CoachGAN: Fast Adversarial Transfer Learning between Differently
Shaped Entities
Mehdi Mounsif
1 a
, S
ebastien Lengagne
1 b
, Benoit Thuilot
and Lounis Adouane
2 c
e Clermont Auvergne, CNRS, SIGMA Clermont, Institut Pascal, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France
e de Technologie de Compi
egne, CNRS, Heudiasyc, F-60200 Compi
egne, France
Transfer Learning, Generative Adversarial Networks, Control, Differentiable Models.
In the last decade, robots have been taking an increasingly important place in our societies, and shall the
current trend keep the same dynamic,their presence and activities will likely become ubiquitous. As robots
will certainly be produced by various industrial actors, it is reasonable to assume that a very diverse robot
population will be used by mankind for a broad panel of tasks. As such, it appears probable that robots
with a distinct morphology will be required to perform the same task. As an important part of these tasks
requires learning-based control and given the millions of interactions steps needed by these approaches to
create a single agent, it appears highly desirable to be able to transfer skills from one agent to another despite
a potentially different kinematic structure. Correspondingly, this paper introduces a new method, CoachGAN,
based on an adversarial framework that allows fast transfer of capacities between a teacher and a student agent.
The CoachGAN approach aims at embedding the teacher’s way of solving the task within a critic network.
Enhanced with the intermediate state variable (ISV) that translates a student state in its teacher equivalent,
the critic is then able to guide the student policy in a supervised way in a fraction of the initial training time
and without the student having any interaction with the target domain. To demonstrate the flexibility of this
approach, CoachGAN is evaluated over a custom tennis task, using various ways to define the intermediate
state variables.
The development of human civilization was supported
by various human features, both in terms of morphol-
ogy and behavior (Boyden, 2004). Among these evo-
lution pillars, knowledge transfer was a crucial as-
set as it enabled the specie to quickly embed a wide
range of skills and abilities in its descendants. For
intellectual tasks as well as physical activities, trans-
fer knowledge can greatly decrease the time to reach
Reproducing this knowledge transfer within a
population of robots is a highly desirable goal but
is not free of challenges. Despite recent impressive
Reinforcement Learning (RL) advances, current RL
methods mostly focus on a single agent with a sin-
gle assignment and still feature a very low sample
efficiency, requiring millions of interaction steps and
carefully tuned reward functions to develop suitable
policies. As this process should be repeated for every
distinct robot, it is straightforward to understand the
relevance of transfer learning across all robotic appli-
Consequently, this work introduces CoachGAN,
a new method for the fast transfer of skills between
differently shaped agents. Building on the concept
of expert/teacher/student where a teacher can use ob-
servations made during the expert class to guide its
students although the teacher was not the initial trans-
fer target, CoachGAN relies on a two-step adversar-
ial process to train a student agent by using expert
knowledge via a common teacher critic. Specifically,
the main idea is to repurpose a GAN discriminator
(the teacher) trained on a set of expert trajectories to
provide an error signal for a student trying to accom-
plish the same task. As the very essence of this work
is to focus on differently shaped entities, it is crucial
that the student and the teacher can share a common
understanding for the student to use the discrimina-
tor evaluation to backpropagate accordingly its error.
As such, this paper provides an innovative yet simple
way to translate the discriminator’s value into a learn-
Mounsif, M., Lengagne, S., Thuilot, B. and Adouane, L.
CoachGAN: Fast Adversarial Transfer Learning between Differently Shaped Entities.
DOI: 10.5220/0009972200890096
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2020), pages 89-96
ISBN: 978-989-758-442-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ing signal via intermediate State Variables (ISV). The
relevance of this technique is then assessed over a cus-
tom Tennis environment, using three different ways to
translate the discriminator signal
Recently, the transfer of knowledge and skills in deep
learning has been a ubiquitous topic. While this do-
main has generated much interest from its very first
moments in learning-based CV (Computer Vision)
(Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014; He et al., 2015), it
is now hardly expendable and has been applied to an
even greater extent in NLP (Natural Language Pro-
cessing). As a matter of fact, given the impressive
quantity of resources required to train the most re-
cent models (Devlin et al., 2018; Mart
et al., 2018), it is now very common to use pre-trained
weights to initialize the model and fine-tune its pa-
rameters on the target task.
The omnipresence of transfer within the classic
CV and NLP pools of tasks has nevertheless not par-
ticularly influenced the approaches with robotic con-
trol tasks where it is more common to rely on Re-
inforcement Learning (RL). RL has made impressive
progress in recent years, from algorithmic advances
(Schulman et al., 2017; Haarnoja et al., 2018), to both
simulated (Silver et al., 2015; Cruz et al., 2016; Jeong
and Lee, 2016) and real-world results (OpenAI et al.,
2019). In the RL paradigm, it is more common to
train an agent on a given task and modify it after-
ward to see whether the agent’s previously learned
representations can be repurposed (Trapit et al., 2017;
Baker et al., 2019). Nonetheless, the fact that archi-
tectures are usually shallow (for most classical con-
trol settings, including Mujoco’s physics-based en-
vironments, 3 layers are usually enough (Schulman
et al., 2017)) does not encourage knowledge segmen-
tation through a dimensional bottleneck, like in usual
CV/NLP architectures. To broaden an agent’s us-
ability, some works propose entropy-based loss func-
tions (Eysenbach et al., 2018) to increase the agent’s
curiosity and exploration as well as meta-Learning
methods (Zintgraf et al., 2018). Although these works
do enhance the relative reusability of an agent, there
exist numerous real-world cases that would rather
benefit from transferring knowledge from one entity
to a distinct one. In (Mounsif et al., 2019), the authors
propose to create a task model, independent from the
agent’s body, thus allowing them to transfer it from
one agent to another. Although this technique is the-
oretically powerful, it is in practice limited by the
manually-defined interface between the task model
and the agents, heavily impacting its flexibility. This
topic is however seldom addressed in recent works.
In this view, the CoachGAN approach, through its
differentiable chain, can cope with a broad scope of
situations and is not limited by the task model expres-
The CoachGAN approach relies on an adversarial
framework to transfer task-specific skills from one ex-
pert agent to a student agent with a different morphol-
3.1 GAN Background
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), intro-
duced in (Goodfellow et al., 2014), is a powerful con-
cept that aims at estimating a generative model via
an adversarial process. In this framework, two net-
works, the generator, and the discriminator are trained
simultaneously to optimize a loss function that in-
volves outperforming the other network. Specifically,
the generator’s goal is to output datapoint that is as
close as possible to a target distribution while the dis-
criminator loss depends on how much it succeeds at
distinguishing the generator output from the real data
distribution. Formally, the competition between the
generator G and the discriminator D is the minimax
[log(D(x))] + E
[log(1 D( ˜x))]
where E represents the averaging operator, P
is the
real data distribution, P
is the model distribution, de-
fined by ˜x = G(z), where z the generator input is sam-
pled from a noise distribution (generally uniform or
normal distribution).
3.2 CoachGAN
As opposed to most GANs applications where the
generator is the only desired model and where the
discriminator is generally discarded, the CoachGAN
method uses the discriminator to permit the transfer
to the student. The main concept of this approach
is to define an intermediate state variable (ISV) that
can be evaluated by the (teacher) discriminator, based
on representations learned on the expert trajectories,
and to which the student can relate. It will then be
possible to backpropagate the student error within its
model and optimize it based on the teacher discrim-
inator evaluation. The ISV is critical to the Coach-
ICINCO 2020 - 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
GAN approach. Indeed, as the expert and the student
have different morphologies, it is not straightforward
how to directly compare their states/actions. The ISV
role is to bridge the gap between the two agents by
being the representation of a common, user-defined,
intermediate state.
It would have been possible to guide the student
by using the distance between the student and the ex-
pert’s ISV as a loss value. However, while theoreti-
cally viable, this option is practically more complex
to set up due to the discriminator pre-convergence.
Specifically, in adversarial frameworks, the discrim-
inator often trains faster than the generator, which, in
extreme cases, can even prevent the generator from
learning as all its samples are rejected by the discrim-
inator. This consitutes an important drawback in most
use cases and may requires extensive hyperparameter
tuning. For this reason, it is more straightforward to
rely on the teacher discriminator to train the student
The first stage aims at training the teacher discrim-
inator to create a relevant task critic. Using Equation
1, the objective becomes:
[log(1 D
( ˜x
where G
, D
are respectively the fake expert gener-
ator and teacher discriminator, x
ISV vector from the expert dataset and ˜x
= G
are synthetic ISV vectors from the fake expert gen-
erator, which sole purpose is to train the teacher dis-
criminator. Once trained on the expert trajectories,
the discriminator, when presented with an ISV, will
return a scalar value, ranging from 0 to 1, indicating
how likely it is that this sample was generated by the
Figure 1: The CoachGAN principle. The green frame de-
picts the teacher discriminator training process that is then
used for training the student generator (orange frame).
Then, for the transfer, a new generator relevant
to the student control dimensionality is created and
paired with the teacher discriminator. In this configu-
ration, the student loss is:
= ||D
(z))) 1||
Equation 3 states that the student generator aims at
maximizing the discriminator evaluation given to a
synthetic ISV-translated student generator solution.
Practically, for a given input z, the student generator
solution G
(z) is passed to the differentiable operator
that computes a discriminator-understandable
ISV vector. Given that every function in this chain
is differentiable, it is consequently possible to back-
propagate the discriminator evaluation within the stu-
dent’s parameters for an optimization step. Figure 1
shows a schematic view of the method.
4.1 Models
Training in the adversarial framework is notoriously
difficult (Salimans et al., 2016b; Radford et al., 2016)
due to the multiple failure modes (discriminator pre-
convergence, generator mode collapse). Furthermore,
as the teacher discriminator is expected to be used for
the downstream transfer, it is necessary that the dis-
criminator sample evaluation provides a suitable sig-
nal, learning-wise. Taking into account these various
constraints, the WGAN-GP (Watterstein GAN with
Gradient Penalty (Salimans et al., 2016a)) appeared as
a natural architecture candidate because beyond mak-
ing the generator training easier, it also formulates
the discriminator evaluation in a way that enables it
to be repurposed. Moreover, as a task-related vector
must be passed to the networks, this work implements
a conditional WGAN-GP, yielding the following for-
= E
[D(c, ˜x)] E
[D(c, x)] + λP
where c is the task related vector, λ is the gradient
penalty weight and P
the gradient penalty:
= E
D(c, ˆx)|| 1)
] (5)
where ˆx is a vector interpolated between x and ˜x with
an interpolation factor sampled uniformly between 0
and 1.
As the environment featured in this paper yields
low-dimensionality observations, the models consid-
ered are quite thin, being composed of two hidden
layers of 128 units each and ReLU non-linearities.
For the generators, the random noise vector is sam-
pled from a 16 dimensions latent space.
4.2 Intermediate State Variables
To demonstrate the usefulness of the CoachGAN ap-
proach, a custom 2D-Tennis environment was cre-
ated. This environment features the playing agent,
CoachGAN: Fast Adversarial Transfer Learning between Differently Shaped Entities
a serial manipulator equipped with a bat, and a ball
thrown with an initial velocity, as shown in Figure
3a. The agent’s goal is to position its effector in order
to intercept the ball. As mentioned in Section 3, the
CoachGAN approach relies on an intermediate state
variables for allowing the teacher discriminator evalu-
ation to guide the student. One of the main strength of
this approach is that these intermediate state variables
can be very diverse as long as the student can relate to
them through a differentiable model. As an example,
three configurations for this approach are provided:
Actual Kinematics: In this first configuration, the
intermediate state variable is the effector position.
Specifically, for a given ball configuration, the teacher
discriminator is trained to distinguish between suit-
able effector position (that is, from a task expert) and
the synthetic position from the fake expert generator.
The student generator will output the target joint an-
gles. To evaluate the student generator proposition, a
differentiable forward kinematics (FK) model is used
to translate the joint angles to the effector position that
can thus be assessed by the discriminator, as shown in
Figure 2. The FK model used in this configuration has
no trainable parameters and is only used to keep track
of the gradients.
Approximated Kinematics: This second composi-
tion still relies on the effector position, but this time
the FK model is replaced by a neural network trained
on the student configuration to compute the effector
position given joint angles, also shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Student Generator (in orange) optimization in ex-
periments Actual Kinematics and Approximated Kine-
matics. Discriminator evaluation passes through the R
module before reaching the generator.
Ball Rebound Speed: The effector position is a very
convenient variable when considering serial manipu-
lators. However, it may be less relevant in cases where
agents exhibit a very different structure or in other
types of tasks as well. Thus, to illustrate the Coach-
GAN method applicability, this third configuration
demonstrates that it is possible to transfer task knowl-
edge through measurements not directly accessible.
Specifically, this case proposes to train the student us-
ing the ball velocity. This configuration requires an
additional ball speed predictor model, trained to pre-
dict ball speed at the next step, given the ball configu-
(a) Training predictor to forsee next step ball speed.
(b) Training discriminator based on predictor outputs.
Figure 3: Intermediate training steps for the Rebound
Speed configuration.
ration and the effector position, as displayed in Figure
Training the discriminator consequently requires
an additional step, during which effector positions,
both real and synthetic, are first passed through the
predictor. This way, the teacher discriminator learns
to classify suitable ball speeds, based on the predictor
predictions, see Figure 3b.
Once the teacher discriminator is trained, it is used
to train the student generator. As done precedently,
the student generator proposed angles result in an ef-
fector position, computed either with an analytical or
approximated model, which is then used by the pre-
dictor to compute the next step ball speed. The dis-
criminator evaluation of this vector is finally used to
optimize the student generator’s weights.
Figure 4: Student generator (in orange) training setup for
experiment Ball Rebound. Discriminator evaluation goes
through the predictor and R
before modifying generator
4.3 Training the Expert
In the experiments presented below, a task expert is
required. This expert agent is a 4-DoF serial manip-
ulator, trained using PPO (Schulman et al., 2017), a
SOTA RL algorithm. In a MDP (Markov Decision
Process) version of the Tennis environment, the agent
aims at maximizing the following reward function:
= α + c × (β + γ exp(d)) (6)
ICINCO 2020 - 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
where α is a small constant that incites the agent to
keep the ball over a height threshold for as long as
possible. c is the contact flag ranging from 0 to 1
when a contact between the ball and the wall is de-
tected, and goes back to 0 at the next step. β and γ
are constant values used to weight the relative impor-
tance of accuracy when touching the wall. Finally, d
is the vertical offset between the ball and the target
on the wall. This reward function broadens the ball
impact distribution, thus improving the agent versatil-
ity and ultimately providing a more diverse trajectory
dataset. Figure 5 shows the mean cumulative reward
evolution through training and, in the upper-left cor-
ner the impact distribution for a trained agent given
various target heights.
Figure 5: Cumulative reward through training and impact
distribution for a set of given height targets.
5.1 Effector Position ISV
Once the expert agent is ready, it is used to generate
the training dataset. For the two first configurations,
that is, Actual Kinematics and Approximated Kine-
matics, the proposed ISV is the effector position. As
such, each line of the gathered dataset features the ini-
tial ball conditions (position and speed) and the expert
effector position recorded when contact is detected.
The adversarial pair (teacher discriminator and
fake expert generator) is then trained on this trajec-
tory dataset. Figure 6 shows the adversarial losses
along training. These alternating curves are usual in
adversarial framework and represent one model im-
proving in spite of the other. It is possible to see that
the process finally stabilizes. In the upper right corner
are displayed fake expert generator ISV solutions for
various ball configurations, showing that this model
Figure 6: Adversarial losses along training.
decently approximated the real expert behavior.
Figure 7 displays the normalized discriminator
evaluation of ISV (effector positions in this case),
for a given ball configuration. As can be observed,
the discriminator presents a clear preference for ISV
along a line following the expected ball path. Further-
more, the discriminator places its highest confidence
(strong yellow color) in an area located in the close
vicinity of the dataset ground truth (the expert effector
position, drawn in green), showing that it has indeed
learned from the expert behavior.
Figure 7: Normalized discriminator evaluation of ISV (ef-
fector positions) in the task space for two given starting ball
configurations. Higher values (yellow) are favored.
Once trained, the discriminator can be repurposed
for training the transfer target, which is the student
generator. In this configuration, the task knowledge
is transferred towards a 5-DoF serial manipulator. As
such, the generator output vector is interpreted as the
target joint angles for the student. Then, it is nec-
essary to translate the student generator output into
the expected intermediate variables, that is the ef-
fector position, with the help of the unparametrized
model. Figure 8a shows, in green, various ISV so-
lutions given by the student generator, after training.
The best solution, with respect to the discriminator,
is also fully displayed. As a baseline, solutions from
an untrained student are also displayed in white. As
can be seen, the trained solution distribution is more
CoachGAN: Fast Adversarial Transfer Learning between Differently Shaped Entities
(a) Actual FK. (b) Approximated model.
Figure 8: Sampled solutions for actual and approximated
ISV in green. Baseline from untrained generator in white.
compact and centered in the area most valuated by
the teacher discriminator, as opposed to the untrained
distribution. This demonstrates that it is possible to
guide a generator with a discriminator through in-
termediate variables. Furthermore, it is possible to
notice that the trained generator solution results in a
student effector close to the original expert solution
(light blue).
5.2 Approximated Kinematics ISV
Focus is now set on the Approximated Kinematics
configuration. In this case, an approximation model is
trained to predict the student effector position given
the agent joint angles. Using the same teacher dis-
criminator model as the Actual Kinematics stage,
the student generator is trained similarly, replacing
this time the agent analytical kinematic model by the
trained one. Similar to the previous case, Figure 8b
shows trained generator solutions and their baseline.
As can be observed, the new generator solution distri-
bution is also compact and adequately follows the dis-
criminator preferences, demonstrating the reliability
of the approximated model. While the approximated
model is simple, this approach demonstrates that the
CoachGAN is not limited to analytically defined mod-
els and can be used for cases where no robot kine-
matic model is available and must then be learned.
5.3 Ball Rebound Speed ISV
Finally, let us consider the last configuration where
instead of relying on the effector position, the dis-
criminator uses the Ball Rebound Speed to distin-
guish between expert trajectories and synthetic/not
suitable ones. Figure 9 displays the discriminator
evaluation of effector positions based on the predic-
tor outputs as introduced in Section 4. Due to the fact
that teacher discriminator training involves the predic-
tor, the trained discriminator preferences do not over-
lap the distributions observed in Figure 7. However,
(a) Configuration A. (b) Configuration B.
Figure 9: Task-Space evalution by the discriminator based
on predictor results.
they still strongly favor positions located closely to
the expert ground truth. The student generator is then
trained accordingly to the process depicted in Figure
5.4 Analysis
Figure 10: 2D representation of the solution distribution.
Successfull solutions are either overlapping expert position
or in the ball path.
Figure 11: Interception performance and training time.
ICINCO 2020 - 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
The performances of these models are displayed in
Figure 10 where, for a given ball configuration, each
model samples 2048 solutions. It is possible to notice
that the blue and orange distribution, corresponding
respectively to the analytical model and the approx-
imated kinematics model, are very close, showing
the approximated model reliability for transferring the
discriminator evaluation. Moreover, these distribu-
tions overlap the expert effector position. The green
distribution, representing solutions from the generator
trained with the predictor pipeline is slightly broader
than the two other distributions, as well as being lo-
cated closer to the ball. As training for this model
relied on another dataset, it consequently generated a
differently inclined discriminator, leading in turn to a
closer player student. Still, it appears that these distri-
butions are directly located in the ball speed direction,
thus enhancing the agent chances of intercepting the
ball. Furthermore, it is possible to explain the width
of the distributions by the fact that only the effector
position is registered on contact and that the model
is not directly aware of the bat length. Nonetheless,
as shows Figure 11, all generators provide educated
solutions. To establish these results, 500 ball trajec-
tories are recorded, and, for every case, each student
samples one joint angles solution given the initial ball
configuration. Then, a check for collision is run along
the ball path allowing in fine to obtain the interception
score of each model (dark blue bar in Figure 11.
Now, let us consider the robots involved in the
transfer experiments detailed above. While it might
appear that these agents are kinematically close, it is
important to note that the ISV vectors could have been
generated by any robot having an end effector. In-
deed, the student generator never has access to the ex-
pert geometry, thus broadening the spectrum of trans-
Lastly, training these models requires negligible
time and computation resources. Indeed, while the
initial expert training requires 4 hours, the most time-
consuming configuration, featuring additional dataset
and predictor needs less than 12% of total training
time (26.51 minutes). Student training in itself can
be completed in less than ten minutes. And, as was
shown in the Actual Kinematics case, a discrimi-
nator can be reused, thus further reducing the time
needed for transfer. These results clearly illustrate
that the CoachGAN method does allow fast transfer of
task knowledge between differently shaped entities.
In this work, a new step-by-step methodology for sys-
tematical and fast transfer of knowledge from one en-
tity to a differently structured one is proposed. Re-
lying on an adversarial framework, the CoachGAN
technique was evaluated using various intermediate
state variables (ISV) and shows that it is possible to
transfer task knowledge to a student agent without in-
teraction of this agent with the task. As explained
in the experiment results, this method allows train-
ing student within minutes, while most RL tasks re-
quire several hours of training. Thus, the applica-
tions of CoachGAN are numerous, especially given
the increasing availability of approximation models.
While many research directions are appealing, future
works will focus on the integration of agent-related
constraints within the loss function to progressively
bridge the gap between simulation and reality.
This work has been sponsored by the French gov-
ernment research program Investissements d’Avenir
through the RobotEx Equipment of Excellence
(ANR-10-EQPX-44) and the IMobs3 Laboratory of
Excellence (ANR-10-LABX-16-01), by the European
Union through the program of Regional competitive-
ness and employment 2007-2013 (ERDF - Auvergne
Region), by the Auvergne region and the French In-
stitute for Advanced Mechanics.
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ICINCO 2020 - 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics