Identifying Geographical Areas using Machine Learning for Enrolling
Women in the Canadian Armed Forces
Ryuichi Ueno, Peter Boyd
and Dragos Calitoiu
Department of National Defence, 60 Moodie Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0K2, Canada
Feature Selection, Clustering, Logistic Regression, Propensity Scores.
To improve the visibility of military service as a career option for women, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)
can tailor marketing campaigns to geographical areas and demographics within Canada that have historically
high enrollment of women. To aid in this recruitment strategy, a logistic regression model was developed
using historical recruiting data. The score obtained was used to rank Canadian postal codes and to identify the
ones with the highest potential for recruiting of women. Additional demographic filtering was applied using
marketing segments provided by a vendor. The final top 10% postal codes with the highest probability of
women enrollment were clustered based on the collective social media behaviour of each postal code and was
binned using the distance to the nearest recruiting centre. Several social media outlets were observed to be of
interest, among them YouTube and Snapchat appear as viable options to reach women with a high probability
of CAF enrollment.
The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) is committed to
increasing the number of women from 15.9%
25.1%, as strategically emphasized in the latest de-
fence policy (Strong, Secure, Engaged) (Department
of National Defence, 2017). In order to rapidly in-
crease the enrolment of women, tailored recruitment
strategies must be used, focusing on attraction and se-
lection of suitable women candidates for military ser-
vice within specific military occupations. Efforts that
are customized to different subgroups within a pop-
ulation based on past success can also contribute to
increasing enrollment.
Ueno et al. applied unsupervised machine learn-
ing to group Canadian postal codes into clusters, us-
ing demographic information as features to partition
the population (Ueno et al., 2019). The clusters were
then ranked based on historical application and enroll-
ment data. A ranking scheme was devised that con-
sidered both successful and unsuccessful applicants
(men and women), making it adaptable to specific
campaign requirements.
In the United States (U.S.), a similar approach of
identifying geographical locations with potential for
As of the end of 2019.
recruiting has been recently explored (Buttrey et al.,
2018; Fulton, 2016; Monaghan, 2016). The U.S.
Army uses commercial market segmentation data to
analyze markets and past enrollment to assign re-
cruiters and quotas to maximize production. Ful-
ton (Fulton, 2016) proposed a clustering approach
using ZIP codes, exploiting the different densities
of potential recruits. Fulton’s approach considered
347 variables from publicly available U.S. govern-
ment agencies for all 34,007 ZIP codes to cluster
them into similar groups. By using three dissimilarity
measures and three clustering algorithms, he identi-
fied 18 clusters, “a new method of identifying poten-
tially high production ZIP codes” and “an easier tool
for recruiting commanders” (Fulton, 2016). Mon-
aghan (Monaghan, 2016) expanded Fulton’s work to
the U.S. Navy by developing five-cluster membership
factors based on publicly available data sources, for
helping Navy Recruiting Command predict the num-
ber of leads as an indicator of the market depth that a
ZIP code will produce.
The U.S. Army Recruiting Command (USAREC)
uses a segmentation developed by Nielsen (former
Claritas): Potential Rating Index for Zip Markets
(PRIZM) (Nielsen Company, 2020). Each house-
hold is assigned to one of the 68 segments, describing
demographic and consumer behaviour. Since 2007,
USAREC augmented the PRIZM segments with atti-
Ueno, R., Boyd, P. and Calitoiu, D.
Identifying Geographical Areas using Machine Learning for Enrolling Women in the Canadian Armed Forces.
DOI: 10.5220/0010186703070316
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2021), pages 307-316
ISBN: 978-989-758-485-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Overall flow of the method presented in this paper. Each of the steps are detailed in the respective sections in the
tudes, motivators and barrier to service data and de-
veloped 39 Army Custom Segments (Clingan, 2007),
called tactical segments. USAREC also grouped them
into 10 strategic segments and determined which seg-
ments have a population with a higher propensity for
joining the military. Recruiters used this information
to better decide who they should attempt to recruit and
PRIZM has not only been used for the purposes
of military recruiting, these demographic categories
are used predominately in the business industry for
targeted marketing. Aside from these sectors, they
are also used in a wide variety of fields to identify
geographical and demographical dimensions of a par-
ticular attribute. For example, in retailing and man-
ufacturing, PRIZM segments were used to predict in
which geographical regions product affinity would be
highest (Ayzenshtat et al., 2019). In urban planning,
demographics of past and present inhabitants were
found to dictate trends in urban landscape and veg-
etation characteristics (Boone et al., 2010). PRIZM
segments were used also to identify sensitive demo-
graphics that live near hazardous waste sites in the
US (Heitgerd, 2001).
The goal of this current research is to help re-
cruiters identify geographical areas where women are
more likely to join the CAF Regular Forces (RegF). In
order to do this, we first used historical data, namely
the home address of the women who applied to be
hired as RegF members between January 2016 and
March 2019. For each applicant, their postal code and
a binary recruiting success variable (enrolled/not en-
rolled) were identified. A logistic regression model
was built to discriminate postal codes for recruiting
success. As independent variables, we explored 760
attributes that combine econometric, demographic
and geographic characteristics at the postal code level.
The logistic regression model produced a score that
was applied to all 853,109 Canadian postal codes. Us-
ing the score as a ranking measure, the top 10% of
postal codes were selected as the geographical loca-
tions of the women most likely to join the CAF.
The Canadian version of Nielsen’s PRIZM seg-
ments were used to identify the locations produc-
ing women enrollments to complement the statisti-
cal model developed in-house. This PRIZM dataset
contains 68 segments that capture demographics,
lifestyle, consumer behaviour, and settlement patterns
in Canada. The five most productive segments, cov-
ering 14% of the Canadian population, were able to
collect almost 25% of all women enrollments.
The selected postal codes were further segmented
to tailor to future recruiting campaigns. First, we used
collective social media behaviour of each postal code
to segment them and identify the best marketing ap-
proaches. Postal codes with similar social media be-
haviour were clustered using unsupervised machine
learning. Second, the distances from each postal code
to the nearest recruiting centre were computed, with
the knowledge that the cost and efficiency of the re-
cruiting process is correlated with the distance from
the selected postal code to the recruiting centre.
The novelty of our proposal resides in the design
of the process of searching for the best geographical
location. The process contains two steps: (i) the se-
lection, and (ii) the description of the selected loca-
tion using two measures. The selection is done by
combining an individual postal code score (obtained
with logistic regression) with a collective score (from
PRIZM segments
). The selection has these two sep-
arate scores because the PRIZM numbers are repre-
sented as categorical data and are not eligible to be in-
dependent variables in the logistic regression model.
With these selections, we can help marketers with the
description of the selection to identify the best com-
munication channel and message to the potential ap-
plicants. Two measures are used for describing the
selection: the social media behaviour and the distance
to the nearest recruiting centre. We do not eliminate
Compared to the collective score applied in the U.S.,
the Canadian PRIZM segments are derived at the postal
code level. This granularity allows for a better modeling;
the U.S. ZIP code is at least 10 times larger by population
count compared to the Canadian postal code.
ICORES 2021 - 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
more based on our description of the selection, but
instead we offer the marketers options to adapt their
action plan to the proposed selection.
Section 2 details the datasets used for this work.
Section 3 describes the logistic regression model.
Section 4 lays out the outcomes obtained by apply-
ing the PRIZM segments. Section 5 introduces the
clusters for customizing the marketing message. Sec-
tion 6 presents the binning considering the distance
from the home postal code of the applicant to the clos-
est recruiting centre, followed by conclusions in sec-
tion 7. See Figure 1 for the visual depiction of the
overall methodology.
Four datasets were used for this paper, all of which
were obtained at the postal code granularity. Each of
the datasets is described below.
2.1 Women Applicant Dataset
This dataset was retrieved from the Canadian Forces
Recruiting Group (CFRG) and it contains women ap-
plicants to the CAF from January 2016 to March
2019. We removed applicants with no final decision,
keeping only the enrollments and non-enrollments.
We retrieved postal codes from each applicant and
they were counted and labelled into 1,513 postal
codes with enrollments and 12,507 postal codes with
non-enrollments. If a postal code had both enroll-
ments and non-enrollments, it was labelled as as an
2.2 DemoStats
A demographic dataset called DemoStats is pro-
vided by Environics Analytics, a data, analytics
and marketing services company specializing in
geo-demographic segmentation (Environics Analyt-
ics, 2018). A total of 760 demographic attributes were
considered as potential candidates to explain the tar-
get variable, the enrollment. DemoStats is built from
a variety of data sources, including the latest cen-
sus, economic indicators, postcensal estimates from
the federal and provincial governments, immigration
statistics and economic data. It features variables
on population, family structure, household size and
type, ethnic diversity, labour force participation and
2.3 PRIZM Segments
The PRIZM segments used for this paper are the
Canadian version of Nielsen’s PRIZM segments as
described in the previous section. This dataset was
also acquired from Environics Analytics, and is used
to identify the locations producing women recruits.
The PRIZM dataset contains 68 segments capturing
demographics, lifestyle, consumer behaviour and set-
tlement patterns across Canada. Since this dataset is
entirely categorical, it is used as a filtering tool, not as
a dataset for modelling.
2.4 Opticks Social
The social media dataset consists of 720 social me-
dia attributes in Opticks Social provided by En-
vironics Analytics. These attributes are derived
from an online survey of 19,938 respondents from
, and describes social media us-
age, frequency and behaviours. The survey data are
matched to postal code by using the k-nearest neigh-
bour approach in conjunction with 50 Demostats at-
tributes and match the postal code with the smallest
We have compared logistic regression model with
two neural network models (a multi-layer perceptron,
MLP, and a deep neural network, DNN) in a related
study on a dataset involving all recruits, and found
that the difference in performance was marginal for
previous dataset. The much smaller size of the train-
ing set used for this study (since it focuses on women)
makes it unsuitable for training neural networks and,
therefore, we opt to use logistic regression for scoring
the postal codes.
Logistic regression models the probability of be-
longing to a class A when there are only two mutu-
ally exclusive classes, namely class A (enrollment)
and class not-A (non-enrollment). Instead of using
a linear regression model to represent these probabil-
, X
, ...,X
) = β
+... +β
where X
, X
, ..., X
are the dependent variables, we
modelled a function that gives outputs between 0 and
1 for all values of X
. Logistic regression does this by
using the logistic function:
Identifying Geographical Areas using Machine Learning for Enrolling Women in the Canadian Armed Forces
Table 1: The most significant features found from logistic regression.
Name of the
to the model
Pr>ChiSq Parameter
Mean Min Max Std Cap VIF
intercept -2.36720
ECYINDPUBLP 74.81% <0.0001 0.00594 10.93 0 1366 39.43 129.22 1.00
ECYACTUR 9.84% <0.0001 -0.00206 7.19 0 62.5 6.48 26.63 1.01
ECYINDWHOL 6.86% 0.0043 0.00677 5.32 0 600 17.52 57.89 1.18
ECYACTPR 5.77% 0.0008 0.00615 66.84 0 100 15.47 N/A 1.00
ECYOCCSCND 2.73% 0.0016 0.00394 8.03 0 1209 29.95 97.88 1.20
, X
, ..., X
) =
+ β
+ ... + β
1 + exp [β
+ β
+ ... + β
The logistic function always produces an S-shaped
curve, and regardless of the value of X
, we obtain
a sensible prediction.
For deriving the logistic regression model, Base
SAS version 9.4 was used. For the model devel-
opment, the women applicant dataset was combined
with the Demostats dataset using the postal code as
joining key. The dataset was randomly split 50%-50%
into development and validation sets. All Demostats
variables are numerical, positive real numbers. A cap-
ping on the right with 3σ was implemented, a stan-
dard procedure for assuring the stability of the model.
The cap values for the final selection are presented in
Table 1. A combination of stepwise regression and
multicollinearity was used to reduce the number of
variables. SAS PROC LOGISTIC (EVENT=’0’) was
implemented for the stepwise selection, with a sig-
nificance level of 0.1 (SLE=0.1) required to allow a
variable into the model, and a significance level of
0.01 (SLS=0.01) required for a variable to stay in the
model. The Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness-of-fit
test (Harnett, 1975) for the final selected model was
requested by specifying the LACKFIT option.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Figure 2: Variable contributions.
The contributions of the selected variables are pre-
sented in Figure 2. We report here only the parameters
associated to the variables that have a significant con-
tribution to the logistic regression model: ECYIND-
PUBLP (Household Population 15 years or over by
Industry: Public Administration), ECYINDWHOL
(Household Population 15 years or over by Industry:
Wholesale Trade), ECYOCCSCND (Household Pop-
ulation 15 years or over by Industry: Occupations
unique to manufacture and utilities), ECYACTUR
(Household Population 15 years or over by Labour
Force Activity: Participation Rate), and ECYACTPR
(Household Population 15 years or over by Labour
Force Activity: Unemployment rate). The partici-
pation rate represents the percentage of people who
are in the labour force (namely employed or actively
seeking work); unemployment rate represents the per-
centage within the labour force that is currently with-
out a job.
The parameter estimations, namely the coeffi-
cients of the logistic regression for the target variable
being zero, are presented in Table 1. Two descrip-
tors regarding the possible multicollinearity (VIF
and Condition index
) are computed. SAS PROC
REG /vif and PROC REG /collin were applied for re-
moving collinearity. VIF is presented in Table 1. The
Condition index was smaller than 10. Each record re-
ceives a score, namely enrollment score, and we ap-
ply Equation 2 to map the score into a probability as
written below:
p 0 1 = 1
exp[enrollment score]
1 + exp [enrollment score]
The variance inflation factor (VIF) quantifies the sever-
ity of multicollinearity in an ordinary least square regres-
sion analysis. It provides an index that measures how much
the variance (the square of the estimate’s standard devia-
tion) of an estimated regression coefficient is increased be-
cause of collinearity. A rule of thumb is that if VIF > 3,
then multicollinearity is high.
The condition index is the standard measure of ill-
conditioning in a matrix. It is computed by finding the
square root of the maximum eigenvalue divided by the min-
imum eigenvalue. If the condition index is above 30, the
regression may have a significant multicollinearity. Mul-
ticollinearity exists if two or more of the values related to
the high condition index have a high proportion of variance
explained. One advantage of this method is that it shows
which variables are collinear.
ICORES 2021 - 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Table 2: Logistic regression results.
Development data Validation data
p 0 1 Enrollment
per decile
p 0 1 Enrollment
per decile
Mean Sum ColPctSum Mean Sum ColPctSum
1 0.1833 159 20.73 22.65% 0.1842 147 19.73 21.00%
2 0.1319 89 11.58 12.68% 0.1326 106 14.22 15.14%
3 0.1238 81 10.54 11.54% 0.1241 82 11.00 11.71%
4 0.1176 81 10.54 11.54% 0.1177 74 9.93 10.57%
5 0.1117 75 9.76 10.68% 0.1116 71 9.53 10.14%
6 0.1055 74 9.63 10.54% 0.1056 63 8.45 9.00%
7 0.0990 59 7.68 8.40% 0.0986 62 8.32 8.86%
8 0.0904 54 7.03 7.69% 0.0897 51 6.84 7.29%
9 0.0792 53 6.90 7.55% 0.0785 48 6.44 6.86%
10 0.0519 43 5.59 6.13% 0.0510 41 5.50 5.86%
We scored both the development and the validation
set, which consist of 702 and 700 postal codes, re-
spectively. A probability was computed from the
score, and then the postal codes were sorted in de-
scending order by the probability. We built deciles,
ranking each postal code by the probability to enroll
women and ordering from highest to lowest. We re-
ported for each decile the following numbers: the size
of the decile (number of postal codes), the mean of the
enrollment probability predicted by the model (p), the
number of enrollments realized on that decile (sum),
the percentage of the enrollments collected in that
decile out of total enrollments (ColPctSum) and, fi-
nally, the enrollment rate per decile. Table 2 contains
these values for the development data and for the vali-
dation data. A model is powerful if it can group a high
percentage of all enrollments in the first decile. For a
random selection, we expect to collect 10% of all en-
rollments in the first decile. In our model, 20% of all
enrollments were collected in the first decile, obtain-
ing a lift of 200% (model vs. random). If the model
has enrollment per decile descending from decile 1
to 10 without reversals (the stair case effect) then the
model is statistically correct. Table 2 supports the
lack of reversals in both the development and valida-
tion data.
In order to quantify the efficiency of the model,
the Kolmogorov-Smirnoff (KS) statistic is com-
. For the development data set, KS=0.1559; for
the validation data set, KS=0.1346, both of them be-
The Kolmogorov-Smirnoff statistic is used to measure
the discriminatory power of a model, namely how the dis-
tribution of the score differs among enrollments and non-
enrollments. The KS measures the minimum point of sepa-
ration between the cumulative distribution functions of two
ing greater than 0.1, an acceptable value.
We extend this model to score the entire 853,109
Canadian postal codes. A probability is computed
from the score, and then the postal codes are sorted
in descending order by the probability. We select the
top 10% for the next steps (85,310 postal codes).
Using all of the women applicant data and all of the
postal codes in Canada, it is found that the five most
productive PRIZM segments are able to collect al-
most 25% from all enrollments: PRIZM 32 (Mini Van
& Vin Rouge) 6.60%, PRIZM 37 (Trucks & Trades)
4.84%, PRIZM 16 (Pets & PCs) 4.23%, PRIZM 24
(Fresh Air Families) 4.23%, and PRIZM 63 (Lunch
at Tim’s) 3.75%.
Figure 3: Geographical locations of the postal codes in
PRIZM segment 32.
Out of 85,310 postal codes selected from the lo-
gistic regression, we identified 19,884 postal codes
from the first five PRIZM segments. We ranked all the
Identifying Geographical Areas using Machine Learning for Enrolling Women in the Canadian Armed Forces
Table 3: Distribution of selected postal codes into PRIZM
segments by age group.
PRIZM Rank postal
32 1 8,594 55,083 43,899
37 10 2,473 12,119 10,360
16 16 2,060 8,874 6,754
24 9 3,206 46,214 25,620
63 6 3,551 4,237 3,266
PRIZM segments in the first decile to validate where
the five best PRIZM segments were distributed. The
ranks are presented in Table 3. This additional filter-
ing complements the statistical model and adds ex-
tra stability in the final selection. The distribution of
these postal codes by PRIZM segment is presented
in Table 3, together with the women population con-
tained in these postal codes for three age groups: 17-
19, 20-24, and 25-29. These statistics are useful since
most of the recruits into the CAF are under age of
30 (Department of National Defence, 2018). The ge-
ographical distribution for PRIZM 32 is presented in
Figure 3 (The distribution for all five PRIZM seg-
ments and their descriptinos are presented in the Ap-
In order to assist marketing efforts for future recruits,
we segmented the 19,884 postal codes into several
clusters based on social media behaviours and made
recommendations on how to best market to these pop-
ulations. We employed an unsupervised machine
learning technique to blind the actual recruit informa-
tion, similar to the approach taken in (Ueno et al.,
For this purpose, we used the Opticks Social
dataset from Environics Analytics. This dataset was
first standardized to remove means and to scale to
unit variance, then aggregated down to 72 features
using a Feature Agglomeration (FA) technique with
Ward linkage criterion that minimizes the variance of
the aggregated features (Ward, 1963). This method
is implemented in the Scikit-learn library version
0.22.1 with Python version 3.7.1. (Pedregosa et al.,
5.1 Developing Clusters
We used a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) to cluster
the social media dataset. GMM assumes the data con-
tains a finite number of clusters that are normally dis-
tributed, and uses an expectation-maximization (EM)
technique to fit the mean and variance of the multi-
variate Gaussian distribution (Dempster et al., 1977).
GMM assigns nodes to several clusters probabilisti-
cally in the absence of sharp separation boundaries.
This technique is implemented in the Scikit-learn
One of the main and difficult problems in cluster-
ing is finding the right number of clusters to describe
the observations. For solving this problem, we used
the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) as defined
BIC = ln (n)k 2ln
L is the maximized likelihood value, n is the
number of data points, and k is the number of clus-
ters. BIC will correct for over-fitting of a model by
introducing a penalty for additional free parameters
for higher k.
Figure 4 shows the BIC obtained as a function
of the number of clusters, where the score for each
cluster configuration is an average of 10 independent
trials. As can be seen, the 7-cluster configuration
is favourable. However, two of the small clusters
were close in Euclidean distance; therefore they were
merged together, and six final clusters were identified.
Figure 4: BIC scores of GMM clustering as a function of
number of clusters. The BIC score is an average of 10 inde-
pendent trials for each cluster configuration.
Table 4: Result of GMM clustering.
PRIZM 1 2 3 4 5 6
32 7,776 37 0 23 746 12
37 2,020 9 0 0 444 0
16 1,235 25 0 0 800 0
24 2,398 70 28 0 710 0
63 3,474 4 0 0 73 0
Total 16,903 145 28 23 2,773 12
Table 4 shows the result of the GMM clustering,
separated into the 5 PRIZM segments as presented be-
fore. As it can be seen, most of the postal codes be-
ICORES 2021 - 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Table 5: Summary of social media (SM) behaviour by GMM cluster.
Cluster Importance Summary of behaviours
1 & 5 12.1 % - Current podcast listener, but not sports or technology focused podcast
- Uses Wikis to read articles or for research a few times a week
2 12.3 % - Typically uses mobile phone to access SM
- Watches YouTube frequently, but not active on Instagram
- Share content on SM forums and chats
3 11.3 % - Snapchat user, but not active on LinkedIn
- active on chats. Shares links with friends and colleagues
4 10.0 % - Typically uses computer to access SM
- Low use of YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook (a few times a month)
- Uses SM for work/professional purposes than personal use
6 15.1 % - Flickr user
long in cluster 1 and 5. Cluster 3 describes a small
subset of PRIZM segment 24 while Clusters 4 and 6
describe a small subset of PRIZM segment 32. Fig-
ure 5 shows the distribution of the probability from
the logistic regression model within each cluster. As
can be seen, the clusters generally correlate with the
probabilities from the logistic regression model and
are able to distinguish the postal codes with strong
probability from those with weaker probability.
Figure 5: Distribution of postal codes by the logistic re-
gression model probability. The colours correspond to the
cluster of each postal code.
5.2 Social Media Behaviour of Clusters
In order to guide marketing strategies, we profiled
each social media cluster identified above. In order
to do so, we employed a random forest classifier (im-
plemented in the scikit-learn library) to determine
which features are most important for each of the six
clusters. Since the social media attributes are aggre-
gated into 72 groups of similar features, we were able
to profile each cluster using several descriptions.
Table 5 shows the summary of the social media
behaviour of clusters. As can be seen, the clusters por-
tray distinct social media behaviour except for clus-
Table 6: Histogram of distances from postal codes in the
top 5 PRIZM categories to the nearest recruiting centre.
Distance (km)
PRIZM <25 25–50 50–75 75–100 >100
32 4,119 2,204 850 341 1,080
37 723 160 109 85 1,396
16 1,076 281 55 48 600
24 869 808 401 340 788
63 1,004 436 367 273 1,471
Total 7,791 3,889 1,782 1,087 5,335
ters 1 and 5, which are very close in terms of logistic
regression probability (See Figure 5). For example, in
order to reach the population in cluster 3, Snapchat is
preferable to LinkedIn. For cluster 2, YouTube adver-
tisement is a viable option for recruiting women.
Interactions between recruiters and applicants vary
based on the distance between an applicant’s resi-
dence and the recruiting centre. Therefore, we com-
puted the distance from each of the selected 19,884
postal codes to the closest recruiting centre. There
are 26 recruiting centres in Canada. The distance
was computed between the center of the postal codes
of the recruiting centre and selected postal code de-
scribed by longitude and latitude coordinates. We
grouped the distance into five bins: less than 25 km,
between 25 and 50 km, between 50 and 75 km, be-
Identifying Geographical Areas using Machine Learning for Enrolling Women in the Canadian Armed Forces
tween 75 and 100 km, and more than 100 km. Al-
most 60% from all selected postal codes were less
than 50 km from the nearest recruiting centre. The
number of postal codes in each bin per PRIZM seg-
ment is presented in Table 6. This allows an addi-
tional tool for the marketers to focus on the recruiting
strategy based on the distance.
In the absence of the individual data for the potential
applicants, we explored the problem of identifying
geographical areas with high potential for recruiting
women by using demographic, life style, consumer
behaviour, settlement patterns and social media char-
acteristics of the neighbourhood (postal code) of the
potential applicants. Using historical women recruit-
ing data and two Environics datasets (DemoStats and
PRIZM), a selection of 19,884 postal codes with high-
est recruiting potential was obtained from the most
promising 10% of all Canadian postal codes, obtained
using a logistic regression model. Finally, the selec-
tion was segmented to derive the optimum marketing
channels and messages by using two approaches: (i)
clustering based on the aggregated social media be-
haviour of the postal code and (ii) binning using the
distance to the nearest recruiting centre. The social
media behaviour was retrieved from a third Environ-
ics dataset, Optiks Social. The approach presented in
this paper can be applied frequently for a long term,
contributing to the commitment to increase women
representation in CAF.
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ICORES 2021 - 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Maps of PRIZM Segments
Figure 6: Geographical locations of the postal codes in
PRIZM segment 32.
Figure 7: Geographical locations of the postal codes in
PRIZM segment 37.
Figure 8: Geographical locations of the postal codes in
PRIZM segment 16.
Figure 9: Geographical locations of the postal codes in
PRIZM segment 24.
Figure 10: Geographical locations of the postal codes in
PRIZM segment 63.
PRIZM Segment Descriptions
Below are the descriptions of PRIZM segments de-
fined in the technical documentation provided by En-
vironics Analytics.
PRIZM 32. Mini Van & Vin Rouge represents a col-
lection of younger and middle-aged fami-
lies and couples who live in new exurban
communities beyond Quebec’s big cities.
These households consist of married and
common-law couples. Although most
households are French-speaking, more
than 40 percent are bilingual. Their mixed
educations provide good blue- and white-
collar jobs in the construction and manu-
facturing sectors, as well as management
roles within the public-service sector, re-
sulting in upper-middle-incomes and ac-
tive lifestyles. Residents here have gym
memberships and enjoy sports like hockey,
cross-country and downhill skiing. Af-
ter all that fresh air and exercise, they re-
ward themselves by picking up dinner at
a chicken restaurant or kicking back with
a glass of Shiraz in their single- or semi-
detached homes. For a night out, they
might head to the opera or a popular music
concert; their idea of a vacation is anything
from a resort package to a sightseeing tour
around the U.S. and Caribbean.
PRIZM 37. Younger and middle-aged families com-
prise Trucks & Trades, where skilled
tradespeople and blue-collar workers have
built a comfortable lifestyle while accu-
mulating tidy savings. Concentrated in
Alberta and the Prairies, this segment
has a disproportionate number of oil and
gas workers who have sought out jobs
in resource-rich lands over the past two
decades. What workers may lack in ed-
ucation, they make up for with practical
Identifying Geographical Areas using Machine Learning for Enrolling Women in the Canadian Armed Forces
skills in primary industries as well as the
trades and transportation sector. Many
families are younger and middle-aged
most children are under the age of 15 and
live in single- and semi-detached houses
built between 1961 and 1990. There’s
also an above-average presence of mobile
dwellings hauled in to accommodate the
sudden influx of workers. When not work-
ing hard, these households play hard: fish-
ing, hunting, golfing, ATVing, snowmobil-
ing and playing baseball, along with other
sports. They also have high rates for own-
ing boats, camping trailers and motorcy-
PRIZM 16. One of the largest lifestyles in Canada,
Pets & PCs is a haven for younger families
with preschool children in the new sub-
urbs surrounding larger cities. Nearly half
of the children in this segment are under
the age of 10, while many of the maintain-
ers are under 45. Pets & PCs households
have a strong presence of immigrants from
China, the Philippines and India. Few seg-
ments have more new housing than this
group; most residents have settled into a
mix of single-detached, semi-detached and
row house developments. With upscale in-
comes, segment members have crafted an
active, child-centred lifestyle. These fam-
ilies participate in many team sports, in-
cluding baseball, basketball and hockey,
and they shuttle kids and their gear to
games in spacious SUVs–typically newer
models. On weekends, they head to kid-
friendly destinations like zoos, aquariums
and amusement parks. They fill their
homes with an array of computers and
electronic gear, including video game sys-
tems, tablets and just about anything that
will occupy their children while the moms
and dads grab the occasional date night
at the movies or dinner at their favourite
seafood restaurants.
PRIZM 24. Widely dispersed across Canada, Fresh
Air Families is one of the largest
segments–and growing. Found in rapidly
expanding exurban communities, these
neighbourhoods feature a mix of middle-
aged couples and families with children
of a broad spectrum of ages. While
most adults have high school, trade school
or college educations, these dual-income
households enjoy solid, upper-middle-
income lifestyles thanks to positions in
public administration, construction and the
skilled trades. They own single-detached
homes, typically built since 1990, and nine
out of 10 commutes by car to jobs in
nearby suburbs. With its couples and fami-
lies, the segment scores high for a range of
marketplace preferences, frequenting big-
box retailers, large department stores and
discount grocers. Members of Fresh Air
Families enjoy the great outdoors, particu-
larly fishing, boating, canoeing and camp-
ing. Indeed, some of their favourite leisure
activities are evident in their driveways,
typically cluttered with boats, campers or
motorcycles and pickup trucks to haul
them to parks and campgrounds. But they
also enjoy indoor pursuits like crafting and
PRIZM 63. Located in dense, industrial neighbour-
hoods scattered across mid-sized cities,
Lunch at Tim’s consists of singles, fam-
ilies and solo-parent households living in
older single-detached homes, semis and
duplexes. They’re the kind of tight-knit
communities where residents enjoy social-
izing at local eateries like Tim Hortons–
as well as pizza places, burger joints and
fish-and-chip restaurants. With an unusu-
ally mixed age profile–it’s no longer the bi-
modal segment of the past–Lunch at Tim’s
residents have above-average rates for res-
idents who are single, divorced, separated
or widowed; nearly half the adults in these
neighbourhoods are unattached. Despite
the lower-middle incomes, roughly two-
thirds of households own their homes,
mostly built before 1980. Residents enjoy
quieter pastimes and have high rates for
knitting and woodworking, as well as out-
door activities like hiking and swimming.
When the mood strikes, they might play
a friendly game of curling or splurge on
tickets to a dinner theatre, baseball game
or boat or craft show.
ICORES 2021 - 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems