who posted within
the same period as previously mentioned are selected.
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model (Rus,
Niraula and Banjade, 2014) is employed for matching
between the users that used the depression hashtag
and control users based on the probability of hashtags
used, ignoring the use of the depression hashtag.
Then, the minimum Hellinger distance between users
is measured to select users with the closest distance.
Hellinger distance is used for selecting users that have
the same probability in using each hashtag for posting
on the forum and preventing bias (Yates et al., 2017).
Finally, with the smallest Hellinger distance obtained
between users, five control users are selected to be
matched with their closest user that used the
depression hashtag. The same criteria for cleansing
the dataset are applied to the control dataset.
The obtained dataset contains 5,283 posts with
depression hashtags and 26,415 control posts. In total,
the dataset contains 31,698 posts. Table 1 provides an
overview of the dataset with descriptive statistics,
average, median, standard deviations, and the total
number of posts grouped by type of hashtag. The
table shows information in the tokenization and
character level. It can be observed that, even though
the opposed hashtag outnumbered the number of
posts with the depression hashtag, the average of
tokened words per post with the depression hashtag
was higher.
The process of processing and constructing the
models will be explained in this section. The first step
is pre-processing with tokenization and removing
stopwords, followed by feature extraction with tf-idf
and word embedding methods. Then, classical
machine learning and deep learning models will be
applied for performing text classification. The deep
learning techniques will be adjusted with different
types of structure and activation functions. Lastly, the
model structures will be shown in figure 1, and their
parameters will be summarized in table 2.
Table 1: Statistics overview of the dataset in tokenization
level and characters level in parenthesis.
Descriptive statistics
Mean Median Std. Dev. Total
Detection of Depression in Thai Social Media Messages using Deep Learning
4.1 Pre-processing
Linguistically, there are no spaces used between
words in each sentence for writing in the Thai
language, unlike in English. The first step is to
prepare words for the processing; tokenization is
applied for each sentence of the dataset. PyThaiNLP,
which is a Python package for text processing, is used
for word segmentation. The tokenization algorithm
used in this study is “newmm”, which is a dictionary-
based tokenizer. The version used is 2.1.4. The last
step in the pre-processing is removing stop words,
which are words that are grammatically necessary,
but do not have any meaning about the text content
from the sentences.
4.2 Feature Extraction
Feature extraction is theoretically considered a useful
and practical pre-processing step that not only
conducts dimensionality reduction for removing
irrelevant and redundant data, but also increases
learning accuracy and improves outcome accuracy
(Khalid, Khalil and Nasreen, 2014). Term frequency-
inverse document frequency (tf-idf) weighting is the
first technique used in this study. The weight obtained
from the tf-idf weighting is a statistical measure that
helps to avoid the problem of words that appear more
frequently become the dominator of the dataset
(Waykole and Thakare, 2018).
Word embedding is another approach for
extracting features. The Word2Vec algorithms are
used to generate word vectors from the dataset. The
algorithm is capable of transforming each word in the
sentence into a vector positioned in vector space
(Mikolov, Chen, Corrado and Dean, 2013). Words
that share similar contexts in the corpus will be
located close to one another in the vector space.
Gensim, which is a library for NLP on Python, is used
for creating Word2vec embedding from the collected
dataset. The version of Gensim used is 3.8.3.
4.3 Depression Classification
The models for the detection of messages associated
with depression problems consist of classical
machine learning methods and deep neural network
models. For the classical approach, the first
classification model is Logistic regression, which is a
useful model for performing classification (Dreiseitl
and Ohno-Machado, 2002). It uses a logistic function
to model a binary dependent class. Another model is
Support Vector Machine (SVM), which is commonly
applied for detection (Tong and Koller, 2001). The
SVM model uses a separating hyperplane as a
discriminative classifier. Both logistic regression and
SVM models will be used with the feature extraction
techniques to create the baseline models in this study.
For the deep learning models, the plain LSTM
(Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997; Gers et al.,
1999) will be applied as another baseline model. The
Table 2: Parameters setup for the deep learning models.
Kernel sizes - 5 3 / 4 / 5
Filters - 50 32
Activation functions -
ReLU /
Sigmoid /
ReLU /
Sigmoid /
Max Pooling - 2 2
Dropout - 0.1 0.1
Units 64 64 32
Activation functions Tanh Tanh Tanh
Units 2 2 2
Activation functions Sigmoid Sigmoid Sigmoid
Type Adam Adam Adam
Learning Rate 0.001 0.001 0.001
DeLTA 2020 - 1st International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Comparison of model diagrams between the CNN-LSTM model (left) and the three-branch CNN-LSTM model
CNN-LSTM models (Wang et al., 2016; Yenter and
Verma, 2017), which are created by combining the
CNN (LeCun et al., 1989) and LSTM (Liu et al.,
2016, Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) layers will
be used in a number of different architectures,
together with three different types of activation
functions in the CNN layer, i.e., the Sigmoid, Tanh,
and ReLU functions. For the model construction, the
convolutional and LSTM layer in the CNN-LSTM
models will be constructed sequentially and in
parallel to compare the results between them and the
baseline models.
4.4 Model Architectures
The plain LSTM model will be used without
combining with other layers except flatten and dense
layer for returning the classification result. The CNN-
LSTM architectures are based on the models used in
the study of Wang et al. (2016) and Yenter and Verma
(2017). The principal model structure is shown on the
left side of Figure 1. It consists mainly of
convolutional, pooling, dropout, LSTM, and dense
layers. After creating sequences of words, firstly, the
convolutional layer will receive and process the data
with its activation function. Then the output will be
sent to the pooling and dropout layer,
followed by the LSTM layer, which is set up with the
Tanh activation function. In the dense layer, the
rate: 0.1
rate: 0.1
rate: 0.1
rate: 0.1
units: 64
units: 32
units: 32
units: 32
1D Max pooling
ool size: 2
1D Max pooling
ool size: 2
1D Max pooling
ool size: 2
1D Max pooling
ool size: 2
kernel: 5 // filter: 50
kernel: 3 // filter: 32
kernel: 4 // filter: 32
kernel: 5 // filter: 32
Activation function
Activation function
Activation function
Activation function
Word embedding
100 dimensions
Word embedding
100 dimensions
Detection of Depression in Thai Social Media Messages using Deep Learning
Softmax activation is used to return the output. The
dense layer uses stochastic gradient descent with
Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2015). All
parameters are set up as shown in Table 2.
5.1 Experimental Setup
Due to the different proportions of classes within the
dataset, data balancing technique is performed to
cope with the issue. Firstly, for solving the minority
class problem, training and test sets are chosen by
using stratified 10-fold cross-validation to avoid
overlapping between the training and test sets.
Another purpose is to preserve the percentage of
samples in each class. Furthermore, the class
weighting technique, based on the study by King and
Zeng (2001), is applied as a balancing technique in
each fold of cross-validation.
5.2 Parameters Setup
The parameters for Word2vec are varied by tuning
embedding size (Yates et al., 2017) between 100, 120,
150, 200, 250, and 300, and learning rate between
0.01, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.5. For tuning the tf-idf scheme,
the maximum feature size is set at 100, 120, 150, 200,
250, and 300. The Word2Vec scheme is based on the
Continuous Bag-of-Words (CBOW) model. In the
detection process with the machine learning model,
Logistic regression and SVM models are L2
normalized. For the plain LSTM model, the number
of units set up is 64. The CNN layer in the CNN-
LSTM model with no branches is set up with 50
filters and a kernels size of 5. Three different types of
activation functions, which are the Sigmoid, Tanh,
and ReLU activation functions, are applied in the
CNN layer in each model to compare the outcomes.
In order to extend the aforementioned CNN-
LSTM models, modified model structures are
constructed by laying layers in parallel as branches
instead of placing them sequentially. The number of
branches applied in this study is three branches
(Yenter and Verma, 2017), as shown on the right side
of Figure 1. For the three-branch CNN-LSTM
models, the number of filters in the CNN layer is 32.
The number of units in LSTM is 32. The kernel sizes
in the CNN layer are tested between 2 and 5. For the
LSTM layer, the number of units is set up between 32
and 64. The final parameters used in this study are
explained in Table 2. For the validation process, all
models are performed with the same stratified 10-fold
cross-validation. The number of the batch size is 100.
Lastly, the early stopping is processed by determining
the trend of the classification accuracy to prevent
5.3 Results
Table 3 shows results obtained from all classification
models applied with the dataset, which contains
messages associated with depression and non-
depression. In the table, precision, recall, and F1-
score from the experiment are shown. The baseline
models consist of the Logistic regression and SVM
models used with features extracted by the tf-idf and
Word2Vec algorithms. The deep neural network
models are the LSTM model, CNN-LSTM models,
and three-branch CNN-LSTM models. In the CNN
layer of each model, different types of activation
functions are used, one activation function at a time.
According to the results in Table 3, we can see that
the highest F1-score from the four baseline models
with classical machine learning models are 0.576,
0.588, 0.648 and 0.770. The highest score is archived
from the SVM model with features from the
Word2Vec algorithm. These F1-score results that are
near statistical (50%) might be due to the set of
parameters such as maximum feature or learning rate
used in this study being limited to optimize the
models. However, the highest score of 0.770 is quite
close to the results from the deep neural network
The plain LSTM model, which is another model
used as baseline model, returns the F1-score of 0.823.
The result from the LSTM model is a bit lower than
the results from the ensemble CNN-LSTM models.
For the CNN-LSTM and three-branch CNN-LSTM
models, an increasing number of branches in the
Table 3: Depression detection results.
Precision Recall F1
Tf-idf LR 0.681 0.503 0.576
Tf-idf SVM 0.640 0.550 0.588
Word2vec LR 0.570 0.869 0.648
Word2vec SVM 0.753 0.832 0.770
LSTM 0.898 0.761 0.823
Sigmoid 0.897 0.762 0.824
Tanh 0.908 0.753 0.824
ReLU 0.910 0.760 0.827
Sigmoid 0.896 0.769 0.826
Tanh 0.901 0.769 0.829
0.899 0.772
DeLTA 2020 - 1st International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
model structures slightly improves the F1-score with
0.2%, 0.5%, and 0.4% in the models with the
Sigmoid, Tanh and ReLU activation functions
respectively. The highest F1-score is 83.1% received
from the three-branch CNN-LSTM model with the
ReLU activation function. The first runner-up is the
three-branch CNN-LSTM model with the Tanh
activation function with an F1-score of 82.9%. From
the empirical outcomes in this study, increasing the
number of branches seems to slightly improve the
classification results. This might be due to the limited
number of parameters used for tuning.
The higher F1-score from the models with the
ReLU activation function (Nair and Hinton, 2010)
can be explained by the function having the capacity
to disable negative activation, so it reduces the
number of parameters to be learned (Nam et al., 2014)
and returns the improved performance. The outcomes
in this study are in accordance with the discussion in
the study of Nwankpa et al. (2018) that the ReLU
function gives better results compared with the
Sigmoid and Tanh activation functions in deep
learning application.
The initial detection and assessment of messages
associated with depression problems might be an
alternative solution to helping people cope with their
problems. Thus, NLP techniques are applied to
classify social media messages associated with
depression. In order to improve and produce accurate
results, various models are applied to execute the
task. In this study, the models with the ReLU
activation function yield better results compared with
the baseline models and the models with the Sigmoid
and Tanh activation function. From the results, the
deep learning models did not return a significant
improvement from each other, which might be due to
the parameters used not being varied enough to
optimize the models.
For further works, a wide range of parameters
could be tuned to optimize the models. The detection
models can be studied further by applying different
kinds of activations functions (e.g., PReLU or
Softplus activation function). More layers of the CNN
or LSTM could be added to extend the models.
Furthermore, changing or combining different types
of architectures (e.g., Recurrent Neural Network
(RNN), or Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)) could also
be explored. Similar architectures and configurations
could be applied to other tasks, such as sentimental
analysis and topic segmentation.
This study is supported by the faculty of the Graduate
School of Applied Statistics (GSAS), National
Institute of Development Administration (NIDA),
Bangkok, Thailand.
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