SeGa4Biz: Model-Driven Framework for Developing Serious Games for
Business Processes
Faezeh Khorram, Masoumeh Taromirad and Raman Ramsin
Department of Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Model-Driven Development, Model Transformation, Serious Game, Business Process.
Organizations look for effective ways to teach their business processes to their employees. The application
of serious games for teaching business processes is getting attraction recently. However, existing works are
by large business-specific and few of them aim at teaching business processes in general, besides that the
development of such games inherently suffers lack of precise and clear development approaches. This paper
presents SeGa4Biz, a model-driven framework for serious game development for teaching business processes.
Modeling supports different levels of abstraction and hence, increases user involvement throughout the de-
velopment. SeGa4Biz particularly provides metamodels for creating Educational Serious Games (ESG) and
Game-Aware Process (GAP) models, and automates considerable parts of the modeling and development ac-
tivities, via model transformation. The effectiveness and applicability of SeGa4Biz is examined through a
serious game development project in a software development company.
A serious game is an interactive computer application
which has a challenging goal, is amusing to play, and
conveys practical skill, knowledge, or attitude to the
player (Cowan and Kapralos, 2017). Potential appli-
cability of serious games for teaching business pro-
cesses is getting attraction recently, since they can
help understand and analyze business processes (San-
torum, 2011). However, the relationship between the
elements of these two contexts is not clear-cut.
Non-technical domain experts have a crucial role
in the design of a serious game since they have knowl-
edge of the target serious domain. Therefore, effec-
tive communication between them and the technical
developers is required to ensure that all the serious ob-
jectives are realized by the game. This increases the
complexity of the serious game development in com-
parison to general game development. Existing game
development approaches are deficient in this regard as
they typically do not balance game design with edu-
cational design (Matallaoui et al., 2015).
Model-driven development (MDD) is recently
used for serious game development as it, specifi-
cally, provides complexity management and effec-
tive user involvement by providing different lev-
els of abstraction and good-level of automation
(e.g., (Thillainathan and Leimeister, 2016)). Exist-
ing MDD approaches, particularly in the context of
business processes, do not cover the essential as-
pects of modeling, such as precise definition of mod-
eling levels and transformation rules (e.g., (Bancora
et al., 2015; Tang and Hanneghan, 2010)). There are
also few MDD approaches that are domain-specific
(e.g., Van Broeckhoven and De Troyer (2013) in cyber
bullying) and, hence, are not applicable to the busi-
ness process domain.
This paper presents a model-driven approach,
called SeGa4Biz, for serious game development for
teaching business processes. Central to the proposal is
the definition of the modeling levels, covering differ-
ent features of the target domains; i.e., game develop-
ment and business processes. SeGa4Biz also provides
a set of transformation rules that supports automation
and so, reduces human intervention. Moreover, it in-
troduces a novel structured design method via speci-
fying how the elements of the game and the business
process domain would relate to each other.
SeGa4Biz is evaluated through a case study: its
prototype implementation is used for developing a
serious game in a company for teaching a business
process to new recruits. The experiment and its out-
come were assessed against a set of evaluation cri-
teria, defined from the perspective of serious game
development in the context of teaching business pro-
cesses. The results show that, among other things,
Khorram, F., Taromirad, M. and Ramsin, R.
SeGa4Biz: Model-Driven Framework for Developing Serious Games for Business Processes.
DOI: 10.5220/0010198801390146
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2021), pages 139-146
ISBN: 978-989-758-487-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
SeGa4Biz is applicable in a practical context and ad-
dresses many of the current shortcomings hindering
the use of serious games in this context.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Sec-
tion 2 provides an overview of SeGa4Biz ; modeling
levels and transformation rules are explained in Sec-
tion 3; Section 4 presents the evaluation results; an
outline of the related research is presented in Sec-
tion 5; and the paper concludes with a discussion of
the limitations and future work in Section 6.
In general, a game development process involves
three main phases: 1) Pre-production, focusing on
the preliminary design of the game and high-level
decisions, commonly documented in the Game Con-
cept Document (GCD); 2) Production, covering the
detailed design, development, and testing of the
game, commonly resulting in the Game Design Doc-
ument (GDD); and 3) Post-production, concerning
the deployment and acceptance testing of the game.
SeGa4Biz focuses on the detailed design of the game,
so covers the first and parts of the second phases.
At the heart of SeGa4Biz is a modeling frame-
work that supports modeling the target business pro-
cess and the desired serious game at four levels of ab-
straction. It also provides a set of model transforma-
tions that supports semi-automatic construction of the
target models, describing the detailed design of the
game. As depicted in Figure 1, it specifies the intra-
and inter-level relationships between the models. In
the next section, all the modeling levels are described
Tool Support. A prototype implementation of the
proposed framework is implemented using ATL De-
velopment Tools (ADT), which are built on top of the
Eclipse Modeling Framework (Jouault et al., 2006).
All the code for SeGa4Biz, and also the case study’s
artefacts, are available online (khorram, 2020).
This section introduces the four modeling levels of the
proposed framework.
3.1 Level 1: Scope Modeling
During scope modeling, the goals and requirements
of the game are identified and modeled. This level in-
volves two main, yet totally different, domains: busi-
ness processes and serious games. Scope model-
Business Process Model
Game-Aware Process
Model (GAP)
Game Concept
Document (GCD)
Game Design
Document (GDD)
Level 1
Scope Modeling
Level 2
Structural and
Game Class Diagram
Game Sequence Diagram
Level 3
Level 4
Custom Finite State Machine
Model Document
(semi-) automatic
transformation information flow
Figure 1: SeGa4Biz framework.
ing includes three classes of artefacts which have to
be implemented manually: business process models,
game documents, and Game-Aware Process (GAP)
models (which define the relationships between the
two domains).
3.1.1 Business Process Modeling
The context of the target business process is elabo-
rated to identify the information that should be trans-
ferred to the player during the game.
Business Process Models mainly depict the pro-
cess activities, their order, and the roles involved.
They are modeled using BPMN as the employees of
organizations are typically familiar with it, and this al-
lows effective communication with them throughout
game development, particularly during requirements
elicitation and for receiving feedback.
A process may involve various roles that are not
necessarily interrelated; hence, each role needs to be
skillful in some parts of the process, instead of the
whole. Assuming that roles in the process model are
mapped to players in the game, each role requires its
specific game story (or stories), so that the final game
meets the specific needs of individual roles. In this
context, we may create several partial process mod-
els by slicing the complete model with respect to a
particular role.
Moreover, a (partial) business process may con-
tain several decision points, and hence, represent dif-
ferent concrete paths. Throughout a game, a path may
be selected based on a players runtime decisions, au-
tomatically based on situational conditions, or even
MODELSWARD 2021 - 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
randomly. In the random case, a separate BPMN
model must be created for each possible path to en-
sure that all the paths are covered in the game, and
the learning is therefore complete. Whereas in other
cases, the player or the system chooses the correct
path by examining the conditions, and thus no addi-
tional process model is required. Accordingly, a sin-
gle (partial) business process may be represented with
a set of, so-called, prime models; each corresponding
to only one simple path in that process.
Complementary Information. Certain informa-
tion is required for designing the game, but is not
covered by BPMN models. We have identified the
following essential parameters, which should be spec-
ified for each (prime) process:
The process level indicates the importance and
complexity of the process in the organization, so de-
termines the difficulty of the game level correspond-
ing to the process.
The knowledge resources specify the available or
required resources for completing the process. The
information is either asked from the players during the
game to challenge their knowledge or given to them
to perform their tasks properly.
The required knowledge and skills explains the ca-
pabilities of each specific role to perform their tasks.
We map roles to game characters, and tasks to game
activities. Thus, this data is essential for the spec-
ification of the capabilities of game characters, the
conditions of progress through game levels, and the
rewarding mechanism.
The task weight indicates the importance of a task
in the process, and is required for calculating the task
completion score at a game level.
The level of a player character with respect to the
others is essential in defining the rules for proceeding
in the game and designing the rewards for the game
levels. As mentioned above, each game player char-
acter corresponds to an organizational role, and thus,
its level is defined based on its position in the organi-
zations roles hierarchy.
3.1.2 Serious Game Modeling
Game development activities start by preparing game-
specific documents. We work with textual documents
in early development stages, and in particular, pre-
scribe the use of a Game Concept Document (GCD)
as well as a Game Design Document (GDD). The
GCD specifies the high-level requirements and con-
text of the target game, such as its premise, player
motivation (win and lose conditions), target mar-
ket, genre, target platform, license, risk analysis and
goals (Minaei, 2017).
The GDD contains the information required for fi-
nalizing the pre-production phase and being ready for
the game production. This study jointly uses the tem-
plates presented in (Miles, 2016) and (Minaei, 2017),
and collects the following information: game story,
game characters (player and non-player), game au-
dio, game world, mechanics, UI, technologies, and
production plan. We suggest two formats for repre-
senting the information in the GDD: 1) Descriptive,
providing the information in natural language; and 2)
Logical, associating each GDD item with one or more
models (i.e., a model represents or complements the
Game-aware Process Models (GAP). are intro-
duced to systematically specify the relationships be-
tween the elements of the business process (BPMN)
and the serious game, such that a serious game can
be designed for a given business process in a (semi-
)automatic and structured fashion. These models are
later used as the basis for model transformations.
To define the GAP metamodel, we first introduced
a metamodel for Educational Serious Games(ESG)
(briefly presented in Figure 2), and then we linked its
elements to those of BPMN, driven from OMG meta-
model (OMG, 2014). For instance, for each prime
process, a game level is defined, in which the level
number and the needed score are determined based on
the process’s complementary information. Each lane
of the process model can be an organizational role, a
system, or an organizational unit, that are assigned to
different game elements (e.g., an organizational role
is a game character which could be player or non-
player). Tasks and gateways are respectively mapped
to states and knowledge challenges; they are assigned
to the player character defined for the related role. An
excerpt of GAP metamodel is depicted in Figure 3.
We suggest a two-step process for creating a GAP
model from a BPMN model: 1) Specifying the basic
game elements that are directly linked to the BPMN
elements in the GAP metamodel (e.g., game chal-
lenges for the process gateways) 2) Defining addi-
tional game elements linked to those of initially speci-
fied (e.g., schoring rules for a game challenge defined
in the first step). While the two-step process facili-
tates modeling, it particularly provides iterative and
incremental game design.
3.2 Level 2: Structural and Behavioral
The second modeling level of SeGa4Biz provides
the structural and behavioral aspects of the whole
SeGa4Biz: Model-Driven Framework for Developing Serious Games for Business Processes
Figure 2: An excerpt of ESG Metamodel.
Figure 3: An excerpt of GAP Metamodel.
game, through UML class and sequence diagrams,
respectively. Both diagrams are generated semi-
automatically by applying vertical model transforma-
tion to GAP models. The transformation rules imple-
mented for generating the sequence diagram, respect
those for generating class diagram, since system be-
havior indicates the run-time interaction between the
system’s structural elements. Transformation rules
are grouped with respect to the granularity and impor-
tance of the target element and hence, are not applied
all at once; a transformation is carried out in a se-
ries of consecutive steps: each step is applied on the
output of the previous step and augments the target
diagram. For example for the class diagram, assum-
ing that the target product follows the three-tier ar-
chitecture, the first group of transformation rules pro-
duces Game Logic, Game Object, and Database com-
ponents, followed by rules that generate the related
classes under these components. Then, the game el-
ements of the GAP model (i.e., the input model), are
transformed into classes within the Game Logic and
Game Object components, while a new component is
generated that contains the classes corresponding to
the BPMN elements. The connections between the
generated classes are determined according to the re-
lations between their matching elements in the input
GAP model. It has to be noted that, this work involves
the use of combined fragments, the most complex
parts in sequence diagrams, which results in complex
and challenging transformation rules.
3.3 Level 3: State-based Modeling
The behavior of individual objects is modeled in the
third modeling level of SeGa4Biz using UML state
machines. State machines are generated by applying
a vertical transformation on the previously generated
sequence diagrams. Several research efforts have fo-
cused on this area. The earliest work introduces an
algorithm using OCL to resolve the conflicts and the
similarities between sequence diagrams (Whittle and
Schumann, 2000). Using this algorithm, an approach
is presented in (Graaf, 2007) to establish compatible
behavioral models, and thereby generate a set of state
machines from a set of sequence diagrams using ATL.
However, the main shortcoming is the lack of sup-
port for combined fragments and the extra complexity
caused by OCL constraints. In (Grønmo and Møller-
Pedersen, 2010), an algebraic graph transformation
method is used to transform sequence diagrams into
state machines; this method supports combined frag-
ments, but its implementation is incomplete and only
partial automation is provided.
Aiming to address these shortcomings, our pro-
posed model transformation particularly supports
combined fragments without using OCL. For each
lifeline of the sequence diagram, a distinct state ma-
chine is generated. Transformation rules are priori-
tized and then applied, from the highest to the low-
est, on the elements of each lifeline. Doing so, the
sequence of the states is derived from the source se-
quence diagram.
3.4 Level 4: Game Engine-based
At the last level of modeling, the platform-specific
models are generated. In the context of this study, the
game engine is the most important (if not the only)
part of the platform. Due to Unity’s popularity, we
chose it along with its Playmaker (Miles, 2016) plu-
gin, which provides a powerful editor, debugging tool,
and run-time library. Playmaker automatically gener-
ates the game logic code from a set of custom Finite
State Machines (FSMs).
MODELSWARD 2021 - 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Hence, the last modeling activity aims at gener-
ating Playmaker FSMs. Playmaker FSMs and UML
state machines are similar in principle, the distinction
is in a set of executable actions and events, provided
by Playmaker, to facilitate the implementation of the
game object’s behaviors.
The models that are automatically generated in
this level are closer to the required format, yet are
not immediately supported by Playmaker. Mapping
the actions and events of the UML state machines to
the system actions and events in Playmaker requires
considering their semantics. Therefore, the generated
models are completed by the developers, w.r.t. the
available models and documents, to be imported into
Playmaker and used for the next development tasks.
To assess the applicability and effectiveness of
SeGa4Biz, we conducted an evaluation that addresses
the following research questions: RQ1. How logical
and accurate are the modeling levels and model trans-
formations? RQ2. Does SeGa4Biz facilitate/ease the
serious game design and development tasks? RQ3.
Are the game-related concerns well covered?
4.1 Case Study
To answer the research questions, SeGa4Biz was ap-
plied to a case study, designed based on the guidelines
provided in (Runeson et al., 2012), which are spe-
cific to software engineering experiments. The case
was a real-world project in a software development
company that specializes in using and tailoring MDD
methodologies and developing software solutions for
medium to large businesses. The production manager
of their software product line was actively involved
in the study, both as the business expert and the cus-
tomer. SeGa4Biz was used to develop a serious game
for teaching the Leave-of-Absence Request process
to new recruits, so only those parts of the process that
relate them (i.e., employees) were considered.
One of the authors was involved in the project and
carried out the activities prescribed by SeGa4Biz, in
close collaboration with the product manager. The de-
velopment took about 30 working days, and all the
models and documents were delivered to the product
manager (as the business expert and customer), to ac-
quire his feedback and confirmation. Data gathering,
analysis, and evaluation were performed iteratively
to achieve a flexible design reflecting the experience
gained during the study.
4.2 Evaluation Criteria
In order to evaluate SeGa4Biz in a structured way,
particularly with respect to the research questions,
we introduced a set of evaluation criteria focusing
on the MDD features (Asadi and Ramsin, 2008), and
support for serious game development in the context
of business processes (Roungas and Dalpiaz, 2015;
Thillainathan, 2013); they are shown in Tables 1 and
2. Accordingly, the participants involved in the case
study were interviewed using these criteria, and the
outcome is shown in the last column of the Tables.
Also, the strengths and limitations of the proposed
framework were discussed with the participants for
future improvement.
4.3 Analysis of Results
The results are presented in order of the research
questions. Answering RQ1- The accuracy level of
the framework from the MDD perspective: The val-
ues given by business expert to the evaluation criteria
of Table 1 showed that the modeling levels are de-
fined accurately and distinguishably, and all the re-
quired abstraction levels are provided. The main lim-
itations are the medium automation support and low
automatic code generation (i.e., particularly in gen-
erating Playmaker FSMs). SeGa4Biz has low sup-
port for features that are general to any MDD ap-
proach (e.g., round-trip engineering), herein, we have
focused on domain-specific features and have planned
to work on rest as future work.
Answering RQ2- SeGa4Biz ease of use: The case
study demonstrated that SeGa4Biz improves the un-
derstandability and quality, from the design and mod-
eling perspectives. These features along with the
provided automation, significantly increases the ease
of use compared to similar approaches, which ulti-
mately, motivates companies to move towards using
serious games for teaching their business processes.
However, we were once again acknowledged that the
medium level of automation, especially at the last
modeling level, was the main concern.
Answering RQ3- The coverage level of game-
related concerns: It is evident from the values given to
the criteria of Table 2, that the game-related concerns,
especially those required for the context of business
process education, are well-satisfied by SeGa4Biz.
The main deficiency is the minimal attention given to
artistic features, that is however out of our scope.
SeGa4Biz: Model-Driven Framework for Developing Serious Games for Business Processes
Table 1: Evaluation criteria for assessing support for Model-Driven Development.
Description of possible values
Transparency between modeling levels
Boundary between levels: A: is accurately detectable, B: has relative transparency, C: cannot be distinguished.
Classification of the modeling level's data
Support for abstraction levels
A: Full support for abstraction levels and transitions, B: All abstraction levels are defined, but transition
between them is not supported, C: Some abstraction levels are not supported.
Structural, Behavioral, Functional modeling
A: All the system's aspects are modeled, B: Some aspects of system are not modeled.
Model Transformation type
Vertical: Abstraction levels of the source and target models are different.
Horizontal: Source and target models are at the same level of abstraction.
Automation level of the transformations
Low: Manual, Medium: Semi-automated, High: Fully-automated.
Automatic code generation
A: All parts of the code are generated automatically, B: Most parts of the code, C: Some parts of the code.
Tool support (for model validation, meta-
date management, automatic test, traceability
between models)
A: A complete toolset is provided, or precise guidelines are defined to select alternative tools.
B: A complete toolset is not provided, but general guidelines are defined to select alternative tools.
C: A specific tool, or guidelines to select an appropriate one is not defined.
Round-trip engineering
Synchronization of source & target models
Verification/ Validation
A: Detailed procedures are specified for the task in the methodology.
B: Only general guidelines are provided for the task.
C: The task is not covered by the methodology
Little research is done on serious games, whereas
gamification is considered relatively more, especially
in the context of business processes. Despite the dif-
ferences between these two domains, we will provide
a discussion herein on the related efforts in both areas.
5.1 MDD Approaches for Serious Game
In (Pflanzl and Vossen, 2018), a descriptive gamifi-
cation modeling language called GaML is proposed,
based on which a model-driven architecture for the
design and development of serious games is intro-
duced in (L
offler et al., 2018). In (Roungas and
Dalpiaz, 2015), a web-based model-driven knowledge
management environment is introduced based on a
conceptual model. In (Thillainathan and Leimeister,
2016), an MDD framework consisting of a visual pro-
gramming environment (VIPEr), a domain-specific
modeling language (GLiSMo), and an MDD tool-
chain is introduced to enable non-technical people to
get involved in serious games development. In (Tang
and Hanneghan, 2010) an MDD framework for de-
velopment of learning serious games is provided, in-
troducing three models: Game Technology Model,
Game Content Mode, and Game Software Model.
In (Van Hoecke et al., 2015), an MDD framework
is defined to build serious game production environ-
ments for non-technical users. In (Van Broeckhoven
and De Troyer, 2013), a graphical modeling language,
ATTAC-L, and an MDD framework are proposed for
building cyber-bullying games. In (Calder
on et al.,
2018) an approach and a graphical tool (MEdit4CEP-
Gam) is introduced that can be used by non-technical
users to design and model gamification strategies that
can be automatically transformed into code.
Most of the above approaches are domain-specific
and are not appropriate for our intended domain.
Some are dependent on technical knowledge, whereas
in SeGa4Biz, different techniques are used to address
this shortcoming.
5.2 Approaches for Serious Game
Development and Gamification for
Business Processes
In (Herzig et al., 2013), a serious game-based
method for business process management and a role-
playing game simulation tool are proposed to dis-
play, improve, and evolve existing business processes.
In (Matallaoui et al., 2015) a business process gam-
ification model (GameLog) for connecting game el-
ements to a business process is introduced. To im-
prove process sustainability, a gamification tool is
presented in (Mancebo et al., 2017) that analyzes the
events of business process management systems and
encourages users to work more sustainably by us-
ing gamification mechanisms. Kaleidoscope of Ef-
fective Gamification is a gamification design model
and an analysis tool (Kappen and Nacke, 2013), that
present guidelines for designing gamified commer-
cial applications based on the layers of the design
model. A novel conceptual framework for gamifi-
cation design in collaborative and online work en-
vironments is defined in (Rosmansyah et al., 2016).
PierSim is a 3D business process simulation environ-
ment for teaching the basics of BPM to students in
a gamified manner (Craven, 2015). The game ideas
that are applicable to business process modeling are
discussed in (Santorum, 2011) addressing issues like
low quality of models and low motivation of model-
ers. In (Klevers et al., 2016) a framework for anal-
ysis and classification of requirements for the devel-
MODELSWARD 2021 - 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Table 2: Evaluation criteria for assessing support for serious game development in the context of business processes.
Status of SeGa4Biz based on criterion
Precise business process modeling
BPMN, the most popular standard for business process modeling is used.
Game elements customization for business processes
GAP model customizes the game elements for the target context.
Design of progress path for the player
General information of business processes is extracted for this purpose.
Player-centric game design
Game design task is defined based on considering employees as players.
Player interaction with the game
This feature is embedded in the framework.
Similarity of the game world to the real world
Game is designed based on the BPMN model (GAP model), which simulates the real world.
Game basis on precise rules
Game rules are defined based on business process rules
Art features such as Audio, Video, Animation
These features are considered, but they should be defined manually by art designers.
Educational goals elicitation
Guidelines are provided at the first modeling level.
Game goals elicitation
This task is performed along with educational goals elicitation
Mapping Between different goals
The mapping between the two categories of goals is defined relatively.
Resolution of the knowledge to be transferred to the
player throughout the game and how to do so
Realized by BPMN modeling and extracting complementary information; game design is based on
BPMN models, which helps find the position in the game to which knowledge can be transferred.
Definition of game levels based on the player's level
Player's level and level of the business processes that should be simulated are extracted.
Encouraging elements (e.g., scoring system, challenges)
Various rewards, scoring rules, and challenges are defined in the GAP metamodel.
Legend- A: Precise guidelines are prescribed for the feature; B: Importance of the feature is mentioned, but details are not specified; C: Feature is not embedded.
opment of a simulation game is proposed, aiming at
training business process changes in digital transfor-
mations. A combination of MDD, BPM techniques,
and gamification mechanisms is introduced in (Ban-
cora et al., 2015) focusing on the impacts on indi-
vidual and social work management. In (Zribi et al.,
2016), a gamification model for interactive learning
is described and applied on the PAd business process
simulator, an online model-based learning environ-
Most of the above research efforts focus on gam-
ification of business processes and hence, are not di-
rectly useful for serious game development. Whereas
our approach focuses on serious game development,
and GAP models providing precise mapping between
game elements and business processes.
In this paper, we introduced SeGa4Biz, a MDD
framework for developing serious games for teaching
business processes. It includes models at four levels
of abstraction. GAP metamodel is proposed in the
first level to connect two different domains, business
process and serious game. For providing smooth tran-
sition between modeling levels as well as supporting
automation, we implemented transformation rules to
generate models demonstrating the structural and be-
havioral aspects of the final product. Experimental
results showed that SeGa4Biz is effective and easy-
to-use by non-technical customers. As future work,
we plan to improve the medium degree of automation
at the last modeling level by supporting Playmaker
FSM semantics. We also aim to increase SeGa4Biz s
scalability by adding more complex game elements,
such as AI and networking features.
This project was partially funded by the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro-
gram under the Marie Skłodowska Curie grant agree-
ment No 813884.
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MODELSWARD 2021 - 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development