Experiences and Recommendations from Operating a Tor Exit Node
at a University
Michael Sonntag
and René Mayrhofer
Institute of Networks and Security, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Altenbergerstr. 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
Keywords: Anonymisation, Tor Exit Node, Legality, Public Perception, Recommendations.
Abstract: We report on a multi-year operation of a Tor exit node at a public university and provide recommendations
for running other instances. These include legal issues, such as permissions perhaps required in advance, and
where potential pitfalls are, like blocking content/DNS resolution or monitoring/logging requirements. We
also discuss organizational aspects including preparations for inquiries and problem reports, how to avoid
issues with potential legal enforcement, or who should have access to which systems. Technical issues are
discussed in detail, including lessons learnt from DoS attacks both on the university as well as the exit node
in particular. Finally, we provide technical and organizational recommendations on longitudinal data collec-
tion and other research on exit node traffic without compromising anonymity.
Our university institute operated a high-bandwidth
Tor (Dingledine et al., 2004) exit node for several
years and performed research particularly statistical
traffic analysis on it. Tor is an anonymisation sys-
tems based on routing encrypted traffic across multi-
ple nodes, each of which strips away an encryption
layer. Observers in the Internet (or server operators)
therefore see (only) the IP address of the last (=exit)
node as the system requesting some data, but not the
actual originator. Misuse can be tracked back to the
exit node, but not any further
For reasons detailed below, this has now stopped.
At the beginning, such a project was considered
highly controversial and a big risk by many relevant
stakeholders, but our experiences showed that these
were mostly unfounded, although we were not able to
convince everyone of the relatively low risk of oper-
ating a Tor exit node. Issues that led to the highest
amount of discussions were spread throughout differ-
ent concerns: legal (Is this allowed at all? Is it “con-
tributing to illegal acts” and therefore exposing the
university to potential liability?), organizational
(How to ensure that in case legal problems arise there
is no impact on the rest of the university? How not to
compromising anonymity and still perform re-
search?), technical (Might we become an attack tar-
get? How does the normal operation – or any attacks
– impact the university network?), and public percep-
tion (What media opinion pieces might this generate?
Does the general public perceive anonymity as posi-
tive or negative?).
In this paper we report on the project and provide
recommendations and lessons learnt from it, so that
others can more easily start and operate a Tor exit
Operating on solid legal ground is an obvious precon-
dition; therefore, we proactively verified the current
legal situation on multiple fronts: First, we checked
whether it is legal at all to provide such a service in
Austria, and if yes, whether some kind of registra-
tion/permission/etc is needed. We could confirm that
a) it is legal to operate an anonymizing network
packet forwarding service, and b) that no explicit per-
mission or registration is a precondition for such op-
eration (Sonntag, 2015). This may be different in
other jurisdictions, but is probably consistent within
Sonntag, M. and Mayrhofer, R.
Experiences and Recommendations from Operating a Tor Exit Node at a University.
DOI: 10.5220/0010156802830290
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2021), pages 283-290
ISBN: 978-989-758-491-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the EU. Other typical legal “dangers” are, and should
therefore be answered (in our case negatively):
* Operating a Telecommunication Service: Such a
service transmits third party data from an external
source to an external destination, i.e. it is no endpoint
but a relay similar to an upstream ISP. This “carrier”
service could be regulated and require registration or
licensing or be subject to oversight etc. The important
part here is, that there is no contractual binding to any
of the communicating parties (additionally, the end-
user is explicitly not known to the service).
Recommendation: No explicit action needed in Aus-
tria, but registration or an operator license may be re-
quired in other jurisdictions.
* Monitoring Obligations: The service might be re-
quired to investigate all or certain traffic for some un-
desirable content. This might be independent of
whether this is possible at all – although the outgoing
traffic of an exit node is “cleartext”, it can still be
HTTPS and therefore encrypted. As we are not the
operator e.g. of a cloud service, respective keys to de-
crypt and investigate are not in our sphere of influ-
ence. Note that aside of a MitM attack no “retention”
and therefore disclosure of cryptographic keys is pos-
sible this is end-to-end encryption. The type (e.g.
chat, web browsing, or file download) of content
might still be recoverable, e.g. from time and traffic
amount analysis (Lashkari et al., 2017).
A typical example would be blocking pornogra-
phy (e.g. the UK Digital Economy Act, 2017). This is
potentially problematic, as e.g. the UK law applies to
ISPs and “ancillary service providers” (see section 21
5 b) giving access to such content to persons in the
United Kingdom. Depending on jurisdiction, this
could therefore also apply to Tor nodes in other coun-
tries although these do not know in any way in
which country the end-user who uses the exit node is
located. Also, an exit node probably doesn’t profit
from the mere-conduit-exception of liability in Art 12
of the E-Commerce directive (still optimistic Minarik
and Osula, 2015). The CJEU judgment from
15.9.2016, C-484/14 – Mc Fadden, made clear that it
only applies to services provided for remuneration,
even though these could be “unrelated” (e.g. a restau-
rant providing free Internet access to its paying cus-
tomers). As exit nodes do not have any business re-
garding the unknown end-users especially if oper-
ated by a publicly funded university this does not
apply (note that in Austria this exemption was explic-
itly extended to free services: ECG § 19 Abs 2).
Recommendation: For exit node operation no moni-
toring should be required, as resulting logs would be
(mostly) meaningless to usual monitoring cases.
* Content Blocking Requirements: Blocking of cer-
tain content might be required, both from fixed lists
(updated e.g. by courts) as well as ad-hoc (court judg-
ments, information from rights holders etc) in various
ways (Lodder and Polter, 2017). This can also include
the requirement to start ongoing monitoring for iden-
tical or similar content. Note that while a large
amount of exit traffic is encrypted, according to our
experiences this does not cover the entirety (25-35%
remains unencrypted web traffic at the time of this
writing). Additionally, the appropriate infrastructure
might be required anyway (for the possibility that
such a problem may arise in the remaining clear-text
traffic). This could perhaps be reduced/avoided by
limiting traffic to encrypted services only so that
any kind of inspection and therefore blocking is im-
possible anyway. However, that would significantly
reduce the utility of an exit node at this time, and we
therefore decided to explicitly allow cleartext traffic
to be forwarded. Note that blocking and monitoring
might be combined: blocking “inappropriate” traffic
and simultaneously logging all such requests.
Recommendation: We believe that within the EU no
a priori content blocking needs to be implemented. In
specific cases as ordered by a court of law, blocking
selected targets may become necessary. Avoiding this
may be easiest implemented using a narrow exit pol-
icy disallowing any cleartext traffic (with the obvious
disadvantages for the network).
* DNS Blocking: Blocking might not take place on
the content level, but also on the DNS resolution
level, which is the typical case today for e.g. copy-
right infringements (Geiger and Izyumenko, 2019).
As exit nodes also perform DNS requests for end-us-
ers, “lying” to block specific (web)sites might be nec-
essary. This, like the previous category, could per-
haps be passed to the upstream provider: if it is in the
same country, then all exit node traffic has to go
through their network too. But such obligations might
only apply to them for servicing “end-users” – which
an exit node could be argued not to be (i.e. an ISP
might have to filter traffic of private homes/busi-
nesses, but perhaps not traffic from other ISPs, espe-
cially international ones). Otherwise, implementing
DNS blocking is relatively easy on the technical level
if the exit runs its own DNS resolver as recommended
(Tor-DNS 2019), because DNS resolution can other-
wise be a significant privacy problem (Greschbach et
al., 2017).
Recommendation: We believe that no a-priori DNS
blocking infrastructure needs to be implemented by a
Tor exit node operator, and that relevant legal re-
quests may typically be better addressed by the re-
spective upstream provider if necessary.
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Another aspect is preparation for “legal” inquir-
ies, i.e. if a national law enforcement agency contacts
the service operator because its IP address was found
on a child pornography server, someone distrib-
uted/downloaded/shared a movie, or some offensive
message was sent (mail, forum post, comment…).
These might originate from public officials (police,
courts, administration), but also from private persons.
Recommendation: Prepare an easy-to-understand
(for non-experts) explanation of the Tor system and
why you are technically unable to answer any re-
quests for end-user data, and what their other options
are (if any). This should be readily available, e.g. on
a website. In our experience this was not a problem,
as the few official persons contacting us knew per-
fectly well what Tor is, and lost all interest as soon as
they were informed about this fact. This was similarly
true for the private persons that contacted us, which
either knew what Tor is or were sufficiently informed
to not contact us again by our (automated) response.
2.1 Improving Legal “State of the Art”
Whether something is “state of the art” is an im-
portant concept from the legal point of view: “State
of science” (also called “best available techniques”)
aspects can easily be disregarded and do not have to
be implemented in most areas of business (see
BVerfG, 1978 for the source of this differentiation).
Companies might not have to actually implement all
of the “state of the art” either, but it is mandatory to
“consider” it. This means, if you choose not to follow
recommendations from this level, you need an expla-
nation as to why not (which may typically include “it
is too expensive” or “it would disrupt core business”).
“State of the art” still requires “practically tested” and
“sufficiently proven”, i.e. it must have been used in a
wider area or to a larger extent (not only tested in a
laboratory or a single special instance) and has
worked sufficiently well for a longer span of time
(Weidenhammer and Gundlach, 2018). At least in
Austria, Tor was (because of the worlds first court
proceedings on operating an exit node, where the op-
erator was found guilty) seen as neither: (practically)
nobody operated an exit node (at least not openly),
and its operation (effort required, potential problems
etc; but not that it is technically possible and works as
intended, which was accepted) was not proven either.
In this sense we provided a significant contribu-
tion to the “state of the art” in Austria, and perhaps
even to a wider (e.g. EU) jurisdiction: operating a Tor
exit node was proven to be practically possible for a
long time without significant drawbacks or problems,
neither technical, nor legal, nor organizational.
Through our successful operation and the publicity it
is now proven that it works not only on the computer
science level, but on a practical level too, transition-
ing the operation of a Tor exit node from the concept
of “state of science” to “state of the art”. Conse-
quently, if discussing techniques to improve privacy,
considering the Tor system will now be a mandatory
element that can no longer be ignored. It might not be
used, but then arguments are needed why. These will
usually have to be technical (latency etc), as our ex-
plicit lack of bad experience in terms of legal/organi-
zation aspects renders arguing on those grounds dif-
ficult. Financial reasons are limited too, as the neces-
sary hardware is very cheap (at least for any kind of
business venture), and personnel costs are low be-
cause little work is needed for installation as well as
Recommendation for Operators: No specific action
is needed, because our successful multi-year project
with very little actual risk or damage has set a prece-
dent that operating a Tor exit node in Austria (and
therefore the EU) is now “state of the art”.
Recommendation for Other Services with Ano-
nymity Needs: Because the Tor system is now “state
of the art”, it needs to be considered as one potential
solution for anonymous communication and service
access, e.g. by providing an Onion service (Goulet et
al., 2013) or relaying client/server connections
through the Tor network.
From the organizational point of view, several pre-
cautions should be taken for an exit node that are not
necessary for an entrance or middle node. Some of
them might be easier at a university, where personnel
of the same organizational level are more common
than in a company with a strict hierarchy, but these
should still be considered. These recommendations
serve to increase security both in a technical sense as
well as from a legal point of view.
First, the group of persons with access to the hard-
ware should be kept as small as possible: hardware
manipulation can remain undetected electronically,
and most servers have ample space inside to introduce
additional small devices. This requires physical sepa-
ration of the exit node from other systems. This ap-
plies to the whole “system”, i.e. a firewall dedicated
to it, a switch/router, DNS server, the exit node itself,
and any statistical monitoring or other components re-
cording research data. It does not apply to thegen-
eral” parts, i.e. everything where merely data is trans-
ported but not acted upon – which are identical to the
Experiences and Recommendations from Operating a Tor Exit Node at a University
untrusted “public Internet” anyway. Therefore, the
exit node hardware up to and including its boundary
gateway to public systems needs to be secured. In our
case this was a physically separate room, but variants
are of course possible too, like wire cages or locked
racks. This has the additional advantage that in case
of a legal order to confiscate hardware equipment for
analysis the damage can be isolated to only the Tor
exit node components by clearly marking that the rel-
evant IP addresses and data are all handled inside this
single room with no external dependencies. We did
not have to face such a situation during our multi-year
operation, but, based on prior legal action against a
Tor exit node in Austria, were prepared for it. We also
believe that this isolation (=mitigation against risk to
other systems) was a positive factor in gaining initial
permission to run the system within the university.
Recommendation: If possible, we strongly recom-
mend to physically isolate the whole system, either in
a separate room or at least a separate, locked rack.
Should physical and electronic access be sepa-
rated? Anyone with el. access can get at the data, but
this would also produce digital traces. However, sep-
arating access gives an additional person an oppor-
tunity for malicious behaviour (or, of course) simply
mistakes): voluntarily, or through bribes or extortion.
Recommendation: Merge all kinds of access (physi-
cal and digital) in as few persons as possible.
For both electronic and physical access, the four-
eyes-principle should be followed. For physical ac-
cess this results in double locks or in access to the
room separated from access to the rack/cage. Digi-
tally this is much harder, as typical access is via SSH,
which does not readily support this principle. A sim-
ple “circumvention” is to employ multi-factor authen-
tication and give each person only a certain factor,
e.g. one person knows the password, the other con-
trols the token/authenticator app etc. This works for a
simple “two-person” requirement, but not for more
complex “at least two out of N persons”. Unless spe-
cial custom software is used, we therefore recom-
mend this “simple” two-factor authentication to en-
sure that no single person can modify the configura-
tion, introduce additional software, or extract data.
While this might be possible for the exit node itself,
this can be more complicated (or even impossible) on
other devices. Firewalls might support such function-
ality, but for switches/routers it is uncommon. If the
setup is possible without such devices, this should be
preferred. This might not necessarily be easy, as a
webserver (information about Tor/the exit node), a
DNS server (DNS lookups; support for blocking) and
a firewall (protecting these systems) need to be con-
nected. However, modifying the switch/router should
only rarely be necessary, e.g. in case of a firmware
update. Therefore, an option is to forbid any elec-
tronic access and only allow physical access, e.g.
through a serial interface, porting the problem to the
physical four-eyes principle. Note that we did not
strictly enforce the four-eyes principle on the digital
level for all components, but that different adminis-
trative roles were assigned to different people.
Another issue is top-level permission to operate
an exit node. We did perform research on the node
and published the results in several venues, but sim-
ultaneously it was also a service for the public (una-
voidably and intentionally, as we could not produce
realistic traffic ourselves). We therefore obtained
prior, explicit permission from the university, which
turned out to be the biggest problem of all: technical
requirements could be solved easily, legal issues re-
quired some work and research, but posed no real hin-
drance either. This university permission was always
only granted for a single year (which is problematic,
as we had to design an experiment, prepare it and im-
plement it/collect traffic within this timeframe). The
last time, explicit permission was not granted any-
more until the time of this writing; we applied for it,
but, repeatedly, no decision was made. No specific
other data, plans etc were requested (already included
in application), so we couldn’t remove” the barrier
for a permission. As we found out later, the univer-
sity’s biggest fear was bad publicity (see below).
A contributing factor could have been that we did
not manage to obtain third-party funding for running
the exit node we did not require any expensive hard-
ware (a 5-year old server that was phased out by the
central IT department was deemed more than suffi-
cient, reducing add. hardware cost to close to zero) or
software. The university also did not have to pay for
the traffic (which was donated by the network pro-
vider, so in a sense we did obtain external funding).
Direct costs involved were trivial and borne by the
institute (no university funding), but no external grant
money was flowing into the university either. The
publications and publicity originating from the oper-
ation were sufficient and useful for researchers and
department and hopefully the scientific community.
Recommendation: Engage with all stakeholders (IT
services, upstream provider (in our case ACOnet, the
Austrian academic network), legal and public media
outreach departments) and apply for explicit permis-
sion to run an exit node before commencing its setup
and operation. If permission is only granted for a lim-
ited duration, apply early for extensions.
Another recommended precaution is preparing
and testing to block all traffic to/from the exit node
from the outside. While there was a DoS attack
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
against the university (different from the one de-
scribed below; this was targeted at the whole univer-
sity, not specifically the Tor node), we were cut off
first: “unnecessary” traffic is shed first if bandwidth
gets limited. Technically, this can be done in various
ways, e.g. shutting down the exit node or unplugging
it. As the persons capable/allowed to do this might not
be available (or as quickly as necessary), interrupting
traffic on routers/firewalls should be prepared. This is
technically easy, but should be tested and guidelines
for when this can/should be done instituted.
Recommendation: Prepare a “crisis situation” plan
to quickly deactivate network access to the whole sys-
tem while the situation is analysed and other steps can
be prepared. Documenting how to turn off central
power or unplug the boundary gateway from the main
network for admin staff is a perfectly valid approach.
3.1 Contact with Public Authorities
Contact with public authorities was very rare. As dis-
cussed above, they seemed to know exactly what Tor
is, and what data we therefore could potentially pro-
vide to them (i.e. nothing useful). This also led to no
additional contacts like physical visits, searches, con-
fiscated hardware, etc. However, this might partially
be caused by being a public university (which does
have a legal department and a legal faculty, can
reach out to the public, has experience with publica-
tions, and has connections to politics). Experiences of
private person as operators might vary.
Recommendation: A large, publicly funded, and
generally considered trustworthy institution is a per-
fect place to run a Tor exit node. Smaller organiza-
tions may potentially face more pressure.
In terms of an added organizational precaution we
initially implemented, that we don’t know how effec-
tive it was: a separate domain name/IP address range,
with matching WhoIs entries. These included that this
was a “Tor research” project. If our IP address was
found, querying the WhoIs database might be a very
early and quick investigative step. Whether this was
enough to discourage actual inquiries (or they were
still made in spite of a “suspicion” of this being a Tor
exit node), is unknown. Still, we would recommend
doing this, as it could reduce the number of contacts
and doesn’t impose direct cost if separate IP ranges
are available. The only drawback is, that the node
could more easily/quickly end up on a list of “exit
nodes”, which are blocked/delayed/require additional
confirmation etc. But as exit nodes are public anyway
and their IP addresses can trivially be downloaded
(while the WhoIs is more restricted and has no fixed
format for noting such data!), this seems irrelevant.
Recommendation: If organizationally available, as-
sign a distinct IP subnet and reverse lookup domain
to the Tor exit node. Set WhoIs information appropri-
ately (noting in text fields that this is a Tor exit node)
and define an “abuse” email contact separate from the
main IP address range used for the rest of the network.
Recommendation: Use a ticketing system to system-
atically handle incoming abuse/inquiry email re-
quests with an auto-reply explaining that this is a Tor
exit node (e.g. with the template explanation of what
it does) and that there is no personal data available.
The auto-reply could mention that another request (by
replying to this auto-reply) would trigger a manual re-
sponse by the node operator team. Although the total
number of “manualinquiries was extremely low - so
this might not be significant - we did not every receive
a repeated inquiry from the same institution.
3.2 Continuous Effort Required
Apart from research, continuous effort required to run
the exit node was moderate: the node itself needed lit-
tle attention (e.g. SW updates), but answering every
single abuse report required significant time. This we
promised to do to the university admin., to ensure that
we didn’t run into any problems (and the number/type
of inquiries we received was in scope of our research
topic). But practically all reports were created fully
automatically and we did not ever receive any mean-
ingful replies. This could be because nobody read our
standard replies, or nobody cared because they were
about a Tor exit node, and so they could not pursue
their inquiries anyways. Additionally, nearly all of
them were reports about password tries to SSH serv-
ers. Such attempts are extremely common even on the
normal network - and not really a cause for serious
concern. After we removed port 22 from our exit pol-
icy, such reports, and the associated work, disap-
peared for all practical considerations.
Recommendation: Either not allow port 22, or at
least filter out (and ignore) all reports about this port.
Note that SSH traffic is only a tiny part of the traffic
regarding bandwidth, but produces practically all
complaints. Additionally, contacting a service where
you have to explicitly identify yourself securely is
only rarely useful anonymously (and so the utility of
a Tor exit node is not limited significantly by disal-
lowing SSH traffic): hiding the source IP address or
the fact of using that server/service. Most of these re-
ports originated from fail2ban, which was often mis-
configured too (e.g. no IP address/hostname of the
server included, or no E-Mail address to reply to).
While no effort was expended by the team at the
university, there was an incident where a DoS attack
Experiences and Recommendations from Operating a Tor Exit Node at a University
was performed against the exit node. This was de-
tected and averted at the boundary of the Austrian ac-
ademic network (ACOnet). As it was a naïve DoS at-
tack, the effort was probably also small at that insti-
tution – however this is not something that has to be
the case every time (see Jansen et al., 2019 for more
complex attacks on both individual nodes as well as
the whole Tor network). A more sophisticated (or
larger/longer) attack would cause problems or poten-
tially require more effort to reduce it, or even com-
mercial services to help against it. And while this net-
work of all Austrian universities (and other educa-
tional institutions) could come under attack for many
reasons, a Tor exit node could be an additional cause.
The DoS attack was solely directed at the exit
node (no other systems or nearby IP addresses were
attacked) and had a maximum of 15,1 Gbit/s (1,8
Mpps), so was quite large even for a “normal” com-
mercial network, but not internationally significant. It
lasted for 31 minutes and only consisted of UDP
packets targeted at various unprivileged ports. It was
uniquely simple in the sense that approx. 75% of all
traffic originated from only four IP addresses (and
there mostly from two), while the rest was highly dis-
tributed. It also seems that every source IP address
used only a single source port. Moreover, 91% of all
traffic originated in a single AS in Poland. Almost all
traffic was simply UDP packets of 1050-1200 bytes
length; only tiny parts were IP fragmentation or
CLDAP amplification attacks. These properties made
it comparatively easy to protect against at the network
ingress. There was no communication regarding the
attack, i.e. no demand for anything, no “warning” or
anything else: it simply started and soon after ended.
Because of the potential for problems, both legal and
technical, as described above, we recommend a sepa-
ration from other aspects of a company’s organization
(such as the university) as far as possible. This in-
cludes a separate domain name (easy and cheap) and
a separate IP range (difficult and potentially expen-
sive with IPv4, but should not be a problem with
IPv6). Physical separation, or at least very clear mark-
ing, is also recommended to avoid potential collateral
damage. This might be problematic with “shared”
equipment, like a switch or a firewall. We therefore
recommend to employ either completely general sys-
tems (e.g. a firewall for everything, with no special
handling for the exit node), or dedicated systems.
This might be less useful for a switch/router, as there
no meaningful content can be expected, but this de-
pends on the technical expertise of the personnel po-
tentially tasked with investigating/impounding hard-
ware. But operating an exit node as a virtual machine
on a hardware together with other business-critical
VMs is carries high risk the police might not
know/care and inspect/impound the whole physical
server. To avoid having to set aside a physically sep-
arate firewall, OS built-in firewalls can be used and
configured, and e.g. a direct cable for the communi-
cation with a separate DNS resolver. The easiest ver-
sion to implement is however, if the exit node is phys-
ically the same system as all other elements, either
because everything is a separate service on one OS,
or virtualization is used (i.e. the exit node and
DNS/web/… servers are VMs on a dedicated hard-
ware server). We do not recommend the latter, as it
provides a chance to obtain data from inside the exit
node, without the node itself being able to protect
against. This might also take place inadvertently, e.g.
by virus scanners integrated into the hypervisor and
scanning the content of the virtual machines (and po-
tentially passing it on to cloud services for analysis).
A basic precaution is to ensure that no personal or
content data is stored at all and not longer than neces-
sary, i.e. log files should not be created or stored. This
applies also to security devices like firewalls and can
be problematic as not all products support turning off
all kinds of logging completely.
Recommendation: Explicitly disable all logging and
monitoring not required for the operation of the Tor
exit node or obtaining the research data in scope of
the current experiment. This will lead to a non-stand-
ard configuration on most systems, but mitigates
other legal and organizational risks and effort.
Additionally, while devices dedicated solely to
the exit node can be adapted comparatively easily
they are after all close by and usually under the same
control the same might not apply to organization-
wide elements. For instance, all traffic of the univer-
sity has to pass through an IDS system, and turning it
off for the exit node was not possible. This was seen
as acceptable, as it only blocks attacks according to a
list of known attacks or known bad systems (no heu-
ristics). Moreover, it does not log any “normal” traf-
fic, only a few statistics on detected (and blocked) at-
tacks. If such systems exist, it must be closely verified
whether they pose a danger to privacy regarding the
exit node, or whether they can be turned off for this
part of the network which is typically a policy issue.
Recommendation: If central systems can be influ-
enced as part of operating an exit node, either apply
policies of no monitoring or no specific policies for
the node itself, treating it like all other client systems.
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
The most important technical question for running
a Tor exit node is the bandwidth required, which is a
problem for the whole Tor network (Panchenko et al.,
2010). Unlike normal end-user systems (typically
much more download than upload, or in case of up-
loading backups to remote storage exactly the re-
verse) a Tor exit node always produces symmetric
traffic: the amount of data going in is the same as the
outgoing traffic, as it merely acts as a relay (HTTP
requests might be small, but they enter encrypted
from “inside” the Tor system and exit unencrypted to
the Internet, and while web content is large, it enters
in clear from “outside” and exits encrypted inside).
Additionally, as a Tor node should serve a large num-
ber of users to improve anonymity, its bandwidth
should be large. All elements combined, symmetric
traffic of many users with high bandwidth results in a
permanent traffic without interruptions. The amount
of traffic can therefore quickly become significant to
the whole organization, even for institutions with
many employees. According to information we re-
ceived informally, the network traffic of our univer-
sity to/from outside of the Austrian university net-
work (inside, i.e. to other universities, very large data
transfers of various research data seem to take place)
doubled because of our 200 Mbit/s exit node, i.e. pro-
ducing the same “external” traffic as approx. 15,000
students and 6,000 employees. If ACOnet had not
classified the traffic caused by our Tor exit node as
research project traffic, the university would not have
granted permission to run it because of the significant
additional traffic cost. We therefore (again) thank
ACOnet for it support of our multi-year project.
Recommendation: Prior to activating a Tor exit
node, estimate the total traffic bandwidth and volume
and ensure that traffic cost can be covered long-term.
This is the single most important cost factor for the
operation of a Tor exit node.
Public perception of anonymization services is highly
ambivalent. On the one hand, privacy concerns have
become far more significant in the last 2-3 years due
to well-publicized abuses of surveillance and data
collection (Szoldra, 2016; Gibbs, 2015; Collins,
2020; Puig, 2020). On the other hand, some public
media articles have linked anonymization services in
general and Tor in particular to scary-sounding topics
like the “Darknet”, “terrorism”, “child pornography”,
“drug markets”, “illegal weapons”, etc (Power, 2020;
Fariva and Blankstein, 2019). Common (mis-)con-
ceptions of “nothing to hide, nothing to fear”, law en-
forcement “going blind”, or that the Internet should
not become a “lawless place” make decent headline
material but do not generally promote an informed,
nuanced, and helpful public debate. Therefore, public
perception of an organization running a public anon-
ymization service is, for all practical matters, unpre-
dictable and can change quickly e.g. any local news-
paper could write that the university is actively help-
ing criminals and transporting child pornography.
Permission to continue to operate the Tor exit
node by the university would probably be granted
without a time limit if we could guarantee that this
kind of publicity would never happen. Unfortunately,
this is impossible to guarantee or merely estimate. We
provided a list of reasons, why such an exit node is
important not only for research, but also society, so
that a “response” for a bad-press incident was already
prepared but this was not considered to be sufficient
to mitigate the publicity risks to the university. After
more than 7 months and multiple tries with additional
arguments in favour of continuing the project, a deci-
sion on the permission to operate the exit node was
again postponed. Even if the request was not declined
or the operation prohibited, no decision is a decision
too, and we therefore shut the project down (the serv-
ers were already deactivated earlier when the last per-
mission ran out). It should be noted that no such bad
publicity did occur during operating the exit node
the mere fear of such an incident potentially occurring
at some point in time was enough.
We explicitly note that we do not blame the uni-
versity administration for the hesitancy in accepting
the unpredictable risk of public perception, but docu-
ment this reason for discontinuing our project to help
other operators prepare for this issue. In a period of
post-factual (social) media reporting, every organiza-
tion must decide on its own prioritization of how
(pot.) public perception influences its goals, including
research and open debate of controversial topics.
Although we cannot operate the Tor exit node any-
more, there are now several other exit nodes in Aus-
tria, which were started based on our positive experi-
ences. Based on the communication with them and
their informal feedback we deem it very unlikely that
these would have been created without our prece-
dence, and testing the legal and technical operation.
These can serve as an example of moving a technol-
ogy from state of science to state of the art, and to-
wards “normal business”, i.e. something that can be
Experiences and Recommendations from Operating a Tor Exit Node at a University
operated without difficulties. This broadens the base
of relays and additionally moves operating an exit
node closer to end-users, which would improve over-
all performance and anonymity (Ngan et al., 2010). If
all end users simultaneously act as exit-nodes with
their excess bandwidth, that would provide plausible
deniability for their own traffic too.
It is also important to note that we only offered an
exit node, i.e. a relay to the public Internet. There was
never any question of hosting hidden services for
third parties, as this would have exposed the univer-
sity to much larger legal dangers as a hosting pro-
vider. Similarly, although we of course participate in
the operation of hidden services as any other Tor
node, we did not provide any directory or list of onion
URLs or similar: while not hosting the content,
providing directions to them would still have required
investigating/checking each of them for legality.
We can therefore conclude that operating a Tor
exit node is easily possible from the technical point of
view, but the biggest problem seems to remain on the
organizational level. Nonetheless, our multi-year pro-
ject successfully established precedent to now make
operation of Tor exit nodes “state of the art” within
Austria and therefore within the EU. Legal ramifica-
tions in terms of having to consider Tor exit nodes as
a viable network anonymization techniques remain a
topic for future research.
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ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy