to the standard output (William E. Shotts, ). When ls
accesses a corrupted directory/file, the trust level of ls
after will decrease. If ls continues accessing objects
with low integrity levels, the trust level of ls may be-
come isolated from system resources. To solve this
issue, we apply the principle of weak tranquility such
that the trust level may both increase and decrease,
making it bidirectional.
The tranquility principle allows controlled copy-
ing from high security levels to low security levels via
trusted subjects. There are two forms of the tranquil-
ity principle: strong tranquility and weak tranquil-
ity. In strong tranquility, the security levels do not
change during the normal operation of the system. In
weak tranquility, the security levels may never change
in such a way as to violate a defined security pol-
icy. Bidirectional weak tranquility is more desirable
in our model. An entity may obtain a new low trust
level due to accessing low integrity data or invok-
ing low integrity entities. By applying bidirectional
weak tranquilly, the entity can progressively accumu-
late higher trust levels, as actions require it. In other
words, subjects and objects integrity levels will be
managed within an allowable range to make the pro-
cess more flexible in application. So, our model not
only incorporates weak tranquility in a bi-directional
manner, the are both maximum and minimum trusts
levels that represent boundaries across which an ob-
ject’s integrity level may not change.
Trust models are divided into two types: policy-based
models and recommendation-based models. Both
types use a language to express relationships about
trust. Each type provides a measure of the trust in an
entity, and the result of the evaluation is a complete
trust, a complete distrust, or somewhere between cer-
tain or uncertain.
Policy-based models require a language in which
to express and analyze system policies. For example,
the Keynote trust management system (Blaze et al.,
1998) that is based on Policy-Marker (Blaze et al.,
1996) is extended to support applications that use
public keys. Recommendation-based models use past
behavior to determine whether to trust an entity, in-
cluding recommendations from other entities. For
example, Abdul-Rahman and Hailes (Abdul-Rahman
and Hailes, 1997) base trust on the recommendations
of other entities. In their model, they consider di-
rect trust relationships and recommender trust rela-
tionships. Trust is computed based on integer values.
They use -1 for direct trust as representing untrusted,
values from 1 to 4 as representing the lowest to high-
est trust values, and 0 as the inability to make trust
judgments. For recommender trust values, the inte-
gers -1 and 0 have the same meaning as with direct
trust, while the values from 1 to 4 indicates how close
the recommender judgment is to the entity that is be-
ing recommended.
Admonita is a recommendation-based trust
model. It is based on Biba and Maia. In our proposed
model, the Biba integrity model defines the subject-
objects access properties, while Maia works as an
Integrity Verification Procedure IVP that preserves
data integrity. Basically, a Maia specification defines
a set of constraints declaring what it means for data
to have integrity. Maia verifies structured data when
a subject writes to the file and generates a limited
number of integrity levels to reflect the evaluation of
the data’s integrity.
The Biba integrity model is concerned with an
unauthorized modification of data within a system by
controlling who may access it. It works as a preven-
tion system for data integrity. The model deals with a
set of subjects, a set of objects, and a set of integrity
levels. Subjects may be either users or processes.
Each subject and object is assigned an integrity level,
denoted as I(s) and I(o), for the subject s and the ob-
ject o, respectively. The integrity levels describe how
subjects and objects are more or less trustworthy re-
garding a higher or lower integrity level.
Let S = {s
,.. .} be a set of subjects, and O =
,.. .} be a set of objects. According to subjec-
tive logic, the opinions about a subject and an object
are expressed as w
= {t
} and w
= {t
respectively, where s ∈ S and o ∈ O. Therefore, the
trust opinion about the subject w
represents the in-
tegrity of the subject I(s). Similarly, the trust opinion
about the object w
represents the integrity of the ob-
ject I(o).
According to (Gambette, 1988), the definition of
trust is “Anna trusts Bernard if Anna believes, with
the level of subjective probability, that Bernard will
perform a particular action, both before the action can
be monitored (or independently of capacity of being
able to monitor it) and in a context in which it af-
fects Anna’s own action.” If Anna establishes trust in
Bernard based on her observation and other interac-
tions, the trust is direct. If it is established based on
Anna’s acceptance of Bernard’s recommendation of
other entities, then the trust is indirect.
Admonita combines direct and indirect opinions
about the trustworthiness of subjects and objects. A
Admonita: A Recommendation-based Trust Model for Dynamic Data Integrity