Evaluation of Lyapunov Function Candidates through Averaging
Carlos Arg
1 a
, Peter Giesl
2 b
and Sigurdur Hafstein
1 c
Science Institute, University of Iceland, Dunhagi 3, 107 Reykjav
ık, Iceland
Department of Mathematics, University of Sussex, Falmer, BN1 9QH, U.K.
Complete Lyapunov Functions, Chain-recurrent Set, Numerical Methods, Dynamical Systems, Iterative
A complete Lyapunov function determines the behaviour of a dynamical system. In particular, it splits the
phase space into the chain-recurrent set, where solutions show (almost) repetitive behaviour, and the part
exhibiting gradient-like flow where the dynamics are transient. Moreover, it reveals the stability of sets and
basins of attraction through its sublevel sets. In this paper, we combine two previous methods to compute
complete Lyapunov functions: we employ quadratic optimization with equality and inequality constraints to
compute a complete Lyapunov function candidate and we evaluate its quality by using a method that improves
approximations of complete Lyapunov function candidates through iterations.
Consider a general autonomous ODE:
x = f(x), where x ∈ R
. (1)
A complete Lyapunov function (CLF) candidate is a
function V : R
→ R which is constant or decreasing
along solutions of (1). If V is smooth, then this can
be expressed by the fact that its orbital derivative, i.e.
the derivative along solutions, is negative or zero. In
formula, this reads ∇V (x) · f(x) ≤ 0.
A CLF candidate delivers information about the
qualitative behaviour of (1). The larger the area of the
phase space, where V is strictly decreasing, the more
information can be obtained from the CLF candidate.
The region in which the solution to (1) shows (almost)
repetitive behaviour, i.e. the chain-recurrent set, is
necessarily contained in the set where ∇V (x) · f(x) =
The first proof of the existence of a CLFs for dy-
namical systems was given by Conley (Conley, 1978).
This proof holds for a compact metric space and it
considers each corresponding attractor-repeller pair
and constructs a function which is 1 on the repeller,
0 on the attractor and decreasing in between. Then
these functions are summed up over all attractor-
repeller pairs. Later, Hurley generalized these ideas
to more general spaces (Hurley, 1992; Hurley, 1998).
These functions, however, are just continuous func-
tions. In (Fathi and Pageault, 2019) and (Bernard and
Suhr, 2018; Suhr and Hafstein, 2020) the existence of
smooth CLFs for ODEs on compact and noncompact
phase spaces was proved, respectively.
Computational approaches to construct CLFs have
been proposed in (Kalies et al., 2005; Ban and Kalies,
2006; Goullet et al., 2015), where the phase space was
subdivided into cells, defining a discrete-time sys-
tem given by the multivalued time-T map between
them. This multivalued map was then computed using
the computer package GAIO (Dellnitz et al., 2001).
Hence, an approximate complete Lyapunov function
was constructed using graph algorithms (Ban and
Kalies, 2006). This approach requires a high number
of cells even for low dimensions. In (Bj
ornsson et al.,
2015), a CLF was constructed as a continuous piece-
wise affine (CPA) function on a fixed simplicial com-
plex. However, it is assumed that information about
the location of local attractors is available.
In this paper we consider two different methods,
which have previously been proposed to compute
CLF candidates. Both use collocation with radial ba-
sis functions (RBF) to parameterize a CLF candidate.
In the first method quadratic programming (Giesl
et al., 2018) is used to compute a norm-minimal so-
Argáez, C., Giesl, P. and Hafstein, S.
Evaluation of Lyapunov Function Candidates through Averaging Iterations.
DOI: 10.5220/0009992507340744
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2020), pages 734-744
ISBN: 978-989-758-442-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved