Protecting Privacy during a Pandemic Outbreak
Karsten Martiny
, Linda Briesemeister
, Grit Denker
, Mark St. John
and Ron Moore
SRI International, 333 Ravenswood Ave, Menlo Park CA 94025, U.S.A.
Pacific Science & Engineering, 9180 Brown Deer Rd, San Diego CA 92121, U.S.A.
Keywords: Privacy, Access Control, Data Sharing, Policies, Reasoning.
Abstract: Respecting privacy is a major challenge when sharing data among enterprises. Because of the high stakes and
complexity, enterprises need expressive and clear methods for defining tailored data sharing so that they can
share the right information with the right partners with confidence. This paper describes a privacy-oriented
declarative policy framework together with an intuitive user interface to manage data sharing policies. It
introduces a use case about a pandemic outbreak, in which the system can be used to share relevant
information with partners to ensure that help can be coordinated quickly and effectively, while at the same
time ensuring that the privacy of individuals remains protected and not sharing overly widely. A set of privacy
policies is introduced to describe how the policy system can meet these requirements.
Respecting privacy is a major challenge when sharing
data among enterprises. Enterprises, including law
enforcement, hospitals, financial institutions, and
military organizations cooperating on missions or
disaster relief share large amounts of data. Much of
these data are sensitive and private. Sharing sensitive,
private data with the wrong enterprise partners could
result in adversarial exploitation and serious harm to
the enterprise and subjects of the data and potential
civil and criminal liability. On the other hand,
withholding the data necessary for a cooperative
mission could hamper the execution of the mission,
preempt its success, and incur irreparable damage to
the joint goals that brought the cooperative partners
Additionally, the policies set in place by
enterprises, regarding which data to share with whom,
are often complex. Enterprises may have thousands
of data types and hundreds of partners. Enterprise
policies are likely to contain varying scopes and
levels, such as broad baseline policies as well as
detailed exceptions that tailor data sharing for specific
objectives. Further, because enterprises typically
have multiple objectives, policies may overlap and
interact. Creating and managing enterprise policies,
therefore, is likely to be challenging.
Because of the high stakes and complexity,
enterprises need expressive and clear methods for
defining tailored data sharing so that they can share
the right information with the right partners with
confidence. Building on an existing privacy-oriented
declarative policy framework (Martiny, Elenius, &
Denker, 2018) together with an intuitive user
interface (St. John, Moore, Martin, Gustafson,
Jaramillo, Denker, Martiny, & Briesemeister, 2018,
Briesemeister, Gustafson, Denker, Martin, Martiny,
Moore, Pavlovic, & St. John, 2019), this paper
describes a use case about a pandemic outbreak, in
which privacy policies are used to share relevant
information with partners to ensure that help can be
coordinated quickly and effectively, while at the same
time ensuring that the privacy of individuals remains
protected and not sharing overly widely. Based on
this use case, the paper analyses how a declarative
policy framework provides useful capabilities to aid
in modeling complex data sharing scenarios through
simple policy specifications. The framework focuses
on reasoning about data sharing decisions based on a
common, implementation-agnostic data model. This
allows for an easy integration of various data retrieval
operations in existing systems, e.g., SQL queries,
MongoDB queries, HTTP Rest calls, etc.
Demonstration videos of using our system for this
and other use cases can be found at
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows. We conclude this section with a brief
discussion of related work. A more comprehensive
Martiny, K., Briesemeister, L., Denker, G., John, M. and Moore, R.
Protecting Privacy during a Pandemic Outbreak.
DOI: 10.5220/0010186603080318
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2021), pages 308-318
ISBN: 978-989-758-491-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
comparison of our framework with existing
approaches can be found in (Martiny et al, 2018).
Then, Section 2 describes the key components of the
data sharing system relevant for managing policies
and making policy-based data sharing decisions. In
Section 3 we describe in detail a use case in which the
data sharing system can be used to manage sensitive
data during a pandemic outbreak, including a
characterization of the use case’s objectives and
explanations how implemented policies achieve these
objectives. Afterwards, Section 4 provides an
analysis of our experiences and results from
developing and implementing this use case. Finally,
the paper concludes with Section 5.
A number of machine-readable privacy policy
languages exist to protect access to sensitive
information. Most notable are Ponder (Damianou,
Dulay, Lupu, & Sloman, 2001) EPAL (Ashley, Hafa,
Karjoth, Powers, & Schunter, 2003), Rei (Kagal,
Finin, & Joshi, 2003), KAoS (Uszok, Bradshaw, &
Jeffers, 2004) AIR (Kagal, Hanson, & Weitzner,
2008), SecPAL (Becker, Fournet, & Gordon, 2010)
XACML (OASIS XACML Standard, 2013) and
PRISMS (Martiny et al, 2018). A common feature of
all of these languages is that they provide some means
of privacy protection through role-based access
control policies. Based on their specification of
affected data, these contributions can be categorized
into different approaches: In XACML, SecPAL, and
Ponder the unique resources targeted by policies need
to be explicitly specified, and requested objects need
to exactly match a specified policy object in order to
trigger a policy decision. If several related resources
are to be shared in these systems, dedicated policies
have to be specified for each resource, leading to a
large number of very similar policies. Other
approaches such as EPAL specify policies based on
category labels (such as “location data”). This
approach significantly reduces the number of
required policies to share a set of similar records.
However, it only provides very coarse ways of
characterizing data, and thus does not allow for fine-
grained tailoring of access policies. KAoS, Rei, and
AIR on the other hand are expressive enough to
represent rich relationships between targeted
resources. They achieve their power by essentially
exposing a complete logic language to the policy
author, who is left to define the precise semantics of
each policy from scratch. This makes the process of
specifying policies much more challenging and much
less accessible to non-experts.
In PRISMS, policy authors use a use case specific
data model together with a general, use case
independent shareability theory. This allows the
policy framework to generalize to a high degree,
which in turn enables the author to specify expressive
policies in a concise way, capturing their intent
through intuitive graphical interfaces without
requiring extensive knowledge of the underlying
specification formalism. We adopt the PRISMS
framework for our pandemic use case.
The overall information system architecture is
depicted in Figure 1. Similar to the architecture of
XACML, our high-level architecture is separated into
a policy administration point (PAP) where policies
are authored, policy decision point (PDP) where data
requests are evaluated against policy, and a policy
Figure 1: The overall system architecture: 1. Data requesters send requests for data to the Policy Enforcement Point (PEP).
2. Upon receiving a request for specific data, the PEP will ask the Policy Decision Point (PDP) for a decision with respect to
the currently defined policies. 3. The PDP will return a result, which consists of an allow or deny decision and optionally
additional constraints for this decision. 4. The PEP will use the result from the PDP to rewrite the request into a policy-safe
database query and send this query to the actual database. 5. After receiving results from the data base, the PEP potentially
applies additional post-processing steps and then 6. returns the final result back to the requester. The Policy Administration
Point (PAP) provides a UI that transforms machine-readable policies into human-readable policies that can be managed by
the policies’ author, here after called the policy authority.
Protecting Privacy during a Pandemic Outbreak
enforcement point (PEP) where those decisions are
enforced. This architecture supports the separation of
enforcement from decision making, which is
particularly relevant for the integration of additional
privacy-preserving technologies, as described below.
2.1 The Common Data Model
Our architecture uses a Common Data Model (CDM)
as an intermediate representation of the type and
organization of data managed by the system. This
data model is used as the basis of communication
between different components of our architecture. To
illustrate the concepts of the CDM, Figure 2 depicts a
very simple example: The main building block of the
data model are classes that represent certain types of
data, for example, Figure 2 contains two classes
Community and Person. Classes can have data
properties such as name for the Community class,
and lastName, firstName, birthdate, and
gender for the Person class. These data properties
are the representations of information that could
actually be shared with requesters.
The CDM also models connecting properties such
as the resident property shown in Figure 2. This
property expresses that the class Community has a
property resident which points to the class
Person, i.e., it provides a connection between these
two classes. We use the convention of denoting class
names with capital letters and property names with
lower-case letters to easily distinguish these concepts.
We also use a dot notation to denote properties of a
certain class, e.g., refers to the
name property of the Community class. This
notation can also be used to express paths through the
CDM, e.g., Community.resident.lastName
represents the last names of communities’ residents.
A lot of times connecting properties have
counterparts to express the inverse relatio nship, e.g.,
in Figure 2 the Person class has a property
Figure 2: A very simple CDM: The classes are
Community and Person, with data properties name, and
lastName, firstName, birthDate, and gender,
respectively. The classes are connected through
Community's connecting property resident, and its
corresponding inverse property residence (belonging to
the class Person).
residence pointing to Community, i.e.,
Person.residence is the inverse of
Community.resident. Thus, consequently, represents
community names where people reside.
Another feature of the CDM is the ability to
express class hierarchies. This feature is not shown
here, but it is used in the pandemic use case and
shown in Figure 4. This allows the specification of
taxonomies of objects, for example, we can have data
requesters, and epidemiologists as a more specific
subclass of data requesters.
Based on the CDM, Joined Data Sets (JDS) can
be defined to specify the data addressed by policy
specifications. For instance, an (informally
represented) JDS {,
Community.resident.lastName} specifies
that a policy addresses the joined release of
community names together with the last names of the
communities’ residents.
2.2 The Policy Decision Point
The Policy Decision Point (PDP) is the central
component for making sharing decisions for
incoming requests. It receives access requests from
the Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) consisting of
information for the who, what, and when of a request,
that is, it specifies a requester, the requested data
(represented as a JDS), and the time of the request.
The PDP then infers a sharing decision for this
request in two steps: First, it checks for each of the
existing policies whether they match the given
request specification and collects the corresponding
decisions. Second, if multiple decisions are collected,
it evaluates the interplay of different policies by
analyzing defined overriding criteria to derive a final
sharing decision which is sent back to the PEP.
To determine whether the requested data matches
the data specifications of a given policy, the PDP uses
a shareability theory that models generic relations
between different, but related JDSs: For instance, our
shareability theory states that if a policy allows
sharing of a certain JDS, then it also allows all
requests for subsets of this JDS. For example, if a
policy allows sharing of above JDS combining
persons’ last names and their community of
residence, this also allows a request for just persons’
last names as this is a subset of the allowed data
specification. Conversely, if a policy specifies that
access to a certain JDS is forbidden, this
automatically also applies to all supersets of the
specified JDS. For example, if a policy denied access
to above JDS, it would also deny requests for any
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 3: A view of the semantic data model via the CDM explorer tool. The user has navigated to the Community class
and selected the name data property. Furthermore, the user has linked to residents of the community via the resident
connecting property of Community. Residents are persons and the user has chosen two data properties to share:
firstName and lastName. The user has also selected the link to the person’s Medical Information to share the data
property diseaseStatus. In summary, the graphical tool allows the Policy Authority to specify the JDS of
{, Community.resident.firstName, Community.resident.lastName,
superset such as requesting persons’ last names, their
community of residence, and their medical status.
Moreover, the shareability theory also characterizes
additional matching relations between the requested
and the specified JDSs; (a) if the request is for a
subclass of a class that is specified in the policy’s
JDS, and (b) if the request is for the inverse of a
relation that is specified in the policy’s JDS. For
example, if a policy allows sharing of information
about “communities and their residents,” it will also
permit the equivalent request for “persons and their
residence community,” because the properties
“residents” and “residence” are inverse properties of
each other. This quality allows the use of a single,
concise specification of a policy’s data, while at the
same time ensuring that this specification matches a
large variety of related requests.
If multiple policies match a given request, the
PDP uses a set of defined overriding criteria to
determine the final decision. Overriding criteria can
be flexibly defined according to the use cases’ needs.
In the use case that we introduce below, we illustrate
two commonly used criteria: precedence-based
overrides allow one policy authority to specify
multiple policies with different priorities, so that in
case of conflicts the policy with the highest priority is
chosen. Additionally, hierarchy-based overrides can
be used to model chain of authority relations and give
superior policy authorities the ability to override
decisions from subordinate authorities.
Next to issuing allow/deny decisions, the PDP is
also able to attach constraints to issued decisions.
Constraints can be of two different types: Filter
constraints specify criteria that must be met by
returned data, and action constraints specify post-
processing actions to be performed on the retrieved
data before returning it to the requester.
We will illustrate all of these aspects in detail in
Sections 3 and 4.
2.3 The Policy Administration Point
The policy administration point (PAP) provides a user
interface for the policy authority to create, edit, and
review the effects of their data sharing policies. A
policy manager component displays a list of policies,
including their names, a short description and their
precedence level (higher precedence policies override
lower precedence policies). The policy manager
allows policy authorities to create new policies, edit
or delete existing policies, or enable or disable
existing policies. Disabled policies remain in the
system, but they are not used to compute data sharing
Creating or editing a policy uses a four-step
software wizard. In step one, the policy is given a title
and a short description. The policy can also be given
a timeframe for when it enables and disables. Finally,
the policy designates whether to share or deny sharing
data. In step two, data requesters for the policy are
selected. Data requesters are specified based on
attributes. The UI automatically offers choices for all
attributes defined in a given use case. In our
Pandemic use case, data requesters have attributes for
their affiliation (community or nation), and their role
(response coordinators, care providers, and
epidemiologists). Policy authorities can also define
“supergroups” based on specific attributes, such as a
set of response coordinators from certain nations
responding to a disaster. If a policy references a
supergroup whose membership changes, then the
policy automatically shares or denies sharing with the
updated membership.
In step three of the wizard, the policy authority can
select the data shared or denied by the policy. Data
may be specified as simply all data available in the
system or using semantic properties of the data, such
as a JDS from a common data model. We developed
the CDM explorer tool to support the selection of
Protecting Privacy during a Pandemic Outbreak
JDSs. In addition to JDSs, policies may also refer to
documents, map layers, or other data formats,
depending on what data formats are available in the
The CDM explorer (see Figure 3) is a graphical tool
for navigating through a data model, such as a
semantic network. Policy authorities start exploring
the semantic network by choosing a root class and
then traverse through classes via connecting
properties (e.g., Community.resident as the
first edge). While visiting class nodes, the policy
authority can select data properties (e.g.,
Person.lastName) available on each class and
thus creates a connected set of paths through the
network to define a JDS. In addition to stepping
through connecting properties, policy authorities can
navigate through class and subclass hierarchies, for
example, both Epidemiologist and Response
Coordinator are subclasses of the
DataRequester class. They can also define
constraints on selected data, such as requiring the date
of birth to be prior to a certain date or requiring the
community of residence to equal a particular
Finally, in step four of the wizard, the policy is
given a precedence level, and there is a final review
of the policy specification.
The Pandemic use case was developed to provide a
context for researching, engineering, and
demonstrating privacy-preserving technologies and
user-facing interfaces. The Pandemic use case
involves monitoring a disease outbreak in which a
number of communities share data about their citizens
and their citizens’ disease status, governed by policies
that a number of policy authorities have defined, and
a number of different types of users requesting data
relevant to their roles in this use case. Specific data
sharing policies are enforced to demonstrate a range
of policies and technologies. This use case serves as
a good representative of real-world data sharing tasks
among multiple nations and organizations that
happen on a regular basis. It exhibits privacy
challenges on various levels regarding the privacy of
individuals’ data, as well as inter- and intra-
organizational data exchanges.
Within our pandemic scenario, a typhoon has
caused extensive damage across a set of countries in
the Pacific and relief (food, medicine, water, shelter,
etc.) is needed in a number of communities. Adding
to the complexity of the situation is the outbreak of a
deadly and highly infectious disease that begins
working its way through the populace.
The operational objective in this use case is to
predict the progression of a major disease outbreak
through the impacted communities and to take steps
to counter it. This thread introduces the challenge of
protecting personally identifying information (PII)
within medical records of individuals in the impacted
communities while providing access sufficient to
enable accurate characterization of the disease and its
3.1 Actors
Actors in this use case belong to one of three different
fictional island nations: Cebu, Bohol, and Siquijor.
Each nation is comprised of different communities,
e.g., Cebu City is one of Cebu’s communities. Every
nation and every community has its own policy
authority, thus enabling data sharing on both the
communal and national level. Moreover, this
situation induces a hierarchy of authorities, where a
(superior) nation policy could potentially override
decisions of associated (subordinate) community
Requesters are categorized into three different
roles: response coordinators, care providers, and
epidemiologists. While care providers need detailed
medical information about individuals, response
coordinators and epidemiologists need larger-grained
data such as counts of infected persons in each
community and nation. Requesters are also associated
with a specific nation or community. In our use case
we model one nation-level response coordinator and
one care provider for each of the defined nations, and
one community-level response coordinator and care
provider, respectively, for each of the defined
communities. Moreover, each nation has an
epidemiologist to analyze the outbreak and evolution
of the pandemic based on SIRD (Susceptible-
Infected-Recovered-Dead) data.
3.2 Data
The data relevant for this pandemic use case is
depicted in the Common Data Model (CDM) diagram
shown in Figure 4. It is focused on residents’ personal
information (name, birth date, gender) together with
their medical information. Moreover, persons’
relations to communities and nations are modeled
through their resident and citizenship relations,
respectively. Every community belongs to one nation,
and both communities and nations have policy
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 4: The Common Data Model used in the pandemic use case: Classes names are represented in boldface and start with
capital letters; class property names are represented in regular face and start with lowercase letters. Data is centered around
nations, their communities, and persons. Persons are citizens of a country, residents of a community, and have medical
information. Policy authorities (PAs) are categorized into nation and community PAs, and each nation and each community
has a corresponding PA. Nation PAs have authority over their subordinate community PAs. Data requesters are associated
either with a nation or with a community and are categorized into epidemiologists, care providers, and response coordinators.
authorities associated with them. One important
property of this data model is that there is a transitive
residence relation between persons and nations that
traverses through community, i.e., if a person is a
resident of a community, she is also a resident of the
country that the community belongs to. However, the
target relation of this transitive residence relation is
not necessarily the same nation as the target of the
person’s citizenship relation. This is a crucial
difference for the policies discussed below.
Next to the data being shared, the data model also
models data requesters, which can be categorized into
epidemiologists, care providers, and response
coordinators. Data requesters are either associated
with a specific nation or with a specific community,
represented by the corresponding properties. Again,
for data requesters associated with communities, the
associated nation can be determined via a transitive
relationship, but no data requester has simultaneously
defined properties for associated nation and
associated community, thus these relations are
marked as optional in Figure 4.
3.3 Policies
A set of data sharing policies was created for this
pandemic use case to showcase how data can be
shared efficiently with different requesters. The
formal policy specifications are machine readable and
are used by the policy engine, they are not meant for
humans to read. User interactions are performed
through the intuitive interface for policy creation,
management and review (St. John et al, 2018,
Briesemeister et al, 2019). Because of space
limitations, we will not provide formal specifications
for policies, but rather highlight the main features of
our framework by example. Technical details for the
formal policy specifications can be found in (Martiny
et al, 2018).
For descriptive purposes, the policies of this use
case are broken into three vignettes:
Vignette 1. The goal of Vignette 1 is to define
policies that share aggregate information (counts of
people per disease status: S - susceptible, I - infected,
R - recovered, and D - deceased). These counts are
being shared aggregated at the nation level with all
response coordinators and aggregated at each
community level only with the response coordinators
of the corresponding nation. The policies of Vignette
1 make use of various aspects of our powerful policy
language and semantics: (a) the ability to define
exactly what data to share (or not to share) through
JDS path specifications (in particular, in CDMs with
many relations between data, there are many
subtleties that need to be addressed. The related work
cited above does not address these subtleties), and (b)
the ability of detailed tailoring with whom data is
shared. Vignette 1 contains the following policies:
Epidemiologist CareProvider
Protecting Privacy during a Pandemic Outbreak
Policy 1: All Nations Allow Sharing of
Nation-level Aggregated Disease State
Information of their Residents with
Response Coordinators.
This policy specifies that all members of the class
NationPolicyAuthority allow sharing
of data with all members of the class
ResponseCoordinator, i.e., response
coordinators of any level are allowed to see data that
is released on a national level. The data addressed by
this policy can be informally represented
as the joined set of paths (cf. Figure 4)
seStatus}, i.e., it allows to jointly release the
names of nations together with the disease state of its
There are several important aspects to note about
this data specification which distinguish the discussed
approach from previous work on access control: First,
there are different paths through the common data
model to connect nations with medical information of
persons, namely by traversing through nations’
communities and their residents (as this policy does),
or alternatively through nations’ citizens. The former
specification represents all residents of a nation,
while the latter represents all its citizens. It is worth
noting that neither of these concepts subsumes the
other. In particular, this policy does not allow to share
data of a nation’s citizens that reside in another
Second, even though the specified path traverses
through communities, it does not allow to share any
information about communities. Consequently, even
though the community class is part of the part
specification, information about community
associations will not be released to requesters, and
thus response coordinators will only get information
on the national level.
Lastly, this policy intends to release only
aggregate count information about disease states.
Usually, this would require the specification of action
constraints to make sure that only aggregate-level
information is released. However, since the released
data only contains categorical information (SIRD), it
is not necessary to require additional constraints in
this case the non-aggregated data means that for
each of the four categories (SIRD) there will be
multiple entries. If one were to count the number of
entries per category, one gets the aggregate count. In
other words, this policy allows to release a less
compact representation of count information (not yet
the final count, but lists of entries), but in the end it
does not reveal any more information than the final
Policy 2: All Nations Allow Sharing of
Community-level Aggregated Disease State
Information of their Residents with Own
Response Coordinators.
The intent of this policy is for each nation to
provide its own response coordinator with more fine-
grained information about the distribution of disease
states. Since this information is mainly required to
coordinate aid on an intra-nation level, it is not shared
on an inter-national level.
To accomplish this sharing goal, a slightly
modified version of the previous policy is used: First,
instead of allowing access for all response
coordinators, a restriction is added that the data
requester’s property
must be equal to the policy authorities property.
Second, one more shared property is
added to the joined data set:
NationPolicyAuthority.nation.commun}, i.e., the path between nations and
persons is still the same as in the previous policy, but
this policy additionally allows to share the names of
the communities that serve as the intermediate nodes.
Consequently, each released disease status can now
be associated with a specific community and thus
enables the intended community-level aggregation.
Vignette 2. The goal of of Vignette 2 is to define
policies that will generally prohibit sharing of
personal data, but carve out a specific exception,
namely, to share personal data about adults with one’s
own national response coordinator and one’s own
community’s care provider. To simplify the
discussion, this vignette focuses on one particular
community (Cebu City) and its associated nation
(Cebu). The policies of Vignette 2 make use of
various aspects of our powerful policy language and
semantics: (a) ability to override policies based on
different overriding criteria, (b) shareability theory
and superset/subset semantics of decisions to
succinctly capture several equivalent data
representations, and (c) using constraints to exactly
specify what data is made available. Vignette 2
contains the following policies:
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Policy 3: Cebu City Denies Sharing
Personal Data of Residents with Anyone,
Precedence = 0.
Policy 3 is a baseline policy that locks down data
sharing for all requesters. By choosing the class
DataRequester to specify to whom this policy
applies, and since that is the root or super class of all
data requester classes, this policy applies to all data
requesters in the data model. To express that no
personal data is shared, the policy is a deny policy that
defines {Community.resident} as the data that
will not be shared. Looking at the CDM,
Community.resident points to the Person
class. Even though this is a very succinct description,
it does exactly what is intended, namely not sharing
any personal data of residents. Because of the
shareability theory that underlies our framework, not
only the resident property, but also its reverse
property is addressed with
this policy and, secondly, because of the semantics
that for a deny policy, all supersets of the specific data
are also denied. Since we deny access to Person in
general with this policy, we also deny access to any
property of persons, making it impossible to share any
meaningful personal data.
Policy 4: Cebu City Allows Sharing of
Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and
Medical Status of Older Residents (over 14
Years Old) with Cebu Nation Response
Coordinators and Cebu City Care
Providers, Precedence = 1, Specifically the
Shared Joined Data Set is Nation, First
Name, Last Name, and Medical Status, Plus
a Filter Constraint to only Share Persons
Whose Date of Birth is Prior to 2006.
To facilitate effective coordination of a response
to the disease, Cebu City decides to make an
exception to its default policy of not sharing any
personal data: it now creates a policy to share all
relevant information (name, gender, birthdate,
disease status). Policy 4 has a higher precedence than
Policy 3 and overrides it, but note that Policy 4 does
not replace Policy 3. The overriding mechanism
described in Section 2.2 ensures that the policy with
the highest priority is selected if there exist multiple
policies with opposing decisions from a single policy
authority. But there might still be many other records
related to residents (not shown in our CDM) and in
these cases the newly defined policy to release
This is simplified for presentation purposed, technically
the constrained would be expressed as a constraint on the
difference between the current date and the birth date.
medical information does not apply and thus the
default deny policy (Policy 3) would still ensure that
this information is appropriately protected.
As the data shared by Policy 4 contains personal
identifiable information (PII), the requesters are
further limited to the national response coordinator.
Thus, Policy 4 only shares these data with specific
requesters rather than all requesters (i.e., the requester
that is a member of the ResponseCoordinator
class and has the property
associatedNation(Cebu) and to the own
community care providers, i.e., the requesters that are
members of CareProvider and have the property
Due to the sensitive nature of this data, Cebu City
decides to protect the privacy of children even
stronger and thus only shares data of persons that are
over 14 years old. Our framework supports policies
that tailor sharing in sophisticated ways, such as
defining constraints to identify exactly which data are
shared. This is an example of a filter constraint: the
decisions issued by the PDP now have an additional
constraint “allow if age > 14.”
Note that the PDP
itself does not have access to the actual data (cf.
Figure 1), but attaches this constraint to the decision
so that the PEP can filter the retrieved data
accordingly before returning results to the requester.
Policy 5: Cebu Nation Allows Sharing
Medical Status of All of Cebu City’s
Residents with Cebu City Care Providers,
Precedence = 0.
Policy 5 demonstrates another override. Due to
the dire situation, Cebu Nation, a national policy
authority with higher rank than Cebu City policy
authority, has written a policy to share all Cebu City
residents’ medical status. Even though this policy has
low precedence, the higher rank of policy authority
prevails. Thus, the effect of this additional policy is
that the targeted requesters will now be allowed to
receive medical PII of all residents including
The policy specification is similar to the previous
one, the differences are: (a) this policy is specified by
the Cebu nation PA (instead of the Cebu City
Community PA), (b) the targeted requesters are
limited to Cebu City’s care provides (now excluding
the national response coordinator), and (c) there are
no constraints on the persons’ age.
Protecting Privacy during a Pandemic Outbreak
Vignette 3. The goal of Vignette 3 is to share not
accurate, but differentially private disease state
counts at community level. Differentially private
counts mean that not exact aggregates are shared, but
rather approximate aggregate counts. This provides
more privacy while still providing enough benefit to
the consumers of such data (e.g., care providers). For
example, in order to know how many resources need
to be provided at a certain location, approximate
counts of sick people are usually sufficient. On the
other hand, exact counts (together with auxiliary
information) could reveal individual private data
(Sweeney, 2000). Thus, being able to integrate
privacy-preserving technologies with the policy
framework is very attractive to policy authorities as
an additional means for fine-grained control and
protection of privacy. The policy of Vignette 3 makes
use of the ability to integrate our policy framework
with privacy-preserving technologies and illustrates
how data sharing policies can be written to use those.
Policy 6: Share Differentially Private
Disease State Community-level Counts
with Epidemiologists. Precedence = 1,
Specifically the Shared Joined Data Set is
Nation, First Name, Last Name, and
Medical Status, Plus An Action Constraint
To Fuzz up the Counts using Differentially
Private Technologies.
The intention of this policy is to provide helpful
information to epidemiologists researching the
pandemic outbreak. Disease state information on a
community level could be very helpful for
epidemiologists across the globe to better understand
how the virus spreads and how the infections proceed.
However, sharing data globally with epidemiologists
significantly opens up the potential audience (and
thus significantly lowers the trust the released data
will not be exploited). Even if only community-level
count aggregates of diseases status are released, this
still bears the danger of potentially allowing for the
re-identification of specific individuals. To ensure
that personal information of individuals is sufficiently
protected, the released data should be protected with
differential privacy. This is specified through an
action constraint: Opposed to filtering constraints,
these types of constraints don’t restrict the records to
be released, but instead they prescribe necessary post-
processing actions to be applied to the data before it
is returned to the requester. In this particular policy,
it specifies that differential privacy must be applied to
the disease status counts before they are released to
epidemiologists. This ensures that epidemiologists
receive useful data for research purposes while at the
same time protecting the privacy of affected
The policy demonstrates the incorporation of
differential privacy technology into the system. For
large data sets, it would be very difficult for anyone
to guess the medical status of an individual based on
the counts. However, sharing aggregate status counts
over much smaller data sets, creates the possibility
that requesters could begin to infer the status of
individual residents. Similar sensitivities have been
demonstrated in the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Positive cases are typically reported for whole cities
or sometimes whole zip codes, but finer aggregates,
or the status of individuals, are rarely if ever reported.
To combat this concern, differential privacy can
be used to add enough noise to the shared counts to
guarantee that individual status cannot be guessed to
a desired low probability. In this way, differential
privacy can be used to encourage more data sharing
by reducing fears that sensitive data may be guessed
from shared statistics.
The use case described in the previous section shows
how a fairly small set of policies can be used to
facilitate sophisticated data sharing that is tailored to
multiple simultaneous requirements. This capability
is enabled by making use of several key features of
the described system:
1. Using Joined Data Sets to concisely specify not
only which data attributes are shared, but also how
they are connected provides an easy method to
have fine-grained control over exactly what is
shared. This is well-illustrated by the policies in
Vignette 1: The goal is to share information that
connects nation names with medical information
about persons. However, without explicitly
specifying how these attributes are to be
connected, the policies’ intention cannot be fully
captured: if both properties are shared in isolation,
the result is barely useful because the connections
between person names and medical status is lost.
Allowing any combination of these two attributes
on the other hand would result in oversharing,
because it would not only allow the (intended)
sharing of nations’ residents’ information, but also
the (unintended) sharing of nations’ citizens’
information. Moreover, Policy 2 shows that the
detail level of the data (aggregation on nation-level
vs. community-level) can be changed easily by
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
allowing for additional joined attributes in the
shared data.
2. Defining policies based upon a shareability theory
allows the separation of general-purpose
specifications of data relations (such as subsets,
inverse properties, etc.) from situation-specific
policies. This approach significantly eases policy
specifications and reduces potential errors because
the policy authority can focus on the variable parts
and does not have to think through “common
sense” implications of policy specifications. For
instance, the shareability theory specifies that if the
sharing of some data set is allowed, then sharing of
all corresponding subsets of data is also allowed.
For example, if a response coordinator is allowed
to see community-aggregated data due to Policy 2,
this response coordinator is also allowed to see
nation-level aggregated data, even if the nation-
aggregated policy were disabled. Moreover,
considering inverse properties provides the ability
to address multiple different but equivalent
requests in a single policy. For instance, if a policy
allows sharing of information about “communities
and their residents”, it will also permit the
equivalent request for “persons and their residence
3. Addressing requesters in terms of attributes allows
for a very flexible and scalable way of tailoring
decisions to a wide variety of potential requester
types. Essentially, every element in the CDM that
can be connected to the requester class can be used
to address targeted requesters. For instance, both
policies in Vignette 1 specify that members of the
ResponseCoordinator class are allowed to see
data, but the second policy additionally requires
that the value of the requester’s associatedNation
property matches the PAs nation. As a result, if
response coordinators request community-level
aggregated medical data, they will get a positive
decision only from their own nation, while a
request for nation-level aggregated data will result
in positive decisions from all nation PAs.
4. Making use of the overriding feature allows
sophisticated interactions between policies. This
ability facilitates specifying a succinct set of
policies that can yield a variety of different
decisions in different circumstances and also
allows flexibility in defining exceptions to policies
without requiring any changes to existing policies.
For instance, Policy 3 in Vignette 2 specifies that
no personal data of residents should be shared with
anyone. Next, Policy 4 defines that an exception
should be made under very specific circumstances,
i.e., specific personal medical information of
residents over the age of 14 may be shared with the
nation’s own response coordinators and care
Furthermore, hierarchy-based overrides show
how existing authority hierarchies can be used to
achieve centrally coordinated decisions within a
chain of authority. This ability is shown by Policy
5, where the Cebu Nation policy defines another
policy that removes the restriction from Cebu
City’s sharing policy for specific requesters
without disabling Cebu City’s policy. As a result,
all three policies in Vignette 2 are still valid and
serve requests from different requesters.
5. Two different types of constraints allow policy
authorities to further restrict access to and thereby
protect the privacy of the accessed data. Filter
constraints, such as requiring the date of birth to be
prior to some date, enable the release of only
subsets of the requested data that meet that
constraint. The age restriction used in Policy 4
ensures that the (more sensitive) data of young
children is filtered out in corresponding requests.
Action constraints on the other hand prescribe
additional post-processing actions that need to be
performed at the PEP before data is returned to the
requester. An example of an action constraint is the
requirement in Policy 6 to apply differential
privacy before data is released to the requester. A
noteworthy property of this constraint mechanism
is that neither type of constraint is evaluated at the
PDP, but instead, data sharing decisions containing
constraints are computed on an abstract level
without requiring access to actual data, and then
passed to the policy enforcement point. This
approach to constraints makes the architecture
particularly well-suited to privacy-protecting
technologies: first, the PDP can operate
completely without access to actual data, which
reduces the risk surface of potential privacy
violations. Second, and more importantly, this
approach enables the integration of privacy-
enhanced, encrypted data bases that are able to
perform query operations on the encrypted data
and only the final result gets decrypted, e.g., the
data of children in Vignette 1 or the non-noisy data
in Vignette 2 will never be decrypted. That is, a
constraint computed at the PDP becomes a part of
the encrypted query to the encrypted database, and
the constrained data never needs to be unencrypted
by any part of the system.
These sophisticated sharing policy features are
combined with an easily accessible user interface (St.
John et al, 2018, Briesemeister et al, 2019) to make
Protecting Privacy during a Pandemic Outbreak
policy specifications available to lay users. This
intuitive user interface allows policy authority users
to make use of the entire arsenal of policy features
without requiring detailed knowledge about the inner
workings of the policy decision point nor any specific
technical specification skills.
Enterprises need to share a wide variety of
information with their partners to pursue their
objectives. Their dilemma is that these data are often
sensitive, and protecting privacy is important. One
importance piece for resolving this dilemma is to
provide fine-grained specifications of exactly which
data to share with which partners so that only needed
data is shared. The methods for specifying data
sharing need to be expressive both for specifying the
data and specifying the requesters who may access
the data. Furthermore, the methods need to be clear
and easy to use by non-experts so that errors are rare
and easy to catch and using the methods does not
require specialized training.
Our methods meet both criteria. Here, we
described these methods in the context of a pandemic
use case. Policy authorities define data sharing
policies that specify which persons’ medical data, or
counts of those data, are shared with different classes
of data requesters.
Our methods include a sophisticated JDS
specification of which data types to share and what
constraints to apply, a shareability theory-based
approach to processing requests for subsets,
supersets, and inversely specified requests, an
expressive role-based specification of data requesters,
and a decision process that incorporates both
precedence-based and policy authority hierarchy-
based overrides. Importantly, this policy decision
point requires no access to the data contents in order
to makes these policy-based sharing decisions.
Enterprises using these methods may come to
share more data and thereby realize more objectives
because they can be confident that they can precisely
control which data are shared with who and how and
which data remain private from all others. This
enhanced sharing should be useful in a wide variety
of context, and vital in global emergences, such as
pandemics, where the appropriate, tailored sharing of
sensitive information is crucial.
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ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy