Machine Learning Models for Automatic Labeling:
A Systematic Literature Review
Teodor Fredriksson
, Jan Bosch
1 a
and Helena Holmstrm Olsson
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Division of Software Engineering,
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Malm University, Malm, Sweden
Semi-supervised Learning, Active Machine Learning, Automatic Labeling.
Automatic labeling is a type of classification problem. Classification has been studied with the help of sta-
tistical methods for a long time. With the explosion of new better computer processing units (CPUs) and
graphical processing units (GPUs) the interest in machine learning has grown exponentially and we can use
both statistical learning algorithms as well as deep neural networks (DNNs) to solve the classification tasks.
Classification is a supervised machine learning problem and there exists a large amount of methodology for
performing such task. However, it is very rare in industrial applications that data is fully labeled which is why
we need good methodology to obtain error-free labels. The purpose of this paper is to examine the current
literature on how to perform labeling using ML, we will compare these models in terms of popularity and on
what datatypes they are used on. We performed a systematic literature review of empirical studies for machine
learning for labeling. We identified 43 primary studies relevant to our search. From this we were able to
determine the most common machine learning models for labeling. Lack of unlabeled instances is a major
problem for industry as supervised learning is the most widely used. Obtaining labels is costly in terms of
labor and financial costs. Based on our findings in this review we present alternate ways for labeling data for
use in supervised learning tasks.
In software-intensive companies in the online and in
the embedded systems domain huge sets of data are
being processed and labeled manually, either by one
or several of their employees (AzatiSoftware, 2019).
This is an expensive approach for a company but it
does allow for easy maintenance of the quality of the
data. The only downside is that the task will be te-
dious and time consuming and prohibitively expen-
sive due to the human factor.
Data labeling is a way of annotating data depend-
ing on the content of the data (see (AzatiSoftware,
2019)). The labels each data entry receives is decided
after information about the entry has been processed.
The modern and most reasonable way to try and
perform every task nowadays is to use artificial intel-
ligence and for automatic labeling there is no differ-
There are three different ways that machine learn-
ing algorithms learn, Reinforcement learning, Super-
vised learning and Unsupervised learning. Out of the
three types of learning, none of these can fully solve
the labeling problem.
There are two disciplines in machine learning that
are designed for the sole purpose of using data that
is either unlabeled or contains a small set of labeled
instances. These two labeling methods are called ac-
tive learning and semi-supervised learning. For the
remainder of this paper we will systematically map
the research that has been conducted towards semi-
supervised and active learning techniques and how
they are applied to labeling. We are particularly inter-
ested in how these methods can be applied in different
industrial scenarios and therefore we will categorize
all the possible research areas. We present this work
in hope that will contribute in inspiring people in the
industry to use active and semi-supervised learning
techniques for labeling tasks.
The contribution of this paper is threefold. First,
we provide an overview of the available approaches
for (semi-)automatic labeling of data for machine
learning based on a systematic literature review. Sec-
Fredriksson, T., Bosch, J. and Olsson, H.
Machine Learning Models for Automatic Labeling: A Systematic Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0009972705520561
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2020), pages 552-561
ISBN: 978-989-758-443-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
ond, we present the data types that are typically sub-
ject to (semi-)automatic labeling and which data types
require additional research. Finally, we identify the
open research questions that need to be addressed by
the research community.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. In the next section, we provide the background
and an overview of techniques and approaches for au-
tomatic labeling. In section 3, we provide a concise
description of the problem that we seek to address in
this paper followed by an overview of our research
method in section 4. We present the results of the
systematic literature review in section 5 and discuss
these in section 6. Finally, we end the paper with an
overview of open research questions in section 7 and
a conclusion in section 8.
As mentioned above, most machine learning
paradigms are either supervised or unsupervised.
This means that we have access to labels, or we do
not have access to labels. Note that most algorithms
in the industry are supervised but most data do not
have labels and so we need additional efforts to
produce good labels. Furthermore, it is not unreason-
able to think that a small subset of each big dataset
coming from companies have labels and this is where
semi-supervised learning is applicable, together with
some of the active learning framework.
2.1 Semi-supervised Learning
Semi-supervised learning is a set of machine learning
algorithms that can be used if most of the instances are
unlabeled, but a small subset of them have labels. In
technical terms, we have access to a set of data points
that can be divided into two disjoint subsets, one con-
taining the labeled instances and the other contain-
ing the unlabeled instances. The objective of semi-
supervised classification is to train a classifier on both
unlabeled and labeled data so that it is better than a
supervised classifier trained only on the labeled data.
Areas of semi-supervised learning can be found in
(Zhu and Goldberg, 2009):
1. (Generative) Mixture Models and EM Algorithm.
2. Co-training and Multi-view Learning.
3. Graph-based Semi-supervised Learning.
4. Semi-supervised Support Vector Machines
2.2 Active Learning
Historically machine learning algorithms usually try
to fit a model according to currently labeled data and
we refer to these models as ”passive” learning mod-
els. Active learning systems on the other hand creates
new models as it iterative learns. Similar to how a sci-
entist plans several experiments to help come to a con-
clusion about a hypothesis, an active learning method
imposes query strategies to help select the most infor-
mative examples to be labeled by an oracle.
In some cases, e.g the model does not require
a huge number of labels, an active learning system
might not be optimal. Instead use it when there is a
very big set of unlabeled examples and you need to
label a huge amount of data to train the system.
If active learning is appropriate for your problem,
then we need to specify in what way we want to query
the examples (Settles, 2012). The three most common
scenarios are:
1. Query synthesis
2. Stream-based selective sampling
3. Pool-based sampling
As presented in (Settles, 2012), areas of active learn-
ing queries include:
1. Uncertainty Sampling.
2. Query by Committee/Disagreement (QBC/QBD).
3. Expected Error/Variance Reduction.
Data labeling is an essential step when pre-processing
data to use with machine learning when preforming
supervised learning since it is dependent of the pres-
ence of labels.
According to reports, up to 80% (see (CloudFac-, 2019)) of the time that companies spent
on their machine learning projects are allocated to
do task such as cleaning, pre-processing and labeling
data which is valuable time spent doing other tasks.
For example, an ML system that is trained to recog-
nize different animal species in a picture needs train-
ing data that contains images that already have labels.
Another good example is autonomous vehicles such
as self-driving cars. These cars are not safe enough to
be deployed in traffic. In order for them to be safer
they need to able to distinguish between different ob-
jects in its path. Therefore, we need to train the AI
of the car using images where the key features are la-
Machine Learning Models for Automatic Labeling: A Systematic Literature Review
3.1 How does Data Labeling Work?
ML systems uses large datasets for training in order
to develop a strong AI that can learn patterns. This
training data must be labeled or annotated based on
the most essential features so that the model can orga-
nize the data in the best possible way.
It is essential to use labels that are informative and
independent to create an algorithm of top quality. A
well labeled dataset provides a ML model with empir-
ical evidence to evaluate the accuracy of the model.
The model is then refined.
A ”quality algorithm” is an algorithm that has
both high ”accuracy” and high ”quality”, where ”ac-
curacy” refers to how good the predicted labels are
and ”quality” refers to how consistent the dataset is.
Errors in the data labeling will worsen the qual-
ity of the training data and so the performance of any
models used for prediction. To avoid these errors
several organizations chooses to implement HITL
(Human-in-the-loop) so that to keep humans involved
in the training and testing of the models through the
deployment phase. HITL is studied within Interactive
Machine Learning (iML) (Holzinger, 2016).
3.2 Methods for Labeling
Companies have several different ways they can ac-
quire labels for their data, popular choices are:
Crowd-sourcing: Allows companies to preform
labeling more quickly by having access to a lot of
people and divide the labeling task among these
people rather than just using one employee for the
job.(, 2019)
Contractors: Companies employ outside free-
lancers temporarily for labeling (CloudFac-, 2019).
Managed Teams: Companies gives the labeling
task to a group that they train specifically for la-
beling, this team is usually managed by a third-
party organization (, 2019).
In-house Staff: The company enlists the labeling
the current employees. (, 2019)
There is no definite way of labeling data optimally
and companies have to decide by themselves on how
their labeling should be done. When selecting a data
labeling method, the main factors are the following:
1. Financial costs.
2. The size of the dataset.
3. The knowledge of the staff.
4. What is the objective of the ML model that needs
The team performing the labeling must have an ex-
cellent knowledge of the industry and its servers, they
need to be flexible since labeling and machine learn-
ing is an ever-changing process that is quickly evolv-
ing as more data is coming in.
This section presents the research method used in the
study, namely systematic literature review. System-
atic literature review seeks to identify, analyse, and
interpret all relevant research (i.e., primary studies)
on the topic of interest (Keele et al., 2007). In this
study the topic of interest is data labeling in machine
learning and the goal our SLR is to identify and ana-
lyze literature in this research area. We followed the
procedure of conducting systematic literature reviews
according to (Keele et al., 2007). The procedure can
be summarized as follows:
1. Definition of research questions.
2. Identification of search terms and conducting
3. Screening of papers on the basis of inclusion and
4. Data extraction and mapping.
For the rest of this chapter we will outline this proce-
4.1 Definition of Research Questions
The purpose of this study was to establish what cur-
rent research has been accomplished in the field of
automatic labeling of data from different fields using
different machine learning method. Thus the main ob-
jectives of this literature review is:
Examine previous research on the subject of auto-
matic labeling.
Explore the possibility of contributing with new
research within the area.
We define a number of research questions and their
motivations below.
RQ1. In what research fields can we apply active and
semi-supervised learning?: This RQ seeks to
identify different research fields that exploit ac-
tive and semi-supervised learning
RQ2. What kind of machine learning algorithms are
used?: This RQ seeks to identify what type of
different active learning and semi-supervised
learning paradigms can be used.
ICSOFT 2020 - 15th International Conference on Software Technologies
RQ3. What is the popularity of data types among the
different methods?: This RQ seeks to identify
for each method, we how many papers studied
a specific datatype.
4.2 Identification of Studies
Keyword-based database search was used to source
relevant studies.
In this study, the main search string that was con-
structed iteratively consisted of the two keywords:
Active machine learning OR semi-supervised learn-
ing. First we performed pilots with other key-
words, such as ”automatic labeling” but it gave a too
wide range of methods that were hard to categorize.
This was then changed to active learning and semi-
supervised learning methods as they were easier to
We further went on to improve the search string
in the following way. First, for active learning we
searched for ”active machine learning” + ”category
of active learning”. If we dismissed the ”machine” in
the string, we would get results related to ”education”.
Similarly for semi-supervised learning” we searched
for ”semi-supervised” learning ” + ”category of semi-
supervised learning”. The categories can be located
in table 2. Some methods that are not included in this
study that are being researched are:
Constrained clustering.(Basu et al., 2008),
(Brefeld et al., 2006)
Semi-supervised regression.(Cortes and Mohri,
2007), (Sindhwani et al., 2005),(Zhou and Li,
Model and feature selection using unlabeled data.
ainen, 2005), (Madani et al., 2005), (Schu-
urmans and Southey, 2002), (Li and Guan, 2008).
Label sampling such as multi-instance learn-
ing, multi-task learning and deep learning.(Rosset
et al., 2005). (Zhou and Xu, 2007), (Liu et al.,
2008), (Ranzato and Szummer, 2008), (Weston
et al., 2012).
We did not directly include any of these in the search
string as we could not find any relevant papers con-
taining any industrial application.
The search string was applied to Google Scholar.
Since the search terms are so general we expect a
large number of relevant articles from the search so
we deem it sufficient only to use Google Scholar
( The second reason to
only use Google scholar is because Google scholar
is perceived as an unbiased source according to
(Wohlin, 2014). Furthermore, we do not limit our-
selves to any time period since the rise of machine
learning computations was from around the year 2000
and papers between 1980 and 1999 should mostly
contain theoretical research that we deem unneces-
sary for our study purpose.
The search strings were applied in December 2019
to the selected electronic database to retrieve arti-
cles that include the keywords in their title, abstracts
and instructions. To avoid ending up with an infinite
amount of papers the retrieval stopped after the ab-
stracts and introductions became less relevant. At the
end, approximately 300 articles were retrieved for fur-
ther screening and processing of inclusion and exclu-
sion criteria.
4.3 Study Selection: Inclusion and
Exclusion Criteria
All retrieved studies were examined for inclusion
and exclusion based on pre-established criteria. The
exclusion and inclusion criteria considered in our
study are presented below:
Inclusion Criteria.
Papers that includes AL/SSL techniques for label-
ing unlabeled and or partially unlabeled data form
the industry.
Papers that compare several AL/SSL techniques
with each other.
Papers that include a hybrid between AL/SSL
Papers that compare AL/SSL techniques with
other non-AL/SSL methods.
Papers that has a title that describes the applica-
Exclusion Criteria.
Papers concerning theoretical proofs of AL/SSL
Papers concerning simulation studies.
4.4 Data Extraction and Analysis
Data extraction involved the collection of information
related to the RQs of the study. For each paper we
identified the research field, what kind of datatype it
was and what method the paper focused on.
4.5 Threats to Validity
Although we did not include deep learning in our
search string some papers might include deep learn-
ing because active or semi-supervised learning was
Machine Learning Models for Automatic Labeling: A Systematic Literature Review
applied to a deep neural network. Some of the papers
will contain theoretical properties as well as empirical
evaluation of the models. There is no way of telling
whether the data sets used in the papers have been
tampered with to fit the models better.
In section we will interpret the results that we gath-
ered based the research questions in the previous sec-
5.1 RQ1: In What Research Fields Can
We Apply Active and
Semi-supervised Learning?
Table 1 shows how we categorize the different types
of data. Going from left to right, the first column con-
tains the names of each category, the second columns
shows which datatypes belong to that category, the
third columns says what research areas are covered
in each category and the last column references each
paper that was used for each category.
5.2 RQ2: What Kind of Machine
Learning Algorithms Are used?
In this subsection we present the main active and
semi-supervised machine learning approaches based
on textbooks (Settles, 2012), (Zhu and Goldberg,
Table 2 shows a summary of the popular machine
learning methods for labeling (Settles, 2012), (Zhu
and Goldberg, 2009). In the left column we see the ac-
tive learning methods (Settles, 2012) and in the right
column we see the semi-supervised learning methods
(Zhu and Goldberg, 2009).
Table 3 shows how we have categorized the semi-
supervised learning methods. In the left column we
see the name of each category and in the right col-
umn we see what method(s) below to each cate-
gory. We did not include cluster based active learning
and cluster-then-label semi-supervised learning in the
search string as we did not find any papers relevant to
Figure 1 shows an overview that illustrates how
many papers focused on each of the active learning
and semi-supervised learning methods. On the hor-
izontal axis we have the methods and on the verti-
cal axis we have the number of papers that focused
on that particular paper. The most popular category
is co-training and multi-view learning with a total of
eleven papers (Yan and Naphade, 2005), (Morsillo
et al., 2009), (Zhang and Zheng, 2017),(Di and Craw-
ford, 2011),(Guan et al., 2007), (Rigutini et al., 2005),
(Guo and Xiao, 2012), (Cui et al., 2011), (Yu et al.,
2010b), (Wu et al., 2019), (Jing et al., 2017), sec-
ond place is shared with graph-based semi-supervised
learning (Tang et al., 2009), (Tang et al., 2011), (Tang
et al., 2008), (Abbasi et al., 2015),(Zhao et al., 2015),
(Liu and Kirchhoff, 2013), (Zeng et al., 2013), (Sti-
kic et al., 2009) (Chen et al., 2008) and uncertainty
sampling (Liu et al., 2016), (Rajan et al., 2008), (Mi-
nakawa et al., 2013), (Yu et al., 2010a), (Zhu et al.,
2009), (Zhu et al., 2008), (Zhang and Chen, 2002),
(Varadarajan et al., 2009), (Kim et al., 2006). (Colares
et al., 2013), (Shi et al., 2010), (Huang and Hasegawa-
Johnson, 2009), (Nigam et al., 2006).
Co-training and multi-view methods corresponds
to 25.00% of all the methods. Graph-based methods
and uncertainty sampling both corresponds to 20.45%
each. Last but not least mixture models lands at fourth
place with 9.09%.
5.3 RQ3: What is the Popularity of
Datatypes among the Different
Here we only present graphs for the most popular
methods graph-based, co-training, multi-view learn-
ing, mixture models and uncertainty sampling. The
rest are omitted due to insufficient amount of data.
The first plot from the left of figure 2 illustrates
that for multidimensional inputs we found four rele-
vant papers (Tang et al., 2009), (Tang et al., 2011),
(Tang et al., 2008), (Abbasi et al., 2015), for sequen-
tial inputs we found four relevant papers (Zhao et al.,
2015), (Liu and Kirchhoff, 2013), (Stikic et al., 2009),
(Stikic et al., 2009) and no relevant one paper for uni-
variate inputs (Chen et al., 2008).
The second plot from the left of figure 2 illustrates
that for multidimensional inputs we found four rele-
vant papers (Yan and Naphade, 2005), (Morsillo et al.,
2009), (Zhang and Zheng, 2017),(Di and Crawford,
2011). For sequential inputs we found seven relevant
papers (Guan et al., 2007), (Rigutini et al., 2005),
(Guo and Xiao, 2012), (Cui et al., 2011), (Yu et al.,
2010b), (Wu et al., 2019), (Jing et al., 2017)
The third plot from the left of figure 2 illustrates
that for multidimensional inputs we found one paper
of interest (Colares et al., 2013), for sequential inputs
we found three papers of interest (Shi et al., 2010),
(Huang and Hasegawa-Johnson, 2009), (Nigam et al.,
2006) and for univariate inputs we found no paper of
The fourth plot from the left of figure 2 Illustrates
ICSOFT 2020 - 15th International Conference on Software Technologies
that for multidimensional inputs we found three pa-
pers of interest (Liu et al., 2016), (Rajan et al., 2008),
(Minakawa et al., 2013) for sequential inputs we have
found six relevant papers (Yu et al., 2010a), (Zhu
et al., 2009), (Zhu et al., 2008), (Zhang and Chen,
2002), (Varadarajan et al., 2009), (Kim et al., 2006)
and for univariate inputs we did not find any relevant
From figure 1 and we can confirm that the most
popular methods are based on co-training and multi-
view learning, graph-based methods, mixture models
and uncertainty sampling. Clearly semi-supervised
methods are more popular than active learning meth-
ods, three to one. Uncertainty sampling how-
ever includes many ways to measure uncertainty so
one could argue that we should divide it into sub-
Figure 1: Overview showing the distribution of each
method over the papers studied in this article.
Figure 2: Overview showing the distribution of datatypes
over methods based on uncertainty sampling.
In the research section we found what semi-
supervised methods and active learning methods are
popular. It is important to highlight that most of the
papers from this study are not based entirely on the
methods examined but are all some kind of hybrid
with other types of learning.
In the background we presented several issues that
concerned missing labels in company data and that it
is expensive so fix this issue. From reviewing all the
papers in this review, we found that the common fac-
tor they all shared was that they were all missing la-
bels and they had a hard time obtaining these because
of financial and labor costs.
None of the articles compared different semi-
supervised learning algorithms with each other so we
cannot compare the accuracy of each method. This is
because each method has its own distinct assumption
in order to work properly (Zhu and Goldberg, 2009).
Therefor it is easy to predict that some methods with
different assumptions will not work on the same data
as others. Thus, a comparison of semi-supervised al-
gorithms is not necessary.
Active learning methods was compared thor-
oughly in the papers. The best query strategy could
not be identified but the empirical evidence suggests
that every active learning approach exceeded the ran-
dom sampling approach. This proves that active
learning is much more effective than choosing the in-
stances to be labeled randomly.
The semi-supervised methods described in this paper
are the most basic ones and are taken from (Settles,
2012) and the active learning methods are taken from
(Zhu and Goldberg, 2009). Most papers studied are
based on active and semi-supervised learning algo-
rithm. Some of the methods in the papers resembles
these methods and some does mot, and this is why it is
hard to compare every method to each other so there
is a lot of research in just improving old methods.
There are many open research questions avail-
able, e.g as society is becoming more data-driven,
we need to know how do to efficiently incorporate
large or infinite amounts of data into our labeling al-
gorithms.(Settles, 2012). Researchers wish to cre-
ate semi-supervised learning algorithms that preform
better than supervised learning by selecting the best
semi-supervised parameters and assumptions for the
model(Settles, 2012). Ideally semi-supervised learn-
ing should be used with all types data from different
Machine Learning Models for Automatic Labeling: A Systematic Literature Review
Table 1: Categories for each application.
Category Datatype Area
Multidimensional inputs
Image, Video
Image classification/segmentation
Image retrieval.
Detection in videos
Monocular 3D human pose estimation.
Microalgae classification.
Sequential inputs
Time Series, Signals, Text
Text classification, segmentation
Word-sense disambiguation
Signal processing
Spoken language understanding/Speech recognition
Word segmentation
Phonetic classification
Information extraction/retrieval
Univariate inputs One-dimensional
Real time traffic classification
Webpage classification
Network intrusion detection
Table 2: Summary of all methods for ”active” and ”semi-
supervised” learning.
Active Learning Semi-supervised Learning
Uncertainty Sampling Semi-supervised SVM
Query by Committee Co-training
Query by Disagreement Mixture Models
Expected Model Change Cluster-then-label
Expected Error Reduction EM algorithm
Density-Weighted methods Multi-view learning
Variance Reduction Graph-Based
Cluster Based
Table 3: Classification of semi-supervised methods.
Category Sub-ategory Methods
Semi-supervised co-multi Co-training and multi-view learning
mix Mixture models.
SVM Support Vector Machines.
graph Graph Based method.
Active den Density weighted methods.
query Query-by methods e.g QBC and QBD.
red Expected error or variance reduction.
unc Uncertainty sampling based methods.
areas. To make semi-supervised work on all these dif-
ferent datatypes, we need to define new assumptions
for the models and its parameters(Settles, 2012). An
impressive field of study is combining active learn-
ing and semi-supervised learning. Active learning is
first used to determine what instances to label. These
manually labeled instances will then be used for the
semi-supervised part of the model. (Weston et al.,
2012) For more applications see (Hakkani-Tur et al.,
2011), (Tur et al., 2005), (Zhu et al., 2003), (Leng
et al., 2013).
In future research we would like to explore the fol-
How can we combine active learning with
semi-supervised deep learning models? Semi-
supervised learning relies heavily on data assump-
tions. Deep learning however does not rely on the
structure of the data.
How can we train automatic labeling algorithms
with additional infrastructure e.g test lab equip-
How do we use time as a mechanism for auto-
matic labeling? When predicting an outcome,
how do we use the actual outcome that becomes
available after some time.
How sensitive are learning algorithms for noise
and how low-quality data and what mitigation
strategies exists?
Our goal of this study is to provide a structured
overview over machine learning methods used for la-
beling unlabeled data and to identify the open re-
search challenges associated with automatic labeling.
The basis of this problem comes from the industry
rather than academia. Companies have a vast amount
of data that is not useful for supervised learning tasks
as these require labeled data. Since more than 95%
of the deployments of artificial intelligence in indus-
try, based on our observations, are concerned with su-
pervised learning, having labels is crucial for com-
panies and different strategies to obtain labels have
been adopted. These include obtaining labels through
crowdsourcing, hiring individual contractors or edu-
cate their own staff so that they can do the labeling
manually. All of these approaches involve huge finan-
cial costs and laboring costs that the companies wish
to reduce.
It proves to be difficult to find a fully automatic
ICSOFT 2020 - 15th International Conference on Software Technologies
approach to labeling as most approaches needs hu-
man intervention of some sort. Human intervention in
machine learning is discussed in interactive machine
learning. Active learning is a brand in machine learn-
ing were we are allowed to be pose queries in order
to choose what instances should be labeled to be in-
cluded in the training set. Semi-supervised learning is
a brand in machine learning where we use a small set
of labeled instances to try and achieve better results
that supervised learning algorithms.
Both active and semi-supervised machine learning
algorithms can be used to solve problems in which
we have an insufficient amount of labeled data, but
they do this in different ways. Based on our analysis
we can say that semi-supervised and active learning
methods are well developed for labeling and between
the two, semi-supervised learning seems to be more
developed. Unlike active learning, semi-supervised
learning does not require any human intervention and
is therefore more ”automatic” and require less effort
from humans. Furthermore, we see great potential in
using the methods presented in this article for indus-
trial applications and to contribute with new ideas es-
pecially to univariate data since the current research
on this datatype is lacking. A particularly interest-
ing research topic is to combine active learning with
semi-supervised learning, e.g one could use active
learning to pose queries in order to find the optimal in-
stances to label for inclusion in the training data and
then use semi-supervised learning for whatever pur-
pose we want to use it for.
The contribution of this paper is threefold. First,
we provide an overview of the available approaches
for (semi-)automatic labeling of data for machine
learning based on a systematic literature review. Sec-
ond, we present the data types that are typically sub-
ject to (semi-)automatic labeling and which data types
require additional research. Finally, we identify the
open research questions that need to be addressed by
the research community.
This work was partially supported by the Wallen-
berg AI Autonomous Systems and Software Program
(WASP) funded by Knut and Alice Wallenberg Fun-
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to Data Labeling for Machine Learning.
Colares, R. G., Machado, P., de Faria, M., Detoni, A., Ta-
vano, V., et al. (2013). Microalgae classification using
semi-supervised and active learning based on gaussian
mixture models. Journal of the Brazilian Computer
Society, 19(4):411–422.
Cortes, C. and Mohri, M. (2007). On transductive regres-
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