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and Talcott, which were partially supported by ONR grant
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303909/2018-8. Scedrov is partially supported by ONR
grants N00014-20-1-2635 and N00014-18-1-2618. Tal-
cott was partially supported by ONR grants N00014-15-1-
2202 and N00014-20-1-2644, and NRL grant N0017317-1-
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PSPACE-hardness in Theorem 4.12
Theorem 4.12. FCP for PAS is PSPACE-hard.
Remark 7.1. For the sake of readability, here, and
henceforth, we will abbreviate Eq.(1) as:
) → q
The PSPACE decision problem can be defined as:
“Given a Turing machine M running in space m,
determine whether there is a binary string x of
length m so that x is accepted by M.”
We reformulate the problem in terms of
M, which
deals only with one and the same initial configuration
fixed in advance.
Lemma 7.2. Given a deterministic Turing machine M
running, say, in space m = n/3, we construct a deter-
ministic Turing machine
M running in space n so that
for its fixed initial tape of the form
n times
aa..a and its initial
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy