Insights into SoRa: A Reference Architecture for Cyber-physical
Social Systems in the Industry 4.0 Era
Teodor Ghetiu
and Bogdan-Constantin Pirvu
Undo Ltd., Cambridge, U.K.
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Sibiu, Romania
Keywords: Reference Architecture, Learning, Adaptation, Cyber-physical Social System, Anthropocentric.
Abstract: Reference architectures for Industry 4.0 tend to have a techno-centric orientation; their social dimension is
usually restricted to specifying that users exist, and they have concerns that impact the architecture of desired
systems. We take a step further to make the social element the core of future systems. A first step is to propose
a reference architecture for Industry 4.0 cyber-physical social systems (CPSS), that builds upon proposals
from well-known initiatives. Key differentiator in our design is the explicit consideration of the human –
cyber-physical relation and the way the two sides influence or adapt to each other. The final aim is that
architecture descriptions derived from this reference architecture, will enable the development of CPSSs
capable of harnessing the power of the Internet of Things (IoT), while respecting the importance of their
human members.
The engineering of cyber-physical systems (CPSs)
has always been guided by architectures that took into
account, more or less, the concerns of their
stakeholders. Some argue that one essential
component of the systems - the actual user - has often
been just partially considered (Dressler, 2018).
As we progress in the Industry 4.0 age, more and
more complex reference architectures (RAs) are
being put forward, striving to accommodate the
development of new technologies and IoT related
capabilities. This is even more the case with the
advent of approaches such as Society 5.0 in Japan
(Hitachi-UTokyo Laboratory, 2020), a model
describing a people-centric super-smart society in
which humanity is a key trait for this ideal society.
In this particular context, cyber-physical social
systems (CPSSs), which are computing systems
adding social characteristics and interaction to CPSs
having key features such as: integrality, sociability,
locality, irreversibility, adaptivity and autonomy
(Pirvu et al., 2016), are considered to still be in their
“infancy”, as recent studies lack a systematic design
methodology or are application specific (Zeng et al.,
2020). More importantly, there is room for giving a
more socio-centric orientation to reference
architectures, such that the architectures derived from
them will serve in developing improved CPSSs in
approaches such as Society 5.0.
This research analyses a number of reference
architectures, from FITMAN, to OSMOSE, IoT-A or
BEinCPPS. The findings led us to propose
improvements in order to explicitly consider the
relation between the social side of a system and its
cyber-physical counterpart. Furthermore, we suggest
that establishing equilibrium between the two sides
can be achieved if we facilitate the adaptation of one
to the other. To this end, we propose a first effort to
elaborate a reference architecture for CPSS – the
Socio-centric RA (SoRA), as part of our ongoing
research. Please note that in this article only the
structural perspective of SoRA will be detailed, as
well as to propose an instantiation of a functional
The remaining of this paper is structured as
follows. Section II presents the relevant work
regarding RAs. Section III describes SoRA from the
structural perspective as well as an instantiation from
a functional perspective while section IV discusses
Ghetiu, T. and Pirvu, B.
Insights into SoRa: A Reference Architecture for Cyber-physical Social Systems in the Industry 4.0 Era.
DOI: 10.5220/0009982300470052
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics (IN4PL 2020), pages 47-52
ISBN: 978-989-758-476-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
some key aspects of this RA. In section V concluding
remarks are formulated, while in the final section the
outlook for SoRA’s development is presented.
There are numerous RAs for CPSS, some more
detailed, others succinctly presented, some more
generic, others tailored to specific types of systems,
etc. In the following we are going to briefly look at a
number of RAs that we consider representative and
are sufficiently documented in order to be evaluated.
The OSMOSE project delivered a RA (Felic, et
al., 2014) (Felic, et al., 2016) intended to enable the
development of sensing-liquid enterprises. These two
attributes were inspired from the FInES Research
Roadmap 2025 (FInES Research Roadmap Task
Force, 2012), which identified nine qualities of being
(QB) of Future Internet-based Enterprises. These nine
QBs are: 1) Humanistic Enterprise, 2) Inventive
Enterprise, 3) Agile Enterprise, 4) Cognisant
Enterprise, 5) Sensing Enterprise, 6) Community-
oriented Enterprise, 7) Liquid Enterprise, 8) Global
Enterprise and 9) Sustainable Enterprise. Key to the
OSMOSE reference architecture is the identification
of three worlds (real, digital and virtual) to which an
enterprise’s assets belong; communication between
worlds is mediated by a “membrane”, which allows
osmotic processes to take place (information entering
the membrane is processed and routed to the other
worlds according to complex event processing and
knowledge links mechanisms). From a socio-centric
perspective, the OSMOSE reference architecture
considers the human users only in terms of the data
and multimedia information the system stores for the
users, or in terms of avatars that may be used in
“what-if” simulations pertaining to the virtual world.
The FITMAN project delivered three RAs
(Rotondi et al., 2013) that define what a smart, digital
or virtual enterprise should consist of. From a socio-
centric perspective, humans are identified as end-
users, that only control the system from a logically
remote location. While the RAs benefit from the
identification of a collection of reusable components,
mainly dedicated to information processing or to
abstracting out details of lower-levels of abstraction,
the information relevant to the socio-centric
perspective is not abundant here as this is not the
focus of the FITMAN RAs.
The IoT-A project produced a comprehensive
piece of work (The Internet of Things – Architecture
project, 2013) that not only defines a RA, but also
provides the underlying architectural reference model
(ARM), as well as guidance for using the RA in order
to generate specific architectures. While the work
itself is not complete (the information model, for
example, is only partially defined), the ARM contains
eloquent descriptions of the domain, functional and
communication model, while the RA itself complies
with the framework of already established
architectural views and perspectives, such as those
denoted in (Rozanski and Woods, 2005). That said,
the overall approach is techno-centric: the RA is
composed of functional groups and functional
components, with the user interacting with the system
via the top-level applications functional group.
More recently, the Industrial Internet Consortium
(IIC) delivered the industrial Internet Reference
Architecture (Industrial Internet Consortium, 2017),
which is strongly based on the ISO/IEC 42010
(ISO/IEC/IEEE, 2011). This RA, in fact, instantiates
ISO/IEC 42010 for the Industrial Internet domain,
selecting four relevant viewpoints (i.e. business,
usage, functional and implementation) and detailing
the elements that need to be defined in order to
generate views for each viewpoint; in addition, the
RA specifies a number of cross-cutting concerns,
while also providing architectural patterns (i.e.
topologies for interconnecting physical devices or
logical layers within an enterprise) that may be
applied when constructing specific system
In a similar timeframe, the BEinCPPS project
finalized its RA, oriented on cyber-physical
production systems (CPPS). While initially the
BEinCPPS RA (Fischer, et al., 2016) was a cross-
breed between the OSMOSE and RAMI 4.0 RAs, the
final version (Isaja et al., 2017) adopts a simplified
approach, that makes use of four perspectives in order
to define a semi-reference semi-concrete architecture.
Its simple structural perspective divides the elements
of a system into design-time and runtime, while
runtime systems are considered at different
hierarchical levels. Again, the approach is techno-
centric, the human element being either implicit
(hence undefined) or explicit only at the top-level
cloud level (similar to the FITMAN approach of
representing humans only as end-users).
Table 1 below provides a synthetic view over the
mentioned architectures, describing the types of
systems they were intended for, as well as the scope
that they can be associated with. A detailed review of
recent reference architectures for cyber-physical
systems in industry 4.0 is presented in (Ghetiu, 2018).
IN4PL 2020 - International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics
Table 1: Some existing reference architectures and their
scope and applicability.
OSMOSE Sensing-Liquid
Smart Factory Shop floor
Digital Factory Factory (data
Virtual Factory Supply chains
IIRA IoT CPSoS General
IoT-A CPSoS General
BEinCPPS Cyber-physical
Field devices,
SoRA adopts the BEinCPPS structural perspective as
a starting point. One of the main aspects that lead to
this decision is the structural simplicity and clarity of
this RA, in its final format (Isaja et al., 2017), which
is highly suitable for being adapted in order to present
functions and technologies that could be used in
concrete architectures; in comparison, other RAs can
be considered either too complicated (e.g. FITMAN
or OSMOSE) or too abstract (e.g. the 5C architecture
(Lee et al., 2015)). Additionally, the BEinCPPS RA
makes a clear distinction between the design and
operation concerns of an architecture, so it represents
a good foundation for creating an improved, yet not
too complicated RA.
If the BEinCPPS RA is composed of two domains
and three layers, SoRA has a more elaborate
structure, as shown in figure 1 where we present the
structural perspective of SoRA; we highlight in green
the new elements added on top of the BEinCPPS
structural perspective. The design-time and runtime
domains remain but, in order to adequately transition
between the two, a third buffer domain is needed; this
approach reflects to an extent the OSMOSE
philosophy, where the distinct worlds are separated
by a “membrane”.
The new buffer domain is dedicated to
representing the relation between the social and
cyber-physical elements within the intended system;
its role is to explicitly define how the cyber and the
social actors will work well within the CPSS. The
domain consists of two layers, one dedicated to
training, the other to adaptation. The training layer
defines how the human users will be prepared for
using the CSP efficiently, whereas the adaptation
layer refers to the adaptation of the CSP to the humans
inside the CPSS.
Furthermore, the design-time domain needs to be split
into an upper layer dedicated to capturing information
pertaining to the social realm, whereas the lower layer
remains restricted to the standard design of a CPS.
The motivation for this separation stems from the
need to explicitly consider the social factors that will
influence the CPSS design.
Figure 1: Structural view of the SoRA for CPSS.
Insights into SoRa: A Reference Architecture for Cyber-physical Social Systems in the Industry 4.0 Era
In addition, the runtime domain (named
“Execution” in figure 1) contains three layers, as that
of the BEinCPPS architecture; the two RAs different
in the sense that in the SoRA, the layers have generic
titles, whereas the BEinCPPS is focused on CPPS.
Consequently, at the bottom of the hierarchy we have
CPSs (analogue for the shop floor level of the
BEinCPPS runtime domain), which are the building
block for CPSoSs and ultimately the Cloud (analogue
for the enterprise level of the BEinCPPS runtime
domain). Note that the Edge is not explicitly depicted
in this version of the architecture, but is expected to
be contained within each runtime layer.
While it is still under development, figure 2 offers
a glimpse of what may be a functional view
implementing the SoRA. Here we identify
components, technologies or processes that may be
used in each layer of the architecture.
The Training layer, for example, can be defined
by training processes and training systems; this
implies that a CPSS, designed with the social-factor
in mind, should come equipped with documentation
supporting the training of personnel, but also (if the
complexity of the systems deems it necessary) with
explicit training systems that may be used in the
training process (Gellert et al., 2020). If we were to
take the case of an Industry 4.0 production facility, in
order to support the social factor, apart from training
processes, a VR or AR enabled training system could
be developed or purchased.
The Adaptation layer refers to the systems
capability to model their user and adapt to them, so
that quality metrics can be improved. Machine
learning (ML) techniques can be employed, but also
newer approaches such as generative design or
design-space exploration, especially in co-simulated
environments, can be used.
The runtime domain can be instantiated with
agent-oriented platforms that readily implement
logic, not only for executing production functions, but
also for interfacing with users in “smart” ways. As
(Ocker et. al 2019) suggest, multi-agent systems
(MAS) are a solution to modern challenges faced by
production systems or other types of complex,
human-design systems. Software agents can be
mapped to individual devices, users or to aggregates
of such entities; they can activate solely within the
software domain or become embodied. Furthermore,
any MAS comes with a solution for inter-agent
communication; if the design of a CPSS tunes this
communication so that it is done efficiently, across
CPSs and levels of hierarchy, then MASs represent
indeed a powerful proposition for the composition of
What is more important is that MAS can be
employed in defining the functions of the socio-
cyber-physical relation domain. Specialized agents
can aid or fully execute the training of human users,
whereas the adaptation of the CPS to its users can be
enacted by other types of specialized agents,
embodied or not.
The bottom layer of the runtime domain (CPS)
brings together devices and users, that are interfaced
through a specific class of MAS. The middle layer
interconnects CPSs and users, through a potentially
different class of MAS. Finally, at the top-layer we
find Cloud functions: data processing (e.g. big data),
together with specific applications which support the
Figure 2: Functional view of the SoRA for CPSS.
IN4PL 2020 - International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics
collaboration between users or the execution of other
system functions.
Going forward, the ARM for the SoRA
architecture should be supplied. We take as starting
point IoT-A’s ARM and identify aspects that should
be modified or added so that it becomes relevant. This
work will be presented in a follow-up article.
The information provided in the previous section is
just a brief introduction to SoRA - a developing
reference architecture for CPSS. In this paper, we
only define its structural perspective and sketch what
could be its functional perspective.
The structural perspective builds on that provided
by the BEinCPPS RA; a key differentiator is the
addition of an explicit buffer domain, that bridges the
design and runtime domains. Its purpose is to expose
the importance of the socio - cyber-physical relation,
for the development of successful CPSSs. Our initial
thoughts go towards the need for defining the way in
which the human factor is going to be accustomed to
the cyber-physical one (i.e. training), as well as on
explicitly allowing (or even requesting) the CPS to
adapt itself to the human factor, so that it can better
support it.
When looking at the functional perspective, we
consider it is necessary to put more focus on the tools
and means for designing the social factors into the
architectures of CPSSs, in contrast with focusing on
the technical aspects of CPS architectures. While
existing RAs vary in terms of scope, qualities built
into the targeted system or even the level of detail
with which they are made public, we aim to obtain a
RA that is socio-oriented, builds on existing best
practices and conforms to the Future Internet
prospects for Industry 4.0.
Another defining trait of the SoRA is the centering
on multi-agency as a philosophy for addressing the
needs of a modern CPSS. MAS can be employed in
order to implement the training and adaptation
functions of our buffer defined, as well as in bringing
together CPSs and human actors, at all hierarchical
levels within a CPSS.
In this work we have introduced SoRA, a new RA
aimed at facilitating the development of architecture
descriptions for CPSSs, that reflect the importance of
the human factor as a key element in the control loop.
To achieve this, SoRA builds on previous work that
spans decades of research and implementation. Key
in making a difference is considering that the relation
between the social and the cyber-physical elements
needs to be added to the core of all CPSSs
Previous RAs have been of a predominantly
techno-centric nature: the human was the external
factor, the user that interacts with the system via a
more or less advanced interface; important was
achieving the functions of the system. In the best of
cases, ISO/IEC 42010 (ISO/IEC/IEEE, 2011) was
brought into attention, reminding that architectures
have to consider the concerns of stakeholders or,
specific to the IoT domain, architectures would need
to define an entire business view (Industrial Internet
Consortium, 2017). Other architectures were too
succinctly defined (such as the SmartFactory or
RAMI 4.0 RAs) to evaluate their orientation, but we
can go by the rule that if something is not explicitly
defined, it does not exist; as such, we cannot attribute
a socio-centric nature to such architectures.
There are cases when focus is explicitly laid on
other attributes (or qualities of being, as (FInES
Research Roadmap Task Force, 2012) considers); the
OSMOSE RA (Felic, et al., 2016) aims at identifying
architectural constructs that enable the development
of architectural descriptions for sensitive and liquid
enterprises. RAs need to map out the spectrum of QBs
and OSMOSE’s approach is valid from this
In this paper, we have detailed only the structural
and functional perspectives of SoRA. Its structural
perspective builds on that provided by the BEinCPPS
RA, to which it adds a new domain: that of the socio
- cyber-physical relationship. The intention is to
explicitly consider this relationship from the onset, so
that the resulting architecture will lead to the
implementation of a CPSS where human users are
well trained in efficiently using the CPSS, while the
cyber-physical components will continuously adapt
to the social factors that interact with them. SoRA’s
functional perspective is still in a developing stage,
but one aspect can be considered defined: its reliance
on MAS to achieve functions related to training,
adaptation, and human-computer interaction.
As part of the research conducted for SoRA, the next
step is to further elaborate on the means through
which social factors can be (best) taken into account
Insights into SoRa: A Reference Architecture for Cyber-physical Social Systems in the Industry 4.0 Era
at design time. The current proposal is to look at
quality perspectives, using notions derived from
standards such as ISO/IEC 9126-4 or ISO/IEC 20510.
We need to evaluate if proposals such as IIRA’s
business viewpoint are satisfactory from a socio-
centric perspective, or a more in-depth view is
needed, including user modelling, profiling.
Another line of research is that of implementing
prototype systems, that reflect the new functions
described in the socio – cyber-physical relation
domain of SoRA. The first prototype is an adaptive
system to correctly learn how to manually assemble
products without a human instructor. The adaptation
aims at adjusting the instructions for the user
according to the previous and current performance in
the execution of the task, the chosen components, the
physical and emotional state of the operator as well as
the detected user profile. The second prototype is a
modular production system prototype having a
distributed low-level control architecture together
with a MAS for the high-level control. Fully
automatic the system can produce standard orders
(i.e. modular tablets), orders which have limited or
predefined customization; in case of highly
customized orders, the automated system collaborates
with human operators to manufacture the special
This work is supported through the DiFiCIL project
(contract no. 69/08.09.2016, ID P_37_771, web:, co-funded by ERDF
through the Competitiveness Operational Programme
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