tation (Kr
otzsch, 2017). ASP with its non-monotonic
reasoning capabilities, different kinds of negation,
support of the closed world assumption, and its sym-
bolic representation is a suitable formalism to tackle
these issues. Hence, ARRANGE uses ASP to repre-
sent commonsense knowledge as ontologies, to sup-
port reasoning, and declarative programming.
OntoDLV (Ricca et al., 2009) uses an extension
to basic ASP (OntoDLP) to model ontologies. For
example, classes are declared by expanding predicate
names with the key phrase class. OntoDLP supports
the definition of individuals, relations, modules, and
the creation of lists and sets. Besides these constructs,
OntoDLP allows to model taxonomies by adding the
keyword isa enabling the generation of a class based
on inheritance and a set of attributes. Furthermore,
OntoDLV provides a graphical modelling tool to sup-
port the creation of an ontology and allows the incor-
poration of OWL atoms.
In contrast to OntoDLV, ARRANGE does not rely
on an extended version of ASP and uses the ASP-
Core-2 standard. Additionally, External Statements
provided by Clingo are used to create an ontology,
which can be dynamically altered during run time.
In this paper, we have presented a framework to auto-
matically extract ontologies from a hypergraph-based
knowledge source like CN5. The resulting ontolo-
gies are formulated using the non-monotonic reason-
ing formalism ASP that supports dynamic adaptations
of the ontology during run-time and the definition of
defaults. The presented experiments proved that the
combination of ARRANGE
with the commonsense
knowledge source CN5 results in an adaptable and ex-
tensive commonsense knowledge ontology. The gen-
eration process itself is configurable and allows to ex-
tract different parts of the hypergraph.
Due to the size of the resulting ontologies, we plan
in the future work to create an efficient distributed ac-
cess and automatic distribution of individuals based
on the ontology using the distributed and multi-agent-
based knowledge management presented in (Jakob
et al., 2020). This knowledge management will be
evaluated in a search and rescue scenario, which in-
corporates several heterogeneous robots and UAVs.
Furthermore, we extend the comparison to OWL by
translating further ontologies.
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Generating Commonsense Ontologies with Answer Set Programming