operated without difficulties. This broadens the base
of relays and additionally moves operating an exit
node closer to end-users, which would improve over-
all performance and anonymity (Ngan et al., 2010). If
all end users simultaneously act as exit-nodes with
their excess bandwidth, that would provide plausible
deniability for their own traffic too.
It is also important to note that we only offered an
exit node, i.e. a relay to the public Internet. There was
never any question of hosting hidden services for
third parties, as this would have exposed the univer-
sity to much larger legal dangers as a hosting pro-
vider. Similarly, although we of course participate in
the operation of hidden services as any other Tor
node, we did not provide any directory or list of onion
URLs or similar: while not hosting the content,
providing directions to them would still have required
investigating/checking each of them for legality.
We can therefore conclude that operating a Tor
exit node is easily possible from the technical point of
view, but the biggest problem seems to remain on the
organizational level. Nonetheless, our multi-year pro-
ject successfully established precedent to now make
operation of Tor exit nodes “state of the art” within
Austria and therefore within the EU. Legal ramifica-
tions in terms of having to consider Tor exit nodes as
a viable network anonymization techniques remain a
topic for future research.
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