BPMN model.
Finally, we want to transform the direct trigger
relations between Business Processes into Sequence
Flows (Rule 4). Since, we do not know in this context
whether the processes have become a sub-process or
a task, we reference both rules (2 and 3) and insert a
placeholder for the target type. Since the input con-
ditions of both rules are mutually exclusive, only one
returns the desired activity at a time.
Model transformation is a complex challenge due to
the heterogeneity of languages and frameworks. Es-
pecially when it comes to automated model genera-
tors, the difficulty lies in the many details of the en-
terprise models. For this purpose, we have presented a
concept that is language independent. The system of-
fers flexible description possibilities for model trans-
formation using a rule-based approach with simple
expressions. It uses the idea of set theory and proposi-
tional logic for its description, so that only little pre-
vious knowledge is necessary for their use. The es-
tablished rules can be chained with each other. In
comparison to current approaches, the concept is easy
to use and can be applied widely. Based on the de-
veloped system, a natural, formal textual description
language will be defined in the next step.
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ICORES 2021 - 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems