Towards Collaborative Cyber Threat Intelligence for Security
Oleksii Osliak
, Andrea Saracino
, Fabio Martinelli
and Theo Dimitrakos
Istituto di Informatica e Telematica, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa, Italy
Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Huawei Technologies, Munich, Germany
Access Control, Policy Update, Cyber Threat Intelligence, Amazon Web Services.
Managing access to resources is one of the security mechanisms used for protecting the organization’s assets
from unauthorized usage, and thus potential data leaks. Thus, keeping access control policies up to date is a
crucial task for any organization. However, the access control policy update process usually requires direct
interaction of security specialists, which have knowledge and experience in counteracting abuse of privileges.
Therefore, in this paper, we consider access control policies update using collaborative knowledge in the latest
cyber activities. We describe the correlation between security policies and security reports using ontology for
cybersecurity. Finally, we present a framework that enables access control policies update within the Cloud
infrastructure offered by Amazon using Cyber Threat Intelligence.
An important security requirement for any infor-
mation management system is to protect data and
resources from unauthorized access, and improper
modifications still providing availability of those re-
sources. An enforcement of such protection requires
that every access to a system, resources and data is
controlled only allowing accesses that should be au-
thorized. The evaluation of a certain access request to
execute an operation on a resource is done according
to security policies, which define rules for access con-
trol regulation. Security policies can allow or deny the
execution of certain operations on resourses depend-
ing on roles assigned to users or attributes that charac-
terize a particular user. Additionally, security policies
can contain other attributes used to describe context
information (e.g., date, time, location, etc.) that can
influence decision making. Since security policies
play a critical role in organizations’ assets protection,
it is important to regularly update policies and control
the way those policies are updated. The security pol-
icy update process may be caused by various factors
including the data breach that took place in a system
and external knowledge about potential data breaches.
Nowadays, security specialists from various organiza-
tions and communities share threat-related informa-
tion better known as Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI)
to prevent cyber-attacks and their spread. According
to NIST (Johnson et al., 2016), CTI sharing allows de-
veloping new and improving existing security mech-
anisms to predict and prevent potential cyberattacks
and defend organizations’ assets. However, various
tools that support CTI usage and enforcement, usu-
ally require direct human interaction which is a cum-
bersome process that might require a large amount of
time. Moreover, security specialists share CTI using
different formats, thus following different ontologies.
In this paper, firstly we describe the interconnectiv-
ity between security reports and access control poli-
cies components using ontology. Secondly, we pro-
pose and describe a framework and its components
for access control management within the Cloud envi-
ronment using collaborative knowledge about cyber-
attacks in the form of structured reports. Finally, we
present practical example of the usage of the proposed
The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2,
we provide simple formalization of Attribute Based
Access Control model together with a definition of
Cyber Threat Intelligence and tools used for its shar-
ing. Section 3 describes the correlation between secu-
rity reports and security policies. Section 4 presents
and describes the security policy update process. Sec-
tion 5 describes the proposed framework as well as its
components. Finally, we provide related work in Sec-
Osliak, O., Saracino, A., Martinelli, F. and Dimitrakos, T.
Towards Collaborative Cyber Threat Intelligence for Security Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0010191403390346
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2021), pages 339-346
ISBN: 978-989-758-491-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tion 6, and Section 7 concludes the paper with a plan
for future work.
In this section, we provide a background knowledge
in access control and CTI approaches.
2.1 Access Control
Proper control of access to assets is one of the
fundamental techniques for securing assets against
cyberattacks and data abuse. Existing tech-
niques and models like Role Based Access Control
(RBAC) (Sandhu, 1998) and Attribute Based Access
Control (ABAC) (Jin et al., 2012) are widely used
by organizations for controlling access both to phys-
ical and cyber resources. Meanwhile, RBAC and
ABAC are the most used models that follow differ-
ent approaches. While subjects in the RBAC poli-
cies are defined through assigned roles (e.g., profes-
sor, student), in the ABAC model, both subjects and
objects defined through the set of corresponding at-
tributes. Thus, decision-making depends on the cur-
rent attribute values. Furthermore, the ABAC policy
allows defining context information through the set of
corresponding attributes and considers roles assigned
to subjects as additional attributes. Hence, the ABAC
model allows policymakers to define fine-grained
policies and express certain conditions through envi-
ronmental attributes that do not belong directly to the
subject or object.
In this work, we consider access control policies
as policy objects that are specified by subjects, ob-
jects, environment and operations. Formally, we de-
note S, O, E and OP as finite sets of subjects, ob-
jects, environment and possible operations allowed in
the system respectively. SA, OA and EA denote a set
of subject, object and environmental attributes respec-
tively. The policy object P is defined in a form of a tu-
ple P := hSA, OA, EA, opi, where SA, OA and EA de-
note subject, object and environmental attribute con-
ditions, defined as sets of attribute name-value pairs.
Finally, the op OP is possible operation from a set
of operations OP. The following example presents
a policy that allows a subject with a role student or
supervisor to execute read and write operations on a
file1 and file2 iff the current time when the system re-
ceived a request is in the range between 9 and 18.
:=hh∃role.student role.supervisori∧
h∃ operation.writei∧
h∃ob ject. f ile1 ob ject. f ile2i∧
h∃currentTime 9 currentTime 18ii
In fact, the subject can have other attributes in-
cluding specific ID number, associated risk level, etc.,
meanwhile, we skip these attributes for simplicity.
2.2 Cyber Threat Intelligence
Nowadays, many organizations produce, collect and
share information related to cyber threats. Accord-
ing to National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST)(Johnson et al., 2017), Cyber Threat Informa-
tion is any information related to threats that might
help organizations in protecting themselves against
cyber threats or in detecting the activities of a threat
agent. While, Cyber Threat Intelligence (hereinafter
CTI), is what threat information becomes after its pro-
cessing and analysis. Another definition given by
Gartner considers CTI as evidence-based knowledge
that includes context, mechanisms, indicators, impli-
cations and actionable advice about an existing or
emerging menace or hazard to IT or information as-
sets. Many organizations (e.g., NIST
) have
formulated enumerations of types of malware, vul-
nerabilities, and exploitations. Particularly, MITRE
maintains three dictionaries, namely Common Vul-
nerabilities and Exposures (CVE)
, Common Plat-
form Enumeration (CPE)
and Common Weakness
Enumeration (CWE)
. Additionally, the classification
of attack patterns provided within Common Attack
Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC)
and standardized in OASIS, XML/JSON-structured
language for CTI representation i.e. Structure Threat
Information Expression (STIX)
Nowadays, the STIX standard is the most widely
in use language for describing CTI in a structured
way. The CTI report described through the STIX 2.0
standard is a collection of multiple STIX Domain Ob-
jects (SDOs) and STIX Relationship Objects (SROs)
that describe different concepts in domain and how
those concepts relate to each other. Each SDO is
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
based on a set of attributes known as properties (Intel-
ligence, 2020). Each property defines specific infor-
mation related to cyberattack including vulnerability
ID, malware name, a pattern for a file with a given
hash, textual recommendation for a countermeasure,
etc. Furthermore, some properties can contain in-
formation related to a specific entity (e.g., adversary
or victim) that allows security specialist using those
properties for further mitigation strategies. The final
report with the description of a cyberattack and de-
scribed throught the STIX standard is represented as
a collection of SDOs and SROs.
In this section, we describe relationships between ac-
cess control policy components and CTI elements us-
ing ontology for cybersecurity. As a backbone taxon-
omy, in this work, we adapt the DOLCE-spray (Oltra-
mari et al., 2013) ontology that is a simplified version
of Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive
Engineering (DOLCE) (Masolo et al., 2002).
DOLCE aims at capturing the conceptual primi-
tives underlying natural language and commonsense
reasoning. DOLCE-spray hierarchy defines entity as
at the class of anything that can be identifiable as an
object. The entity is a root component that is defined
in concrete entity and abstract entity. The concrete
entity instances are located in definite spatiotemporal
regions, while instances of abstract entity do not have
inherent spatiotemporal dimensions. The concrete en-
tity defines continuant, occurrent, and physical qual-
ity that are entities with inherent spatial parts, entities
with inherent temporal parts and entities whose exis-
tence depends on their host respectively. The contin-
uant further defines agent, object and substance. The
agent describes person and group, while object de-
fines artifact and natural entity.
The abstract entity branch of DOLCE-spray’s
root defines abstract quality, information and char-
acterization. Furthermore, the characterization
defines role, plan, task and requirement. The
abstract quality class defines qualities that do not
have any spatiotemporal dimension, while infor-
mation refers to any content that can be conveyed
by some physical object. The characterization
defines a class for functions that map n-tuples of
individuals to truth-values. Antisymmetric relation
characterizes associates them with the objects
they denote. Finally, the requirement class defines a
set of demands either adopted or proposed by a group.
Following, we describe the alignment of the
STIX objects, which represent CTI elements, and the
DOLCE-spray ontology by using relations defined in
the DOLCE-spray and using Description Logic (DL)
notation. It is worth noting, that STIX does not have
a specific STIX Domain Object to describe the system
or network, instead, it conveys information about cy-
bersecurity related entities such as files, systems, and
networks using the STIX Cyber-observables
. Hence,
for further definition of an asset i.e., a system that
was attacked, we will use STIX Observed Data ob-
ject denoted as Observed Data
. We used DOLCE-
spray relations including characterizes, isQualityOf,
hasParticipant, uses, exploits and executes to describe
the alignment between DOLCE-spray and STIX stan-
v ROLE u characterizes.AGENT
v ROLE u characterizes.AGENT
v ¬Identity
Observed Data
Malware v ROLE
u∀characterizes.(OBJECT t INFORMATION)
Malware v ¬Observed Data
Tool v ROLE u characterizes.OBJECT
Tool v ¬Malware
Vulnerability v ABSTRACT QUALITY
uisQualityO f .Observed Data
Attack Pattern PLAN
Threat Agent Identity
u∃executes.Attack Pattern
u∃uses.(Tool t Malware)
Indicator v ARTIFACT
u∀characterizes.Threat Agent
Indicator v ARTIFACT u characterizes.Malware
Indicator v ARTIFACT u characterizes.Identity
Course of Action v ARTIFACT
umitigates.Attack Pattern
Towards Collaborative Cyber Threat Intelligence for Security Management
Since the STIX Identity object allows defining
entities that suffer from cyberattacks as well as en-
tities that act in malicious attempts i.e., adversaries,
we used Identity
and Identity
to differenti-
ate adversary and victim entities. Hence, an adver-
sary Identity
is described as an agent that is char-
acterized by its role, while Identity
is an entity
that suffers from the cyberattack and tries to pro-
tect assets. Differently to the Identity object, the
Threat Agent describes the profile of an adversary,
that may belong to multiple entities. In this case,
entities may use the same attack technique, strive to
achieve the same goal (e.g., financial, personal gain,
etc.), have same available resources level, etc. Thus,
we define the Threat Agent as Identity
that ex-
ploits Vulnerability, executes an Attack Pattern
and uses Tool in order to deliver Malware. In fact,
both Malware and Tool are software variants, how-
ever, designed for different purposes. We define the
Attack Pattern as a Plan that defines Malware and
Tool required to exploit the Vulnerability, while
the Vulnerability is an abstract quality of a sys-
tem denoted as Observed Data
. Finally, the coun-
termeasure used to protect the system against cyber-
attacks or minimize potential impact is defined as
the Artifact that provides the mitigation Plan to-
gether with necessary Information in order to miti-
gate Attack Pattern, existing Vulnerability and
Malware used to exploit it. In our work, we consider
that any user can cause potential intentional or unin-
tentional threat to a system. One of the security strate-
gies to prevent a system from potential abuse and
protect assets, is to define fine-grained access con-
trol policies and keep them up to date. Furthermore,
some complex attacks similar to ones that used Black-
Energy backdoor, were using multiple techniques, in-
cluding the exploitation of privileged accounts. Thus,
one of the mitigations of such attacks is to imple-
ment and use strong Identity and Access Manage-
ment (IAM) controls together with fine-grained ac-
cess policies to minimize or eliminate loses caused by
illegal exploitation of privileged accounts. Therefore,
following, we describe the alignment of basic compo-
nents of ABAC model and DOLCE-spray ontology.
USER v ROLE u characterizes.AGENT
u∀characterizes.(ARTIFACT t INFORMATION)
SUBJECT v ROLE u hasParticipant.(USER t DEVICE)
u∀characterizes.(ARTIFACT t INFORMATION)
In some scenarios, additionally to a user ID, a role
and other attributes, an IP address or network type
might be required to evaluate the user’s request. Thus,
in our work, we consider a user and device as inde-
pendent elements of the ABAC model, since different
users can request certain operations on an object using
the same device as well as one user can perform re-
quests using different devices. Hence, a subject is de-
fined through the set of attributes that belong to a user
and device. Elements of the ABAC policy model and
STIX objects that constitute CTI reports are defined
through their attributes. Since Indicators of Com-
promise (IoC) (e.g., IP and email addresses, names,
etc.) specified in CTI reports can identify adversaries,
these identifiers can be also used in ABAC policies to
restrict access to users under certain conditions speci-
fied through IoC. Moreover, CTI reports also provide
other information including time-window, when the
malicious event occurred, and the number of obser-
vations of this event. This information can be used
in defining the access control context of the policy.
Furthermore, many CTI reports provide textual rec-
ommendations known as countermeasures that can be
used either for eliminating or mitigating cyberattacks.
However, countermeasures specified in the CTI re-
ports provide a guidelines or a sequence of actions to
be taken for protecting resources, rather than modify-
ing security policies. Therefore, in our work, we use
IoC to extend policies with new conditions, and we
propose a method for extracting and enforcing miti-
gation strategies specified in CTI reports.
In this section, we describe the access control policy
update as a process that changes the state of the pol-
icy. In fact, any changes in access control policies can
increase or decrease access rights of a certain subject,
hence allowing previously restricted operations or re-
stricting operations that were allowed by the policy.
Furthermore, in some scenarios, a policy update pro-
cess might require the creation of a new element to
restrict some operations to be performed on an ob-
ject if certain conditions are not satisfied. Hence, the
process we consider includes 3 possible operations on
the policy i.e., policy update, policy creation and pol-
icy deletion. Following we describe each operation of
the process.
The policy update operation in further divided in
policy attenuation and policy restriction. We con-
sider the policy attenuation as an operation that in-
creases privileges of a subject, while the policy re-
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
striction decreases subject’s privileges by changing or
removing one or multiple policy elements. Let the
policy object P
:= hSA
, OA
, EA
, OP
i to be changes
to P
:= hSA
, OA
, EA
, OP
i. Hence, the policy ob-
ject P
is changed to P
by transforming the SA
to SA
and EA
respectively. Particularly, we con-
sider the policy update operation changes access con-
trol conditions specified in the policy object without
changing allowed operations specified in OP
. Sup-
posing that the policy 1 is changed to the policy 2, the
privilege of the subject with a name Alice decreased
since the level of associated risk defined in the policy
decreased together with a time-window for accessing
the file1 and file2 objects. Hence, operations read and
write are no longer allowed for the subject Alice ex-
cept the defined time-window from 11 to 15, and if the
associated risk level is less or equal to 5. Thus, this is
an example of policy restriction operation, since ac-
cess privileges of the subject has decreased. On the
other hand, the reverse operation, will increase the
access privileges, thus it can be treated as the policy
attenuation operation.
:=hh∃name.Alice riskLevel 8i∧ (1)
h∃ob ject. f ile1 ob ject. f ile2i∧
h∃currentTime 9 currentTime 18i∧
h∃ operation.writeii
:=hh∃name.Alice riskLevel 5i∧ (2)
h∃ob ject. f ile1 ob ject. f ile2i∧
h∃currentTime 11 currentTime 15i∧
h∃ operation.writeii
While the policy attenuation and policy restriction
operations target modifications of certain policy el-
ements, the policy creation targets creating the new
policy according to available policy templates. The
policy creation operation uses available policy tem-
plates to create the P
, OA
, EA
, OP
i policy.
Considering only positive authorization policies with
default deny effect, the policy creation can be con-
sidered as a policy attenuation operation. Thus, be-
fore creating the policy P
, the subject S
could not
perform any operation on the object O
. Hence, we
denote P
as the fictitious policy that denies all oper-
ation requested by a subject S
to be enforced on the
object O
. Thus, the policy creation can be treated as
the policy attenuation operation, when the policy P
is changed to the P
Finally, the policy deletion operation is used for
removing security policies from the database to elim-
inate the policy conflict caused by different effects
of those policies for a single user. However, the
policy deletion operation can be treated as the pol-
icy restriction operation since by removing the policy
, OA
, EA
, OP
i might result in restriction of
some operations for the subject S
In this section, we present and describe our frame-
work shown in Figure 1, the architecture of the tool
for security management, and its deployment. The
proposed framework consists of three main compo-
nents following described.
The first component of the framework is the Ama-
zon Web Services (AWS) account that provides a va-
riety of cloud services to which access is controlled
according to implemented RBAC and ABAC (Zhang
et al., 2015) models. Particularly, the management of
the AWS account is done with the Identity and Access
Management (IAM
) service, that allows customers
creating or removing users, assigning them individual
credentials, or request temporary security credentials
to provide users access to other AWS services and re-
The second component of the framework is Threat
Intelligence Sharing Platform (TISP) that acts as the
black box allowing users to store and share CTI in the
form of structured reports under security constraints
specified in Data-Sharing Agreements (DSA) and de-
fined by the data controller. Hence, only authorized
entities can use shared and sanitized form of CTI re-
ports. To define and enforce DSA, in (Martinelli et al.,
2018) and (Osliak et al., 2019), authors proposed an
approach used for the DSA representation and en-
forcement of Data Operation Manipulation specified
in that DSA.
The third component of the framework is the Se-
curity Management Tool (SMT) that retrieves CTI re-
ports from the TISP, and it also communicates with
the AWS account. Following, we describe the SMT,
its elements, and functionalities.
5.1 Security Management Tool
This sub-section reports and describe a component of
the proposed framework. The core component of the
framework is the Security Management Tool (SMT)
that includes 9 elements as shown on Figure 2. The
CTI Manager element is in charge of performing mul-
tiple retrieval operations on CTI reports specified ac-
cording to the STIX standard. The element inter-
acts with the Context Analyzer and Attribute Engine
Towards Collaborative Cyber Threat Intelligence for Security Management
Figure 1: The proposed framework.
Figure 2: Security Management Tool.
elements by respectively forwarding Course of Ac-
tions (CoA) and attributes retrieved from the STIX
report. The Context Analyzer is in charge of per-
forming analysis of the CoA specified in the text for-
mat and selecting the most appropriate functions to
be performed within the AWS account. The ele-
ment exploits the advanced Natural Language Pro-
cessing (NLP) approach offered by the Spacy
brary. Hence, the Context Analyzer uses a combina-
tion of multiple functions used for the text analysis,
including Part-of-Speech (PoS) tagging, Dependency
Parsing, and Semantic Similarity. Particularly, the
Context Analyzer element extracts root verb and noun
pairs and matches each pair with the list of function
names (e.g., remove user, attach policy, etc.) stored in
the Enforcement Operations element, using semantic
similarity determined by the word vectors compari-
son, selecting only those function names, whose sim-
ilarity is in the range from 98% to 100% in order to
not select random functions. Additionally, the Con-
text Analyzer can use the object of preposition (e.g.,
table, group, etc.) and related adjective to improve the
result of semantic similarity. Once the Context Ana-
lyzer defines the most appropriate functions, it for-
wards them to the Operation Manager element that is
in charge of enforcing operations in the AWS account.
As the function arguments, the Operation Manager
element uses attributes from the Attribute Engine and
it can also use additional information specified in the
CoA. The Attribute Engine element stores retrieved
attributes including IoC, names, and the number of
occurrences of a single cyber event within a certain
time-window. These attributes used by the Operation
Manager and Policy Manager elements in enforcing
functions within the AWS account and for policy op-
erations respectively. Hence, the Policy Manager is in
charge of updating existing and creating new policies
according to available templates and elements of pol-
icy conditions stored in the Policy Template and Con-
dition Components respectively. Finally, the Account
Manager element acts as an interface of the AWS
account and it is able to retrieve, create and upload
policies, enforce operations specified in the Opera-
tion Manager element, and retrieve account activity
using AWS CloudWatch
service. The CloudWatch
service allows monitoring activity within the AWS ac-
count and use log files for different security purposes.
5.2 Practical Example
To better explain and demonstrate the functionality of
our approach, in this section we illustrate an example
of countermeasure specified in the CTI report.
To exploit vulnerabilities and steal information,
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
adversaries may manipulate accounts to maintain ac-
cess to victim systems while acting as legitimate
users (CERT, 2018) and perform iterative password
updates to bypass password duration policies to pre-
serve the life of compromised credentials (Ismail
et al., 2015). However, adversaries must already have
sufficient permissions on systems in order to create or
manipulate accounts. Thus, potentially, adversaries
may use the compromised accounts of system admin-
istrators. One of the solutions for this attack is to limit
the privileges of those accounts either by updating se-
curity policies or removing certain user account from
the system.
Therefore, in our work, in order to extend access
control policies within the AWS account, we used ma-
licious IP addresses shared with the MISP
while in order to extract a sequence of security op-
erations and enforce them within the AWS account,
we used the Mitre Att&ck (Strom et al., 2018) frame-
work that provides real-world observations of adver-
sary tactics and techniques as well as related coun-
termeasures. Particularly, we used synthetic CTI re-
ports that include IoC, a description of the technique
used in attack implementation and countermeasures
to prevent this attack. Hence, the CTI report we con-
sidered denotes that the adversary uses a device with
certain IP address in order to access the system and
exploits Account Manipulation
technique to obtain
confidential information, while one of the counter-
is to remove a user from a system. Fig-
ure 3 illustrates the Privileged Account Management
countermeasure that addresses 80+ techniques used
for cyberattacks including the aforementioned sce-
nario. In this example, we retrieved the remove users
Figure 3: Countermeasure: example.
function name and compare it with the available func-
tions in AWS by using word vector similarity to select
a sequence of functions that have maximum similar-
ity with retrieved function name. As the essential and
additional function arguments, we use group and ad-
ministrator respectively in order to define a domain
where the function has to be enforced, and we com-
pared these functions arguments with group names
available in the AWS account. Moreover, the selected
function also use a set of attributes retrieved from CTI
reports. In fact, with our approach, we were able to
retrieve more function names in other countermeasure
strategies. However, due to the specificity of opera-
tions available in AWS IAM, with our approach, we
were able to enforce limited number of operations re-
trieved from the CTI reports.
Finally, in our work, we did not consider
platform/service-related CTI reports that provide
more specific information about potential cyberat-
tacks and countermeasures to be taken to prevent or
mitigate those attacks. On the other hand, organiza-
tions can use specific properties of STIX objects (e.g.,
labels, custom properties) to specify the platform/ser-
vice, to which the countermeasure has to be enforced.
Meanwhile, by using the proposed approach, security
specialist can create and enforce custom operations in
other domains rather than AWS account management.
Although many works appear in the area of security
policies, the policy updates process received little at-
tention. In (Ray and Xin, 2004) authors proposed an
algorithm for policy updates process that includes 4
possible operations on a policy object. Meanwhile,
the authors considered simple authorization policies
without taking into account any contextual informa-
tion like date, time, etc. Furthermore, the proposed
policy update process modifies only access rights i.e.,
actions allowed for a subject on a single object. More-
over, the usage of external knowledge for updating
policies was out of the scope. While in our work, we
consider more complex policies that define subjects,
objects, actions, and access context through the set of
corresponding attributes. Hence, in our work, the pol-
icy update process changes multiple policy elements
rather than actions only. Furthermore, the policy up-
date is implemented according to external knowledge
in potential cyberattacks reported in a form of struc-
tured reports.
In another work (Yang et al., 2014), the authors
proposed multiple policy updating algorithms for dif-
ferent types of access policies within the Cloud in-
frastructure. Meanwhile, this work does not use any
information useful for policies update, thus restrict-
ing access to users that potentially threatening the sys-
tem. However, in our work, we also describe a corre-
lation between security policies and security reports
elements, and we update policies according to collab-
orative CTI.
Towards Collaborative Cyber Threat Intelligence for Security Management
Updating security policies is a crucial task for any
organization. In this study, we present and describe
a framework that aims at supporting security poli-
cymakers within the Cloud infrastructure by provid-
ing possible actions to be taken for improving cur-
rent IAM using collaborative knowledge in cyberse-
curity. The proposed framework uses collaborative
and anonymized CTI shared through the threat intel-
ligence sharing platform and preprocesses CTI with
the proposed tool that exploits NLP approach. We
described a correlation between elements of attribute-
based access control policies and security reports us-
ing the most comprehensive ontology in cybersecu-
rity. We present and describe the policy update pro-
cess that modifies policy elements using IoC reported
in security reports.
In future work, we plan to extend our approach to
handle more complex attribute-based access control
policies used in specific environments e.g., industrial
sector, and enforce countermeasures specified in CTI.
Moreover, we consider extending our framework with
additional components for evaluating the effect of the
updated policies on the overall system’s security, and
thus, test the efficiency of new policies. Hence, the
future version approach will allow authorized users to
access digital resources while preserving any access
from entities defined in CTI reports.
This paper was partially supported by the EU H2020
funded project SPARTA, ga n. 830892.
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ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy