Alexei Mikhailov
and Mikhail Karavay
Institute of Control Problems, Russian Acad. of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya Street, 65, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Inverse Sets, Inverse Patterns, Multidimensional
Abstract: How to do pattern recognition without artificial neural networks, Bayesian classifiers, vector support
machines and other mechanisms that are widely used for machine learning? The problem with pattern
recognition machines is time and energy demanding training because lots of coefficients need to be worked
out. The paper introduces an indexing model that performs training by memorizing inverse patterns mostly
avoiding any calculations. The computational experiments indicate the potential of the indexing model for
artificial intelligence applications and, possibly, its relevance to neurobiological studies as well.
Typically, pattern classification amounts to
assigning a given pattern
x to a class
out of K
available classes. For this,
K class probabilities
( ), ( ),..., ( )
pp pxx x
need to be calculated, after
which the pattern
x is assigned to the class
with a
maximum probability
p x
(Theodoridis, S. and
Koutroumbas, K. , 2006). This paper avoids a
discussion of classification devices, directly
proceeding to finding class probabilities by a pattern
inversion. Not only such approach cuts down on
training costs, it might also be useful in studying
biological networks, where details of intricate
connectivity of neuronal patterns may not need to be
unraveled. Then, for a given set of patterns, results
of computational experiments can be compared to
that of physical experiments.
For example, Tsunoda et al. (2001) demonstrated
that “objects are represented in macaque
inferotemporal (IT) cortex by combinations of
feature columns”. Figure 1 shows the images that
were taken by Tsunoda et al. (2001) with a camera
attached above a monkey’s IT-region, where a piece
of skull was removed. The anaesthetized monkey’s
IT-region responded to three cat-doll pictures, which
were shown, in turn, with active spots marked by
red, blue and green circles, correspondingly. The
active spots appear on the IT-cortical map because
the neurons under these spots exert increased blood
flow, which is registered by an infrared camera. A
clear set-theoretical inclusion pattern was observed,
in which blue circles make a subset of red circles
and green circles make a subset of blue circles.
This paper describes an experiment, where
similar real cat pictures were shown to an indexing
model referred to as the indextron. The outcomes are
presented in (Figure1, IM) and annotated in the
section Results, points 1.
Also, a comparative performance of the
indextron versus artificial neural networks and
decision functions was tested against benchmark
datasets (see the section Results, points 2 - 3).
Comments are provided in the section 3. The
indextron is considered in details in the Section 4.
1) A set-theoretical inclusion pattern, which is
similar to that in Figure 1, IT, was observed in the
memory of the indextron (Figure 1, IM). For that,
this model was shown, in turn, complete and partial
real cat images D, E, F retrieved from (Les Chats,