Design and Implementation of German Legal Decision Corpora
Stefanie Urchs
1 a
, Jelena Mitrovi
2 b
and Michael Granitzer
2 c
Chair of Software Engineering for Business Information Systems, Technical University of Munich, Garching, Germany
Chair of Data Science, University of Passau, Passau, Germany
Datasets, German Law, German Legal Writing Styles, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing.
Law professionals are wordsmiths, their main tool is language. Therefore, the field of law produces a vast
amount of written text. These texts have to be analysed, summarised, and used in the creation of new text,
which is a task that reaches the limits of what is humanly possible. However, it is possible to automate this
analysis by using Natural Language Processing techniques. To perform these techniques (annotated) text
corpora are required. Unfortunately, publicly available (annotated) legal text corpora are rare. Even scarcer is
the availability of (annotated) German legal text corpora.
To meet this need for publicly available German legal text corpora this paper presents two German legal text
corpora. The first corpus contains 32,748 decisions from 131 German courts, enriched with metadata. The
second one is a subset of the first corpus and consists of 200 randomly chosen judgements. In these judgements
a legal expert annotated the components conclusion, definition and subsumption of the German legal writing
style Urteilsstil. Furthermore, the paper presents experiments on these corpora.
In the field of law a vast amount of written text is pro-
duced every day. It is not humanly possible to read
every text and process all these information. There-
fore, law professionals are in need of computational
help. Computers can process thousands of documents
in mere seconds. By utilising machine learning it is
even feasible to go beyond pure digitisation of a docu-
ment. It is possible to analyse its semantics. However,
these machine learning methods need legal text cor-
pora for training purposes. Unfortunately, there are
only few annotated legal corpora publicly available,
even less annotated German legal text corpora. Non-
annotated content is easily available, however, this
content has to be crawled and processed for Natural
Language Processing usage.
In this paper we present two German legal text
corpora. The first one consists of 32,748 decisions of
131 German courts that are enriched with meta data.
The second corpus is formed from a subset of these
decisions. It consists of 200 randomly chosen judge-
ments, which are annotated with the components con-
clusion, definition and subsumption of the German le-
gal writing style Urteilsstil (appraisal style). These
annotations can be utilised to train machine learning
models to automatically detect parts of German legal
writing styles.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. Chapter 2 introduces the related work of this
paper. The first corpus is presented in chapter 3, the
annotated judgement corpus in chapter 4. In chapter
5 possible use cases for the corpora are discussed and
chapter 6 concludes the paper.
This chapter introduces a selection of already avail-
able legal corpora. Furthermore, German legal writ-
ing styles are discussed, especially the Urteilsstil.
2.1 Legal Corpora
In 2006 Reed et al. (Reed, 2006) presented the first
corpus containing analysed legal argumentation. This
corpus contains text from various domains, including
judicial summaries and discussion. Due to a security
breach this corpus is no longer available. Researchers
from the same group presented another legal cor-
pus: a collection of 47 documents from the Euro-
Urchs, S., Mitrovi
c, J. and Granitzer, M.
Design and Implementation of German Legal Decision Corpora.
DOI: 10.5220/0010187305150521
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 2, pages 515-521
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
pean Court of Human Rights (Palau and Moens, 2009;
Mochales and Moens, 2011), annotated with argu-
mentation components and argumentation schemes.
Unfortunately, they did not publish this corpus.
The US courts publish their cases online. Sugath-
adasa et al. (Sugathadasa et al., 2017) compiled
22,776 cases from the United States supreme court
into a corpus and published it in combination with
other legal cases. Judicial decisions from the UK
form the basis of the corpus of Rizzo et al.(Rizzo and
erez, 2012). This corpus was created and published
because most legal corpora are too small to act as nor-
mative reference or are not publicly available. The au-
thors cite the corpus of Favretti et al. (Rossini Favretti
et al., 2001) as one of the few corpora comparable to
their work. It contains European legislation in English
and Italian. A corpus consisting of Italian legislation
in Italian and German is presented by Gamper (Gam-
per, 2000). However, the paper does not mention pub-
lication of this corpus.
The international research group Computer As-
sisted Legal Linguistics (CAL
compile legal cor-
pora, containing legislation from around the world.
Unfortunately, these corpora are not publicly avail-
These selected corpora might be valuable for re-
search if they would have been published. To fill the
gap, left open by current research, we publish our cor-
pora on the open science platform zenodo
2.2 German Legal Writing Styles
The legal way of argumentation is the so called le-
gal syllogism (Alexy, 1983). The example in table 1
illustrates a legal syllogism. At first a general norm
is cited as first premise, subsequently the real world
case is stated and a conclusion is deducted from the
two premises. In other words, general norms/laws are
used to solve concrete problems, by logically deduct-
ing the solution from the norms/laws (Weber, 2018).
The used example shows how similar the thinking
in mathematical logic and legal reasoning is. How-
ever, in the legal reasoning process one encounters
some difficulties. For example: What is rain in a
legal sense? It is necessary to define ”fuzzy” terms
of norms/laws. When rain is defined one has to look
at the concrete problem and ask if that water coming
from the sky is rain in the sense of the common rules.
Here a subsumption is necessary (Weber, 2018).
The German legal education teaches law students
to work on legal problems in two distinct styles. First
Table 1: Example of legal deduction with a syllogistic in-
ferring method (Alexy, 1983).
norm / law
A soldier has to say
the truth in offi-
cial business affairs
(§13 Abs. I Sol-
Mr M. is a soldier.
Conclusio Mr M. has to say
the truth in official
business affairs.
the Gutachtenstil (appraisal style), which is used al-
most exclusively until the first state exam. After the
first state exam, the Urteilsstil (judgement style) is
used. Both styles share the components definition
and subsumption. The appraisal style is concluded
in a different way than the judgement style, therefore
this component does not match.
The introduced writing styles might be used in
other countries in a similar way. However, this pa-
per introduces only the German way of formal legal
writing, other countries are not considered.
Urteilsstil. The Urteilsstil begins with the conclu-
sion and proceeds with the reasoning. The most basic
version of the Urteilsstil consists of three stages:
1. the concrete legal consequences
2. followed by the abstract legal facts and conse-
quences (i.e. exact wording of the law)
3. ending in the concrete facts
Between the second and third item a Feststellungssatz
(determination sentence, the result of the subsump-
tion) states if the legal requirements are fulfilled or
not (Danger, 2005).
The determination sentence and the concrete facts
together form the subsumption. This leads to the fol-
lowing structure as shown in Table 2.
In practice this basic schema is mostly extended.
If norms refer to other regulations, these must first be
defined before a subsumption can be made.
This chapter introduces a legal decision corpus, en-
riched with metadata and saved in an easily accessi-
ble JSON format. To show a possible use-case of the
corpus, an experiment on the corpus is presented.
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Example of Urteilsstil with named sub-
components according to (Danger, 2005).
Conclusion Overall
The claim is well
justified. The de-
fendant owes the
plaintiff 1500D in
Definition Abstract
Facts and
If an object is
damaged by an
animal,then ac-
cording to §833 S
1 BGB the person
who keeps the
animal is obliged
to compensate
the injured person
for the resulting
Subsumption Determina-
These conditions
are fulfilled here.
The defendant’s
dog scratched the
paint of the plaintiff
s car. The repaint-
ing caused costs of
3.1 Corpus Design
The decision corpus is a collection of the decisions
published on the website
At the time of the crawling the website offered 32,748
decisions of 131 Bavarian courts, dating back to 2015.
The decisions are provided from the Bavarian state af-
ter the courts agreed to a publication. All decisions
are processed by the publisher C.H.BECK, commis-
sioned by the Bavarian state. This processing includes
anonymisation, key-wording, and adding of editorial
guidelines to the decisions. Intentionally all decisions
are included to provide a complete corpus of German
law. Normalisation measures can be applied depend-
ing on the task at hand.
The decisions have 22 different types, mostly
resolutions (Beschluss, 16,711 (51%)), judgements
(Urteil, 11,955 (37%)), or end-judgements (En-
durteil, 2,748 (8.3%)). From the 131 courts the most
decisions are made by VG Munich (8,028 (25%)),
VGH Munich (7,141 (22%)) and OLG Munich (2,337
(7%)). The courts of the Bavarian capital are gener-
3 accessed and crawled
on 2020-05-13
ally the most busy ones. The VGH Munich is the Ver-
waltungsgerichtshof (Higher Administrative Court)
of Bavaria, the highest instance for all topics regard-
ing the public administration. Below the VGH exist
six VG (Verwaltungsgericht / Administrative Court)
almost all administrative regions have their own VG,
except for lower Bavaria, which fall under the juris-
diction of VG Regensburg. This type of court (VG) is-
sues the most decisions in the corpus (22,155(68%)).
Figure 1 depicts that over the year courts are mostly
consistent in issuing decisions. The first three months
are busier that the rest of the year. August, September
and December are the months with the least number
of issued decisions.
Figure 1: Number of decisions issued per month.
Every decision is saved in the following JSON for-
1 {
2 " meta ": {
3 " m eta _ti tle " : " " ,
4 " c ou rt " : " " ,
5 " d e ci s io n _s t yle " : " " ,
6 " date ": " " ,
7 " f ile _nu mbe r " : "",
8 " t it le " : " " ,
9 " n orm _ch ain s " : ["" , " "],
10 " d e ci s ion _ gu i del ine s " : [ "", ""] ,
11 " k eyw or ds " : " " ,
12 " l owe r_c our t " : ["" , " "],
13 " a d di t ion a l_i nfo r mat ion " : " " ,
14 " d e ci s ion _re f ere nce " : " "
15 } ,
16 " d eci s io n _t e xt " :{
17 " t en or " : [ " " ," " ],
18 " l ega l_f act s " : ["" , " "] ,
19 " d e ci s ion _re aso n s " : [ " " ,"" ]
20 }
21 }
The metadata are provided by the publisher
C.H.BECK. The following is a short description
of the fields:
meta title
Title provided by the website, it is used for saving
the decision
Issuing court
decision style
Design and Implementation of German Legal Decision Corpora
Style of the decision
Date when the decision was issued by the court
file number
Identification number used for this decision by the
Title provided by the court
norm chains
Norms related to the decision
decision guidelines
Short summary of the decision
Keywords associated with the decision
lower court
Court that decided on the decision before
additional information
Additional Information
decision reference
References to the location of the decision in beck-
Designation of the legal consequence ordered by
the court
legal facts
Facts that form the base for the decision
decision reasons
In depth explanation of the court decision
The corpus is published on the open research platform
3.2 Experiments
As mentioned above, the corpus is intentionally not
normalised towards a specific task. Therefore, the
corpus can be used for many different research ques-
tions. One of possible question is: “Is it possible to
detect the type of a decision”?
Overall 22 types of decisions are contained in
the corpus. However, 16 of these types are rep-
resented by less than 100 decisions. Furthermore,
the corpus contains nine different kinds of judge-
ments and six different kinds of resolutions. To
form a balanced dataset all judgements get the la-
bel judgement and all kinds of resolutions are la-
belled as resolution, everything else is labelled as
other. Leading to 17,013 (52%) decisions labelled
as resolution, 14,818 (45%) decisions labelled as
judgement and 917 (3%) as other. As a feature
for the classification term frequency - inverse doc-
ument frequency (tf-idf) is calculated for the deci-
sion reasons of each decision. The scikit learn
is used. With this feature a logistic re-
(LR) and a linear support vector classifi-
(SVC) are trained in a one-vs-the-rest multi-
label scheme. This means that one class is accepted
as positive and all others as negative. For each class
a classifier is trained and finally the prediction with
the highest probability is returned. Table 3 shows the
results of training on 80% of the data and testing with
the remaining 20%. Although a very simple feature
was used, the classifications are very good. The SVC
slightly outperforms the LR.
This experiment is only meant to illustrate the use-
fulness of the corpus. For this reason, no further dis-
cussion of how the results of the classification were
obtained will be given here, this will be discussed in
future work.
Table 3: Results of training a logistic regression and a sup-
port vector classification on the decision corpus. The sup-
port vector classification slightly outperformed the logistic
Recall F1-
tf-idf/ LR 0.96 0.80 0.85 0.96
0.97 0.88 0.92 0.97
As stated above, the judgement corpus consist of 200
randomly chosen judgements that are annotated by a
legal expert, who holds a first legal state exam. Ac-
cording to (Wissler et al., 2014) multiple experts are
needed to create a gold standard corpus. Due to fi-
nancial, staff and time reasons the presented iteration
of the corpus was only annotated by a single expert.
In a future version several other experts will annotate
the corpus and the inter-annotator agreement will be
The decision reasons of German legal judgements
sklearn.feature extraction.text.TfidfVectorizer.html
sklearn.linear model.LogisticRegression.html
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
are written in Urteilsstil. Law students are first ex-
posed to this writing style after finishing their first
state exam.
In the judgement corpus the components
conclusion, definition and subsumption of the
Urteilsstil are annotated. All other sentences are
labelled as other. The corpus is created as part of
the master thesis of Stefanie Urchs (Urchs, 2020).
The goal of the thesis is to train a model on Urteilsstil
and use it on Gutachtenstil. As outlined in 2.2 the
Urteilsstil and Gutachtenstil share the components
definition and subsumption. Therefore, the
model trained on judgements in Urteilsstil should be
able to withstand a domain transfer to Gutachtenstil
and detect definitions and subsumptions in legal
exercise cases.
This chapter explores the 200 annotated legal
judgements and presents an experiment performed on
the corpus.
4.1 Corpus Design
Overall 25,075 sentences are annotated. 5% (1,202)
of these sentences are marked as conclusion, 21%
(5,328) as definition, 53% (13,322) are marked
as subsumption and the remaining 21% (6,481) as
other. The length of judgements in sentences ranges
from 38 to 862 sentences. The median of judgements
have 97 sentences, the length of most judgements is
on the shorter side.
Figure 2: Number of sentence per label on a judgement ba-
sis. The last part of the figure depicts the number of sen-
tences per judgement.
Figure 2 shows that the amount of marked
conclusions and definitions is low in all docu-
ments. Furthermore, the length of a judgement only
slightly increases the number of sentences marked as
definition in a judgement. Subsumptions con-
trast this behaviour. The number of sentences la-
belled with subsumption correlated strongly with
the number of sentences in a judgement. The me-
dian of sentences labelled with conclusion is 5 per
judgement, definition is 21 per judgement and for
subsumption 50 per judgement. This shows that in-
dependent of the length of a judgement the conclu-
sion of the overall result and the description of the
abstract law is short. Facts are stated without much
detour. However, on average law professionals use
more than twice as many sentences to subsume the
case. When looking back to chapter 2.2 this seems
reasonable. The subsumption is the place to argue and
combine the pure listing of the law from the definition
with the real world case. Law professionals can show
their skills in this component. The remaining sen-
tences are labelled as other. These sentences include
text that does not belong to one of the writing style
components. Additionally, the annotator is instructed
to only label sentences as conclusion, definition
or subsumption. If one sentence contains both it is
labelled as other.
As a guiding example the annotation guide for the
annotator includes the example stated in table 2.
Judgements from 22 of the 131 courts are selected
for the corpus. Most judgements originate from the
VG Augsburg (59 / 30%) followed by the VG Ansbach
(39 / 20%) and LSG Munich (33 / 17%). For most
courts one to four judgements are selected. However,
the analysis of the base data already revealed that Ver-
waltungsgerichte (VG) contribute more to the corpus
than other courts. The LSG Munich is in place four for
contributing judgements to the base corpus. There-
fore, the random selection of judgements seems to re-
flect the underlying distribution of decision by courts
29% (58) of all selected judgements are issued in
the year 2016, followed by 22% (44) from the year
2017 and 21% (41) issued in the year 2015. This
selection deviates slightly from the base data where
24.5% (7,663) decisions are issued in 2015, 23.9%
(7,487) in 2016 and 21.7% of the decisions are is-
sued in 2017. The percentages of selected judgements
and decisions issued in 2018 and 2019 are roughly the
same. No judgements from 2020 are selected. How-
ever, decisions of 2020 form only 0.4% of the base
data, which makes not selecting them a valid repre-
sentation of the base data.
The JSON format from 3.1 is extended in the fol-
lowing way:
Design and Implementation of German Legal Decision Corpora
1 {
2 " meta ": {
3 " m eta _ti tle " : " " ,
4 " c ou rt " : " " ,
5 " d e ci s io n _s t yle " : " " ,
6 " date ": " " ,
7 " f ile _nu mbe r " : "",
8 " t it le " : " " ,
9 " n orm _ch ain s " : ["" , " "],
10 " d e ci s ion _ gu i del ine s " : [ "", ""] ,
11 " k eyw or ds " : " " ,
12 " l owe r_c our t " : ["" , " "],
13 " a d di t ion a l_i nfo r mat i on " : " " ,
14 " d e ci s ion _re f ere nce " : " "
15 } ,
16 " d eci s io n _t e xt " :{
17 " t en or " : [ " " ," " ],
18 " l ega l_f act s " : ["" , " "] ,
19 " d e ci s ion _re aso n s " : [
20 [[ tex t , l ab el ] ,[ text , l ab el ]]
21 ]
22 }
23 }
The decision reasons are segmented into sentences
using the SoMaJo
tool. SoMaJo is a state of the art
tokenisation and sentence segmentation tool for Ger-
man and English. SoMaJo was chosen after testing
several common segmentation tools, as it is the only
one that performs acceptably on German legal texts.
Each sentence is paired with a label. To preserve
the paragraph structure given by the website, the sen-
tences are saved in a list for every paragraph, resulting
in a list of lists format.
The corpus is published on the open research plat-
form zenodo
4.2 Experiments
To automatically detect conclusion, definition
and subsumption in legal text a logistic regression
and a SVC are trained on the judgement corpus. The
implementation of the logistic regression and the SVC
in scikit learn offers a multi class classification op-
tion. The algorithm decomposes a multi-class prob-
lem into a binary problem. The correct prediction is
determined in a one vs. the rest approach.
Two simple features are used in this experiment
all unigrams
of the training data and a tf-idf
the vocabulary of the training data.
sklearn.feature extraction.text.CountVectorizer.html
sklearn.feature extraction.text.TfidfVectorizer.html
Table 4 shows the results of a five fold cross-
validation over logistic regressions and SVM trained
with either unigrams or tf-idf. The baseline is formed
by a decision stump that always predicts the major-
ity class. The baseline is always outperformed, there-
fore, meaningful features are chosen. Interestingly,
LR with unigram features and SVC with tf-idf fea-
tures perform the same. However both are outper-
formed by a LR with tf-idf features in terms of pre-
cision. All three share the same accuracy of 0.77.
Table 4: Results of training a Logistic Regression and a
Support Vector Classification on the judgement corpus. The
tf-idf outperforms the Unigram feature independent of the
classification method.
Recall F1-
0.13 0.25 0.17 0.53
0.74 0.67 0.70 0.77
0.67 0.66 0.66 0.74
0.13 0.25 0.17 0.53
tf-idf/ LR 0.79 0.63 0.68 0.77
0.74 0.67 0.70 0.77
The presented corpora open many different oppor-
tunities to explore German law. Some of the use-
cases are the presented experiments, other possible
use-cases for the decision corpus are the analysis of
topics in courts over time and across courts. Are there
seasonal topics in the courts, that reoccur every year?
Do topics change over the years? When are more
or less decisions issued and does that depend on the
Besides the pure analysis of the meta-data an anal-
ysis of the textual parts might provide other fasci-
nating insights. It might be interesting to explore
whether the authors of decisions can be identified ac-
cording to their writing style. A sentiment analysis on
the textual part can lead to a deeper insight into what
the author really thought about a case.
Furthermore, the German legal terminology can
be extracted from the corpus and modelled into an up-
per level ontology like SUMO (Mitrovi
c et al., 2019).
Such an ontology is helpful to automatically explore
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
unseen German legal documents and analyse their
The judgement corpus can be used for writ-
ing style detection in free text. Furthermore, it
is possible to look into the inner workings of the
judgement. Which conclusion is connected to
which definition and which definition belongs
to which subsumption. Additionally, judgements
from different courts could be compared in order to
answer whether there are big differences between the
writing styles of the courts.
Based on the work presented in Mitrovi
c et
al. (Mitrovi
c et al., 2017) writing style components
can be represented ontologically, and their persua-
siveness assessed based on the rhetorical elements
contained therein.
This paper presents two novel German legal corpora
based on Bavarian Court decisions between 2015 and
The first one contains 32,748 decisions from 131
German courts. A model that predicts the type of de-
cision was trained on this corpus. Resulting in a pre-
cision of 0.97.
The second corpus is a subset of the first one.
200 judgements were randomly chosen and annotated
with conclusion, definition, subsumption and
other, components of the Urteilsstil. On this cor-
pus several models were trained to predict to which
component a sentence of a judgement belongs. The
baseline is always outperformed, however no clear
best approach could be determined. LR performs well
with unigrams and SCV performs the same with tf-
Both corpora are published on the open science
platform zenodo.
In future work different legal experts will inspect
the existing labels to ensure the label quality.
The annotation of the judgement corpus was only pos-
sible due to the help and funding from the research
centre FREDI
The project on which this report is based was
funded by the German Federal Ministry of Educa-
tion and Research (BMBF) under the funding code
01—S20049. The author is responsible for the con-
tent of this publication.
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Design and Implementation of German Legal Decision Corpora