tween 75 and 100 km, and more than 100 km. Al-
most 60% from all selected postal codes were less
than 50 km from the nearest recruiting centre. The
number of postal codes in each bin per PRIZM seg-
ment is presented in Table 6. This allows an addi-
tional tool for the marketers to focus on the recruiting
strategy based on the distance.
In the absence of the individual data for the potential
applicants, we explored the problem of identifying
geographical areas with high potential for recruiting
women by using demographic, life style, consumer
behaviour, settlement patterns and social media char-
acteristics of the neighbourhood (postal code) of the
potential applicants. Using historical women recruit-
ing data and two Environics datasets (DemoStats and
PRIZM), a selection of 19,884 postal codes with high-
est recruiting potential was obtained from the most
promising 10% of all Canadian postal codes, obtained
using a logistic regression model. Finally, the selec-
tion was segmented to derive the optimum marketing
channels and messages by using two approaches: (i)
clustering based on the aggregated social media be-
haviour of the postal code and (ii) binning using the
distance to the nearest recruiting centre. The social
media behaviour was retrieved from a third Environ-
ics dataset, Optiks Social. The approach presented in
this paper can be applied frequently for a long term,
contributing to the commitment to increase women
representation in CAF.
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ICORES 2021 - 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems