Figure 8: Latency with cell breathing technique.
Figure 9: Handover per time unit.
Finally, the last analysis concerns the number of han-
dovers. The ratio between the handover number and
the employed time has been calculated. In this way
the handover rate per seconds has been obtained. This
value is influenced by the vehicles speed and their dis-
tance from the vehicle ahead. Proceeding at higher
speeds, the BTS must manage a greater number of
handovers, because the speed with which the mobile
device changes position in the area is greater, see Fig-
ure 9. Considering same speeds, the number of han-
dovers per time unit increases, as the distance be-
tween two vehicles decreases.
In this paper, a solution to guarantee the continuity
of the service in an environment managed with Edge
Computing technology has been proposed. Docker
containers have been used to make applications light
and portable. Kubernetes was used to orchestrate the
Cluster containers and make the system robust. The
results obtained show that, based on the algorithm
used, there may be improvements in the management
of the mobile devices. The use of Cell Breathing fa-
vors the balancing of the computational load, which
becomes a crucial factor if compared to realistic en-
vironments, in which the number of vehicles to man-
age is quite high. Conversely, the latency recorded by
some vehicles increases, which leads to delays in the
delivery of messages.
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SIMULTECH 2020 - 10th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications