decomposition algorithm. It also enables to perform
sensitivity analysis on different parameters such as
defender budget and uncertainty in probability esti-
mations. In our work, we did not cover counter-
measure optimisation but we could consider how to
model the residual risk and try to minimise it from the
point of view of the defender, including using multi-
objective approach.
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the design space by allowing combination of alterna-
tives using model-based approach more specifically
goal-oriented. We focused our work on the concept
of obstacles as they generate many alternatives which
need to be combined to reach a good assurance level.
We illustrated the approach on a security context to
explore an attack tree. In order to investigate multi-
ple risk and cost factors, we showed how to imple-
ment a multi-objective approach computing a Pareto
front. Our work was implemented with the Objectiver
toolset and using the OscaR.CP optimisation library.
Our future work will focus on enriching our ap-
proach. First, we plan to analyse in deeper details
the composition of a Pareto front. Then, we aim at
supporting specialised forms of obstacle refinement
for the safety and security contexts, possibly in a co-
engineering approach. Finally, we would like to ex-
tend our work to cover the resolution step which can
introduce more alternatives. Based on this, different
optimisations can be investigated to propose how to
best control and improve the design of a system.
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Towards Quantitative Trade-off Analysis in Goal Models with Multiple Obstacles using Constraint Programming